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Last posted Jun 22, 2016 at 06:50PM EDT. Added Oct 02, 2015 at 05:25AM EDT
374 posts from 79 users

So I just beat the game on Neutral/Pre-pacifist, and I missed Undyne's hangout spot after the battle. Can anybody hint me in the right direction?

Also Spider Lady's hangout spot if you can give a hint for that too.

Last edited Oct 17, 2015 at 08:08PM EDT

Freakenstein wrote:

So I just beat the game on Neutral/Pre-pacifist, and I missed Undyne's hangout spot after the battle. Can anybody hint me in the right direction?

Also Spider Lady's hangout spot if you can give a hint for that too.

muffet doesn't have a date available

Freakenstein wrote:

So I just beat the game on Neutral/Pre-pacifist, and I missed Undyne's hangout spot after the battle. Can anybody hint me in the right direction?

Also Spider Lady's hangout spot if you can give a hint for that too.

I'm pretty sure Undyne is back at her house in Waterfall. It's one screen to the left of Nabstablook's house.

My only problem with Undertale's story

Why make the old human have my name that I choose in the beginning? That doesn't really seem fair, since that child was a deranged sociopath who wanted to kill people. I wouldn't have poisoned the king, I wouldn't have tried suicide to attack humans. I think it would have been better if the original kid's name was Frisk and then it would make sense for why hardmore is activated when you name yourself that. since you know, he is evil and the game gets harder when you are evil. Just kinda feels like the game is trash talking me for something I didn't do when at the end Asriel says "Basilius wasn't a very good friend, but I'm glad I met you Frisk". Like what the fuck? I'm a pacifist in real life, I would never hurt any of these creatures, probably wouldn't have even hurt them if they wanted to hurt me. Feel like this is like the game trying to blame me for something I didn't do and would never do. To be honest is kinda ruins some of the ending dialog for the pacifist ending for me, simply because I feel like trash for things I had no control over.

Freakenstein wrote:

Now that I got all the side quests done, I got the true happy ending! :D

Now time to be a monster

Doing the genocide run is beyond becoming a monster. Not gonna spoil it, but you'll see.

Freakenstein wrote:

Now that I got all the side quests done, I got the true happy ending! :D

Now time to be a monster

Dude, you got the pacifist ending – they're all content and happy now. And you're just going to spoil all that? Just reset their perfect lives then kill them?

Flowey would be proud.

I have two reasons for not wanting to do a Genocide Run.

1. I love these characters too much to do something so cruel to them.


If you do a Genocide Run the memory of that file is PERMANENT, Toby Fox somehow made it so that if you Genocide Run the game your data will be uploaded to the Steam Cloud no matter what, meaning it seems literally the only way to "reset" after Genocide Run is you have to buy the game again on a brand new Steam account on a new computer. Part of me can't tell if this is brilliant or a dick move. Brilliant because it ties well into the narrative, but also a dick move because now you'll be forever locked out of a perfect Pacifist Run… which might be unintentionally brilliant too because now this means the game taunts players who Genocide Run by going "well here ya go you sick fuck, you let your curiosity get the better of you and now I'm going to make sure you suffer for it."
Last edited Oct 18, 2015 at 10:39PM EDT

Mistress Fortune wrote:

I have two reasons for not wanting to do a Genocide Run.

1. I love these characters too much to do something so cruel to them.


If you do a Genocide Run the memory of that file is PERMANENT, Toby Fox somehow made it so that if you Genocide Run the game your data will be uploaded to the Steam Cloud no matter what, meaning it seems literally the only way to "reset" after Genocide Run is you have to buy the game again on a brand new Steam account on a new computer. Part of me can't tell if this is brilliant or a dick move. Brilliant because it ties well into the narrative, but also a dick move because now you'll be forever locked out of a perfect Pacifist Run… which might be unintentionally brilliant too because now this means the game taunts players who Genocide Run by going "well here ya go you sick fuck, you let your curiosity get the better of you and now I'm going to make sure you suffer for it."

second is not true, it is on a special folder that you can modify to fix and remove all those things. Wiki even tells you how.

