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Gravity Falls General

Last posted Jul 16, 2015 at 01:01PM EDT. Added Jul 15, 2012 at 10:12PM EDT
667 posts from 75 users

Crimson Locks wrote:

I've been kinda wondering the past couple days, did the wax figures actually feel pain and stuff?

I do not think so. They were animated by magic, not muscular systems, and did not have organic nervous systems. Not only that, Sherlock had no problem delivering a final speech to Dipper about his adorable sneezes while melting, and neither Larry King nor Shakespeare seemed very perturbed by losing their bodies, still being able to talk without screaming in agony or crying. Groucho Marx had no problem making jokes as he was falling into pieces. These are things that only those with the strongest tolerance to pain would be able to do in such a situation.

Last edited Aug 19, 2012 at 01:06PM EDT

Original character, donut steel pls!

Her name is Dacina and she is super sweet, but shy and she loves to have fun but hates to be bored and she wants a boyfriend but is too shy and she is really hot.

Memelord wrote:

john oliver this guy

voiced Sherlock Holmes i knew it when he said "but we got the wrong guy"


Seriously, this is quickly becoming the Daily Show Correspondent's vacation home. It's so awesome.

Because it is not? It comes on tomorrow at eight. Unless you have… uhm. Whatever you need to see it a week early. That kind of thing confuses me, so I just wait for it to arrive on TV.

I am so excited.

edit: I was watching Adventure Time on animeflavor, when I saw Gravity Falls ep. 9 in the side bar. I am so tempted to watch it. Argh. But I want to see it on the television with my sister.

Last edited Aug 23, 2012 at 08:56PM EDT

Count Lionel wrote:

Because it is not? It comes on tomorrow at eight. Unless you have… uhm. Whatever you need to see it a week early. That kind of thing confuses me, so I just wait for it to arrive on TV.

I am so excited.

edit: I was watching Adventure Time on animeflavor, when I saw Gravity Falls ep. 9 in the side bar. I am so tempted to watch it. Argh. But I want to see it on the television with my sister.


I have checked my alarm clock about fifty times just to make sure I do not miss this episode.

I actually see sadness as an oddly positive human emotion. Yeah. I am weird. But including a variation of the spectrum of human feelings is what makes a good show. One can only tolerate infinite rainbows and sunshine for so long before it bores the hell out of everybody.


And the time traveler? I read that he actually showed up in all of the other episodes. Mind. Blown. I have to watch them all to make sure, I will take nobody's word on this one. From now on, I will be paying super special attention to everything, just to make sure that I miss NO DETAIL. Miserable Mabel is the single most horrifyingly sad thing I have ever seen. It is like an entire heartbreaking story all in itself.

Here are a few images:


You didn't notice him before this episode? He even shows up in the title sequence. Anyways, I loved the "Babe" referance. Didn't the animation seem really good this episode.

The animation was indeed very good in this episode, and the animation that played during the credits made me all kinds of happy.

I agree with Count, sadness is a positive emotion in a way, and having a balance of emotions is what makes the show good. I believe that is also why people think MLP is good, the ponies aren't just happy happy sunshine all the time.

What I also like about this show is that it gives the message that you win some battles, but you lose others. Like Mabel losing to Pacifica in the party contest, and then Mabel getting Waddles instead of Pacifica etc etc.

It was so nice to see Dipper give up a chance with Wendy to see his sister be happy, so heartwarming

20% Cooler than Ice Rinsankajugin wrote:


Just… don't.

I skimmed over a one sentence summary of it on Tumblr yesterday. I am still horrified that anybody would even imagine such a story. And here I was hoping that nobody would mention it.

Memelord wrote:

they didn't show it in Canada all they showed was some crappy disney movie

Here you go friend:

Does anybody else here watch Fringe? They have a lot of similarities with Gravity Falls on that show, what with the new supernatural occurrence every episode, time travel, secret codes in the intro and sequences, and other such things. It is not the same concept, but similar.

Last edited Aug 25, 2012 at 08:34AM EDT

20% Cooler than Ice Rinsankajugin wrote:


Just… don't.

Oh, I suppose that this fandom has found its first infamous fic.

That didn't take long.

Fridge wrote:

Oh, I suppose that this fandom has found its first infamous fic.

That didn't take long.

well i guess this is this fandom's "cupcakes"
theres a soundcloud where some girl is reading it im not sure if should link it

Last edited Aug 25, 2012 at 01:33PM EDT

20% Cooler than Ice Rinsankajugin wrote:


Just… don't.

What the actual fuck did I just read. Never going to fucking Taco Bell again….Ugh.

Last edited Aug 25, 2012 at 03:51PM EDT

I have an idea stuck in my head in which one of the twins may be some kind of "chosen one." Honestly, all of these super-obvious strange things can not have simply been ignored for so long until the Pines came to town, right? And there are the prophetic symbols in the book, which match with recent events. Plus, Dipper's inconspicuous birthmark has to be something less than a coincidence.

Also, I found these:

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