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Gravity Falls General

Last posted Jul 16, 2015 at 01:01PM EDT. Added Jul 15, 2012 at 10:12PM EDT
667 posts from 75 users

Fridge wrote:

To be honest, I never really think it ended. I think the movement of creator-driven cartoons is certainly smaller today than it was ten or even five years ago. Back in 2002, we had a dozen and a half shows that could be called "creator-driven" on the Disney and Toon Disney, Nickelodeon and Nicktoons, and Cartoon Network. Most of CN's more popular shows (Powerpuff Girls, Dexter's Lab) were beginning to wind down, and Nick was introducing some new ones (Fairly Oddparents, Jimmy Neutron). To be honest, I can't remember off the top of my head all the creator-driven shows that were on. But now? Adventure Time, Regular Show, Phineas and Ferb, Gravity Falls, and Legend of Korra. The Hub has no creator-driven shows. FiM is not creator-driven, it is an existing franchise, and Hasbro hired Lauren Faust to design and conceptualize it. So we definitely don't have as many creator-driven cartoons as we did, but it never really stopped.

Also, I was looking through Nick's listings while writing this, and I swear to god half of the schedule is fucking Spongebob. It's ridiculous.

Yeah, I can't really remember a time when there wasn't at least a few really good cartoons. I don't think this is a renaissance so much as its just the new cartoons(LOK, GF, FIM) are replacing the ones that have gotten stale( spongebob, fairly odd parents).

Dac wrote:

Yeah, I can't really remember a time when there wasn't at least a few really good cartoons. I don't think this is a renaissance so much as its just the new cartoons(LOK, GF, FIM) are replacing the ones that have gotten stale( spongebob, fairly odd parents).

Fairly Oddparents ended years ago. And stale doesn't even begin to describe Spongebob. I would equate it to a person suffering from a degenerative nervous disease. Eventually their whole body will cease functioning, their brain will die, and they will have to be supported by a feeding tube, which, in this case, is Viacom and their truckloads of money keeping the show on the air, in addition to all the stupid three-year-old kids watching it, unaware that their brains are slowly but surely rotting as they watch the stupid yellow cretin giggle and dance.

So basically, Spongebob is Terri Schiavo. It's sad, because I'm sure we're all aware that it used to be one of the funniest shows on TV.

Gigatoast wrote:

Between this, FiM, LoK, and Adventure Time, I feel like we're entering the next cartoon renaissance. Where creators are once again given the freedom to try new things and the support from the networks to make them a success.

If anyone walks up to me and says cartoons haven't been good since the 80s again I feel I am morally obligated to deck them in the face.

^ This.
I don't know if it's too early to call it, but we are living the Cartoon's Golden age.
It's very peculiar that it coincided with the Anime's Slum-age… In my opinion at least.

Don't remember that people just like to call the old days better. It's a striving of being better than others, your youth simply has to be better than that of the next generation. For the current generation of internet users around 20, gaming is dead, movies are dead, cartoons are dead, everything's dead. Everything was so much better when we were younger, no way the current generation of kids has it better. /sarcasm

Fact remains, we don't know any better. As you're older, the new kids stuff doesn't appeal to you anymore as much. But the stuff from your time brings up memories and nostalgia, making it "better".

The internet is simply the biggest hipster of them all.

Last edited Jul 26, 2012 at 07:01PM EDT

Spores wrote:

Like MLP:FiM, Gravity Falls should have a name for the fans.

I would disagree with this. A name for the fans is fun, but it's far from a must.

Let's simly list what we have.
- MLP:FiM has bronies.
- Furry art has furries (youdontsay.jpg).
- 9gag has 9gaggers.
- /b/ has /b/tards.
- Star Trek has trekkies.

Now let's list the big fandoms without special names:
- Homestuck.
- Pokémon.
- Mario.
- Zelda.
- Other big Nintendo stuff.
- Gravity Falls.
- Legend of Aang & Legend of Korra.

You see, a special name is not a must. These things usually just pop-up if people notice they match easily. Calling fans Marios or Fallers, perhaps Korras, they just don't work out or sound retarded. People on Reddit commonly just say "Hey Reddit", same on other 4chan boards. The fandoms commonly just go with X Fans.

Last edited Jul 26, 2012 at 07:17PM EDT

20% Cooler than Ice Rinsankajugin wrote:

We already do: Fallers!