Okay so I guess I was lied to about Toby Fox using programming sorcery to ensure you can never get away from what you did on a Genocide Run, because I'm a gullible fug. (I heard he made it so that even if you disable Cloud saving the game will still force itself onto the Cloud upon completion of a Genocide playthrough)

My #1 point still stands though, I just can't bring myself to do bad things to these characters. My Pacifist Run is what I'm sticking with as my canon, and when I replay the game in the future I'm sticking to Pacifist again. I might look up a Genocide Run LP sometime but it's gonna be so hard to watch because I'll be backseat gaming so bad, and the person doing the LP won't be able to hear my pleas anyway.

Mistress Fortune wrote:

I have two reasons for not wanting to do a Genocide Run.

1. I love these characters too much to do something so cruel to them.


If you do a Genocide Run the memory of that file is PERMANENT, Toby Fox somehow made it so that if you Genocide Run the game your data will be uploaded to the Steam Cloud no matter what, meaning it seems literally the only way to "reset" after Genocide Run is you have to buy the game again on a brand new Steam account on a new computer. Part of me can't tell if this is brilliant or a dick move. Brilliant because it ties well into the narrative, but also a dick move because now you'll be forever locked out of a perfect Pacifist Run… which might be unintentionally brilliant too because now this means the game taunts players who Genocide Run by going "well here ya go you sick fuck, you let your curiosity get the better of you and now I'm going to make sure you suffer for it."

Or I heard if you wait on the black screen for ten minutes something happens which allows you to play again but it changes the game forever and when you beat the game again you get a new ending

But yes even I copied all of my files after stating my gen run so I can over ride them later on. I basically created two time lines so noting happens to my happy ending which I will keep on my hard drive for ever

So I learned something really sad about fighting Shyren during a genocide run.

From here

If you started humming along with her while doing a genocide run, as pictured above, instead of Sans selling tickets, there’s “a hooded figure” watching you from afar. Sans is watching sadly from the distance as you toy with and brutally murder her, his hood pulled up in isolation.

Keep in mind that probably 15 minutes prior to this is when you kill Papyrus.

And then someone went and made this scene into a comic:

Yeah, I know it's pretty sad. So to cheer you all up, here's a vine of Asriel playing with his friends:

Last edited Oct 19, 2015 at 12:50PM EDT

So, anybody here heard of Gaster? Rather fascinating to me. (Don't search him up if you don't want spoilers!) I haven't yet been able to do any of the odd things to make the related events happen (I restarted the game to try it out – I do plan to finish it to bring happiness back to them)
Also, for those of you who have done it, would you or would you not recommend a genocide run? I've had a few days to sort of cool down, and I might be able to stomach it if the lord, music, etc are worth it.

Heh that's a cute Vine, especially with the goat bleating at the end.

I really wanna see someone go the extra mile on Toriel cosplay by making well made fursuit, though I expect at most we'll see people dressed in her outfit and wearing fake horns. Undyne cosplay will likely take a page from people who cosplay as Homestuck trolls (particularly Feferi and Eridan), lots of body paint, and then some different options for outfits (her casual wear will be a bit easier to do though).

I know of Gaster, but I never did anything in my game to trigger anything relating to him. I know that if you put "Gaster" as your name on the naming screen the game will reset suddenly, and people have found that weird Uboa-like thing that is believed to be Gaster. Also "Gaster's Theme" can be found on a hidden soundtest, and it's believed his speech gimmick is talking in the Wingdings font, as you can find monster speech files in Wingdings that translate properly into stuff.

Yeah, I've been reading about all of that. I wonder what he has to do with the story. Some are thinking he'll be revealed in an event (e.g. holloween). I wonder if Toby Fox wanted us to find out all this by messing with the game's files or he didn't account for it?

Mom Rivers wrote:

Yeah, I've been reading about all of that. I wonder what he has to do with the story. Some are thinking he'll be revealed in an event (e.g. holloween). I wonder if Toby Fox wanted us to find out all this by messing with the game's files or he didn't account for it?

