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Gravity Falls General

Last posted Jul 16, 2015 at 01:01PM EDT. Added Jul 15, 2012 at 10:12PM EDT
667 posts from 75 users

Tristis Journeyer wrote:

There have been some really awesome crossovers created lately, but this one is my new favorite.

It just fills me all kinds of happy.

Is your design going to be mirrored on both sides, or will there be something different on the other side of the truck?

You could not pay for that awesome look Dipper is giving Discord.

Both sides of the truck are going to be different. One side for mabel, the other for dipper.
I'll post it again because I posted it last page and it was the last post unfortunately.

I found this comment on /co/
"Anyone else find it kind of wierd Mabel and Dipper are so close?
I have a younger sister myself and we were never that close, it kind of breaks the illusion of the story at times."
What do you guys think?
Personally, i don't find their relationship strange at all. My older sister and I are very close and my cousins are close as well. Mabye he just had a bad relationship?

Dac wrote:

Both sides of the truck are going to be different. One side for mabel, the other for dipper.
I'll post it again because I posted it last page and it was the last post unfortunately.

I found this comment on /co/
"Anyone else find it kind of wierd Mabel and Dipper are so close?
I have a younger sister myself and we were never that close, it kind of breaks the illusion of the story at times."
What do you guys think?
Personally, i don't find their relationship strange at all. My older sister and I are very close and my cousins are close as well. Mabye he just had a bad relationship?

I have an extremely close relationship to my brother two years younger than me. We are practically best friends. There are a lot of siblings that hate each other, but that far from means two siblings being close to each other is unrealistic.

Dac wrote:

I found this on /co/. It scares me to go there…

Also this is gonna be interesting, they seem to give Mabel that "cupcakes" like feel to her in that tumblr.

Last edited Jul 31, 2012 at 05:53PM EDT

Teh Brawler wrote:

The Tumblr, or /co/?

The tumblr depravity falls. I went, just gore.
I guess it actually can't be any worse than 4chan really. Then again, the gravity falls threads have been pretty tame except when they dumped real gore.


Im doing fine thanks.

Last edited Jul 31, 2012 at 06:03PM EDT

Dac wrote:

I found this on /co/. It scares me to go there…


@Ric Tesla
Not sure if I find that picture really awesome, or if I'm scared out of my mind

Last edited Jul 31, 2012 at 10:01PM EDT

Dac wrote:

I found this on /co/. It scares me to go there…

i'm not surprised that theres creepy pasta for this show. The pics are not that scary anyways but thats just me

Last edited Aug 01, 2012 at 07:03PM EDT

Dac wrote:

I found this on /co/. It scares me to go there…

When over there. Not too scary but there can be disturbing stuff for some people. There's a lot of drawings of Mabel being possessed.There's a good amount of Dipper being the victim. He's mostly getting chopped up or getting his guts removed. The level of gore is "meh".

But nonetheless, there's some really cool fan-art.

You should check it out, if you want to.

Last edited Aug 01, 2012 at 10:18PM EDT


Well, with a tumblr page titled "Depravity Falls", I wouldn't be surprised if that was the first thing to crawl into your mind.

Anyone else find it funny that dipper and Mabel killed a group of sentient beings( the wax figures)?
Mabel threw Shakespeare's head in the fire when his limerick sucked. Some pretty dark stuff.

I've been lurking almost every gravity falls thread on /co/. Today's was extra depraved with a pic of mabel with her who-hah showing. I need brain bleach.
Have this extra disturbing post:

>you will never be one of mabel's sex slaves
>you will never be roped and chained on her cock stables
>she will never milk you for your semen
>you will never experience living in sweatertown

Dac wrote:

I've been lurking almost every gravity falls thread on /co/. Today's was extra depraved with a pic of mabel with her who-hah showing. I need brain bleach.
Have this extra disturbing post:

>you will never be one of mabel's sex slaves
>you will never be roped and chained on her cock stables
>she will never milk you for your semen
>you will never experience living in sweatertown

Damn you internet! Nothing is sacred.

Dac wrote:

I've been lurking almost every gravity falls thread on /co/. Today's was extra depraved with a pic of mabel with her who-hah showing. I need brain bleach.
Have this extra disturbing post:

>you will never be one of mabel's sex slaves
>you will never be roped and chained on her cock stables
>she will never milk you for your semen
>you will never experience living in sweatertown

No, that's quite alright, I didn't want to sleep tonight anyway.

