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Undertale General

Last posted Jun 22, 2016 at 06:50PM EDT. Added Oct 02, 2015 at 05:25AM EDT
374 posts from 79 users

I needed a place to splurge for this.

Who's your favorite character?
What do you think about the story?
What do ya think of the music?
What plans do you think the dev of this game has?

I'll answer my own questions as well to get the ball rolling.

  • Fav character: Mettaton EX
  • Great story
  • Brilliant music
  • hOI!
  • I hope he makes more stuff, this was a brilliant game.

Also, thread theme music.

My faves are the bone brothers sans and PAPYRUS.
sans because he's overall charming and friendly and PAPYRUS because he's so goofy that I can't help but love him. Temmies are also great.

I like the pacifist run the most. I would never do a No Mercy run ever.

Music is amazing. This game has some of the goofy (such as Dogsong, which it looks like it was composed in Mario Paint) and amazing songs (boss battle themes. I won't spoil it for you).

I hope that dev makes more of this stuff (but not exactly same stuff).

Fav.. Cool dudez only pls.

Game.. An anti-rpg with bullet hell idea ruled pretty cool in this game. If bullet hell stages weren't in the gameplay, the game would be entirely boring for sure.
Music.. is amazing. My favourite is the Toriel theme. I might even work on a ytpmv project for this.
Story.. Hmm. Storytelling dramatically changes depending on your playstyle. But other than that, compared to the "Cave Story", the plot seem quite bare and simplistic to me. Not saying bad or anything. It could be just a little bit deeper.
Temmies.. Eh, they give.. determination? I dunno. :·3c
Dev's next plan.. No clue tbh.

I still need to play it. As I mentioned elsewhere, this is reminding me of when Cave Story was "the little indie game that hit it big." Thing is I have yet to play Cave Story outside of a Wiiware demo I played years ago, and no I don't know why I haven't played the game in full yet. I'm not gonna be "left behind" this time while Undertale is still in this phase of "everyone online won't shut up about it, but I know the moment I play it I'm going to be joining in the 'never shutting up' group."

Trust me it happens a lot with me. Some flashbacks:

2011: "Some My Little Pony cartoon is actually a huge hit right now with adults? it can't be that special, but I'll check it out. [checks it out] FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC AND DON'T YOU TELL ME OTHERWISE!"

later 2011: "So what's this Homestuck webcomic people keep going on about? [spends weeks reading two years of updates] DAMN YOU ANDREW HUSSIE WHY DO I LOVE AND HATE YOU SO MUCH?!" [weird part about this one is I have a few years worth of updates to catch up on yet again… I dunno what happened to make me stop keeping up for so long but well hey it's not like the comic is gonna disappear off the internet anytime soon, I can catch up whenever; and yes I realize the amusing coincidence that Homestuck and Undertale share Toby Fox]

2014: "The Best Friends Zaibatsu and GotFunnyPictures both seem to love this Kill La Kill anime. Looks like it's heavy on the sex appeal for sure, wonder if there's more to it than that. [watches it] THIS SHOW MADE ME FEEL EMOTIONS FOR A SENTIENT PIECE OF CLOTHING, WHAT THE HELL?!" [and I watched it again when Adult Swim aired the dub and it was still just as awesome]

2014 again: "Is this Skullgirls game really worth all this hype I'm seeing? [plays it] YES. [changes KYM and Steam usernames]"

And now here we are with this game that I just randomly saw on Steam one day without any major knowledge of it beforehand, and now I'm seeing it all over and I already find myself loving the one character everyone calls "Goatmom." Next time I buy something on Steam, it's this.

Last edited Oct 02, 2015 at 10:02AM EDT

It honestly surprised me with how enjoyable it was, and er…

How fucking meta it suddenly gets around the neutral ending.

-Favorite character is probably the skelebros, or goatmom, or… ah hell with it, why do I have to pick only one!? They're all so lovable. :P
-I won't spoil it, but like others have said the music is very good.

Holy shit, think about it, this game has a Metascore than MGS V, The Witcher 3, and Bloodborne. Will this game be considered for GOTY or will it only settle for Indie Game of the Year?

Just bought the game. Timing is not so great though because now my computer is being looked at because of a GPU problem that arose earlier last week. Hopefully I will have it back by the end of the weekend.