@Randomman: And here I thought fans of Avatar were called Benders. (Avatards for the bad fans)

Wait, that's actually being used? I just sucked it out of my thumb in my previous post.

dipperpines = ripped penis
mabelpines = penis blame
stanleypines = le nasty penis


For all those wondering if this is gonna have a story arc or just be like phineas and ferb:

>Each season of Gravity Falls will play out over the course of a month in the summer, which is why Hirsch says he has already plotted out the show's first three seasons. "We have a three-season arc conceived, and at the end of season three, summer is over," he says. "Right now things are just ramping up. And at the end of season one we have an exciting cliffhanger that will blow some kids' minds."

Last edited Jul 26, 2012 at 08:47PM EDT

Dac wrote:

dipperpines = ripped penis
mabelpines = penis blame
stanleypines = le nasty penis


For all those wondering if this is gonna have a story arc or just be like phineas and ferb:

>Each season of Gravity Falls will play out over the course of a month in the summer, which is why Hirsch says he has already plotted out the show's first three seasons. "We have a three-season arc conceived, and at the end of season three, summer is over," he says. "Right now things are just ramping up. And at the end of season one we have an exciting cliffhanger that will blow some kids' minds."

It means you need to stop watching so much gay porn.

Seriously. It's very concerning.

Last edited Jul 26, 2012 at 08:52PM EDT

Fridge wrote:

It means you need to stop watching so much gay porn.

Seriously. It's very concerning.

Is there something wrong with being gay?

Dac wrote:

Is there something wrong with being gay?

Absolutely not.

What I'm saying is that gay porn contains a gratuitous amount of penis, and it must have been on your mind when you were coming up with those anagrams. This is based on my purely scientific observation of that joke going about eight miles above your head.

Fridge wrote:

Absolutely not.

What I'm saying is that gay porn contains a gratuitous amount of penis, and it must have been on your mind when you were coming up with those anagrams. This is based on my purely scientific observation of that joke going about eight miles above your head.

Or mabye it is you who's having a joke going 8 miles over your head. I'm busting your balls dude, take it easy.

Last edited Jul 26, 2012 at 09:18PM EDT

Dac wrote:

Or mabye it is you who's having a joke going 8 miles over your head. I'm busting your balls dude, take it easy.

This is neither the time nor place for this. Now both of you need step back from this minor conflict, and get back to discussing the thread topic.

Now awkwardly hug and make up.

Last edited Jul 26, 2012 at 09:35PM EDT

404 user not found wrote:

This is neither the time nor place for this. Now both of you need step back from this minor conflict, and get back to discussing the thread topic.

Now awkwardly hug and make up.

Why don't we discuss what the cliff-hanger is gonna be!

Dac wrote:

dipperpines = ripped penis
mabelpines = penis blame
stanleypines = le nasty penis


For all those wondering if this is gonna have a story arc or just be like phineas and ferb:

>Each season of Gravity Falls will play out over the course of a month in the summer, which is why Hirsch says he has already plotted out the show's first three seasons. "We have a three-season arc conceived, and at the end of season three, summer is over," he says. "Right now things are just ramping up. And at the end of season one we have an exciting cliffhanger that will blow some kids' minds."

Goddamit, it would have been awesome if they had holiday specials,

>make an episode where they explore a haunted house, air it on halloween
>make an episode where the mystery is about snow suddenly appearing for no reason and have a santa like yeti be in it trying to celebrate some made up yeti holiday, air it in Christmas


Dac wrote:

Or mabye it is you who's having a joke going 8 miles over your head. I'm busting your balls dude, take it easy.

See, you may think you're busting my balls (which is another sort of gay sounding expression when taken the wrong way) but the truth is we're both busting each other's balls, and failing spectacularly. And for the record, I am not mad. If I were mad, I would probably be calling you a very naughty name and saying I violated your mother several times, which is not the case at all. I am actually very very apathetic. this is literally my facial expression at the moment.

It's blank, geddit?

And for the record, who came up with Fallers? It's really dumb.

Last edited Jul 26, 2012 at 11:05PM EDT

Hay guise. Like I threatened earlier, I tried drawing some Gravity Falls fanart.

Unfortunately it didn't turn out as good as I'd wanted to, so I won't actually finish it. But here's the scetch anyway. Maybe if I got some really good ideas, I could try my luck again.

