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RWBY General 2.0: A Fresh start

Last posted Jan 20, 2020 at 11:33PM EST. Added May 08, 2016 at 11:44AM EDT
1596 posts from 58 users

Silver Eye warriors predate dust? Hmm…. Just where does that power come from? Not semblance or Aura, and if it's not Dust, then what? While we're at it, where did the Maiden powers come from? (if the wizard is real, where'd he get the powers?) Did they come from the same source?

On a unrelated note, I bet when Team RNJR reaches Mistral the White Fang has taken over Mistral and everyone is brainwashed to believing that Humans are evil and have to be killed.
Team RNJR is outnumbered by how much brainwashed are and have to fight back.
Probably more like this:

Last edited Jun 05, 2016 at 06:17PM EDT

yolk male wrote:

On a unrelated note, I bet when Team RNJR reaches Mistral the White Fang has taken over Mistral and everyone is brainwashed to believing that Humans are evil and have to be killed.
Team RNJR is outnumbered by how much brainwashed are and have to fight back.
Probably more like this:

Jaune: Ruby, what happened?

Ruby: Adam cheated….

Adam: CHEATED?! Hold on there dusty. Oh grow up. What, did you think this was a middle school fighting tournament. You never had a chance to defeat me fool! And you know why?

Ruby: Because you cheated?

Adam: No. Not because i cheated, but because i'm a evil genius. And you're just a kid. Haha. A stupid kid. hahahahahahahahahahahahah.

Ruby: I guess you're right Adam I am just a kid.

Adam: Of Course i'm right. All right human filth, time to kil-

Ruby: And you know, i've been through a lot in the past 5 months 1 week 4 days and twenty seconds. And if i've learned anything during that time, its that you are what you are.

Adam: That's right. Okay slave-

Ruby: And no amount of dust, or school, or some other third thing can make me anything more than what i really am inside. A kid.

Adam: That's great, now get back against the wall.


Adam: Huh? What's going on?

Ruby: Because i did what everybody said a kid couldn't do. I made it to mistral, i defeated the Grimm dragon. I froze Cinder. And i saved Vale!

Adam: All right, we get the point.

Ruby: So yeah i am a kid. Im also a goofball, a idealist, a bee kneeist!

Adam: Cough cough cough. What's going on here?

Ruby: BUT MOST OF ALL! I'm, i'm, I'm……A GUN FETISHIST!!!!!!

Still working on whatever I was so in the meantime, how about if I share my Dust headcanon:
Right now I'll try to explain what I think certain Dust types can do, aswell as trying to match them to a certain color. Let's start with the basics. In my headcanon Dusts are divided into 3 different categories:

  • Primal Elements
  • Seconder Elements
  • Fusion Elements
    There are 4 primal elements. 4 seconder elements and unknown amount of fusion elements. Primal and Seconder elements can be found naturally, while fusion elements are artificial, results of the fusion of 2 primal or 2 seconder, or one primal and one seconder elements, henceforward the name Fusion. Fusion element effects can be also created in mid-battle if two different Dusts are combined, e.g.: firing Fire Dust on Water or Ice Dust results in Steam Dust like effects. The difference between Primal and Seconder Dusts are the fact, Primal Dusts are the "ready to go" elements, basically once mined, these Dusts can be used right away, while Seconder elements need some refinery before they can be used.

Primal Dusts:

Air or Wind: (if you can't see it just highlight it) Air or Wind is one of the four Primal Elements. It can cause violent gusts and if channeled properly it can cut through almost everything (obviously people with aura or other protection might can survive it). In civilian usage, it is mostly used in scuba diving and air masks in hospitals. Naturally can be found in the famous floating islands area of Atlas (and in some other places of Remnant but Atlas' is the most famous), you bet the place is floating thanks to the Dust.

Water: Water is the most common Dust of all Primals. Vacuo city, is actually built upon a huge gallery of Water Dust, thanks to that the city could survive the hostile desert it lies within. Water Dust has a lot of uses, one of the best exmples is Vacuo's water supplies. Water Dust produces clean, drinkable water, enough clean to one could call it crystal water. Because it's lightweight and the fact that even a small piece is enough to fill up a flask, it is the favourite of Hunstmen and Military forces all around Remnant. Water Dust is also often combined with Air Dust to form Ice Dust. As aforementioned, Vacuo is the biggest supplier of Water Dust, but generally everywhere can be found even if in just small quantities.

