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RWBY General 2.0: A Fresh start

Last posted Jan 20, 2020 at 11:33PM EST. Added May 08, 2016 at 11:44AM EDT
1596 posts from 58 users

Saltuations! And welcome to the new RWBY General. Since the last one got locked down long ago and I don't really want to necro that one better if we start a new thread, right? As for start some rules above the site rules:

  • No ship wars
  • Do not insult others
    Pretty much that's all, for topics:
  • RWBY Chibis
  • Favourite Shipping
  • Favourite characters
  • Theories, within limits
  • Volume Predictions
    That's all for now, enjoy your stay!


It's a good show and I enjoy it. The action is great, animation can have some problems, but it's good and characters are fun and (mostly) likable or at least interesting.

My favorite characters have to be Ruby Rose (from team RWBY), Neo (for the villains, but Roman is great too shame that he is dead now ). My least favorite character has to be Adam "Around Faunus Never Relax" Taurus.

I don't know what would be my favorite ship, but I guess between Roman and Neo, since they work so well.

For me, Lancaster will be forever a name for a British World War 2-era bomber and nothing will convince me. (kinda related cause Ruby and Jaune pairing is named after that, which may cause confusion).

I honestly have no predictions for the next volume other than some characters may (or will) die. I'm letting myself to be surprised. I hope it will be better than Volume 3, which is really a high bar for the series.

Some Chibi thoughts: I think this is something like a chill pill after the roller coaster that was Volume 3.

Last edited May 08, 2016 at 12:12PM EDT

Alrighty then, well I guess I'll start off (If no one has ninja'd the first comment while I was typing this) by stating a theory that I had a little while ago:

During the entire run of RWBY, we're led to believe that it has a chess motif: We have a Queen (Cinder), a King (probably Salem), plus all those little chess pieces during initiation. The thing is, chess is an extremely rule-bound game, with obvious rules and pieces that do only what you want them to. This is fine for the "school" era of RWBY, where we know little about the outside world, and the characters only listen to the orders people give them. However, this is quite odd, since chess usually only has two sides: Black and White, which only represents part of team RWBY, and seems to go against part of the message they seem to be throwing out (To quote Blake, "There is no such thing as pure evil!)

Oddly enough, this corresponds to two of the main characters beliefs at the start of the series: Blake believed that the world needs to be changed, and that everyone else was just ignoring the obvious signs (Which is a rather morose outlook on life), while Weiss believed that certain people were pure evil and there's no way to save them (Which, oddly enough, is a rather pure way of thinking of it)

The only problem is, where do Ruby and Yang fit in?

Well, my friends, take a look at this (If I can still put images in threads. Sorry, I haven't used one before)

Red, White Yellow and Black

Four kings (The original maidens), as opposed to the two in chess.

Ruby was Ozpin's ace, kept hidden behind the facade of a new "queen" he was making.

TL:DR: RWBY is about cards, not chess, and we're going to see a lot more references to it in the future. This means pretty much nothing in the long run, but I thought it was kind of a cool thing to start with.

AAAnd multiple people ninja'd the first comments while I was typing that. I still haven't watched RWBY chibi. I, unfortunately, am not a sponsor. How long did the episode go on for? Is it just a short five minute thing, or is it a full length episode?

Rantam wrote:

AAAnd multiple people ninja'd the first comments while I was typing that. I still haven't watched RWBY chibi. I, unfortunately, am not a sponsor. How long did the episode go on for? Is it just a short five minute thing, or is it a full length episode?

It's a 3 minute episode with no plot, just cute/funny moments.

Also, if you're not a sponsor, and if you reeeeeeallly want to watch it.

Well, I can show it to you.

RamdomGuy2013 wrote:

It's a 3 minute episode with no plot, just cute/funny moments.

Also, if you're not a sponsor, and if you reeeeeeallly want to watch it.

Well, I can show it to you.

Sheet, Lord Gaben stole my liens, feels dirty but I really need to see it! I swear I'll get sponsor as soon as I get money!

Penny wrote:

Sheet, Lord Gaben stole my liens, feels dirty but I really need to see it! I swear I'll get sponsor as soon as I get money!

I know rigth…. I feel as if i just broke a rule from the Codex…Emperor Forgive me….

Yet to watch RWBY Chibi, but it looks adorable and I'll watch it when it's out (not a sponsor). I'm also real eager for Volume 4, so hopefully we don't have to wait so long.

One final thing: anyone here seen the Japanese dub of Volume 1? I've only seen like a clip or two, not counting the trailers.