Or I could just draw Wendy…

And yes, that is indeed Fiddlesticks froCAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW!!!

Last edited Jul 27, 2012 at 09:11AM EDT

Wow, pilot clips are always so weird xD I'm glad the animation in the actual show is much better.

So, about the cliffhanger for season 1, I just remembered that in this picture

There is a little piece of ceasarian code that when decoded reads "Stan is not what he seems"

Seems like cliffhanger material to me :3

Muumi wrote:

Hay guise. Like I threatened earlier, I tried drawing some Gravity Falls fanart.

Unfortunately it didn't turn out as good as I'd wanted to, so I won't actually finish it. But here's the scetch anyway. Maybe if I got some really good ideas, I could try my luck again.

Or I could just draw Wendy…

And yes, that is indeed Fiddlesticks froCAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW!!!

Muumi wrote:

Hay guise. Like I threatened earlier, I tried drawing some Gravity Falls fanart.

Unfortunately it didn't turn out as good as I'd wanted to, so I won't actually finish it. But here's the scetch anyway. Maybe if I got some really good ideas, I could try my luck again.

Or I could just draw Wendy…

And yes, that is indeed Fiddlesticks froCAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW!!!


“I thought Mabel was adorable and thought of her as my cartoon soul-mate. The way she was so open towards weird guys in the first episode helped with that. In Episode 4, it became clear that if Mabel was real, she’d reject me. Having your heart broken by a fictional character four years younger than you is weird.”

Cool story bro!

This lovely conversation was had on 4chan

"I haven't been able to look at Mabel the same way since episode four. Part of what made me love Mabel in the first place was the knowledge that yes, even I could have a chance with her. If pussy-repellent like The Mattress Prince can attract her, surely a chubby neckbeard such as myself can, right?

But alas, Mable seems to be more complex that I had initially noted. She rejected a rather presentable young man who also seemed rather well off financially. If she could reject Gideon, it's possible she might have actual standards. Confusing standards, yes, but standards nonetheless."

Then this guy said,

"Dude, Gideon's a creepy fuck that kept touching her face and smelling her hair and shit. As long as you don't go all creepy and shit on her like Gideon did, you'd have a chance. And as far as your post shows, you sound pretty fucking creepy to me."

Dac wrote:

This lovely conversation was had on 4chan

"I haven't been able to look at Mabel the same way since episode four. Part of what made me love Mabel in the first place was the knowledge that yes, even I could have a chance with her. If pussy-repellent like The Mattress Prince can attract her, surely a chubby neckbeard such as myself can, right?

But alas, Mable seems to be more complex that I had initially noted. She rejected a rather presentable young man who also seemed rather well off financially. If she could reject Gideon, it's possible she might have actual standards. Confusing standards, yes, but standards nonetheless."

Then this guy said,

"Dude, Gideon's a creepy fuck that kept touching her face and smelling her hair and shit. As long as you don't go all creepy and shit on her like Gideon did, you'd have a chance. And as far as your post shows, you sound pretty fucking creepy to me."

Mabel can't be a teenager yet. Let's say she's 12.


Some people grow facial hair at a young age, but a full neckbeard? Also, internet. Most people on here are at least in high school. Same probably for 4chan. He's got to be at least 16.

>12 years old
>16 years old
Good heavens.

Dac wrote:

This lovely conversation was had on 4chan

"I haven't been able to look at Mabel the same way since episode four. Part of what made me love Mabel in the first place was the knowledge that yes, even I could have a chance with her. If pussy-repellent like The Mattress Prince can attract her, surely a chubby neckbeard such as myself can, right?

But alas, Mable seems to be more complex that I had initially noted. She rejected a rather presentable young man who also seemed rather well off financially. If she could reject Gideon, it's possible she might have actual standards. Confusing standards, yes, but standards nonetheless."

Then this guy said,

"Dude, Gideon's a creepy fuck that kept touching her face and smelling her hair and shit. As long as you don't go all creepy and shit on her like Gideon did, you'd have a chance. And as far as your post shows, you sound pretty fucking creepy to me."

Well, the second comment makes a very good point. xD

I finally had some time to make a Forza 4 decal of gravity falls.

Not done yet, still need to make dipper, the title, and hide some stuff in there as well like the show always does. I do have a UFO though.

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