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Last posted Jul 16, 2015 at 01:01PM EDT. Added Jul 15, 2012 at 10:12PM EDT
667 posts from 75 users

Crimson Locks wrote:

This… Is why I love this show so much

Only six episodes have aired, and yet It's become one of my favorite shows. I've seen the first six episodes multiple times, especially headhunters. I love that episode. I really like the mystery, the legitimate foreshadowing, that is, something that Pretty much gives away the ending but is too subtle to be noticed. Examples, the wax figure holding the Ax, Gideon making dipper stand up, dipper opening up to the gnomes. I also like the humor, the characters, and how it's a show with heart while still having a legitimate dark side. I did like dipper vs manliness, but I hope tommorows is darker and less silly.

I think my favorite episode was The Inconveniencing. It was so awesome and actually legitimately scary at times. The episode actually had a pretty accurate depiction of teenagers too (which I respect). This show has had the best humor I've seen on television in a long time. It's like the writers don't even have to try, the jokes just write themselves.

It has the distinction for actually making me laugh out loud. Very very few cartoons do that for me. I might chuckle or Just think its kinda clever, but I actually laugh pretty hard.

Dac wrote:

It has the distinction for actually making me laugh out loud. Very very few cartoons do that for me. I might chuckle or Just think its kinda clever, but I actually laugh pretty hard.

I find it ironic that the only Disney programs without laugh tracks are the ones that I find myself actually laughing to.

Dac wrote:

It has the distinction for actually making me laugh out loud. Very very few cartoons do that for me. I might chuckle or Just think its kinda clever, but I actually laugh pretty hard.

I'd agree. I will catch myself laughing out loud at least a couple times per episode. It's awesome

Teh Brawler wrote:

Or you people could just be reading into it too deeply

I don't know, it seems pretty straight foreword and it's subtle enough to make it on the show. What other reason is there to have a cat tattoo on your palm and be punching it? Who has tattoos on their palms? I don't think it's a coincidence.

So… This seems like I show I'd like, so I tried to find some episodes on YouTube. But all of the videos in the search results were either deleted, recorded with a camera pointed at a TV, or only had a few episodes on duplicate channels promoting some website.

I want to watch the episodes in order, and I can't find a watchable version of the first one!
Stupid YouTube.

Does anyone know a YouTube channel that has all the episodes (preferably good quality)? There probably was a channel like this, but the videos were removed.
If not, I can just record the episodes on TV (having them on YouTube would be easier, though).

BoxFigs wrote:

So… This seems like I show I'd like, so I tried to find some episodes on YouTube. But all of the videos in the search results were either deleted, recorded with a camera pointed at a TV, or only had a few episodes on duplicate channels promoting some website.

I want to watch the episodes in order, and I can't find a watchable version of the first one!
Stupid YouTube.

Does anyone know a YouTube channel that has all the episodes (preferably good quality)? There probably was a channel like this, but the videos were removed.
If not, I can just record the episodes on TV (having them on YouTube would be easier, though).

Bronies are spoiled by hasbro, disney gets on our ass for that( which is understandable, I'm not complaining). You can usually find it on Just search for the episode on google and it should be one of the results.

Last edited Aug 10, 2012 at 08:18PM EDT

20% Cooler than Ice Rinsankajugin wrote:

That doesn't make sense. Episode 7 isn't going to be out for another hour and episode 8 is already leaked!?

Disney on demand.

BoxFigs wrote:

So… This seems like I show I'd like, so I tried to find some episodes on YouTube. But all of the videos in the search results were either deleted, recorded with a camera pointed at a TV, or only had a few episodes on duplicate channels promoting some website.

I want to watch the episodes in order, and I can't find a watchable version of the first one!
Stupid YouTube.

Does anyone know a YouTube channel that has all the episodes (preferably good quality)? There probably was a channel like this, but the videos were removed.
If not, I can just record the episodes on TV (having them on YouTube would be easier, though).
there you go

This episode was awesome, but my mother insisted on watching it over my shoulder, and notably did not laugh… at all. She was making me feel awkward. Plus, she was laughing at some show prior to it with Hannah Montana (or somebody), but not Gravity Falls. Eh. What do old people know? Right? Eh heh…

Anyway, here are my thoughts in the following spoiler button thing. Don't click it unless you've seen the latest episode! It will ruin things for you, honest!

(if this spoiler does not work I will try to remove it as fast as possible!)
[Okay! It works! :D]

My biggest thought from this episode is Tryone's stupidity. The moment he suggested grabbing a soda, I knew his fate. What on this earth would cause somebody to forget their SINGULAR WEAKNESS? It would be like if Clark Kent suggested going to a Kryptonite exhibit. This either shows that the copy machine breaks each successive clone, or Dipper is a covert moron. If he is, I expect Mabel to show some awesome hidden brilliance very soon.

