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NFL 2014-15 Season General: Stop Calling It Handegg

Last posted Feb 19, 2015 at 10:31PM EST. Added Aug 07, 2014 at 04:35PM EDT
423 posts from 27 users

Since the other NFL thread is closed due to inactivity and the preseason has begun, it's time to get ready for the 2014-15 Season. Who will win the Super Bowl? Will my Dallas Cowboys not suck ass anymore? Will Europeans stop calling that awesome sport, handegg? Let's make some predictions.

chowzburgerz wrote:

Since the other NFL thread is closed due to inactivity and the preseason has begun, it's time to get ready for the 2014-15 Season. Who will win the Super Bowl? Will my Dallas Cowboys not suck ass anymore? Will Europeans stop calling that awesome sport, handegg? Let's make some predictions.

>Anything but 8-8

I wish the cowboys were good. I hate the feeling i get whenever i tell people i'm a cowboys fan. Its like a feeling of disappointment. But i've been a fan of the cowboys my whole life, and that's how its gonna be

MF DOOM wrote:

Just fucking with ya it's a cool sport. I just hate the word soccer

"The term soccer originated in England, first appearing in the 1880s as an Oxford '-er' abbreviation ("a colloquial and sometimes facetious suffix prevalent at Oxford University from about 1875, which is thought to have been borrowed from the slang of Rugby School":"-er") of the word 'association'."

Last edited Aug 07, 2014 at 06:07PM EDT

0.9999...=1 wrote:

"The term soccer originated in England, first appearing in the 1880s as an Oxford '-er' abbreviation ("a colloquial and sometimes facetious suffix prevalent at Oxford University from about 1875, which is thought to have been borrowed from the slang of Rugby School":"-er") of the word 'association'."

I'm aware of that. I still think it's a horrible name for a ball game

Duke Crabtree wrote:

The Dolphins will clearly win the next Superbowl. Obviously.

Seriously though, Ryan Tannehill is legit underrated.

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A Furry wrote:

It's handegg.
I'm pretty sure it's handegg.

>Is American
>Calls American Football handegg


I don't think American football should have been called football in the first place to avoid confusion, but what's done is done, so it's called football here. Also, I don't think the shape of the ball is quite one of an "egg" per say.

Can't wait to see what new levels of mediocrity the Lions can achieve this year.

>Will my Dallas Cowboys not suck ass anymore?
That depends, will Romo learn the Heimlich Maneuver?

A Furry said:

It’s a handegg.

>calling it handegg when the ball isn't shaped like an egg
This trolling is really stale, by the way. It's at that point where it's just boring by now.

On the handegg thing, people should really shut up about it. This isn't Riff-Raff. This is a legit NFL thread. GTFO if you just came to troll about that.

So, just so I'm not a hypocrite I guess I'll say something hande- I mean football-related.

I honestly have no idea who I'm voting for. I'm not that big a fan so to speak, so I don't have this one team I always root for. What I usually do is just wait for the Superbowl to come and then when the two competing teams are decided I'll pick the one I prefer for some arbitrary reason. I know it sounds shallow but like I said, not very into spectator sports.

It's really more like an offshoot of rugby, actually…

And in unrelated news, the Redskins defeat the Patriots 23-6, the Jets top the Colts 13-10, and the Ravens beat the Niners 23-3 for the first three games of the season.

xTSGx wrote:

Can't wait to see what new levels of mediocrity the Lions can achieve this year.

>Will my Dallas Cowboys not suck ass anymore?
That depends, will Romo learn the Heimlich Maneuver?

A Furry said:

It’s a handegg.

>calling it handegg when the ball isn't shaped like an egg
This trolling is really stale, by the way. It's at that point where it's just boring by now.

Hand oval.

Gary wrote:

I guess I'm rooting for the Eagles this season, always have.

I also live in New York.

I'm very popular among my football friends.

At least you're not living in Philadelphia and openly rooting for the Cowboys.
I believe they call that… suicide.

A Furry wrote:

Hand oval.

Are you going to contribute to the thread or still be a dick about the name? Now what team are you going for?

Jimmy "Sniper" Lethal said:

But really, I see a wild card spot in their future, especially if Vick starts.

>implying they'll make the playoffs
>implying their locker room won't spontaneously combust three days into the season

@A Furry
I believe you're in the wrong thread. The shitposting thread's over here.

chowzburgerz wrote:

Are you going to contribute to the thread or still be a dick about the name? Now what team are you going for?

I don't exactly know, but I usually go for the Cowboys (even though they perpetually suck ass currently and it's mostly because they're in Texas, and Texas is the best state for football.

0.9999...=1 wrote:

At least you're not living in Philadelphia and openly rooting for the Cowboys.
I believe they call that… suicide.

"At least you're not living in Philadelphia and openly rooting for anyone else."


Here in Buffalo, the only thing on people's minds right now is who the new owner will be since Ralph Wilson Jr. died. One such group is led by Bon Jovi who is part of a Toronto based group that has had signs of surveying Toronto for a new stadium. As a result, the city is right now very hostile with him. Radio stations banning his music,,,probably won't be played during Sabres games either.

xTSGx wrote:

>lions play preseason game
>guess I'll watch the highlight reel
>it's entirely spent talking about the Browns and their new QB
>oh, and the Lions won 13-12
This bodes well.

I have a pic related, but I'm on my phone so some other time.

I have created an ESPN Pigskin Pick'em Group entitled GotFunnyPictures. If you want to join, you must make an ESPN account. Every week, I'll post the weekly results.

Jersey Jimmy wrote:

Michael Sam sacked Johnny Manziel. ESPN promptly came.

Unfortunately for them, I don't think Rams fans could give less of a fuck about that. Not since a Browns defender decided to hang off of Bradford like a heavy winter coat five seconds after he threw the goddamn ball.

Speaking of which, here's a quick journey into that man's mind right about now:

Last edited Aug 25, 2014 at 02:32AM EDT

0.9999...=1 wrote:

Unfortunately for them, I don't think Rams fans could give less of a fuck about that. Not since a Browns defender decided to hang off of Bradford like a heavy winter coat five seconds after he threw the goddamn ball.

Speaking of which, here's a quick journey into that man's mind right about now:

Yeah, poor Bradford. So much talent, but so vunerable to injuries.

…Holy shit, he's the Derrick Rose of the NFL.


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