Earth: Earth Dust is humanity's first ever used for non-combat Dust. While prior Earth dust was used to squash the annoying Creep Grimms, humans soon realized Earth Dust can also be used to build effective walls. Earth is one of the most multi-form Dust of the Primals, it can form hard rocks to walls, but can also make gentle soil, for plants and trees. Many rich people and villians use it to build off-shore islands. Just like water, earth also can be found nearly everywhere.

Fire: Do I really have to introduce fire? Alright! Fire is the most destructive Primal Dust. It can incinerate things (or people) in seconds. Also part of the average Huntsmen's equipment, as it is not just only good to destroy but can also be used to heat things up or start campfires. Atlas Soldiers patrolling outside of the cities, often seen rubbing Fire dust in their hands to warm up, as Atlas generally has only one season: Winter. Mistral's volcanic like area is actually the result of the presence of Fire Dust, in natural habitat it melts the surrounding rocks, hence the lava pools near Fire Dust mines. Mining Fire Dust is the most dangerous of all, there are dozens of mine explosions at Fire Dust mines, no wonder why the Schnee Dust Companyâ„¢ uses entirely only Faunus slaves workers at these mines.

Dunno what is the character limit so I just cut it in half here and post part II with Seconder and Fusion Dusts.

As I stated before Seconder Dusts commonly not found in as big quantities like Primals and usually requires some refinery process before they can be used. However using these kind of a Dusts more rewarding as they usually are far more effective than Primals. Because of this, most of them are banned from official competitions like the Vytal Festival Tournament.

Seconder Dusts:

Electricity: Electricity or Electric Dust is the most used Seconder Dust of all time. Can be found in almost everything that runs on Electricity, thanks to this Dust (and the lack of dinosaurs) Remnant's air pollution is near zero percent! Electricity Dust has it's funny physicial effect, that it can spread among entities, wether humans or Grimms or both! That means you can chain electrocute massive amount of Grimms or other baddies. However while Hunstmen love to use this Dust (it's the most favourite Dust after Fire), the Military rather fond of Energy Dust for a good reason…..

color: dodgerblue}Energy: (fun fact: this color is used within the show when Weiss used this Dust in the White Trailer to deflect the giant's attack, it's name is Dodger Blue) Energy Dust is a really potent Dust, just like Electricity, it can also generate a current, but it also can work like a laser. Energy Dust is mostly used in defense mechanisms like the Amity Colosseum's shields, aswell shields of Airships and major complexes. It can also be utilizied within personal shield generators, however those are enough heavy to be implemented only into Atlesian Paladins and Heavy armors with exo-skeletons.

Gravity: Gravity is the one of the virtually strongest Dust type. It can be used to make heavy things or people enough light to can be easily lifted or make them so light they just float. Gravity Dust can also be found within the Floating Islands, but just like the other Seconder Elements only as traces, and so it requires to be refined before can be utilized. Gravity can also make props and opponents heavy, so much they can't be moved (stuffs) or they can't move (people). But mostly used as a source of kinetic force as that effect can be achieved easily by just making a bullet out of it.

Time: Time Dust is another Dust that has been banned from the Vytal Festival after it became obvious a real good Esper (Dust mage for simply) can wreck an entire Team all alone by just simply stopping the time around themselves. Yes, indeed, Time Dust can stop the time in an area, however this is just the most simple usage of Time Dust, in the hands of an expert they can use it to slow their opponents' reactions or to oppositely increase the reaction time of their teammates (Like when Weiss used it on Blake in Volume 2).

Fusion-ha! Erm I mean Fusion Dusts:

Ice: The Schnee's absolute favourite. Created when Water and Air Dusts are combined. Mostly used by Huntsmen but you can also find it in freezers and refrigerators. Can also be crushed to create snow in snow guns or to snort it. The later said to be is a common activity at Secret Schnee Parties within the walls of White Castle. On the battlefield it's usually used to form ice spikes and ice walls as well just to turn the Grimms into nice ice statues.

