20% Cooler than Ice Rinsankajugin

Scrapbooker & Pundit

Location: XT, oinotnA naS

Joined Aug 16, 2009 at 10:43AM EDT


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+1,377 +1,455 (94%) -78 (6%)
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+6,591 +6,607 (99%) -16 (1%)


Name: Luis Vaca

Stuff… I don't know? I like alot of stuff. I draw numerous things. Things that might make you confused. Things that might make you scared. It depends on my mood really. But they are all gonna be random! I'm so random, I posted this random poem:


I’m the one… The Rider. I am just one of many generations of riders. We’re heroes of the world. Though, it comes at a cost…
Our powers save people and pain us. To be a rider, you have to be burdened with a curse. I used to be a normal human being, without a care in the world. Then, THEY came in…
They, the Shocker, experimented on me. An organization bent on ruling the world. It’s just that they made the mistake of messing with me. Their schemes are what gave me my powers… It’s what made me their enemy.
Now, as I ride through the night, I spot an army of grunts. I get off and I do my job…
A burden I can live with. Now, I go, knowing that the next generation will protect the earth just as we did.
We are the riders- We are the heroes.

Based off the work of Shotaro Ishinomori
Yeah, I maybe crazy, I do a lot of things!
Like when I did this shizz:

Or this:

Or even this:

But this shizz is creepy:

Luckily, this is bawss:

And this was just new:

As you can see, I'm slightly insane… yeeeeaaah. Well, as I always say, If ya create a character, ya created a new universe…
Also, a copypasta by Cyber6x:
That meme you just +1 deadpooled? It’s been getting a rewrite from a mod & is now in submission. That user you just gave -1 karma, his internet is limited and can only post 4 hours every week. That girl you said has a terrible profile picture? She spent hours editing her image in photoshop hoping people will like her. That user you just dissed for poor spelling? He doesn’t go to school or get home-schooled. There’s a lot more to KnowYourMeme then you think. Put this in your profile if you’re against trolling.

Me on other sites:
http://[email protected]

Luis Vaca OUT!!!

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