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Last posted Jun 22, 2016 at 06:50PM EDT. Added Oct 02, 2015 at 05:25AM EDT
374 posts from 79 users

Bitter Brit wrote:

I feel like this should be the theme song of the genocide run

Also, am I the only one who thinks there is more to Chara than just 'Full blown psychopath/Manifestation of evil'? After having so many 'enemies' in the game who do bad things but for a justifiable reason, having one that is evil for the sake of being evil just feels like a cheap shot.

chara is a representation of a players mentality of being evil just because a game allows it and because there are no "real" consequences to them (bcause of his exploitation of the SAVE system), after all they are just pixels who can regenerate back with a simple loading might as well exploit that. We create chara with our excessive Video Game Cruelty Potential

so yes he/she is evil just for lusting for power, but think about how many times we didint do the same in fallout or mass effect or dishonored (who actually puts consequences and rewards for not killing)

Last edited Nov 28, 2015 at 08:05AM EST

Who the fuck posted Sabaton? Bitter Brit? You rock bro.

Rate how hard bosses are:

1. Gaster
2 1. Super Undyne
3 2. Sans
-4 3. Omega Flowey
5 4. Asriel
6 5. Asgore
7 6. Mettaton
8 7. Undyne
9 8. Muffet
10 9. Toriel
11 10. Papyrus

Last edited Dec 01, 2015 at 01:55AM EST

Fucking Hell, last night I had the most awesome but also soul-crushing Undertale dream ever.

Since December 1st (today) is my birthday, last night I dreamt one of my birthday presents was a novel based on Undertale written by James Patterson (the guy behind the Maximum Ride series) of all people. I read it before suddenly waking up, and realizing it'll never be a thing. Shit.

But now, since I'm here, I might as well describe some of it because I remember quite a bit.

It was a novel written from Frisk's perspective, and Frisk was depicted as a female (although the fact that she looks slightly masculine is used as an excuse why she dates Undyne and Alphys) and didn't have much dialogue – Most of the other characters acted as you'd expect. It had pictures that looked like they were drawn by a child, and it's implied that Frisk drew them. The story was split into 3 "arcs" and was mainly based on the Pacifist route, but the third "arc" was based on True Pacifist. The end of the True Pacifist arc added a lot more character development and dialogue between Frisk and Asriel, making the end even more depressing than it already is.

The final picture in the novel was of Frisk, Toriel and Asgore in a green field, with the view focusing on a singular yellow-petaled flower – Flowey, without a face, implying that Asriel wasn't completely lost.

Damn, now I made myself sad.

Last edited Dec 01, 2015 at 09:03AM EST

Thepyrowasaspy wrote:

strangely enough I found papyrus' fight to be one of the most annoying yet others I easily beat. Strange..

The first time I played through the game, I ended up fighting Papyrus until he just let me go free. Now I can beat him without any trouble at all. I guess it's just not being used to how gravity works on your soul.

Alright, The Game Awards is on this Thursday, so let's look at who Undertale will face off against in Indie Game of the Year.

Rocket League – This game will win an award, but it won't be for Indie GOTY. It will probably win Best Sports/Racing Game and/or Best Multiplayer.

Axiom Verge – "Literally who" games don't often win these awards especially since this is the game's only nomination.

Her Story – A possible threat to Undertale mainly due to the narriative (a category that this game is nominated for), but I won't be surprised if Undertale loses to Her Story.

Ori And The Blind Forest – This is by far Undertale's biggest threat in the category, so we need to look out.

Mom Rivers wrote:

The first time I played through the game, I ended up fighting Papyrus until he just let me go free. Now I can beat him without any trouble at all. I guess it's just not being used to how gravity works on your soul.

Yeah the blue mode really got me especially at the flappy bird style parts.

So uhhh….Does Undyne still know what you hypothetically did in a previous playthrough, say, kill everybody until you got to Asgore and reset? Cause Papyrus was on the phone with me 20 seconds ago and was all "so Undyne described your intentions as….murdery". I'm asking for a friend. Also science.

