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Gravity Falls General

Last posted Jul 16, 2015 at 01:01PM EDT. Added Jul 15, 2012 at 10:12PM EDT
667 posts from 75 users

Let us now discuss the best part of the show:

I swear to god, this made me laugh harder than I've laughed in ten months, maybe a year.

Also I give JJ two months until he starts doing twincest.

Last edited Sep 15, 2012 at 06:52PM EDT

Crimson Locks wrote:

Why oh why must Pinecest always be brought up D:

Because this is the internet, and that shit is fucking inevitable.

I won't bring it up again.

I think this show had a lot going for it. Good animation, I like the style, I like the voice acting, nice humor, good plot. It's really the best cartoon I've seen on Disney channel in a while. My favorite episode is the one with all the video game references!

Fridge wrote:

Let us now discuss the best part of the show:

I swear to god, this made me laugh harder than I've laughed in ten months, maybe a year.

Also I give JJ two months until he starts doing twincest.

My bro and I were arguing and I said, "Why you ackin' so cray-cray!?" My mother turned around and said, "Speak correctly!" I protested with, "GRAVITY FALLS, MOM!"

Sam wrote:

I think this show had a lot going for it. Good animation, I like the style, I like the voice acting, nice humor, good plot. It's really the best cartoon I've seen on Disney channel in a while. My favorite episode is the one with all the video game references!

I really liked the new episode, can't wait to see the new episode where Gideon returns.
(If you haven't seen it, here's the video)

Apparently, he's found a new magic device-thing, since his amulet broke, looks to be a flashlight. I wonder if Gideon has more of these or finds them in hidden locations in the town…

Heavy Weapons wrote:

It looks pretty cute. I can't remove the fact I saw slenderman in an episode, though.

You saw that too?
God, I felt as if I was the only one. This show is great, it has a good plot, funny scenes, and now, a darker twist. But aside, I love it.

iremade69 wrote:

You saw that too?
God, I felt as if I was the only one. This show is great, it has a good plot, funny scenes, and now, a darker twist. But aside, I love it.

Wait a minute, how did you see it? The image that shows him in the background was shopped

Crimson Locks wrote:

Wait a minute, how did you see it? The image that shows him in the background was shopped

False memory, perhaps? Disinformation campaigns such as this one regarding Slenderman can cause people to remember things that never actually happened. Unless they are referring to a different scene or episode than the one you and I are thinking of, then I can sadly say with confidence that their memories are less than correct.

Just watched Little Dipper. The code for this one is, "THE INVISIBLE WIZARD IS WATCHING".
Some guy in the Facebook comments said it, give the credit to him. Where do these codes come, like when in the show? Also, I love how Gravity Falls seemingly has replaced Pony General, not that I'm a Pony hater.

Last edited Sep 29, 2012 at 09:58PM EDT

Spider-Byte wrote:

I have just watched my first episode of this and i liked it a little and may watch more episodes. It was the one with a haunted shop.

You mean the episode when the wax figures come to life? I watched all the episodes and you should watch it. It also seems that it's popularity with adults is nearly at the MLP level (if not, at).

Last edited Sep 30, 2012 at 01:55PM EDT

@Oshawott, I think Liam meant the episode with the haunted convenience store. Also, it is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too soon to say that GF is just as popular with the adults as MLP, I don't even think it's close. If it was even nearly as popular, it would at least be in the running for most viewed image gallery on this site, and there would probably be more posters on this thread. I think this show does have the potential to become at least popular enough to compete with MLP (like Avatar/Legend of Korra did)

Derpina Derpson wrote:

I just found out that KYM has forums and i find a Gravity Falls one? I love this place.

Paper Jam Dipper aims to please.

…Or to maul! Either or.

A Gravity Falls thread? Awww yeah!

After several weeks of seeing images/gifs from this show on various internet sites, I decided to check it out. It did not disappoint. Seriously, I have seen every episode about three times now and I've gotten almost my entire family into it as well! The attention to all the little background details is amazing, and the overall sense of "mystery" makes me want to keep coming back to watch more!

Between this and MLP:FiM… I'm glad there are some good cartoons being made again!

Oh, and favourite episode (so far)? Fight Fighters. Pixel animation is awesome!
"I must fight the world's greatest Fight Fighters! Take me to the Soviet Union!"

Pretty solid halloween episode, they kinda glossed over the fact that there was literally no way it could have taken place during halloween, but you can blame the Disney channel for mandating one.

I'll need to watch it again to get my full opinion on it, but suffice it to say the humor was up to par and the villain was cool as hell. My only real gripe is the twist at the end… it kinda took away from his badass mystique.

Also one last thing to note, anyone else think the Trickster started to look an awful lot like No Face from Spirited Away near the end?

Coincidence? Homage? YOU MAKE THE CALL!

I think that this "Halloween" episode was a bit of corporate meddling. They needed a themed episode from every show they had for the month, so I do not really blame them for it. Besides that, in a town like Gravity Falls there really is no reason not to celebrate the holiday twice a year.

I do agree that the twist at the end was fairly weak. It could have been played out better if the characters discovered it for themselves, rather than having a monologue by the bad guy. The best of the show is still the interactions between Dipper and Mabel. They seem more real than other cartoon characters because of how they show their feelings and react to different situations.

Does anybody else think that this episode was the best animated thus far? It seemed to me that a lot more effort was put into impressing the viewer, what with the car chase and so many things happening at the same time on screen.

I definitely smelled corporate meddling in this Halloween episode, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Hell, I wish I had Halloween twice a year. If there was one show that needed a Halloween episode, it's Gravity Falls. I definitely saw the similarities between the trickster and No Face (most likely homage). Overall, I thought the episode was great. The jokes were spot on as usual, especially with Stan and the kids who couldn't be scared. I didn't really notice any improvement in the animation quality, but considering this was a holiday episode I would not be surprised if the crew got some more funding for it. As Count Lionel said, the interactions between Mabel and Dipper are great. However, this may be just me but in this episode Dipper was kinda pissing me off with wanting to ditch his sister so he could go to a party and not even telling her about it, stuff like this happens in shows all the time and it always annoys me. Stuff turned out for the best in the end though, so I can say that I am satisfied. On a final note, I thought those Advice Animal parodies with Waddles during the credits were fantastic. Especially the "casual Fridays" one xD

Last edited Oct 12, 2012 at 09:45PM EDT

20% Cooler than Ice Rinsankajugin wrote:

@Spooky: There won’t be a new episode until November, unfortunately.

When I saw that there wasn't a new episode this week or next week, I knew the show was going on another 3-week hiatus. They're probably doing this because they want Summerween to be the last episode before Halloween (which is why I thought 3 weeks instead of just 2).

Last edited Oct 13, 2012 at 08:13PM EDT

Hello, everyone in this thread.
I am fairly new to this show and I'd like to see what is with the craze about it.
And no, I have not watched the premiere, although I am about to right now.
Riiiiiiiiight now.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight noooooooooooooooooooooow…

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