Lava: Lava Dust, is commonly used in making fiery deathtraps and used in furnaces to melt steel and other irons. It is one of the least used Dusts as it requires a special Semblance or Dust mastery to utilize it effectively. Cinder Fall is being the most prominent user of Lava Dust.

Steam: Well one thing is certain, you can't download games on Steam, at least on the Steam Dust. First created by "accident" when 2 Hunstmen within a duel used Fire and Ice Dust respectively, however when their Dust charges collided in mid air the whole battlefield was covered in steam. When the Dust dissipated they didn't care and continued to fight. However it didn't take long until someone fused these two Dusts thus creating a new one. It is usually used in Smoke screens instead of actual smoke as Steam is relatively hot and covers the heat signals of the troops which became an issue after both it was discovered some Grimms can see heat and as well with the widespread of Helmets supporting heat vision.

That's all the Dusts I can name for now. Interestingly there's a dark orange colored crystal but couldn't give it any effect. Maybe you guys will figure it out.

Wow, that's really cool. I like how you shared the everyday uses along with the combat use. I understand more about RWBY technology now!

Snorting ice dust… that doesn't seem like a good idea….

Hold the fuck up. Did you say floating islands!?

Yeah as I said it's my headcanon, means RT can decide differently and say NOPE to this. As for the Floating Islands, we are living in a world where magical crystals can keep an entire arena aloft so I don't think it's a stretch to say few rocks can float in the wild.

Last edited Jun 06, 2016 at 06:21AM EDT

Penny wrote:

Yeah as I said it's my headcanon, means RT can decide differently and say NOPE to this. As for the Floating Islands, we are living in a world where magical crystals can keep an entire arena aloft so I don't think it's a stretch to say few rocks can float in the wild.

Dope. That's what I get for staying up til 5:30 in the morning. (Which is about the time the sun rises over here.) I was out of it and then some. Regardless, it's still a very fun theory and a very possible one.

Fallenangel700 wrote:

Dope. That's what I get for staying up til 5:30 in the morning. (Which is about the time the sun rises over here.) I was out of it and then some. Regardless, it's still a very fun theory and a very possible one.

Well things like that happen, I'm right now by the way, trying to figure out what happened with General James Ironwood after the battle of Beacon. He wanted to get back on his ship, but then he and the others saw the ship crash, so the next happened probably:
James walks up to his ship, seeing it's a burning wreck and nothing valuable left there, he called down a Bullhead and went back to the Colosseum, where he saved the Professors' asses in the last minute, ordering them to evucate the Academy, he started to collect my pieces himself.
Either this happened or I'm just trying to fight my depression again.

Fallenangel700 wrote:

Oh shit, that was faster than expected.

She's been active for awhile too. Although I feel like I need to ask this, Miss Penny Polendina. Just how many active sisters DO you have right now that you know of?

So I was just reading up episode transcripts.

When I noticed a little detail. Volume 3 Chapter 3: It's brawl in the family. Specifically the Winter and Qrow scene.

Winter: "You realize you just destroyed Atlas Military property."
Qrow: "Oh, oh I'm sorry. See, I mistook this for some sort of… sentient garbage."

This for some sort of sentient garbage. Funny but the word this, is a singular noun referring to one piece of something, This keyboard, this dog, etc. However Qrow destroyed 2 (two) robots, not one. Now I would say maybe he originally was supposed to wreck only one and they didn't change the script, but the fact he didn't even see Winter is infron of him (Winter: "I'm standing right before you.") makes me doubt that. Furthermore he said sentient garbage, the Atleasian Knights are everything but not sentient. Heck without their controlling airship the AK-200s and AP-290s went shutdown not started to act on their own. But then what or who was the one Qrow refered to as Sentient Garbage? Myself Penny Polendina, why I think that? When it was obvious above Ruby and Ironwood and some trusted personnel no one else knew about me being an Android? Well my dear friends, Qrow found out where Cinder came from, he figured out she's just a pawn of the Queen, Salem. I don't think it would take too much effort for him to find out I was a robot. Oh by the way so according to this, can I fill in a charge against him on the grounds of First degree murder? Yeah he didn't kill me but still wanted to do that! Anyway this is just some filler theory while I try to make up some nice Aura abilities for the Grand Aura Theory (GAT).