Freakenstein wrote:

So uhhh….Does Undyne still know what you hypothetically did in a previous playthrough, say, kill everybody until you got to Asgore and reset? Cause Papyrus was on the phone with me 20 seconds ago and was all "so Undyne described your intentions as….murdery". I'm asking for a friend. Also science.

Yes, the game remembers what you did.
You monster.

Basilius wrote:

Yes, the game remembers what you did.
You monster.

Oh sure the game remembers, but should specific monsters? Papyrus only had an inkling of
déjà vu and Toriel had a preternatural idea of what we like for pie, but should Undyne have a sixth sense of previous dustthirsty behavior? Well, she does have lots of determination I suppose. . . .

chowzburgerz wrote:

Sorry guys, but Undertale lost to Rocket League for Indie Game of the Year.

Oh poo. Well it is a pretty fun racing game. Still weird how a racing game won to an RPG :L

Last edited Dec 03, 2015 at 10:18PM EST

I get the bad feeling Tumblr wants a war with Reddit since Rocket League beat Undertale.

Indie Game: Lost to Rocket League
Games For Change: Lost to Life Is Strange
Best RPG: Lost to The Witcher 3

Last edited Dec 04, 2015 at 12:34AM EST

madcat wrote:

Just wanted to say Asriel is too perfect for this world.

Yeah it's kinda not a true ending unless everybody is saved. Even worse, Flowey is in complete isolation afterwards. Like, what the shit Alphys?

Mom Rivers wrote:

Why not.
1. Sans
2. Undyne the Undying
3. Omega Flowey
4. Muffet
5. Mettaton
6. Asgore
7. Asriel
8. Undyne
9. Toriel
10. Papyrus

I believe that all of those except 4-6 are true from an objective perspective.

Zaccharine wrote:

Why does this game never go on sale?

Newly released games don't go on sale, except in the case of being cheaper temporarily when released. Undertale wasn't expected to me a hit, so they figured leave it at its normal price. Now, it was released not long ago, and the sales are probably still rolling in. They have no reason to go on sale. It probably won't go on sale for Christmas. Maybe it'll do so for the steam summer sale.

k so I finished my first run a while ago (which also happened to be a pacifist run I just didn't want to hurt anyone and the frog said that everyone can be convinced not to fight EVERYONE SHOULD BE HAPPY), and I actually managed to only die once to the "true final boss", twice to Omega Flowey, and I was surprised that I didn't die at all to Asgore.
Maybe I did get better at the game.
Or maybe because Temmie Armor OP (probably that).

Also, I'm not sure if anyone noticed this, but during the Mettaton EX battle, it's assumed that you fire at his heart and his limbs are destroyed as a result. However, when I fought him, I didn't fire at his heart once, but his limbs just naturally fell off. Honestly, I found it to be the funniest thing, since here is a maniacal dancing robot firing lightning bolts and bombs at you, and his arms just casually fall off with no sound or explosions, all the while his expression remains the same.

Undertale is in the division finals of Gamefaq's Best Game Ever tournament bracket with Super Mario 64. This is where Undertale will stay, I predict--SM64 brought much innovation as a launch title.

Freakenstein wrote:

Undertale is in the division finals of Gamefaq's Best Game Ever tournament bracket with Super Mario 64. This is where Undertale will stay, I predict--SM64 brought much innovation as a launch title.

And I would say Undertale deserves to win a lot more than SM64.

But SM64 will win because GameFAQs is a Nintendo nostalgia clusterfuck.

Basilius wrote:

And I would say Undertale deserves to win a lot more than SM64.

But SM64 will win because GameFAQs is a Nintendo nostalgia clusterfuck.

Undertale is a great game, buuuut it's not the best game ever. After the division finals, there's the quarterfinals, semifinals, and championship rounds. It's going up against games which have influenced several generations of videogames. To have Undertale being in the division finals says a lot considering it's been up for only a year.

I was kinda hurt that Chrono Trigger didn't make it this year (again), cause I root for it every time the contest happens.

