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Undertale General

Last posted Jun 22, 2016 at 06:50PM EDT. Added Oct 02, 2015 at 05:25AM EDT
374 posts from 79 users

jarbox wrote:

Too bad the genocide ending is such a cop out. Feels like the end of some lousy horror movie.

I completely agree. Dam it! Why can't I give you more Karma than just one?!

In other news; Someone made a mod for Civ 5: BNW that adds in the Undertale Civilization. Here's the page if you want to go to it.


Last edited Jan 19, 2016 at 12:42AM EST

Well… that was one metaphysical finale, to say at least. It screwed my mind and the fourth wall at once, especially with that Contra-ish façade of the final-final boss.

Guess it's time to finish the game again, huh? I hope I don't fuck it up like last time, because I intend to apply the "no deaths" route seriously this time.

Last edited Jan 19, 2016 at 02:03PM EST

Who’s your favorite character?: It's one of those things that's come along where it's seriously hard to choose a favorite character. Papyrus is probably my favorite though, by a slim margin.

What do you think about the story?:
The Story is pretty great, I think, I don't see too many huge problems with it, it's a relatively simple but well done story. and has a lot of heart to it. (lol)

What do ya think of the music?:
Music is one of the best things about it. Easily a new favorite in terms of soundtrack.

What plans do you think the dev of this game has?
Hopefully more stuff, but not stuff related to Undertale. Hard to tell, but hopefully it's good.

Who’s your favorite character?

Probably Mettaton

What do you think about the story?

Competently executed in most areas but has a few places where it doesn't really work the way it should.

What do ya think of the music?

its ok

What plans do you think the dev of this game has?

I'd imagine the sales figures for Undertale are enough to convince him to stay in the gaming industry for longer then he may have initially planned. Whether he'll go the route of FNaF or take the high road remains to be seen…

Last edited Jan 27, 2016 at 03:32PM EST
  • Favorite Character: Sans.
    His cool, self-esteemed personality is something very prestigious.
  • What do I think about the Story? Amazing, the ludology is remarkable, it's like the game knew how to treat us as players and how to play along as a game without shame of hiding its self-awareness.
  • What do I think about the Soundtrack? Lovely, I bought it as a bundle with the game, definetly worth the dosh.
  • What do I expect from Toby Fox: This guy has captivated me Undertale™, I'm anxious to see his next work!

So just a quick question, has anyone mentioned the random chance phone call from Alphys you can get in Snowdin (it triggers in the same place as the secret call from Sans)

RandomVids wrote:

So just a quick question, has anyone mentioned the random chance phone call from Alphys you can get in Snowdin (it triggers in the same place as the secret call from Sans)

The bizarre one where she tries to order food from you?

Freakenstein wrote:

The bizarre one where she tries to order food from you?

Yeah, i was wondering if its possible for that call to trigger after Alphys upgrades your phone to have texting. and if so what does it say when see accidently sends you the picture of a catgirl.

RandomVids wrote:

Yeah, i was wondering if its possible for that call to trigger after Alphys upgrades your phone to have texting. and if so what does it say when see accidently sends you the picture of a catgirl.

I'm not sure, it would be pretty impressive if someone could have the time to manipulate the fun values to trigger that event. Of course, having that event triggered would mean it's somewhere in the game's code, and people have already picked through that clean.

I have a question regarding one of the Almalgamates. For reference the Check text on the reaper Bird seems to be composed of the Check text of its (Mostly Final Froggit's) but the way its worded couple with the fact that you have to be on the true pacifist route to encounter the Almalgamates in the first place has me wondering if there is something deeper to this (or alternately if the check text foreshadows the ending of that particular route)

After Shock wrote:

I have a question regarding one of the Almalgamates. For reference the Check text on the reaper Bird seems to be composed of the Check text of its (Mostly Final Froggit's) but the way its worded couple with the fact that you have to be on the true pacifist route to encounter the Almalgamates in the first place has me wondering if there is something deeper to this (or alternately if the check text foreshadows the ending of that particular route)

Most of the amalgates seemed to have been designed so that there's plenty of room for interpretation of their discordant dialogue.

My question is why did everyone forgive Alphys so easily for turning their dead parents into disturbing, mentally deranged slime monsters. If I had seen my dead parents fused into some barely functioning humanoid thing that couldn't form coherent sentences, then I'd be pretty mad about it.

But given the physics of monster bodies (turn to dust, vanishing souls, etc.) it seems that Alphys had to use the recently deceased and we don't know how Asgore got the corpses beyond asking about them. For all we know he might had told them that Alphys might have a way to wake up those that had "fallen down" but didn't explain further than that, but Asgore being…Asgore, prefered not to take them by force and gave them the choice.

