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NFL 2014-15 Season General: Stop Calling It Handegg

Last posted Feb 19, 2015 at 10:31PM EST. Added Aug 07, 2014 at 04:35PM EDT
423 posts from 27 users

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As far as I'm concerned, we won that game. That has to be the worst play call in SB history. Some people I've read are saying they would have rather it been a blowout, but I disagree- I'm not even sad or anything, certainly the opposite of how I would have felt if this was last year's game.

There have been heartbreaks, but this isn't just a heartbreak…this a Why moment…this was a piece of cake waiting to be taken and they do something stupid. And worse, I feel that the Patriots may setup a second dynasty now (since Peyton Manning is virtually done and the Colts have a long way to go).

I'm actually really glad the Cowboys beat the Lions, because if Caldwell had called that last pass play, my jimmies would have caused the New Madrid fault line to reopen and millions would have died. In addition, the salt I would have produced would have instantly cleared every road in the Great Lakes region of snow.

I think I'd rather my team languish in defeat than come that close to victory. It was like the Rangers from a few years back being one strike out away from winning the World Series--and then blowing it.

While it was a more "exciting" Super Bowl than last year--I still thought it sucked. Two 1st ranked teams playing, the Deflatriots winning, and the commercials weren't that good.

>tfw the NFL renamed next year's Owl "Super Bowl 50" instead of "Super Bowl L"
I'm not optimistic for next year…

Jersey Jimmy wrote:

Random fact: Pete Carroll is a 9/11 truther.

1. That's overstating it based on the information we actually have about him, laid out pretty well in this article from Deadspin
Carroll isn't crazy, Ellison (former NFL linebacker who now runs the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance and introduced Carroll to Chiarelli) said. He's just skeptical. "Pete grew up in California during Vietnam, and during Watergate. That's just the perspective he brings to the table."
2. You don't hire football coaches because they're completely sane and rational (see: Jim Harbaugh), you hire them because they're actually good at coaching football (see: Darrell Bevell).

Last edited Feb 02, 2015 at 06:31PM EST

Jimmy Lethal said:

Johnny Manziel checked himself into rehab.

I wonder if all the pressures of being the Lord and Savior of the Browns caused him to snap or if he just had that "I'm going to blow through my forty million dollars as fast as possible" mentality. Either way, it'll make a great 30 for 30--here's hoping it ends with him leading the Browns into the playoffs and not with him in jail.


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