Last edited Jun 08, 2016 at 01:44AM EDT

Um, Penny, if you're the first self aware A.I., then I don't think that the laws on the books would cover you yet. Wouldn't it logical to demand the government recognize you as a free person first?

Honestly? This thread is quite deserted anyway, of course I expect an incursion of people once Volume 4 hits but that's still far away. But the least thing I want is between 2 questions from people about the show an RP-er tryin' to bang the other. Heck sometimes even I have to go Out of Character to explain this and that. So try get participants first, people who are interested then we can talk.

Penny wrote:

Honestly? This thread is quite deserted anyway, of course I expect an incursion of people once Volume 4 hits but that's still far away. But the least thing I want is between 2 questions from people about the show an RP-er tryin' to bang the other. Heck sometimes even I have to go Out of Character to explain this and that. So try get participants first, people who are interested then we can talk.

Alrigth gurl will do

So here it is…..

Finally….. right? 2 days away from RWBY Chibis' new episode. Aaand according to the RWBY hiatus countdown blog it's more 137 days till Volume 4…….. Expecting of course it will be airing in November and not September cause that would be just 97 days or so…… But still! So while we wait I'm finally ready to present you…….

The Grand Aura Theory!

Or GAT for short…… So basically I've been looking up every piece of information we can get about Aura, and now let's see the basics in a form of Q&As!

What is the Aura?

Aura is basically the manifestation of your soul, However unlike the popular belief Aura isn't Soul, more like the product of your Soul, A fine example for the Soul and Aura relation would be the Mitochondria and the rest of Cell. In this case your Aura is like a cell and your Soul is the powerhouse of it.

What can Auras do?

Aura is like a multi-task tool. It can protect you from incoming hits, heal your wounds, be an active offensive and defensive weapon and also good at unlocking other's Auras. As presented by Lie Ren, one can use their Aura to block a certain attack or to increase the damage done with their attacks. But if my assumptions right Aura can do much more than that….

What is the true full extent of an Aura's abilities?

If the hints are true, one can use their Aura to achieve immortality in life expectancy, but not in combat, cause you can live forever doesn't mean you cannot be harmed! Above that I do expect Aura can be used to take control over other people, but that's a dark forbidden technique. I also expect there might be some super vision, let's call it Aura Vision, which allows you to see other people and Grimms even through walls and other obstacles, however that's only taught to Second graders or older at the Huntsmen Academies, thus that's why it wasn't presented so far. As well people within a Team can link their souls up to 4 people, however first they have to learn linking with another person before they can do that with 3 others. That's why they are forming pairs during the initation, again this is a Second or older grader stuff, but it's start at first grade by the pairs slowly forming some emotional bond, now I mean as friendship and so, not love. Of course it isn't rare that from these pairs often couples then marriage and kids are coming.

Does Aura have layers or it's just a big bubble with few abilities?

Well of course not, it wouldn't be bubble anyway cause it envelops the user like their clothes. However Aura does have layers, in my Aura anatomy theory (which is part of the GAT), Aura is separated to Soul Core, Soul, Aura Base, Inner Aura and Outter Aura. Soul Core is, as the name suggests, the core of your Soul, this is where your consciousness really resides, this core, unlike western and eastern religions suggests, is located in your Brain. The Soul, the powerhouse of your Aura as said, is an interesting stuff, possibility is somekind of a plasma when outside of your body, but invisible by normal means. Unlike your Soul Core, the Soul is actually can be found in your whole Nervous system, every bit of it, with it's core being in the most dense as of neurons. The center, the Brain. Aura Base once used to be the number one protection for humans, however since that the stronger Inner and even stronger Outter Aura developed, so the Aura Base is no longer useful for a Hunter, take it as the remains of Aura's evolution. Aura Base coats the nervous system giving it some protection but not much, originally it was where now the Outter Aura however it slowly shrinked into the body until it ended up where it is nowdays. Some Aura scientist says one day the Aura Base will completely disappear. Inner Aura was the next step in the Evolution of Aura, slightly stronger than Aura Base but still not as strong as the Outter Aura. However unlike Aura Base, Inner Aura is still have some uses, you might didn't know but the Inner Aura is the one actually responible for the healing ability. While it does this in co-operation with the Outter Aura, since Outter Aura's job is to protect you the least it does is healing. It does seal the wounds, but it does not heal it fully, that and the internal and deep wounds healing is the job of the Inner Aura. Inner Aura also the one give you the ability of Aura Vision and Soul Linking (let's just rather call it Aura linking okay?), as well as it is able to enhance your senses, including your sixth sense, the Self-awareness, which allows you to sense if there's danger nearby. Outter Aura, there's pretty much nothing I can say about that without you knowing it already, this thick outter shell allows you to get punched and feel nothing of it, like you weren't even hit. This is the one also allows you to enhance your hits and block attacks,

