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NFL 2014-15 Season General: Stop Calling It Handegg

Last posted Feb 19, 2015 at 10:31PM EST. Added Aug 07, 2014 at 04:35PM EDT
423 posts from 27 users

Enough guys, here's the schedule for the Divisional Playoffs:

NFC Divisional Playoffs:

4. Carolina Panthers @ 1. Seattle Seahawks on Saturday January 10th
3. Dallas Cowboys @ 2. Green Bay Packers on Sunday January 11th

AFC Divisional Playoffs:

6. Baltimore Ravens @ 1. New England Patriots on Saturday January 10th
4. Indianapolis Colts @ 2. Denver Broncos on Sunday January 11th

>tfw the Lions remain winless
Oh well, I'm used to it.

Looks like Carolina will be the only team I'll be rooting for, since all the other teams are part of the Standard Playoff Teams.

No, you know what, Chowz? Not enough. Every other time this shit has happened, someone, somewhere has said "Enough." and doggy heeled. No. This is where it ends. I want all of you to spread the word about how fucking awfully that game, and by extension the entire NFL, was officiated. The NFL is a joke. Bullshit fines, pussification of the sport, fixed games, you name it. Hell, the goddamn NBA is a better league. And don't even make me compare it with the Majors; Bud Selig makes Roger Goodell cry himself to sleep. This entire league needs to be blown up and started all over again.

The. Fix. Is. In.

Kurt Warner's Ghost wrote:

Besides, contact was initiated by the receiver anyways, should have been OPI if anything

Reviewing it again, you just might be kinda sorta right about that. (Maybe.)
However, the defender committed both blatant illegal contact AND defensive holding before the rest of that occurred, so it doesn't matter. Take a look:

And to top it all off, Dez Bryant was clearly seen out on the field with his helmet off arguing the call, which altogether is absolutely a textbook unsportsmanlike conduct. Regardless of the flag being picked up, it should have been a first down for Detroit anyway.
Oh, and there was holding on the game-winning touchdown pass. Obvious holding.
And for the Cowboys fans who are saying that there were calls going against both teams throughout the game, you're correct. That is, until it came down to the end. Then, all of a sudden… well, you know.

Kurt Warner's Ghost wrote:

People love stability, that's why the European soccer leagues are some of the most followed leagues on Earth when it's always the same 2-3 teams winning every year, boring, predictable but, more importantly, easy to follow for the casual viewer

And where the casuals go, the money goes

Quoting for relevance.

TripleA9000 wrote:


I smell a controversy on the way, a big one

But regardless of the outcome, i am a cowboys, and always will be one.

(Unrelated: the whole MJ popcorn thing is the best thing to come out of Facebook.)

TripleA9000 wrote:

I don't think it was cheating though, like i said there was bad calls for both sides, we just got the one that mattered

So my theory is that it wasn't rigged, the refs are just incompetent.

If that theory is correct (really not sure, to be honest- details of what constitutes "hands to the face" are murky unless very blatant), then it should have been offsetting fouls and a replay of the down, which would have been way better for the Lions.
Plus- and I must reiterate this- what Dez Bryant did should have been unsportsmanlike after the play, which would have not been included in the offset and been first down for Detroit safely in Dallas territory. That almost seems even worse than the rest of it.

xTSGx wrote:

NFL admits they dun goofed.

Oh well. There's always next year for the refs to blow it again.

So I can assume the media will mention:

  • Holding on Stafford's touchdown pass to Golden Tate.
  • The bogus running into the kicker call against Dallas.
  • Tyrone Crawford getting held on the Stafford scramble.
  • Stering Moore getting held on the Reggie Bush touchdown run.
  • Lions not getting called for defensive pass interference on Terrance Williams.
  • No roughing the kicker call against Detroit after a defender TACKLED Chris Jones.
  • The phantom offensive pass interference against Terrance Williams for merely running his route and a defender knocking him into the ground.
  • The phantom holding call against Jason Witten that wiped off a touchdown run by DeMarco Murray.
  • Jeremy Parnell getting his helmet ripped off.


Last edited Jan 06, 2015 at 06:57PM EST

Mangy Black Sheep wrote:

So I can assume the media will mention:

  • Holding on Stafford's touchdown pass to Golden Tate.
  • The bogus running into the kicker call against Dallas.
  • Tyrone Crawford getting held on the Stafford scramble.
  • Stering Moore getting held on the Reggie Bush touchdown run.
  • Lions not getting called for defensive pass interference on Terrance Williams.
  • No roughing the kicker call against Detroit after a defender TACKLED Chris Jones.
  • The phantom offensive pass interference against Terrance Williams for merely running his route and a defender knocking him into the ground.
  • The phantom holding call against Jason Witten that wiped off a touchdown run by DeMarco Murray.
  • Jeremy Parnell getting his helmet ripped off.


