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Last posted Jul 16, 2015 at 01:01PM EDT. Added Jul 15, 2012 at 10:12PM EDT
667 posts from 75 users

And then I water bombed them and all the Dipper and Mabel clones vanished.

Also, caught up with the new two episodes. I like how Double Dipper zig-zags the whole "clones turn on each other" thing by having them work perfectly, then turn, then having Tyrone join Dipper in defeat.


< 2012
< not realizing that water would only kill the clones and not the real Mabel and Dipper that happen to be in the lower left corner.

Also, Alex Hirsch mentioned slenderman in a tweet

"Hey y'all! @bradbreeck, the amazing composer for Gravity Falls, is on twitter! Follow him! Love him! Ask him questions about slender man!"

Last edited Aug 16, 2012 at 02:46PM EDT

Crimson Locks wrote:

It's not a fandom until somebody has made a TF2 crossover and ponies

Both of those things have been made. It's a fandom.

@Dac's Page Get: Fuck you.

Fridge wrote:

Both of those things have been made. It's a fandom.

@Dac's Page Get: Fuck you.

You…. You downvoted me!!!!

Honestly though, I made that using the oddity creator on the Disney website. Is it really that bad? I mean really? If you are that sensitive, how do you survive day to day life? Take a chill pill.

If you are that sensitive, how do you survive day to day life? Take a chill pill.

I do not know man. I do not generally view mass anal probing as a day-to-day occurrence.

Last edited Aug 16, 2012 at 03:44PM EDT

Count Lionel wrote:

If you are that sensitive, how do you survive day to day life? Take a chill pill.

I do not know man. I do not generally view mass anal probing as a day-to-day occurrence.

Haha, no of course not, I meant that it's not rule34, it's not gore, it's nothing really explicit. It's really just like tea bagging in halo or just the juvenile behavior of messing around with innocent things to make it as "dirty" as possible, which isn't even dirty. It's just stupid juvenile humor.

Last edited Aug 16, 2012 at 03:43PM EDT

Dac wrote:

Haha, no of course not, I meant that it's not rule34, it's not gore, it's nothing really explicit. It's really just like tea bagging in halo or just the juvenile behavior of messing around with innocent things to make it as "dirty" as possible, which isn't even dirty. It's just stupid juvenile humor.

As a "good old southern boy" who spent a good portion of his life in church schools, I can tell you that such juvenile humor I have never experienced on any kind of scale even close to common, except when in the company of ruffians. That being said, perhaps Fridge Logic comes from a religious background, or at the very least a conservative society in which public sexual references were frowned upon.

Count Lionel wrote:

As a "good old southern boy" who spent a good portion of his life in church schools, I can tell you that such juvenile humor I have never experienced on any kind of scale even close to common, except when in the company of ruffians. That being said, perhaps Fridge Logic comes from a religious background, or at the very least a conservative society in which public sexual references were frowned upon.

That seems like a very derogatory way to put that.

Count Lionel wrote:

As a "good old southern boy" who spent a good portion of his life in church schools, I can tell you that such juvenile humor I have never experienced on any kind of scale even close to common, except when in the company of ruffians. That being said, perhaps Fridge Logic comes from a religious background, or at the very least a conservative society in which public sexual references were frowned upon.

Fridge is jewish if im not mistaken. I myself am a catholic and went to catholic school my entire life and I get what youre saying, but nothing is gonna stop kids from doing the "hand vagina", drawing a crude penis on the chalkboard, or whatever. Don't get me wrong, I don't joke about sex on a regular basis, but as long as they aren't too lewd, I'm not botherd. Also, this is the Internet, he shouldn't be so botherd by something that can be made on

Count Lionel wrote:

I am not quite sure who I am insulting here. I apologize if feelings were hurt.

Sorry, let me clarify. To me, it seems like you're presenting being of a religious background or conservative stand point as a negative aspect. I know that Fridge is Jewish, but his reasons for not liking Dac's behavior are his own. I don't see anything wrong with coming from a religious/conservative background any more than I see anything wrong with coming from a non-religious/liberal background.

I personally don't like those comics because I don't like the sexualization of content that's primarily for children and because I find it incredibly silly.

Honestly, I thought those comics were so juvenile and stupid, that no one would take it that Serouisly. The only reason I got my jimmies rustled by fridge was because he said " fuck you" and downvoted me, and we all know the Internet is srs buisness. But if it really bothers people that much, I'll stop. I personally can't tolerate r34 or sexulizations of this show.
Edit: that is, I can't stand honest to goodness dirty shit. But screen caps or the comics I made aren't bad for me. Just childish.

Last edited Aug 16, 2012 at 04:35PM EDT

Teh Brawler wrote:

Sorry, let me clarify. To me, it seems like you're presenting being of a religious background or conservative stand point as a negative aspect. I know that Fridge is Jewish, but his reasons for not liking Dac's behavior are his own. I don't see anything wrong with coming from a religious/conservative background any more than I see anything wrong with coming from a non-religious/liberal background.

I personally don't like those comics because I don't like the sexualization of content that's primarily for children and because I find it incredibly silly.

I thought that I had made it clear that I am from a conservative religious background. It is not a bad thing at all! Not in my opinion anyway… I was simply presenting my personal reasons for not liking Dac's comics, which Fridge may or may not share. It may have been a bit presumptuous of me to assume that he and I shared similar motives, and I apologize.

