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Last posted Jul 16, 2015 at 01:01PM EDT. Added Jul 15, 2012 at 10:12PM EDT
667 posts from 75 users

Crimson Locks wrote:

Remember how the book said to trust no one in Gravity Falls? Perhaps they're all in on the weird events, or they will outright deny their existence even when they know it's true.

Who not to trust:
Ep1: Grunkle Stan. He has a secret bunker in the vending machine. Plus, that distracting item really did a good job at keeping everybody's eyes away from the gnome army. Also, potential boyfriends.
Ep2: Old Man McGucket. He is hiding the Gobblewonker by making fake replicas to convince everybody (very specifically, the twins) that it is a hoax.
Ep3: Inanimate objects. They may come to life and try to kill you.
Ep4: Gideon, obviously. ALSO, POTENTIAL BOYFRIENDS.
Ep5: Teenagers, I guess. Mainly Robbie, since he is the only one besides Wendy that was not imprisoned by the ghosts(unless I missed something), and yet he pretends to remain oblivious to what happened. Conversely, it seems that Wendy can be trusted, seeing that she covered for Dipper like she did.
Ep6: The manotaurs. Dipper almost murders an innocent kindred spirit because of their advice.
Ep7: Yourself. Dipper really thought that he knew those clones quite well.
Ep8: The authorities.
Ep9: I honestly do not know. Dipper got them into this mess. Perhaps it should stand as a testament to how much Mabel should trust him, being that Dipper was able to successfully override hormones and prevent his sister from suffering a life-destroying mental breakdown.
In summary, it seems that any time the twins come into contact with somebody, that person is trying to hide something, distract from the truth, or even harm the Pine family.

Teh Brawler wrote:

This show, in my opinion, is getting overanalyzed to oblivion.

Last edited Aug 26, 2012 at 11:00PM EDT

Count Lionel wrote:

Who not to trust:
Ep1: Grunkle Stan. He has a secret bunker in the vending machine. Plus, that distracting item really did a good job at keeping everybody's eyes away from the gnome army. Also, potential boyfriends.
Ep2: Old Man McGucket. He is hiding the Gobblewonker by making fake replicas to convince everybody (very specifically, the twins) that it is a hoax.
Ep3: Inanimate objects. They may come to life and try to kill you.
Ep4: Gideon, obviously. ALSO, POTENTIAL BOYFRIENDS.
Ep5: Teenagers, I guess. Mainly Robbie, since he is the only one besides Wendy that was not imprisoned by the ghosts(unless I missed something), and yet he pretends to remain oblivious to what happened. Conversely, it seems that Wendy can be trusted, seeing that she covered for Dipper like she did.
Ep6: The manotaurs. Dipper almost murders an innocent kindred spirit because of their advice.
Ep7: Yourself. Dipper really thought that he knew those clones quite well.
Ep8: The authorities.
Ep9: I honestly do not know. Dipper got them into this mess. Perhaps it should stand as a testament to how much Mabel should trust him, being that Dipper was able to successfully override hormones and prevent his sister from suffering a life-destroying mental breakdown.
In summary, it seems that any time the twins come into contact with somebody, that person is trying to hide something, distract from the truth, or even harm the Pine family.

Teh Brawler wrote:

This show, in my opinion, is getting overanalyzed to oblivion.

i think the fact that Grunkle Stan isn't around when all this weird stuff happiness is odd and that guy in Ep9 took Grunkle Stan screwdriver then said "the mission is going according as plan" which is odd

I just finished reading Dipper Goes to Taco Bell. I was laughing at the beginning up until the point where feces got involved. Pretty disturbing story all-in-all. And, you gotta love the creator's avatar.