Space Cowboy wrote:

Yet to watch RWBY Chibi, but it looks adorable and I'll watch it when it's out (not a sponsor). I'm also real eager for Volume 4, so hopefully we don't have to wait so long.

One final thing: anyone here seen the Japanese dub of Volume 1? I've only seen like a clip or two, not counting the trailers.

I know nothing. Therefore I am Jon Snow! Therefore I am dead! WAIT WHAT?!

Another topic, that cookie scene (some people might get it):

Space Cowboy wrote:

Yet to watch RWBY Chibi, but it looks adorable and I'll watch it when it's out (not a sponsor). I'm also real eager for Volume 4, so hopefully we don't have to wait so long.

One final thing: anyone here seen the Japanese dub of Volume 1? I've only seen like a clip or two, not counting the trailers.

I watched the first episode of the dub. Voice acting seemed solid. They have (at east from what I've gathered) up to V1 E5 on YouTube.

As for RWBY Chibi, I'm gonna have to wait until it goes public. From what I've seen (as in through gifs and photos) it looks good. The character design makes it more Western looking but still retains the animesque style of the show proper.

RWBY chibi has a more western, slap-stick humor to it. Even if it borrows its aesthetic from anime, yet the whole thing works as a whole, since chibis tend to be used in a lot of slap stick moments anyway.

As someone who watched it, I liked it. Though I'm waiting to see what other humor they have. A lot of physical comedy this time around, with the verbal comedy coming at the end.

Themilo wrote:

So….Who do we all think is next on the chopping board? I'm personally betting on one of the more minor villains like Emerald and Mercury.

I bet on Emerald, when she thinks it's over cause she betrays Cinder in hope of Redeeming arc she just gonna get killed by either Mercury or by some new ally of Cinder.

Themilo wrote:

So….Who do we all think is next on the chopping board? I'm personally betting on one of the more minor villains like Emerald and Mercury.

I hope I'm mistaken, but I have the feeling the next character to die will be Neo.

KnowYourLover wrote:

I hope I'm mistaken, but I have the feeling the next character to die will be Neo.

Very possible. Especially if she decides to go all murder vengeance on everybody. But i actualy kind of expect her to stick around for a very long time. Maybe even longer than Cinder(Who has all the makings of a disc one final boss).

Penny wrote:

I bet on Emerald, when she thinks it's over cause she betrays Cinder in hope of Redeeming arc she just gonna get killed by either Mercury or by some new ally of Cinder.

I actualy doubt Emerald is going to have a redemption arc. She seems more like a Wamuu esque "Honorable but loyal to a fault" esque villain.

Themilo wrote:

So….Who do we all think is next on the chopping board? I'm personally betting on one of the more minor villains like Emerald and Mercury.

Nora and/or Ren.
Because if we lose one of these two characters, we are going to feel. And we are going to feel hard. And it's clear that the writters want us to feel.

That and Miles is coming for our ships.
And now that Arkos and Partners in Cream are gone, Renora is without a doubt the biggest straight ship in the RWBY show.

Last edited May 08, 2016 at 06:49PM EDT

At last, a place to post all the weird RWBY fanfiction I find!

Anyway, I like RWBY a lot. The first season feels like more of a proof of concept than anything, but still enjoyable. One criticism I hear sometimes is that RWBY's story is just an excuse for fight scenes. That accusation only holds up for the early episodes, because the second season upped its game in terms of characterization and world-building. Still, I was frustrated by the slow pacing. For two seasons, they were implying that something big was coming, but it sure was taking its sweet time. And the character development, while better, only came in small jolts now and then.

Season three started out much like the second, with some good bits of character development and bunch of new cosplay-bait. Then, halfway through, it became a whole different show. In retrospect, as soon as Pyrrha came into Ozpin's office, nothing was the same again. "Fall" was like a warning that shit was about to get real. And real it got, a few episodes later. Cerebus Syndrome has a bad reputation, but sometimes, getting serious is exactly what the doctor ordered. RWBY is a prime example. For those last few episodes of season three, the character and plot development was coming fast and furious. The big terrible thing finally arrived and, Though it was disturbing to watch, it was also satisfying to see the stakes raised and the event live up to the hype. Those last few episodes of season three provided excellent storytelling and I haven't felt so invested in a show in a long time.

