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Undertale General

Last posted Jun 22, 2016 at 06:50PM EDT. Added Oct 02, 2015 at 05:25AM EDT
374 posts from 79 users

Platus wrote:

Toby did the music for Homestuck, so of course they know each other.

Heck, he even mentions his Homestuck work on the Kickstarter page. It's what he was mainly known for at the time.

Interesting! I had no idea about any of that. I only just discovered this random fact about Toby by accident. I never really research the developers/producers of anything and I only just recently discovered Undertale; I didn't even know that it had a Kickstarter.

I decided to play the Undertale Demo… and I learned I suck at this game. I can't even get past Toriel.

…Though it's better than being stuck on the first enemies(as I nearly was with Vegetoid – you can't spare them in the Demo because reasons), at least.

Last edited Feb 27, 2016 at 05:30PM EST

I just finished the Undyne date and I think I have a new favorite character.

I'm currently doing my second run through, going for the pacifist ending. The first time I played I killed a few Froggits to get some money to buy a donut (I didn't know at the time that sparing got you money) and as a result, Undyne wouldn't even speak to me. I ended up thinking she was just a shadow warrior without any personality; just some kind of ninja who lives to fight and doesn't want personal interaction. Now this time I got to go in her house and I've discovered that she's an absolute gem.

She is kind of a hypocrite though, isn't she? Undyne won't even give you a chance if you've killed a single monster, yet she's perfectly willing to accept the fact that six humans have died and one more will have to die to complete Asgore's plan. I get the feeling that she's tolerant of the plan because it is for the greater good, whereas killing a Froggit for donut money isn't exactly the most justifiable reason to commit murder. Either that, or she's a paladin with tunnel-vision morality. I'm hoping there are more interactions with her later on in the pacifist run.

A cool gif of the Undyne fight

Something dumb that I made

Last edited Feb 28, 2016 at 02:57AM EST

In a few ways, undyne is a better version of flowey, she respects those who are the passionate and strong and would resort to FIGHTs rather than talking things out.

Speaking of the 6 other souls, it seems like not a lot of the monsters really knew about them other than the fact they somehow died and their souls harvested to the king.

A few days ago, I reached to a point in my current playthrough (the genocide route) where I'm just like "I'm done". The confrontation against the final boss left me with a burnout after way too many attempts to achieve a victory in vain. So, as how things are in these kind of circumstances, I decided to watch the whole fight and ending on youtube. Now knowing what happens after, I'm glad I didn't finish it. I don't know if it should be qualified it as a "necessary evil", but… well, what's done is done. And I'll to this, I haven't had a hard experience like that since the story mode of F-Zero GX.

I just finished my first pacifist run. I definitely appreciate the fact that the final bosses (Flowey and Asriel) allow you to reset mid fight and are somewhat lenient about damage, otherwise I never would have completed the game. I am so bad at bullet hell. (Speaking of, the enemy I hate the most is Lemon Bread. Those teeth attacks just feel unfair and you need to be so precise to dodge them.)

I feel like I understand the other endings a lot more now that I have had the Pacifist ending. The Sans phone call in a neutral run, while previously feeling like a really cheap way to end the game, now feels to me like more of an epilogue for failed playthroughs, as if the only "true" endings are genocide and pacifist. Its like an encouragement to try again and do something different.

Last edited Mar 07, 2016 at 11:49PM EST

Elreigh wrote:

I just finished my first pacifist run. I definitely appreciate the fact that the final bosses (Flowey and Asriel) allow you to reset mid fight and are somewhat lenient about damage, otherwise I never would have completed the game. I am so bad at bullet hell. (Speaking of, the enemy I hate the most is Lemon Bread. Those teeth attacks just feel unfair and you need to be so precise to dodge them.)

I feel like I understand the other endings a lot more now that I have had the Pacifist ending. The Sans phone call in a neutral run, while previously feeling like a really cheap way to end the game, now feels to me like more of an epilogue for failed playthroughs, as if the only "true" endings are genocide and pacifist. Its like an encouragement to try again and do something different.

Asriel's fight is just baby steps.

They should make it like flowey's battle, it would make it a bit more challenging.

I've noticed that a lot of Undertale animations done in Flipnote all involve the Sans battle in the Genocide run. It gets boring when watching a compilation video of UT Flipnote animations and 80% of them involve Sans sobbing and getting killed. There are some gems though, like this one:

I do like this game (if you couldn't tell from my avatar) but I'm really getting sick of seeing it everywhere. When I was writing a steam review for the game, I feel like some of that "being sick of it" shined through and I ended up giving the game a 7.5/10 (Undertale was never close to being my favourite game but the score sure dropped for me)

I know nobody actually cares but I felt like saying this anyway.

So I just got to the final boss of the genocide route an it's absolutely insane. It's probably the hardest video game fight I've encountered outside of a touhou game.

" Asriel = another name for Azriel (AKA Izrail, Azrin, Izrael, Azrael, Azrail, Ezraeil, Azraille, Azryel, Ozryel, or Azraa-eel), a Hebrew Angel/Demon, the God of Death, and some say he is the same entity as Sariel (AKA Seriel, Sauriel, Surya, Saraqael, Sarakiel, Suruel, Surufel or Sourial), demon son of Lilith and Samael, the blind God, who also identifies with the Angel Metatron (UNDERTALE's Mettaton). Yet another deity associated with Azriel is Raziel, and some believe they are the same being. Raziel (under the alternate name Galizur ("Revealer of The Rock")) is described as the "ruling prince of the 2nd Heaven." He is said to expound the "Torah's divine wisdom," and protects the ministering angels from the Hayyoth (four-faced anthropoid beasts), the "holy Creatures" that uphold the universe. He is the Archangel of the Ophanim, the wheel angels.

UNDERTALE is Jewish mysticism propaganda. Toby Fox is, quite literally, a Jewish shill who secretly tries to normalize the Hebrew Satanic cult of Remphan and Moloch and make it accessible to children.
Gas the kikes. "
~latest /v/ post.

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