Count Lionel wrote:

Who not to trust:
Ep1: Grunkle Stan. He has a secret bunker in the vending machine. Plus, that distracting item really did a good job at keeping everybody's eyes away from the gnome army. Also, potential boyfriends.
Ep2: Old Man McGucket. He is hiding the Gobblewonker by making fake replicas to convince everybody (very specifically, the twins) that it is a hoax.
Ep3: Inanimate objects. They may come to life and try to kill you.
Ep4: Gideon, obviously. ALSO, POTENTIAL BOYFRIENDS.
Ep5: Teenagers, I guess. Mainly Robbie, since he is the only one besides Wendy that was not imprisoned by the ghosts(unless I missed something), and yet he pretends to remain oblivious to what happened. Conversely, it seems that Wendy can be trusted, seeing that she covered for Dipper like she did.
Ep6: The manotaurs. Dipper almost murders an innocent kindred spirit because of their advice.
Ep7: Yourself. Dipper really thought that he knew those clones quite well.
Ep8: The authorities.
Ep9: I honestly do not know. Dipper got them into this mess. Perhaps it should stand as a testament to how much Mabel should trust him, being that Dipper was able to successfully override hormones and prevent his sister from suffering a life-destroying mental breakdown.
In summary, it seems that any time the twins come into contact with somebody, that person is trying to hide something, distract from the truth, or even harm the Pine family.

Teh Brawler wrote:

This show, in my opinion, is getting overanalyzed to oblivion.







Last edited Aug 29, 2012 at 11:56PM EDT

Just finished watching episode 5. Man, this show has a charm about it along with some interesting humor. It's an odd combination, I think.

I really should watch this more often. It's the first show in a while where I could watch reruns of certain episodes.

The marathon starts soon! They will be playing all of the episodes besides the first one, from what I can gather. I am legally obligated not to tell you how I know this, but Gravity Falls ratings among 18-25 yr old males in a certain region of Texas are going to skyrocket tonight. Also, welcome to Gravity Falls, Verbose!


If you watch the convenience store episode (The one with the two old people ghosts), pay attention to the ceiling of the van. "ZOMBIES RULE" is scrawled on the roof.

I know there was some speculation about Robbie being a zombie >_>

Teh Brawler wrote:







Sounds like my kind of thread.


No. This only the beginning! Imagine! A world full of PARAPINES!

Just kidding. But personally I find this crack pairing sorta…. cute. Adorable even. I'm sorry if i'm sounding creepy.

Have more of it.Muahahaha :

Now we wait for a Rule34 image to ruin it all.

Mexx Android wrote:


No. This only the beginning! Imagine! A world full of PARAPINES!

Just kidding. But personally I find this crack pairing sorta…. cute. Adorable even. I'm sorry if i'm sounding creepy.

Have more of it.Muahahaha :

Now we wait for a Rule34 image to ruin it all.

That one's pretty cool, shipping implications aside, it make me want to see Gravity Falls characters in Laika style stop-motion.

I am having difficulty pinning down the exact meaning and origin of the word "parapine." All that I am certain of is that on Tumblr it is very frequently mentioned alongside a Gravity Falls shipping. Perhaps it means "Paired with Pines," or something along those lines?

On another note, today was ruined when I remembered there will not be another new episode until next week. For some reason I thought the break was only two weeks, and not three.

Last edited Sep 07, 2012 at 08:20AM EDT

I think that the best thing about this show is how it has improved my friendship with my sister. Prior to Gravity Falls we shared nearly no interests, and despite living in the same apartment we rarely saw eachother. Now we spend quite a bit more time with eachother, and the show has cultured a ton of inside jokes that we use on a day-to-day basis.

Guess who got a taco.

And yes, I know it's most likely accidental. But that doesn't take away that it's funny how they feature Dipper with a taco the episode right after Dipper goes to Taco Bell.

When I saw the taco gag, I wondered if the creators would ever realize what they had just done.

I'm kinda curious as to what kind of status updates Robbie posts, and why Dipper is friends with him on facebook (assuming it's facebook)

Last edited Sep 10, 2012 at 01:07PM EDT

Being that the entire season was already written and animated before they aired it, it is not likely that the taco reference was intentional. Just a fate driven coincidence. I hope that Alex never finds out, since Dipper and Mabel are supposed to be personifications of himself and his IRL twin sister.