One thing I noticed about RWBY's shift in tone had to do with the contrast between character design and violence. Most of the characters are really cute, and for the first few seasons, the fighting consisted of fantasy violence. It was thrilling, but never realistic. Once the change was made, they started sprinkling in gruesome, realistic violence. The fights were still fantasy-based, but there was now the threat that one of those hits would land just right and kill/maim one of these cute characters we've come to love. Disturbing as it is, the increased brutality made the situation seem way more intense and showcased how much we've come to care about the characters. And it wasn't mindless violence either. Each one was carefully staged and the implications make you think carefully. I've gotten into more than one argument over what those deaths mean.

What I'd like to see in the next season: While going serious was a good thing for RWBY, I also hope it doesn't gain a constantly dark atmosphere, free of any comic relief. Maybe the first few episodes will throw some gags our way. Also, character development for Nora and Ren. Some people are bent out of shape over Lancaster, but I'm willing to give it chance if the writers go that route. While I'm sure the increase in Lancaster art lately is partially a way of soothing over the loss of Arkos, I think the main reason for its rise is because Rooster Teeth set it up so perfectly. Two attractive, presumable hormonal, teenagers, both hurting from loss and in need of comforting, go on a dangerous journey and spend every waking moment together, relying on each other for survival. Is it really so hard to imagine why people might ship them? If the writers take it slow and have the characters express initial guilt over becoming attracted to each other, it might work.

Lastly, RWBY Chibi is neat, but there's really not much to it yet. I'm not crazy about the character designs. Too doll-like. Still, I'll keep watching. Also, Ruby made a dick joke. Ha!

Teddy Sadcat wrote:

I finally decided to watch RWBY, and I watched all three volumes within 2 hours.

i regret everthin

On one, I'm happy somebody used this image on the other. Welcome to the depressed FNDM restplace, the RWBY thread. Want some……..

With some milk?

Themilo wrote:

I actualy doubt Emerald is going to have a redemption arc. She seems more like a Wamuu esque "Honorable but loyal to a fault" esque villain.

To be honest, I think Mercury would be more likely to switch sides than Emerald. Cinder seems to only control him by praise, which is something that pretty much anyone else can do. I wouldn't be surprised if he started to realize he was acting just like his father and decided to change himself for the better.

Emerald switching sides seems a bit too obvious (Although it's not like there hasn't been any obvious plot twists that we all were absolutely shocked over, anyway. I mean, we all saw Pyrrha coming, right?)

RamdomGuy2013 wrote:

It's a 3 minute episode with no plot, just cute/funny moments.

Also, if you're not a sponsor, and if you reeeeeeallly want to watch it.

Well, I can show it to you.

Oh god,I just watched it. I liked it and found it quite charming, but did anyone else hear the end credits song? I swear to god that they're mocking us now.

Rantam wrote:

Oh god,I just watched it. I liked it and found it quite charming, but did anyone else hear the end credits song? I swear to god that they're mocking us now.

Oh I bet they do! BTW this scene kinda answers few things about some of Ruby's weird requests from me.
Blake: "Ruby, can I have my book back?"
Ruby: "Later!"

Rantam wrote:

To be honest, I think Mercury would be more likely to switch sides than Emerald. Cinder seems to only control him by praise, which is something that pretty much anyone else can do. I wouldn't be surprised if he started to realize he was acting just like his father and decided to change himself for the better.

Emerald switching sides seems a bit too obvious (Although it's not like there hasn't been any obvious plot twists that we all were absolutely shocked over, anyway. I mean, we all saw Pyrrha coming, right?)

I could see that. Altough i kind of like the idea that Mercury doesn't change his ways. He just switches sides repeatedly based on whoever praises/rewards him the most at the moment.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the RWBY-ride since I finally hopped on a few (2?) months ago. Like with MLP, I joined 2-3 years after the ride first opened, but I still joined at a good point……right at the start of a hiatus. Ok, Volume 4 might not be out for a while, but at least I can catch up on 2+ years of fan-work and general fandom shenanigans in the meantime.

Chibi RWBY also came out, which should ease the wait. At least we finally know "Ninja's of Love" is indeed filth. I mean, a full fold-out of a katana; Scandalous! It was probably fresh from the blacksmith, too.

So I'm just asking this, but anyone here plays RWBY: Grimm Eclipse? My current machine I could fetch from some dead guy isn't the best, but planning on Upgrading. Probably at the end of this or the next month. Anyone interested in some Team Time?

Themilo wrote:

I could see that. Altough i kind of like the idea that Mercury doesn't change his ways. He just switches sides repeatedly based on whoever praises/rewards him the most at the moment.

Plot twist: Mercury is actually Gaius from FE:A. Give him a piece of candy (or a compliment) and he is yours forever. That is, until someone else can improve on your offer.