Crimson Locks wrote:

No, that's quite alright, I didn't want to sleep tonight anyway.

It's hard to sleep knowing freaks like that exist. The obsession with dipper is horrifying. I thought it wouldn't be possible to surpass the depravity found in mlp generals, but It looks like they have a challenger aproaching.

Last edited Aug 04, 2012 at 12:52AM EDT

madcat wrote:

You obviously haven't been on 4chan for long if things like that get to you.

Wait, is that supposed to be a bad thing? That im not used to some of the shit on 4chan? The day I get used to the worst shit on 4chan is the day I off myself.
Seriously though, it obvoiusly doesn't bother me that much if I go back. Im just exaggerating.
I actually think its really funny. Only stuff that russels my jimmies is real gore and lolicon. But yeah, I don't really go to 4chan much.

Dac wrote:

Anyone else find it funny that dipper and Mabel killed a group of sentient beings( the wax figures)?
Mabel threw Shakespeare's head in the fire when his limerick sucked. Some pretty dark stuff.

and larry king got his head taking off

Dac wrote:

Anyone else find it funny that dipper and Mabel killed a group of sentient beings( the wax figures)?
Mabel threw Shakespeare's head in the fire when his limerick sucked. Some pretty dark stuff.

Tell me about it, this show has dark written all over it. The Inconveniencing almost made me shit bricks.

I don't know what was scarier, Mabel getting possessed, the stuff that happened to Wendy's friends or the shopkeeper having an orgasm to the Lamby Lamby dance.

Last edited Aug 04, 2012 at 09:20AM EDT

Rin Tezuka wrote:

Tell me about it, this show has dark written all over it. The Inconveniencing almost made me shit bricks.

I don't know what was scarier, Mabel getting possessed, the stuff that happened to Wendy's friends or the shopkeeper having an orgasm to the Lamby Lamby dance.

and that

ConnerABacon wrote:

I'm watching the episode "Dipper Vs. Manliness" and I've already seen some funny stuff that actually made me laugh. I like it so far :D

That's the weakest episode of the bunch. If you liked that one, just wait till you see the others.

@Dac: Nice truck. I find it fitting you chose a truck, that's probably the best way to get around Gravity Falls (besides, you know, a tank, or a BattleMech).

@Soldier: Mabel's on… the stuff that gave her the acid trip, I forget the name. That's how I imagine her ending up like that.

Does this show have any good grimdark fanfics yet? If people made good Grimdarks with ponies, they surely can do it for this. The subject matter and all.

Last edited Aug 05, 2012 at 09:01PM EDT

Dac wrote:

Does this show have any good grimdark fanfics yet? If people made good Grimdarks with ponies, they surely can do it for this. The subject matter and all.

i can try to write something but you can try look around on google some something

Crimson Locks wrote:

I definitely like how easy it is to make something dark about Gravity Falls.

It's so fun destroying innocent things.

This show has plenty dark elements to work so its pretty easy to make dark fan work. If people can make cupcakes with mlp and pinkie pies crazy side. Imagine the scary shit they can make with all the stuff in gravity falls without it being a complete departure from the series.

Hehehehe… the conspiracy theorists are having a field day with this show. Many Lols to be had!

"The Illuminati have become so blatant with their Agenda because they know that majority of the sheeple don’t care about who rules over them as long as they can eat and get all the good things they need.Even if Obama publicly declares that he is a member of the Illuminati and an agent of satan,Many people would simply brush His confession aside as his “right to worship whatever he chooses to worship”, the same way they ignored the fact that Bush publicly acknowledged that he was a member of the satanic group the skulls."

“Stan” might be code for Satan (note the corner of the chimney in the armchair pic could be an A), and Gravity Falls sounds to me like an underworld reference."

"I told my 7 year-old WHY she couldn’t watch this new, highly-advertised Disney show: evil symbolism, occult symbolism and themes, etc. Instead of freaking her out (I knew it wouldn’t), she became even more aware of the things she sees on TV and even in the toy aisle at the store and points them out to me. It’s never too early to expose the truth, even if it’s a little bit and geared towards a younger audience."

Oh conspiracy theorists Y U so funny?

Last edited Aug 08, 2012 at 06:15PM EDT


Sigh… you are just like the rest…. a sheeple. All you fail to realize these satanic symbols have been in media for years

Fun fact: arthur has 6 letters in it. 6+660= 666

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