I first really got into this game by Joel's streams and looked like so much fun that I had to buy it and I don't regret it at all. Loving the characters, soundtrack and the whole atmosphere. Undyne and Papyrus are definitely my favorite characters.
Also, the more characters and monsters I get to know, the harder I imagine it, to do the genocide run. I would just legitimately feel bad, so I'm doing the mercy-only run.
Man, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon was like the last game that grabbed me at my heartstrings like this.

What more i can say about this game, it's really amazing, i love every single detail in this game, the characters, the story, the music, the gameplay, all of it.
I just ended the game yesterday getting the Pacifist ending and the Real ending of Undertale…that battle was really emotive.
The last game that make me cry was Mother 3, well, i need to add one more for the list.

Watching all thoses beautifull things in the real ending won't make me do a Genocide run, i just can't do it and i would feel terrible for a very long time, i wouldn't never attack Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne and Temmie in a run, less after watching the real ending.

If you haven't played the game yet, do it.

Last edited Oct 02, 2015 at 05:23PM EDT

Still cannot play yet due to the aforementioned computer problems that are now being looked at, but I watched Matt and Liam play the game for 45 minutes and stopped when they triggered a certain fight and I knew for sure "oh gosh they are not playing this right for the first playthrough." They are restarting the LP as well after a flood of fan complaints for not understanding some of the mechanics early on.

chowzburgerz wrote:

Holy shit, think about it, this game has a Metascore than MGS V, The Witcher 3, and Bloodborne. Will this game be considered for GOTY or will it only settle for Indie Game of the Year?

Well, it's definitely gonna get one of them.

Mistress Fortune wrote:

Still cannot play yet due to the aforementioned computer problems that are now being looked at, but I watched Matt and Liam play the game for 45 minutes and stopped when they triggered a certain fight and I knew for sure "oh gosh they are not playing this right for the first playthrough." They are restarting the LP as well after a flood of fan complaints for not understanding some of the mechanics early on.

Too bad i wanted to see Matt and Liam

gettttttt dunked on

But pacifism is the better route for the first playthrough.
Last edited Oct 03, 2015 at 11:13PM EDT

Fav character is a hard tie between Alphys and Mettaton

Fav music is again a hard tie between "Undertale" and "Hopes and Dreams"

Fav part of the story were the bits towards the ends… teh feels… and the harder feels for not being able to save "you know who" ;~;

And Toby already stated he's going to leave the game alone. He wants to preserve what he has, and has no plans on a sequel or prequel.

It's kind of funny to be the person that introduced Minty to undertale, and now that I've updated the KYM entry for Undertale; its image gallery is trending, more people on the website are playing the game, and atleast three users have changed their avatar to a character from undertale.

Favorite Songs:

Favorite Mooks: Vulkin and Knight Knight.

Wish I could make a gif for Vulkin's Battle Animation. :c
Favorite Main Characters: Undyne and Alphys.
Story Moment: The end of the ruins, and the final boss. I would go back in time to stop myself from spoiling myself about how to get the "true" endings of those moments.
Favorite Boss Fight: The final boss of the neutral ending, and Muffet.

But in general, I just love all the parts of this game because despite being about a world of "monsters", It has human personality from top to bottom; every pixel of sprite art, every song, and every character in the game has this. I'll talk about the story in detail once more people have completed the game.

I also just really wanna do voice-overs for

Flowey; Because I have a voice that's deep enough to be menacing, and I believe that he has some of the best writing I've ever read in a video game.

beware of the man who speaks in hands.
[♥] Anime is real / [] Anime is NOT real
Last edited Oct 04, 2015 at 06:24PM EDT

I've played maybe an hour so far and I am liking it a lot.

Looking at my recent uploads, I seem to really have a "thing" going on right now with me actively looking up artwork of a chubby Toriel to upload. Probably because she's just so cute to begin with and I find "chub" makes her look even cuter, and I adore her caring personality so much she's become the newest addition to my list of "characters I obsess over."

I stayed up all night playing it.
I have a test in less than two hours.
I am totally unprepared.
But I feel warm fuzzies that I haven't felt in a long time, so I don't regret my lack of diligence anywhere near as much as I should.

Lich wrote:


Even in a genocide run. Especially in a genocide run

A little guide if someone wanna do it (people who got enough determination or morbid curiosity like me) soft-hearts go away.