Dipper's list reminds me of myself. I used to do that all the time, and it almost never worked! Too bad I didn't have clones to tell me about it.

I hope that fork fingers and lizard lady become recurring characters (Mabel needs friends doesn't she?) because honestly I thought they compliment her odd side very well.

Still had a pretty dark ending, what with the melting and dying. If I see a third episode in which a large group of antagonists melt, I would consider it a trend.

I had other things to say but I have forgotten them.
Last edited Aug 10, 2012 at 09:55PM EDT

Crimson Locks wrote:

I would agree that paper jam dipper was funny but at the same time… incredibly terrifying ._.

Reminded me of this:


Regarding Tyrone's death: I felt these clones were quite a bit more intelligent than the average clone story, which is understandable, seeing that they had all the intelligence of Dipper Classic. Had they not fought their creator, I would say they followed some form of Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics, despite being paper creatures. In retrospect, the whole situation reminds me of an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation where Commander Riker finds a clone of himself years after the incident that created him. Somehow, they were much more self-aware; they knew they were clones, and they knew they could be manufactured at will and used this to accomplish their own means. Perhaps that's why Tyrone accepted his fate so easily, because he knew he was temporary. I would say his suicide was premeditated, but his facial expression told us that he didn't know drinking would kill him.

Count Lionel wrote:

You are right! We need to re-watch some certain scenes to make sure they are not there! :O

I checked buddy, they are out there still.

Crimson Locks wrote:

Oh God… Robby must have killed them


What if Robbie is a zombie? Dippers book says that zombies are pale and ill tempered and can be mistaken as teenagers. Also, his sweater has a bleeding heart and Robbie=Rob Zombie. He seems like he's gonna be a prominent antagonist and it would be cool if he was more than just a jerky teen. I also think that dippers book is a bestiary while Gideons is a spell book. I wonder what the other books are and who has them.

Dac wrote:

What if Robbie is a zombie? Dippers book says that zombies are pale and ill tempered and can be mistaken as teenagers. Also, his sweater has a bleeding heart and Robbie=Rob Zombie. He seems like he's gonna be a prominent antagonist and it would be cool if he was more than just a jerky teen. I also think that dippers book is a bestiary while Gideons is a spell book. I wonder what the other books are and who has them.

That's why I suspect Robby got rid of them, I remember somebody earlier on this forum speculated that that he might be a zombie (this show does love foreshadowing after all) and it really made sense to me. Seeing as he made two appearances now, I think it's semi-safe to say he will become a prominent antagonist.

Crimson Locks wrote:

That's why I suspect Robby got rid of them, I remember somebody earlier on this forum speculated that that he might be a zombie (this show does love foreshadowing after all) and it really made sense to me. Seeing as he made two appearances now, I think it's semi-safe to say he will become a prominent antagonist.

Holy crap, that actually makes sense. He does bare a large resemblance to the "Zombie" from episode 1. Personally, I think he's a good character. Maybe not full on antagonist, since he was only a jerk to Dipper in Ep 5 and in the latest Ep all he did was hang out with Wendy. Still, It would be a good twist for something like that to happen.

BTW, am I the only one who thinks there is a new secret message in the opening? I swear it didn't sound the same as usual. Hopefully that can be confirmed in the next few days.

I also decoded the newest coded message in the credits using the Atbash decoder.
Coded: Kzkvi qzn Wrkkvi hzbh "Zfftsdcjstzwhzwfs!"
Decoded: Paper jam Dipper says "Auughwxqhgadsaduh!"

(Also, I'm going to update the Gravity Falls entry to include more information about the secret elements of the show, since it's one of the biggest parts of the show and fandom)

Last edited Aug 11, 2012 at 02:25PM EDT

Dac wrote:

I don't know, it seems pretty straight foreword and it's subtle enough to make it on the show. What other reason is there to have a cat tattoo on your palm and be punching it? Who has tattoos on their palms? I don't think it's a coincidence.

Or he could be reminding himself to punch cats.

I mean the theme of the place is stereotypical machismo, and what's more stereotypical and machismo-istic than punching small furry animals?

Teh Brawler wrote:

Or he could be reminding himself to punch cats.

I mean the theme of the place is stereotypical machismo, and what's more stereotypical and machismo-istic than punching small furry animals?

This is really pointless to argue because neither of us knows for sure what the intention was. I still think that was the intended joke but it really doesn't matter, let's just agree it was open to interpretation.

Last edited Aug 11, 2012 at 06:22PM EDT

Does anybody else think that BMO (Adventure Time) and Candy (fork fingers girl) are quite… similar? They wear the same colours, speak in a similar fashion, and as I have just learned are even voiced by the same person!

EDIT: Okay yes, I found this:

Last edited Aug 11, 2012 at 07:17PM EDT

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