Not to mention that the Lions still had over 8 minutes left after the "flag".
And punted on 4th and 1.
And still had over 2 minutes after the Dallas TD.
And fumbled.
And fumbled again.
And only put up 6 points after the first quarter.
And let Tony fucking Romo march down the field in 5 minutes.
And let Dallas convert on 4th down.
And had a 20-7 lead at one point.

Mangy Black Sheep wrote:

So I can assume the media will mention:

  • Holding on Stafford's touchdown pass to Golden Tate.
  • The bogus running into the kicker call against Dallas.
  • Tyrone Crawford getting held on the Stafford scramble.
  • Stering Moore getting held on the Reggie Bush touchdown run.
  • Lions not getting called for defensive pass interference on Terrance Williams.
  • No roughing the kicker call against Detroit after a defender TACKLED Chris Jones.
  • The phantom offensive pass interference against Terrance Williams for merely running his route and a defender knocking him into the ground.
  • The phantom holding call against Jason Witten that wiped off a touchdown run by DeMarco Murray.
  • Jeremy Parnell getting his helmet ripped off.


Do you have any… visual evidence for these supposed bullshit calls? After the whole "Fail Mary" fiasco, I've learned to generally not trust in what most people believe they saw in a football game.
Oh, and here's a great article on that, by the way.

0.9999...=1 wrote:

Do you have any… visual evidence for these supposed bullshit calls? After the whole "Fail Mary" fiasco, I've learned to generally not trust in what most people believe they saw in a football game.
Oh, and here's a great article on that, by the way.

@Kurt Warner's Ghost
There was a game still being played after that non-call? Weird, if you go by what the media has been saying, the officials gave Dallas 7 more points and abruptly ended the game.

Last edited Jan 06, 2015 at 09:53PM EST

Mangy Black Sheep said:


If the refs threw a flag for those calls, then decided there wasn't a penalty, then the NFL's VP of Officiating subsequently said there should have been a penalty.

Then yes, they would.

To everybody saying "well they still should have scored after the call" shut up. I play football, and it's about momentum. There are a number of times where we won or lost because of a shift in momentum, such as a play being overturned, a bad call by the refs, or an injury. Any of those things can completely halt momentum, which is what the refs caused to happen to Detroit. Had they not been cashing Jerruh's checks, the call would have been upheld, the Lions would have continued their drive with great position, and we'd have DET/SEA and CAR/GB up next. Probably.

Weird, Dallas managed to overcome those nine bad calls and non-calls just fine. After the phantom PI call on Williams, he caught a touchdown pass the very next play. Despite the phantom holding call on Witten, Dallas drove down the field and scored on 4th down. If a single call can halt your team's momentum, your team's not good enough to win.

Also, Detroit was leading, with the ball, and only needed one yard to get a first down, keep the drive going, and kill more clock. It was 3rd and 1, run the ball. If you pass and don't get the first down, then you might as well go for it on 4th down.

Detroit got outplayed and out-coached in the 2nd half and blew a 14-point lead. Dallas showed that they were the better team and won.

You lost to the Redskins. At home. To a third-string QB.

I'm not saying Detroit would have won 100%. It's because there were three penalties on Dallas counting Dez running onto the field, and none of them were given out.

Last edited Jan 06, 2015 at 11:18PM EST

Jersey Jimmy wrote:

You lost to the Redskins. At home. To a third-string QB.

I'm not saying Detroit would have won 100%. It's because there were three penalties on Dallas counting Dez running onto the field, and none of them were given out.

1. How is that Redskins game even relevant?
2. That's not a penalty. The played was over and after running onto the field, he almost immediately left. It's really pathetic that you people are looking for a flag for that.

This cheeky image is surfacing over the internet. I don't post about butts that often butt I will make an ass-ception. Know your meme, do your job and I shall ass-sist. I'm glute to the screen.


(I shall shut up with the puns)

LNH wrote:

>Joe Flaccuck
>one hundred twenty million US American buckaroos

I won't get into an argument about if a football player of any caliber deserves that kind of money, but he is not the reason they lost this game. You literally cannot make every throw as a QB, and you shouldn't have to.
On the other hand, that Ravens tackling… well, I'll just let Mr. Ghost do his thing.

Oh yeah, and GO HAWKS!!!
Those Russel Wilson third down passing stats:
8/8 199 yrds 3 tds
This erection will last for longer than four hours.

Well Dallas, I think something can be learned from this

namely, don't try and go for the win on 4th down on the 30 when you've still got about 4 minutes on the clock going against Aaron Rodgers

that's just not smart.

Oh, and you too, Baltimore
if you blow 2 (two) separate 14 point leads, you don't deserve to win an NFL playoff game

Last edited Jan 11, 2015 at 04:41PM EST

Here's the schedule for next Sunday's conference championship games:

NFC Championship Game:

2. Green Bay Packers @ 1. Seattle Seahawks at 2:05 PM on FOX

AFC Championship Game:

4. Indianapolis Colts @ 1. New England Patriots at 5:40 PM on CBS


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