Last edited Dec 08, 2015 at 05:41PM EST

Freakenstein wrote:

Undertale is a great game, buuuut it's not the best game ever. After the division finals, there's the quarterfinals, semifinals, and championship rounds. It's going up against games which have influenced several generations of videogames. To have Undertale being in the division finals says a lot considering it's been up for only a year.

I was kinda hurt that Chrono Trigger didn't make it this year (again), cause I root for it every time the contest happens.

I will remember Undertale because of how good the characters were and how much I loved the story.

I will remember SM64 for the terrible controls, god awful camera, and terrible level design.

SM64 was an innovative title but a terrible game.
Undertale was a standard title but a fantastic game.

I don't hold pong up to this god like standard simply because it was an innovator for video games so why should I give SM64 any credit?

And the last guest finally arrived to the party. I waited until the semester was over before trying Undertale. Early impressions are good. It looks like loneliness and friendship are the two big themes, which might explain part of the appeal among us internet dwellers. Holy fuck is Undyne's theme cool. More to come.

Enjoying a discussion, Bas and Freak? I would rather give these games a spare on it's enjoyability and potential recommendation.

Meanwhile, there's a post by TraceExcalibur shows compliments on competing games for GameFAQs best game ever. (source)

He/She said…
okay, time for round four!! a lot of what I said for the previous SMW match still applies here. the Pokemon series is an eternal classic, we all love it, it’s great. but it’s also a series we’ve seen 1000 times, whereas Undertale – with its quirky humor, deep and heartfelt story, and lovable characters – is a new contender that brings a lot to the table!

besides, if we can be honest with ourselves here? Pokemon R/B aren’t getting votes because of THEIR quality, they’re getting votes because of the quality of the series as a whole. they started a huge and awesome series, but… uh, the originals were actually pretty unbalanced and lacking in features compared to later entries. honestly, I’m saddened that GSC and XY got eliminated so quickly.

anyway, I’ll end with the same statement I made for SMW: as a new indie title, compared to a decades old game everyone already KNOWS is a classic, I think Undertale is more deserving of recognition. Pokemon is amazing, but I think if any game is capable of and deserving of a victory over it, it’s Undertale.

I've been browsing Undertale on Tumblr and I noticed three things:

1) Pretty much every character, no matter how minor, has a shipping. Examples include grillster and nicepants. I never even would have considered them in the first place. In other words, those ideas literally would have been incredibly unlikely to form in my own mind without outside influence.

2) Sans is pretty much shipped with everyone. I feel like I'm the only person with feelings of ambivalence towards him.

3) There is noticeably higher quantity of big buff manly character art (the non-cringeworthy kind I mean). I wonder why, but I have three hypothesis. One, that it is due to the game allowing more artistic freedom with a wider range of characters (anatomically speaking) and pixel art allowing more room for interpretation. Two, characters like Aaron and the royal guards "break tne ice" for bara renditions of male characters. Three, people are just becoming more flexible over time, so characters drawn like greek statues are more likely to be appreciated from an asthetic standpoint, instead of mocked for "being gay" so people who wish to create these types of works are more likely to go through with it.

I don't care if Undertale wins the BGE poll, I just want Ocarina of Time to not win again. Really tired of the nostalgia and praise for that game.

Just finished Undertale for the first time, not killing anyone, and holy shit was that a great game. I really did love it. But I have to know: Is it worth doing a 2nd run, or loading up a previous save and befriending Alphys?

Zaccharine wrote:

Just finished Undertale for the first time, not killing anyone, and holy shit was that a great game. I really did love it. But I have to know: Is it worth doing a 2nd run, or loading up a previous save and befriending Alphys?

Load up the old save and befriend Alphys – that's how you get the real ending.

Platus wrote:

Load up the old save and befriend Alphys – that's how you get the real ending.

Yes, but I've heard that if I reset my game I get a lot of more stuff and some new things happen in the 2nd playthrough. I'm asking if it's worth it to reset the game and try a pure pacifism run instead of loading my save.

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