Anywho, let us get off from the religions and moral discussion, which I might add was shockingly civil, and start talking about Gravity Falls again.

Dac wrote:

Did you guys know that after the episode 9 we are gonna have a 3 week hiatus?

they better make more motor city episodes then so i have some thing to watch

Last edited Aug 16, 2012 at 08:03PM EDT

Crimson Locks wrote:

Dac, I find your comics amusing in a weird disturbing way, but I think it might be time to put the old cat down

Wait a minute, did you say 3 week hiatus? As Brawler said, CONFOUND IT ALL!

Yeah, anyways, I can't really do much else with that comic maker. I'll quit while Im still on top.
In other news

Out of context, this looks odd.

Count Lionel wrote:

As a "good old southern boy" who spent a good portion of his life in church schools, I can tell you that such juvenile humor I have never experienced on any kind of scale even close to common, except when in the company of ruffians. That being said, perhaps Fridge Logic comes from a religious background, or at the very least a conservative society in which public sexual references were frowned upon.

What? No way man, I just thought it was dumb. Also incestuous.

Wouldn't it make more sense for Lyra to have book 1?

Also, I finally got to see episode 8 :D
I hope they have more episodes with Pacifica in them, they're so funny! Although it broke my heart to see Mabel so upset over what she said T_T

Is it just me or do those two cops have a thing going on?

Last edited Aug 17, 2012 at 12:22PM EDT

Crimson Locks wrote:

Wouldn't it make more sense for Lyra to have book 1?

Also, I finally got to see episode 8 :D
I hope they have more episodes with Pacifica in them, they're so funny! Although it broke my heart to see Mabel so upset over what she said T_T

Is it just me or do those two cops have a thing going on?

Then again, they might be effeminate brothers.

Also, I will not see episode 8 for another six hours, so please hold off on the spoilers!

Last edited Aug 17, 2012 at 02:28PM EDT

Damn it Disney on demand! Why u no have new episode?

Anyways, I found a rather weird thread simulator. You should know the drill by now, they are NSFW.

Last edited Aug 17, 2012 at 06:31PM EDT

Memelord wrote:

great i have to sit though Snake It up Made In Japan just to watch Gravity Falls because theres noting else on

Or you could play Starcraft. That is what I am doing. There is a great number of things to do online.

I keep my alarms set to 8:30 just in case things get intense and I forget to look at the clock.

Last edited Aug 17, 2012 at 08:10PM EDT

After looking at the credits of the last two episodes and watching both of them 3 times each, It's safe to say that Tara Strong voiced an old lady in episode eight, Irrational Treasure. I still don't know who she voices in Double Dipper, though.

Also, BlubsXDurland or ManlyDanXCuteBiker?

The next episode will be about time travel it seems! That is one of my many favorite subjects! I simply can not wait. It seems like they try to top the previous episode in every new episode. The show started out as something trivial and silly about gnomes kidnapping a girl, and now they are freeing ancient presidents and destroying the timeline! It makes me wonder just how far they will go past season three, and whether or not the show will sustain itself thereafter. A story arc like this can only last so long before it is resolved and ends.

Last edited Aug 17, 2012 at 10:15PM EDT

CocoaCannon wrote:

Anybody solve the code in the newest episode?
Here it is for anyone who wants to solve it: V. KOFIRYFH GIVNYOVB

My favorite part of the episode:
Mabel: I'm going to legalize everything!

The deciphered codes can be found on the Gravity Falls page

I'm watching the video where Stan throws a party, pretty funny so far.

I think what I like about the show is that they don't seem to be as concerned about "being politically correct" or "not breaking protocol" as many other shows are. For example, mabel calling Dipper a poophead (Just an example, not the best one), or Wendy punching Dipper (TATS SHILDER ABOOSE D:<<<<<<) It has that good level of randomness too it, as well.

EDIT: "Don't Start Unbelieving.

made me chuckle.

Last edited Aug 18, 2012 at 09:28AM EDT

ConnerABacon wrote:

I'm watching the video where Stan throws a party, pretty funny so far.

I think what I like about the show is that they don't seem to be as concerned about "being politically correct" or "not breaking protocol" as many other shows are. For example, mabel calling Dipper a poophead (Just an example, not the best one), or Wendy punching Dipper (TATS SHILDER ABOOSE D:<<<<<<) It has that good level of randomness too it, as well.

EDIT: "Don't Start Unbelieving.

made me chuckle.

Not to mention that Mabel has a trip on a Smile Dip overdose, in which they even went to far as to state that it was banned in America. Dipper and Mabel have killed at least a dozen sentient life forms in Headhunters and Double Dipper combined. And then two old people actually died on screen in The Inconveniencing. Kinda morbid and dark for this network, but passable due to it being a cartoon I suppose.

Count Lionel wrote:

Not to mention that Mabel has a trip on a Smile Dip overdose, in which they even went to far as to state that it was banned in America. Dipper and Mabel have killed at least a dozen sentient life forms in Headhunters and Double Dipper combined. And then two old people actually died on screen in The Inconveniencing. Kinda morbid and dark for this network, but passable due to it being a cartoon I suppose.

Are we forgetting paper jam dipper and him saying "it's better this way…"?

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