The game changes drastically in a genocide run after the ruins.
Don't confront Toriel until you killed everything in the ruins.
When grinding, press any direction + alt tab for walking in the same spot.
The save point can tell you how many monsters left in the area (try to grind before getting to the "bosses")
When you get to waterfall, get the glasses and the book.
Get the best food for the last battle because you gonna have a bad time.
And last but not least important… stay determined.
Last edited Oct 06, 2015 at 04:19PM EDT

NottaWotta wrote:

It's kind of funny to be the person that introduced Minty to undertale, and now that I've updated the KYM entry for Undertale; its image gallery is trending, more people on the website are playing the game, and atleast three users have changed their avatar to a character from undertale.

Favorite Songs:

Favorite Mooks: Vulkin and Knight Knight.

Wish I could make a gif for Vulkin's Battle Animation. :c
Favorite Main Characters: Undyne and Alphys.
Story Moment: The end of the ruins, and the final boss. I would go back in time to stop myself from spoiling myself about how to get the "true" endings of those moments.
Favorite Boss Fight: The final boss of the neutral ending, and Muffet.

But in general, I just love all the parts of this game because despite being about a world of "monsters", It has human personality from top to bottom; every pixel of sprite art, every song, and every character in the game has this. I'll talk about the story in detail once more people have completed the game.

I also just really wanna do voice-overs for

Flowey; Because I have a voice that's deep enough to be menacing, and I believe that he has some of the best writing I've ever read in a video game.

beware of the man who speaks in hands.
[♥] Anime is real / [] Anime is NOT real

am i one of the three users?

Max wrote:

Real talk, this is the best music in the game.

See, I much prefer Asriel's theme, especially with the slow build-up that you get in the extended version.

And then there's also the boss music for Toriel and Undyne, which for the life of me I can't get out of my head.

Which is not to say that Spider Dance is bad – it's freaking awesome. But the music in Undertale is generally fantastic, so it's a crowded field.

I can say this without a single doubt in my mind that his is one of my favorite games of the year.

Its so hard to make me feel anything for a video game character and I realize its not the medium its that no one gives me a reason to care, but this one did. I got the best ending and legit do not want to go back and play the kill everyone ending. This game knows exactly how to pull on your heart strings.

-I killed goat mom and shut the game off instantly and went back (This is a character ive only known for 15 minutes btw)
-I made sure I did all the friendship side quests cuz I wanted to talk to everyone
-I called Tori every other screen hoping she would pick up
-I read every single line of dialog possible when I normally skip that kind of stuff easily because of my short attention span
-*spoiler*Seeing them all come together in the same room at the end made me smile
-*spoiler*Seeing them get captured I don't want to say "mad" but I was not feeling great about it

It made me care, and that's why this game is so great

Last edited Oct 12, 2015 at 01:01AM EDT

I plan on getting Undertale at the end of this week so i can stream it for some close friends of mine. If you guys want to watch you most certainly can, however i'm not a top notch streamer and only do it when i feel like it. Ask for a link if you are interested.

Mistress Fortune wrote:

My playthrough is now 100% in full swing and oh gosh am I enjoying myself. I'm a little over 2 or 3 hours in so far.

Don't kill anyone.
Or you're going to have a bad time.

When the creator of this game was known for his music before he made this game, its without saying the entire soundtrack is good.

Just some of the amazing song to come out of this game like Dummy!, Spider Dance, Metal Crusher, Hopes and Dreams, NGGH+Battle Against a True Hero, Heartache, and Undertale are all great songs in their own right.

However the song(s) i personally find has the most depth is easily Bergentrückung+Asgore. Together they have so much weight leading up to the confrontation while carrying a certain sadness/hopefulness to it when you hear the remixed part of both Heartache and the Game Over music thrown into the main song.

Last edited Oct 13, 2015 at 10:22PM EDT

Minty wrote:

Don't kill anyone.
Or you're going to have a bad time.

No kills at all. In fact I'm just storing any weapons I come by in the item box (never thought I'd see a Resident Evil item box in an RPG).