So I was thinking guys.

What is/are your most favourite weapon(s) from RWBY? For me above my own, Crescent and definietly Sun's Gun-chucks. Found Velvet's weapon kinda dissapointingly OP, not bad, just don't like people who steal my weapon's concept to use it as their own. "It's OC sis, Do not steal it for Dust's sake!"

Last edited May 09, 2016 at 04:18PM EDT

Penny wrote:

So I was thinking guys.

What is/are your most favourite weapon(s) from RWBY? For me above my own, Crescent and definietly Sun's Gun-chucks. Found Velvet's weapon kinda dissapointingly OP, not bad, just don't like people who steal my weapon's concept to use it as their own. "It's OC sis, Do not steal it for Dust's sake!"

Roman's Melodic Cudgel and Neo's Umbrella.

The perfect balance of deadly weapon and everyday object. And their one of few weapons of the show I can actually see myself using and kicking ass after a lot of training.

So. Guys. I wanted to ask. Lancaster.

First and foremost, I'm sorry for the Lancaster flood right after Pyrrha's death that I did. I did not take Pyrrha's death well. It was a dick move on my part, and I'm sorry for it.

But I wanted to know. Do you guys think RT will make Lancaster a canon ship? Like Neiss and Black Sun.

It's not about if you like the ship or not, and it's not about if it makes sense or when it's the right time for the ship to be a thing in the show.

Do you guys thing, that at some point of the story, maybe Volume 10 or 11, RT will make Lancaster a actual thing?

Or do you guys thing it will be nothing but a crack ship like it was back on Volume 2?

Last edited May 09, 2016 at 05:03PM EDT

You know what'd be cool? If RT somehow manages to throw this into the show in one form or another:

(And no, Cardin's douchewhisk doesn't count.)

A mace that belonged to Henry VIII. And the best part: It's also a gun. (A tri-barrel shotgun!)

Addendum: (Apparently he used roam the streets of London with it.)

Last edited May 09, 2016 at 05:37PM EDT

Penny wrote:

So I was thinking guys.

What is/are your most favourite weapon(s) from RWBY? For me above my own, Crescent and definietly Sun's Gun-chucks. Found Velvet's weapon kinda dissapointingly OP, not bad, just don't like people who steal my weapon's concept to use it as their own. "It's OC sis, Do not steal it for Dust's sake!"

Crescent Rose is my favourite by far but I also liked StormFlower (Ren) and Magnhild (Nora).

Penny wrote:

So I was thinking guys.

What is/are your most favourite weapon(s) from RWBY? For me above my own, Crescent and definietly Sun's Gun-chucks. Found Velvet's weapon kinda dissapointingly OP, not bad, just don't like people who steal my weapon's concept to use it as their own. "It's OC sis, Do not steal it for Dust's sake!"

My favorite weapons are probally Crescent Rose. Myrtenaster, and Unlimited Bunny Works. But that's only because they havent introduced anybody with a spear gun yet. All we have is Pyrrha's javelin, which isn't nearly as a cool as a spear.

Serious Rooster Teeth. The next volume really needs to add a cool spear user. Throw in a expy of Lancer or Yukimura Sanada or something. I NEED my speargun.

About weapons: I want to see some overused concept like sickle rifle. Or shotgun sword!
On sickle rifle combo: something like this weapon from Warframe just with a rifle built into it.

The sword shotgun combo: Well something like this flamesword.

Anyway about Lancaster. I feel like either Jaune or Ruby might not survive till that long to become lovers. Or they will find someone else.

Penny wrote:

About weapons: I want to see some overused concept like sickle rifle. Or shotgun sword!
On sickle rifle combo: something like this weapon from Warframe just with a rifle built into it.

The sword shotgun combo: Well something like this flamesword.

Anyway about Lancaster. I feel like either Jaune or Ruby might not survive till that long to become lovers. Or they will find someone else.

You asked for a shotgun sword?

(Yes, it's also a scythe.)

For me, as I have no shame. I don't have just a single ship, but an entire fleet!

Above these Of course, I also ship Bumblebee, White Rose, and the best threesome Frosen Steel (Weiss x Ruby x Penny)!

Last edited May 10, 2016 at 02:25AM EDT

Penny wrote:

For me, as I have no shame. I don't have just a single ship, but an entire fleet!

Above these Of course, I also ship Bumblebee, White Rose, and the best threesome Frosen Steel (Weiss x Ruby x Penny)!

>Frosen Metal
I Keep thinging of an Ice-themed Metalband With A Frozen Rose as thier logo…

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