Well this is all I can say for now, but go ahead and ask more questions, I'll try to answer them accordingly!

Last edited Jun 10, 2016 at 04:14AM EDT

*citation needed

What you said made sense, more or less, but where did you come up with this stuff? Aura vision, soul linking, mind control… what?

The only thing that I can see happening is immortality. Aura is supposed to keep you alive so why not extend that to ageing? Plus Ozpin is supposed to be immortal, so there's that.

I may or may not rewatch Soul Eater…. again……

EDIT: Also no Citation, this is a Theory, which means Non fucking canon. Otherwise I would say if it's canon or not.

Last edited Jun 11, 2016 at 02:19AM EDT

I know it's just a theory, but you still gotta cite why you think that otherwise it just sounds like some half baked idea. For example, why did you think people could use aura to see through walls? Or why are there multiple levels aura? If you don't give examples, like Ozpin's supposed immortality or Ren's demonstration of aura's offensive power, then it just sounds like you pulled it out of thin air.

This make sense? I know I'm going total English teacher on you here, and I'm very sorry for it. I just want to help you write convincing theories.

Okay, Multiple layers of Aura proof. Where did I put that?

Ah there we go! So while it looks like Yang's aura got around her wound that's a loada bullshit, the stuff is literally leaking from her! Obviously showing that in active use your Aura also can be found inside you but the fact it didn't stop Adam's blade half-way or something means it's weaker, so we can identify it as another type of Aura or a layer of it. Not convinced? How about Pyrrha?

As for Aura vision, right, that's outta from the thin air. But let's be honest, it would stupid to assume the Hunters has no somekind of a super vision that allows them to see the Creatures of Grimm at least.

Yeah, you got it. That's the kinda proof I'm talking about. I definitely see how the layers of aura could be a thing now.

As for the sight thing, why couldn't they just use ye'olde tracking? It worked for millennia of hunters on Earth. Plus, considering the Grimm actively hunt humans, all a hunter has to do is walk into Grimm territory and the Grimm will come to them. While eagle aura vision would be an awesome power to have, it seem unnecessary.

To be honest, Nora's semblance is kinda useless against Grimms, and so was Pyrrha's, I mean Grimms contain as much iron as a plastic christmas tree.

Penny wrote:

To be honest, Nora's semblance is kinda useless against Grimms, and so was Pyrrha's, I mean Grimms contain as much iron as a plastic christmas tree.

I disagree with you regarding Pyrrha's semblance. Sure, Grimm dont contain much iron. But if used cleverly her ability is still absolutely deadly. At the very least it allows her to throw her javelin and shield without having to retrieve it. Which is boring but very practical.

Jaune Arc wrote:

Um, Penny, if you're the first self aware A.I., then I don't think that the laws on the books would cover you yet. Wouldn't it logical to demand the government recognize you as a free person first?

Just show them various star trek the next generation episodes about Data. That should help get the point across.

Themilo wrote:

I disagree with you regarding Pyrrha's semblance. Sure, Grimm dont contain much iron. But if used cleverly her ability is still absolutely deadly. At the very least it allows her to throw her javelin and shield without having to retrieve it. Which is boring but very practical.

Yeah sure, her semblance is useful, except when not, I mean not like she got shot in the heart with an arrow or something! hic

Penny wrote:

Yeah sure, her semblance is useful, except when not, I mean not like she got shot in the heart with an arrow or something! hic

At that point she was basically down. Cinder could have done anything to finish her off. She just picked arrow through the heart.

