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Gravity Falls General

Last posted Jul 16, 2015 at 01:01PM EDT. Added Jul 15, 2012 at 10:12PM EDT
667 posts from 75 users

EfraĂ­n wrote:

holy shit i haven't fed my puffles for years

I have like seven Neopets.

I haven't fed them since I was like 9 years old!

Ric Te$l@ wrote:

What is this I don't even…
What is this even supposed to be? It cant be captions obviously, any ideas?

Most likely from /co/. Atleast it's not the twincest bullshit.

Megasweets already doing it bud…..

This show is amazing, I love cartoons revolving around the theme of the supernatural and this is no exception. Disney I can't believe I am saying this, you have made an amazing cartoon after your terrible sitcom phase.

Don't cancel this show after the first season.

Last edited Jul 19, 2012 at 11:50PM EDT


I'm buying all the episodes on iTunes to support the show so they don't cancel it. I'll buy all the fucking merchandise! Just remember everybody to so some support. We must keep this show alive.

Dac wrote:


I'm buying all the episodes on iTunes to support the show so they don't cancel it. I'll buy all the fucking merchandise! Just remember everybody to so some support. We must keep this show alive.

Who ever said they were going to cancel it?

Fridge wrote:

Who ever said they were going to cancel it?

No one, but make sure that that thought never enters their mind. This show should go at least 4 seasons.

Pretty much every /co/ thread….

Last edited Jul 20, 2012 at 12:29AM EDT

We've had the "support the show" conversations before on Pony General. The differences between a show like this and FiM are pretty significant and plentiful.
For one, FiM's main goal is to sell toys. If they sell toys, then they'd probably keep the show going for as long as possible. There would probably have to be an association between viewership and toy sales as well, the aim is to sell from their toyline. (Although, what with all of the clearances the voice actors and show creators have been getting to go to different conventions along with all of the neat stuff Hasbro/The Hub has been producing with, what seems to be, an older audience in mind, they may also be focusing on fanbase activity and viewership too.)
Gravity Falls seems as if it would be primarily viewership. They aren't going to have the toy sales any My Little Pony generation had or has, because the MLP brand is older than pretty much everyone posting in this thread (myself included). So even if they sold twice the toys and merchandise that they had originally expected, that won't be enough to make them consider continuing the show, because that still won't be enough toy sales to matter.

And unless you're set up with Nielsen, then Disney won't know if you watch anyway.

So the best ways to support the show is probably to talk about it (I imagine that there is an intern that has to look at recent Web activity with "Gravity Falls" as a search term,) and to purchase the show directly.

I do applaud dac's suggestion and his willingness to purchase the show, but I'd rather not download iTunes (didn't do it for FiM, probably won't for Gravity Falls,) but if I continue to like the show as I have for a season or two, then I might consider purchasing something on DVD.

Also, just to ruin the show for everyone, I got some Family Guy vibes (not necessarily a terrible thing) when watching the second episodes. And apparently, someone else did too.

From the above link:

Hardly racy or raunchy enough to harbor much interest for young guys…


Stop underestimating my gender's ability to appreciate and enjoy cute and clever humor, society!

Last thing:

It fits, doesn't it?

Last edited Jul 20, 2012 at 07:07AM EDT

Memelord wrote:

what is better mlp fim or Gravity Falls

I would vote, but I'm getting this feeling that it's rigged..

Nah, must be my imagination.

Last edited Jul 20, 2012 at 09:47AM EDT


>Not believing that every fandom has it's weirdos

Dude it has thread simulators now:

and I've actually seen worse than this thread on /co/

Ahh.. the fine folks at 4chan….

Ahh.. the fine folks at 4chan….@BSoD:
It's a rule by now, if you like MLP that means you like Gravity Falls, you just further proved it.

Last edited Jul 20, 2012 at 10:49AM EDT

I wonder what happen if Dipper and Mabel some how got lost into a wormhole or vertex of some sort and ended up in Equestria.
If MLP:FIM some how gets a human character in the series, I think Mabel would be a interesting choice. :D

She would possibly want to look like this I bet.

>Implying I don't believe that already.

Last edited Jul 20, 2012 at 11:08AM EDT

20% Cooler than Ice Rinsankajugin wrote:

Guys, Twin Peaks reference abound!

When people say Gravity Falls is Twin Peaks for kids, THEY MEAN IT.

I feel like I should watch Twin Peaks. Do you know what channel they're rerunning it on?

You know, I just noticed something.
Dipper sounds more like an adult than some of the teens.
It's like it's told through his perspective or something…

I expect a whole episode based on this theory.

EDIT: Also, what does "RQZDUGV DRVKLPD!" translate to? Anybody figure that one out?

Last edited Jul 20, 2012 at 06:14PM EDT

CLYDE (Joe's Nightmare) wrote:

You know, I just noticed something.
Dipper sounds more like an adult than some of the teens.
It's like it's told through his perspective or something…

I expect a whole episode based on this theory.

EDIT: Also, what does "RQZDUGV DRVKLPD!" translate to? Anybody figure that one out?

The code is always three letters back… so let's try it… brb.

It translates to:

Doing a big of research AOSHIMA is a small Japanese island with two main features: At the center of the island is Aoshima Jinja, a colorful shrine set back in the jungle that is said to bring luck to married couples, and a geological phenomenon known as Oni no Sentakuita, or devil's washboard.

Last edited Jul 20, 2012 at 06:49PM EDT

Something I really like about this show is how it makes it clear that Dipper and Mabel are best friends. Too many other shows have the standard siblings pair hate each other and have the friendly moments few and far between. This show does the opposite. I love that.

Katamari Manatee wrote:

EDIT: Also, what does “RQZDUGV DRVKLPD!” translate to? Anybody figure that one out?

It translates to (highlight to see) "ONWARDS AOSHIMA!".

Last edited Jul 20, 2012 at 07:06PM EDT


Good point. Its a lot more easy for me to relate to them. My sister and I have a similar relationship. I hate how many shows think its funny when siblings hate each other.

"Hardly racy or raunchy enough to harbor much interest for young guys…"

Finally someone gets it. Guys only respond to horidly vulgar sex jokes! But seriously, that's bullshit. Almost every guy I have ever known likes Pixar and Disney movies, has fond memories of the cartoons they used to watch, and still watches some cartoons every now and then. I'm not just talking about "nerds" ethier. I could understand that comment for mlp because I'm sure the fact it's about candy colored ponies and the humor squeaky clean is a turnoff for many guys, but gravity falls seems entertaining for just about anyone.

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It's a great show, atleast it's better than all the MLP shit going around…
And I love the show. I watched the episode where Mabel tripped the fuck out, it was awesome.

Vr wkhq rqob wkh frro fdwv wkdw duh "lq wkh nqrz" zloo eh deoh wr xqghuvwdqg xv, fkd ihho eud? Lv wkh qhz hslvrgh wkh rqh derxw wjh pdqdwdxuv? Edit: Rk flwh! Hyhubergb zkr'v dqb ergb douhdgb nqhz derxw wkh nrqdpl frgh lq wkdw vfuhhqvkrw! Hyhu wkh vorzsrnh!

Last edited Jul 21, 2012 at 12:55AM EDT

Qeb jxkxqxrop tlria crzh rm x ibppbo Jfklqxro prze xp folk tfii. Jxkxqxrop xob jxkiv xp merzh!

Xquhodwhg Pdeho jli:

Qlfh wub ere, exw brx duhq'w rqh ri xv.

Last edited Jul 21, 2012 at 01:19AM EDT

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