Dipper could be friends with Wendy on Facebook, and being that she is dating Robbie he probably writes a lot on her wall. Dipper would see that would he not? I am asking; I have no idea how Facebook works.

Count Lionel wrote:

Being that the entire season was already written and animated before they aired it, it is not likely that the taco reference was intentional. Just a fate driven coincidence. I hope that Alex never finds out, since Dipper and Mabel are supposed to be personifications of himself and his IRL twin sister.

Dipper could be friends with Wendy on Facebook, and being that she is dating Robbie he probably writes a lot on her wall. Dipper would see that would he not? I am asking; I have no idea how Facebook works.

I meant I wonder if when the episode aired they realized they may have made an accidental reference to a weird fanfic.

Dipper said "status update" which is something that a user posts to their own page that only the users friends can see. I'm no facebook expert myself, but I think Dipper would have to be friends with Robbie to see all of the status updates he posts.

Crimson Locks wrote:

Hey guys, I was watching the latest episode again and I really don't understand how Rumble McSkirmish was defeated. Was it cus Dipper was the one controlling him and Dipper lost?

I guess because of his own deductions. After Dipper told Rumble the truth about Robbie not killing his father, he came to the conclusion that Dipper was the person he really needed to beat. After beating him, he had fulfilled his goal and then had beaten the game. He thought of Dipper like a final boss. In this case, he probably caused his own downfall.

I was confused because it was a Game Over (which I'm sure doesn't usually pop up when you win) and when the guy said "Winners never lose!" Dipper said "I'm not to sure about that" and yeah that's why I'm so confused.

I guess I'll just go with the he won so he therefore ceased to exist thing

BTW the deciphered message in this episode was great
"Sorry, Dipper, but your Wendy is in another castle"

Last edited Sep 10, 2012 at 06:49PM EDT

Ah yes, but Dipper was the player, and he lost. Ergo, "game over." Note also that Dipper, not Rumble McSkirmish, got to put his name into the score board. I am not sure how Dipper was able to be so confident about Rumble being destroyed though. Maybe he just had a better view of what was happening from his angle, so he knew before we did.

Fridge wrote:

I would like to propose that people cease posting spoilers from this new episode.

That would be all well and good, but nobody is talking on this thread unless we're talking and posting spoilers about the new episode.

Also, why did Figs get a downvote when all he did was answer a question?

Crimson Locks wrote:

That would be all well and good, but nobody is talking on this thread unless we're talking and posting spoilers about the new episode.

Also, why did Figs get a downvote when all he did was answer a question?

Well, perhaps you should be a little patient and wait until the episode comes out in fairness to those who want to watch it on television.

We did the same thing when Korra was leaked. A little discretion is all I ask for.

I was confused because it was a Game Over (which I’m sure doesn’t usually pop up when you win)

Actually, it DOES pop up when you win on a lot of older games. Especially old arcade games like the one in the show. "Game Over" only meant that, win or lose, you're finished; the negative connotations didn't come until some time during the console era.

Well, I've properly gotten close to catching up. I've seen The Time's Traveler's Pig, and the episodes before that. Even though Wikipedia says that the next episode won't air until Sept. 14, you guys are saying that you've seen it?


Tell Waddles, darn you!

Actually, after searching, apparently the episode was leaked. I'll wait for Friday though.

I rewatched Episode 10, and I found something:

In the second shot (the first one showing inside the arcade), the top-hatted pyramid (from the one-frame journal page at the end of the intro) appears on the screen of the game on the right (the one with the garbage can next to it).

Also, another "Robbie is a zombie" hint: On the poster; Robbie's band name is The Tombstones.

EDIT: Hey, new page! I never got the first post of a new page before.

Last edited Sep 12, 2012 at 06:01PM EDT

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