Even if he didnt want us to he would be able to stop data miners

I mentioned this in the comment section of an Undertale pic, but I'm actually hoping one day Undertale will get ported to more platforms so that way more people can experience it. I can see it really doing well on PSN and the eShop (plus imagine all the cool Miiverse drawings we'd get if it had an official eShop release), though lets not leave out XBLA either even though I have heard XBLA is an area indie devs tend to have more issues with (in particular the guys behind Retro City Rampage said that the sales of the XBLA version barely covered the costs of just getting the game put on XBLA in the first place, but because of the lower barriers on PSN and eShop they made profits from both of those shops).

MiloticExalted wrote:

>Discussing Undertale music
>Megalovania not mentioned
smh, guys, smh.

Fun fact: Megalovania is a recurring track in Toby Fox's work! He first used it in his halloween EarthBound hack:

Another fun fact: Toby Fox used to compose music for Homestuck, including a remix of Megalovania:

I don't need to play the game or buy it. Why?


The end parts are really what got me, though. If I had to choose a favorite character, well, it'd have to be Papyrus. What can I say? His spaghetti meets all of my standards.

I think it's pretty bad I love a game I don't even have.
If I had to choose favorite themes:


But oh, there are the downsides. Mostly from these furfaggots:

Funny thing was, that was probably the safest pic I could find.
Can't get enough of that Ass-riel, can't ya? He's a fucking child if you think about it.

Farm Zombie wrote:

I've been watching the Best Friends Let's Play of Undertale, but I get the feeling this is something I have to play for myself in order to appreciate.

It is one of those games where you gotta play it yourself to 100% enjoy it. whats funny is i watched the final boss fights and that was actually when i decided to get the game

Farm Zombie wrote:

I've been watching the Best Friends Let's Play of Undertale, but I get the feeling this is something I have to play for myself in order to appreciate.

However during my playthrough I thought I glitched the Pacifist endings, and watched the pacifist ending. Cried, Found out I could fix it, fixed it, went through it myself, and cried again anyway.

The game is pretty powerful even just watching it. However you should definitely play through it yourself.

Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire wrote:

Any thoughts on cut or hidden content?

Well it pretty much sucks for you

-You can still enjoy it if you have seen a full LP
-Great if you only say up to tori
-Best played knowing almost noting other then the trailer and a hand full of screen caps

MiloticExalted wrote:

mfw Genocide runs

I just wanna beat Sans for bragging rights, but re-evaluating myself I think I couldn't get that far before I restarted the game to bring everyone happiness again.

Started playing it today

In confusion during the fight and wondering how exactly to get through, accidentally killed Toriel.

Had to quit the game and think long and hard about what I had just done to that innocent creature.
That might be the most guilty a game has ever made me feel.

Of course, I went back and figured out how to not kill her. I'm so sorry Toriel ;_;

>visits /v/
>browse through every thread that involved Undertale
>lol shit graphics
>pleb tier story lelelelel
>trash gameplay XD
>automatically shit cuz indie
>meme game = shit game
>lolololol shit reason why game is shit

The shitposting is worse than the Fallout 4 and Todd circlejerking threads.

My brother has started a genocide run. It's making me physically uncomfortable to watch him. Like, these monsters live here and you're searching them down to kill them! And he doesn't even care! I'm fairly certain he's a sociopath.

Mom Rivers wrote:

My brother has started a genocide run. It's making me physically uncomfortable to watch him. Like, these monsters live here and you're searching them down to kill them! And he doesn't even care! I'm fairly certain he's a sociopath.

There are two kind of people who plays RPG: Goodie two-shoes and Evil douches. But that makes an equilibrium in the universe…

Tnx Toby for making great differences on a pacifist/genocide run. The fact that genocide run has shorter gameplay and more grinding makes me sad. (Trust me, I played the game over an over just for check missed stuff/completism)

It took me an embarrassingly long time to defeat Undyne (pacifist run). I might just be retarded. but I always got mixed up on the mass attack of yellow and got absolutely destroyed… before realising that they follow a very easy pattern. Also, i had to look up the fact that you had to actually

just had to flee a load of times once you are red, and dive into the cave

At least I got to listen to really catchy music for a while.
(And I'll just say, the music throughout the whole game is top notch)

Last edited Oct 23, 2015 at 06:33PM EDT

Bitter Brit wrote:

It took me an embarrassingly long time to defeat Undyne (pacifist run). I might just be retarded. but I always got mixed up on the mass attack of yellow and got absolutely destroyed… before realising that they follow a very easy pattern. Also, i had to look up the fact that you had to actually

just had to flee a load of times once you are red, and dive into the cave

At least I got to listen to really catchy music for a while.
(And I'll just say, the music throughout the whole game is top notch)

Don't worry, you aren't alone. I had to look up how to beat her and those arrows really messed with me also.
(And I'll just say, the music is indeed fantastic.)