So just a little fun question: what voices do you imagine for the characters? For me it's:

-Flowey: Starts off sounding like Tom Kenny (Spongebob), but then transitions into Tom Kane's voice for Him from Powerpuff Girls

-Toriel: A variation on Deedee Magno's voice for Pearl in Steven Universe

-Sans: Tony Sampson's Eddy (Ed, Edd, n Eddy)

-Papyrus: The late Phil Hartman (Troy McClure in The Simpsons, and Jiji in the Disney dub for Kiki's Delivery Service)

-Undyne: Grey Delisle transitioning between her Frankie Foster voice and her voice for Vicki in Fairly Odd Parents

-Alphys (this where where I just got to as of this post): Minty Lewis (Eileen from Regular Show)

Roy G. Biv wrote:

Turns out, this is actually a font:

It's like someone was shipping them before they even existed…

Papyrus may also be a play on words.
It sounds like paper, and his ideas "look better on paper"

Basilius wrote:

Papyrus may also be a play on words.
It sounds like paper, and his ideas "look better on paper"

Actually, Papyrus' name is a play on the usage of the Papyrus font.
People who use the Papyrus font tend to try to have an air of seriousness, when in actuality, they're pretty foolish and unaware of their actions at all.
Opposite for Sans, when dank memers use Comic Sans, they usually know that they're making bad jokes, but don't care anyways, just like Sans.

Minty wrote:

Actually, Papyrus' name is a play on the usage of the Papyrus font.
People who use the Papyrus font tend to try to have an air of seriousness, when in actuality, they're pretty foolish and unaware of their actions at all.
Opposite for Sans, when dank memers use Comic Sans, they usually know that they're making bad jokes, but don't care anyways, just like Sans.

I know what his name actually means but I was just saying that his name could also have a double meaning.

I just finished the game. I have never loved a game this much before. I did neutral/pre-pacifist and then pacifist. I can't go back and do genocide. I love everything about it – the music, the characters, the redemption, goat mom, papyrus, sans, lesbian lizard, I love all of it. The only possible complaint I could ever have is that some of the battles were a bit infuriating as I kept dying, but that's just my lack of experience with bullet hell games.
My favorite character is the lesbian lizard, Alphys. Despite and because of her flaws and mistakes I love her so much. Runner-up is goat mom, Toriel; and maybe-gay skeleton, Papyrus.
The story was over the top amazing. The little things that turn out to be important later, the characters and their backstories and ambitions, the true pacifist ending – I've never seen a story I loved so much.
My favorite music is a tie between the last Mettaton boss battle theme, and Muffet's battle theme, I think. Interestingly, those were also two of the three hardest bosses in the game for me.
I hope the dev leaves the story alone, because matching or topping Undertale would be nigh impossible. Whatever else he does, I hope he puts as much soul into it as he did Undertale.

I just beat the game on a Pacifist run. Needless to say, yes all the hype was well deserved. I love how playing the Pacifist route turns fights more into puzzles of a different sort than what I'm used to in other RPGs (though I will admit the basics are the same, once you learn the best way to "beat" a battle you'll use it continuously, whether it be learning the right Act to pacify a monster in Undertale, or what right spell or weapon to use in a more traditional RPG like Final Fantasy), and with the boss ones in particular being pretty awesome.

The writing is really well done with everyone having a personality that stands out and memorable to me, the places you explore are well worth exploring every nook and cranny, the music is fantastic (no surprise coming from the guy who does the music for Homestuck), and oh sure people may complain that "psuedo-retro pixel art" is a bit overdone in indie games in general, but I really liked the graphics and such in the game for how distinct everyone and everything looks, plus the amusing animations.

Overall, really great game. If you like RPGs, especially JRPGs like the Mother/EarthBound series, give it a shot.

just finished the Tu-toriel and the date with papyrus and what the hell i never felt so bad for killing someone in a game in my life(toriel) that i quit the game in a heartbeat, restarted and found out a little secret that saves you from ruining the pacifist run and it wont record toriels death if you restarted

Archaon, Everchosen wrote:

just finished the Tu-toriel and the date with papyrus and what the hell i never felt so bad for killing someone in a game in my life(toriel) that i quit the game in a heartbeat, restarted and found out a little secret that saves you from ruining the pacifist run and it wont record toriels death if you restarted

Did you read what flowy said after the battle when you restart?

After a neutral run, failed pacifist run, failed genocide run, and finally a true pacifist run…
Gotta say, my love for this game has really grown.

Sans, Toriel, Flowey and two other characters I shall not name, because it would be spoilers… are by far my favorite characters. Favorite areas has got to be the Ruins and Waterfall. Favorite boss fight is still Muffet.

Thank you Toby Fox, for such a great game!

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