They might be a little peeved at Asgore since he was likely the one who made the offer or they might resent themselves for accepting this, or they might just not care because at least the monsters are alive

Now that I've properly digested the Pacifist ending like the average citizen I am, it's time to be a son of a bitch with the third and last route (you know which one). This might take a while to finish.

Grouptale (And the new party members gained) and storyswitch probably. They don't ruin the mood of the game.

A new thing I noticed: In Youtube, there are no remixes of Save the World track without Hopes and Dreams! I wonder why.

Last edited Feb 01, 2016 at 06:51PM EST

Dr. Bots wrote:

Out of all of the AUs the fandom has created, what's your favorite?

Littletale is a strong contender.

I mean, just look how cute their version of Undyne is:



I'm honestly not sure, but mine is probably Underswap.
If I had the skills, I'd make a mod for that, I even have ideas (admittedly, most of them trying to work in what others had thought of for the setting).

I love this game! The soundtrack and character design was especially great. The story was only so-so to me. It could have had better endings, I think. The "where are they now" bit from neutral/pacifist runs feels a little disappointing and lacking in variation.

My favorite character is Muffet. It cannot remember ever seeing a character in fiction with the primary motivation being acquisition of currency who was not an absolutely despicable scumbag. Muffet was just an opportunist, and that's the end of it. She doesn't have any ancillary traits making her unlikable; in fact, she can even be friendly. Plus, she's pretty cute.

Its hard to say what my favorite song is because all of them are so good. I really enjoyed Memory/His Theme/Undertale (all basically the same song), Bonetrousle, and Spider Dance a lot more than the others though. Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans isn't in the game, but is worth listening to and would have made a really good boss fight song. I think the almost whimsical, upbeat nature of it fits Sans better than Megalovania, but Megalovania makes for a more intense fight experience. Maybe if Sans weren't the final boss the other song could have been used when you fight him.

Spores wrote:

Game is awesome, fans are…



take a look

That's just how it is with like, every fandom out there, but then sometimes people go over the limits and create something way crazier than you can imagine. You'll know what I'm talking about if you visit (DON'T) e621.

CrashGordon94 wrote:

This one I haven't heard of, what is it?

What Evilthing called the AU in his post. Specially an AU where none of the 6 human kids have died

CrashGordon94 wrote:

Oh, another name for Grouptale? Makes sense.

Isn't grouptale the one where all the humans fall into the ruins at the same time, and partytale the one where the humans are all spread out in the underground and Frisk finds them one at a time?

Honeytiger wrote:

Isn't grouptale the one where all the humans fall into the ruins at the same time, and partytale the one where the humans are all spread out in the underground and Frisk finds them one at a time?

"AU where none of the fallen children are dead, so instead of weapons and armor, Frisk gains party members on their journey." from this tumblr post

So, I guess it fits with the story more. Grouptale just has all seven humans fall in at once, whereas partytale assumes that all of the post-Chara humans are at least as competent as Frisk, surviving on their own until meeting Frisk.

I hope Spoopy can continue the Partytale thing.

BTW I'm wondering just how many AUs are centered around the Human Souls?

Speaking of which Blink did some Grouptale drawings as well , though I;m not entirely sure if this fits under Grouptale, partytale or both.

Last edited Feb 02, 2016 at 10:44PM EST

After Shock wrote:

I hope Spoopy can continue the Partytale thing.

BTW I'm wondering just how many AUs are centered around the Human Souls?

Speaking of which Blink did some Grouptale drawings as well , though I;m not entirely sure if this fits under Grouptale, partytale or both.

That would most likely be Grouptale, since Toriel is the first boss fight. Unless, perhaps, Toriel stopped all the other six humans from leaving the underground, raising them for years as her own children, rather than watching them leave and get killed by Asgore. And then Frisk shows up, throwing the entire system out of whack, convincing the others that escape from the underground is possible. Still, it doesn't feel like it fits with Partytale; maybe something in-between the two.

This panel was really moving to me.

So I just found this Reddit post about a middle school teacher who is playing a game of Undertale with his students at lunch time. He's posting updates on their progress and how they're reacting to the game. It's neat stuff, and I thought some of you would like it.

tl;dr: Students control my actions while playing Undertale. We're at the end of the ruins, and they just got a betrayal kill on Goat Mom. No one is happy with this.

Last edited Feb 10, 2016 at 01:02PM EST

Platus wrote:

So I just found this Reddit post about a middle school teacher who is playing a game of Undertale with his students at lunch time. He's posting updates on their progress and how they're reacting to the game. It's neat stuff, and I thought some of you would like it.

tl;dr: Students control my actions while playing Undertale. We're at the end of the ruins, and they just got a betrayal kill on Goat Mom. No one is happy with this.

That's awesome, this is something that people should do with their friends, or students, or children, this game is convenient to play with all sorts of people.