Max wrote:

Fun fact: Megalovania is a recurring track in Toby Fox's work! He first used it in his halloween EarthBound hack:

Another fun fact: Toby Fox used to compose music for Homestuck, including a remix of Megalovania:

That's explain this art

Tenebris Marde Blackclan wrote:

>visits /v/
>browse through every thread that involved Undertale
>lol shit graphics
>pleb tier story lelelelel
>trash gameplay XD
>automatically shit cuz indie
>meme game = shit game
>lolololol shit reason why game is shit

The shitposting is worse than the Fallout 4 and Todd circlejerking threads.

Don't they hate EVERYTHING?

The TvTropes article pointed out something very interesting to me-- it's almost like the bosses are designed to be less and less sympathetic and therefore requiring a higher level of sympathy or determination to spare. First we start off the little old lady who cares for you; you'd have to be a complete monster to at least try not to spare her. Then we've got the guy who's technically a villain, but he's just so awesome and innocent that it's easy to look past that. Then we've got that guy's boss, and they literally want you dead, and are determined to do so but at least her motivation is to end the suffering of her people. Next comes the spider queen who enjoys seeing you struggle, and who chooses to go after you not out of any sort of vendetta, but just for business purposes. Next comes the killer robot, specifically designed to destroy you. And then finally, we have the conflicted warrior, who refuses to accept mercy, because he feels he does not deserve it.

Also, since kids seem to grow up by "draining" their parent's life force in the case of monsters, that implies that there is a finite amount of life force to be distributed across all the monster souls, and that any soul that is destroyed before their life force runs out (i.e. any other death besides old age) that means the total amount of life force goes down, permenantly. Additionally, considering the fact that a human child is basically able to tear through monsters like paper once they've come to terms with the act of killing means that a fully-trained army of angry humans would completely decimate monsters. Put those two facts together, and it almost seems like whoever created the monsters wanted them to suffer.

Unraveler wrote:

That's explain this art

I just realized that in every project Toby Fox has played a big role in the antagonist always has a really weird left eye.

Gonna come here to show some OC I made for undertale, both of which are references to some writings mostly because I can't draw.

This I made in Paint.Net; just refering to a Peom to describe how I thought DETERMINATION was used as a story theme in undertale.

I made this in GIMP 2 after finally getting used to it's GUI, It quite me a while to learn but I've now found that the program is so much better for editing custom text on an image.

I made this as an allusion to the

Last edited Oct 26, 2015 at 03:56PM EDT

Somari the Adventurer wrote:

I just realized that in every project Toby Fox has played a big role in the antagonist always has a really weird left eye.

Of course it could be argued that if you've gotten to the point where you fight Sans you're actually the antagonist. Still, it's interesting that this seems to be a signature design choice of Toby's.

Question about getting the True ending:

On my playthrough, I was completely pacifist, and spared Asgore and Flowey. However, I dated Papyrus, but I didn't befriend Undyne. After beating the game, I went back and befriended Undyne, but when I went back to the hotel I didn't get the call that you are supposed to get. Does that mean I have to do the Asgore battle and the sodding Flowey bullshit battle again?

Bitter Brit wrote:

Question about getting the True ending:

On my playthrough, I was completely pacifist, and spared Asgore and Flowey. However, I dated Papyrus, but I didn't befriend Undyne. After beating the game, I went back and befriended Undyne, but when I went back to the hotel I didn't get the call that you are supposed to get. Does that mean I have to do the Asgore battle and the sodding Flowey bullshit battle again?
I think you just need an empty space in your inventory and go talk to her.

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