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Gravity Falls General

Last posted Jul 16, 2015 at 01:01PM EDT. Added Jul 15, 2012 at 10:12PM EDT
667 posts from 75 users

Ok so before I move on and watch the next episode with my brother later, I'd like to address something about the last episode that has weighed my mind for quite a while.

First, I would like to say that the relationship between Dipper and Wendy is truly written flawlessly. Throughout the series it felt like every part of their relationship was completely real and relatable, right down to the last episode when Dipper's feelings came out Wendy wanted to make it clear that while she wasn't romantically interested she still cared for Dipper and he was one of her best friends. I can not tell you how many times I've been in Wendy's shoes. Sadly, though, with how much an outcome like this should be at least somewhat positive (and it seems like the writers were going for a positive conclusion) almost every time it's happened to me it's ended in pretty devastating ways. I don't mean to be a bragger but practically half the friends I've made have ended up romantically attracted to me and none of those times I've been able to return those feelings. When this happens I keep thinking I can make a friendship work out and things go smoothly for a while until something pushes it off the deep end and the whole thing burns up in flames. In one case my best friend of 4 years (who was a girl) had incredibly strong feelings for me and suddenly grew very distant and cold when I entered a serious relationship with my current boyfriend. She didn't get along with him at all which I honestly think was from jealousy and would get pissy any time I even so much as hugged him or complimented him in front of her even though she was the type to flirt and cling onto anyone and everyone. Needless to say my friendship with her couldn't survive past that. If something like this were to happen in Gravity Falls I'm not sure my little heart could take it. I'm not even entirely sure why I felt the need to share all of this with you guys, but I guess that's what's great about a show like this. It really brings you back to your own personal experiences.

I also really like how capable of a person Wendy is. Not just some romantic love interest, but a full on character.

Still, I've seen too much of the "too old" nonsense…

So I finally started watching the show. I'm two episodes in and probably won't be done for a little while.

So let's play a game:

I want you guys to tell me what I'm in for. But – and this is the important part – you cannot spoil anything. I'm going for a sort of "explain red to a blind person" kind of challenge. You guys need to convey the feels without the content.


Platus, I could've sworn you were already in this fandom. Stop getting in all my fandoms. But hey, thanks for bumping the thread right before the new episodes were going to come out.

So, what you're in for: You're in for a lot of laughs, a lot of referential humor, and of course a lot of mystery. Whenever you feel like you're on to something or you've almost figured everything out you're going to be wrong. about. everything.

Last edited Jul 10, 2015 at 11:27PM EDT

Crimson Locks wrote:

Platus, I could've sworn you were already in this fandom. Stop getting in all my fandoms. But hey, thanks for bumping the thread right before the new episodes were going to come out.

So, what you're in for: You're in for a lot of laughs, a lot of referential humor, and of course a lot of mystery. Whenever you feel like you're on to something or you've almost figured everything out you're going to be wrong. about. everything.

Wait, so my theory about the author of the journals being Grunkle Stan's brother is all wrong? Dammit! I was so proud of myself too.

But yeah, remember when I mentioned on the Steven Universe General how I introduced a couple of friends to SU? Well it was kind of an exchange – we spent the night swapping between SU and Gravity Falls. Finally, I understand all of the memes.

Platus wrote:

So I finally started watching the show. I'm two episodes in and probably won't be done for a little while.

So let's play a game:

I want you guys to tell me what I'm in for. But – and this is the important part – you cannot spoil anything. I'm going for a sort of "explain red to a blind person" kind of challenge. You guys need to convey the feels without the content.


Tons of wham episodes.

Crimson Locks wrote:

Stan's brother has the same voice as Tenzin from Legend of Korra (and Cave Johnson from Portal 2)
I don't think you understand how perfect this voice is for this character

So wait – Stanford Pines was J Johan Jameson all along?!?!?!?!?!

I knew it!

So, Verne Schillinger from OZ is Stan's brother. Wonder if he'll brand a swastika into anyone's ass.

The wait for this one was horrible, but the payoff was great. There's always the risk that revealing so many big secrets will remove incentive to watch, but the writers are good at ending plot points before they become stale, like how they brought the Dipper/Wendy crush saga to an end at just the right time. The answers given in A Tale of Two Stans were satisfying and there's still enough big questions (What is the big upcoming cataclysm? How does Bill fit into it?) to keep fans guessing. Something I liked about the episode is how it drew a parallel between the two sets of twins. I'm eager to see where that will lead.

Ricenburg wrote:

There was a gravity falls general?

There is a gravity falls general.

His name is General Waddles and he does not appreciate your skepticism.

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