Alcatéia wrote:

That's awesome, this is something that people should do with their friends, or students, or children, this game is convenient to play with all sorts of people.

Actually this saturday i was thinking about having my older sister playthrough the game and i was going to make a thread on KYM about it (unfortunately she is already at Waterfall since she was playing it earlier this week when she visited on Sunday so it will have to start from there) and after the Pacifist run i was going to have her go through a Genocide run

Felt sorry for you, Archaon
Here's Toby's own Mario theory that is better than MatPat.

"Tiny Huge Island has nothing secret and cute within, you can't find one by removing a letter" – TJ "Henry" Yoshi

1. Who’s your favorite character?
Mettaton (particularly Mettaton-EX) and Sans
2. What do you think about the story?
It was okay.
3. What do ya think of the music?
Pretty good. Especially Death by Glamour and Spear of Justice.

1 hour and 30 minutes later, I've finally defeated Undyne, the Undying. This boss battle took me four days to beat but now, it's over.

This encounter could've been much shorter if it wasn't for those goddamned yellow arrows that destroyed my concentration. Most of her attacks can be dodged easily (mostly due to trial and error and memorization of attack patterns), hell, even the cluster arrows near the end… but those yellow arrows, they might as well be the bane of my existence.

Last edited Feb 13, 2016 at 02:44PM EST

I thought the yellow arrows were easy for genocide Undyne except for one attack, since they follow obvious patterns.

Like down left down left down left, or matching the previous blue arrow.

I got a bandage-stick only pacifist run to regular Undyne then took a break when I kept dying over and over to the yellow attacks, which are much more unpredictable despite being slower.

After Shock wrote:

So are there any crossovers you would like to see? AUs?

Don't have too many coherent thoughts on crossovers right now, but could contribute on AUs a bit.
Got a few silly joke ones, one that's more serious and another one that's jokey but also a lot more fleshed out.

Pseudofell! – All the characters look like (and might superficially act like) their Underfell selves, but actually have their canon personalities. Probably just popped into my head because of this pic:

Gangstatale/Underhood! – Where everyone acts like an OTT ghetto gangster stereotype, presumably because some dumped too much '90s rap music into Mt. Ebbot.
"Yo dawg, it's yo top homie Flowz Da Flowa! Does a brotha want some 'Friendliness Pellets'?"

Undertaletale! – All the characters play the game and participate in the fandom! Ones wonders how Chara and Asriel would feel about being depicted as an omnicidal demon and a sociopathic flower, respectively…

And a random unnamed idea where Frisk subdues everyone by showing them Undertale porn instead of Fighting or Sparing. I suspect it would end with the monsters deciding they want nothing to do with the surface world anymore…

This was inspired by the wording of the rule about needing a Monster and Human soul to leave the barrier. It didn't seemed to lay out explicitly that one had to absorb the other… Of course that IS the case, otherwise Asgore wouldn't off himself to let you out.
…But what if it wasn't? What if one you could have a Monster and Human leave together, or something like that?
Of course, there would need to be further modifications, otherwise Chara could just escort everyone out one-by-one and then we're just left with the story of chocolate-obsessed brat who's upset about how much his feet hurt, and I don't see a lot of demand for that.
But maybe, if they didn't know this was possible or were mistaken about what it took, there could be something here… Or maybe it's an awful dead-end of an idea, I dunno.

Basically, what if Vanilla Undertale, Underfell and Underswap happened at once? Like, all three versions of the characters in each "slot": All three Frisks fell down and meet all three Floweys before getting taken in by all three Toriels, etc.
I do have a bunch of thoughts for this I can go into if anyone gives a crap, but otherwise I'll stop here.

I do get the feeling that everything I just said has been done or is just stupid and horrible, and I wasted my time with this post but screw it, this thread's been kind of slow lately. At least tearing apart my dumb ideas would give us something to talk about, I suppose.

Last edited Feb 14, 2016 at 01:20PM EST

jarbox wrote:

That looks like garbage.

I think there's a certain appeal to Homestuck's style, and I like it anyway. I think it would be cool if somebody did Undertale in a Homestuck style webcomic.

Speaking of, I just learned that Toby Fox spent a portion of the development for Undertale while living in Andrew Hussie's basement. I didn't even think they would have known each-other! Crazy small world we live in.

Last edited Feb 14, 2016 at 07:18PM EST

Elreigh wrote:

I think there's a certain appeal to Homestuck's style, and I like it anyway. I think it would be cool if somebody did Undertale in a Homestuck style webcomic.

Speaking of, I just learned that Toby Fox spent a portion of the development for Undertale while living in Andrew Hussie's basement. I didn't even think they would have known each-other! Crazy small world we live in.

Toby did the music for Homestuck, so of course they know each other.

Heck, he even mentions his Homestuck work on the Kickstarter page. It's what he was mainly known for at the time.

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