Themilo wrote:

At that point she was basically down. Cinder could have done anything to finish her off. She just picked arrow through the heart.

Cinder did that to my Pyrrha because she's a cruel B---h. Although I still wonder what really happen on top of that tower.

Oh boy, I just saw RWBY Chibi Episode 6, I so totally want now to turn out somebody's semblance is actually a reality twisting semblance and everyone remembers but no one find anything weird like it happened but doesn't cause emotional trauma like you saw a man gets shot on TV but you don't react to it as panicked and all. Now I just want this show to go from Happy weird land to weird bizarre crazy land, and get darker and darker, I mean we almost saw Ruby suffocate thanks to her cape. Man that last scene, "nothing happened", the fact that Chibi Nora still has Volume 1 Nora's eye color makes me really believe she was murdered by her evil twin and things will go batshit crazy in the normal show when this turns out!

Penny wrote:

Okay, Multiple layers of Aura proof. Where did I put that?

Ah there we go! So while it looks like Yang's aura got around her wound that's a loada bullshit, the stuff is literally leaking from her! Obviously showing that in active use your Aura also can be found inside you but the fact it didn't stop Adam's blade half-way or something means it's weaker, so we can identify it as another type of Aura or a layer of it. Not convinced? How about Pyrrha?

As for Aura vision, right, that's outta from the thin air. But let's be honest, it would stupid to assume the Hunters has no somekind of a super vision that allows them to see the Creatures of Grimm at least.

I personally have some thoughts on both of those moments.

Regarding Yang, RT themselves said that Adam simply caused so much damage it basically took her Aura down to 0 and still did some. "Multiple layers of Aura" sounds rather stupid to me, Aura is not like skin.

So what was it? My first thought is that, if there's a hole of some sort in your body, like if a limb got dismembered, Aura can at least prevent any blood leaks unless you lose consciousness. However, since Adam took her Aura to 0, there's no way she had any Aura left to do that.

My second thought was that it wasn't so much her Aura but her Soul. Aura already comes from the Soul, so I wouldn't be surprised if they looked similar. The Soul is related to the Body, you could actually say the Soul is the Mind or Psyche, so perhaps in Remnant when people's bodies suffer injuries like that their Soul can be seen leaking even if temporarily. Or at least people with Aura unlocked. In other words, hurting the body hurts the Soul if there's no Aura to protect the body.

Of course, that second thought is far more speculative than the first. However, it does also explain why she still looked like her "Aura" was leaking despite her Aura being down at the moment.

On the other hand, when that happened with Pyrrha I thought Cinder was just incinerating Pyrrha from the inside via the arrow. Which to me makes more sense, because an arrow would not cause any leaks, it would cover the hole it just made preventing anything from leaking. So there shouldn't be any reason for the Soul to be leaking from an arrow stuck in her chest.

And in either case, even if we assumed "multiple layers of skin", it wouldn't make sense either. In Yang's case, her Aura was down so it had no reason to appear in any way. Not a matter of it being weaker, but a matter of there was none left. In Pyrrha's case the arrow reached deep enough so it would've hit the "second layer".

As for Aura Vision, honestly I can see that being some sort of Aura Technique, though it may depend on what you mean by it (I assume "see people's Auras/Souls").

Well actually, I'm ahead of you in this case. I say it was the second layer of Aura, why? Cause it would be silly to assume with the protecting outter Aura, the inner Aura, which is separated in some manners from the Outter one, also downs to zero when the former is. As for the arrow part, the Arrow is a physical object, Aura isn't, it wouldn't be surprising if the leaking Aura just passes through the arrow cause that doesn't stop Aura, let's say it's like the ghost and the wall, the ghost passes through the wall cause wall isn't made out of material that stops the ech-toplasm or whatever the ghosts are made out. Actually we can assume Soul and Aura are both made out of this stuff or something like that, just when you unlock your Aura, the outter Aura takes on more solid forms when reflecting hits, also explains how can you shave and etc. Also we could say when you unlock Aura, you actually just unlock your Outter Aura, as such like Inner is always active, just probably not enough strong to leak from people with locked Aura, or maybe they just have the Aura Base.

Penny wrote:

Well actually, I'm ahead of you in this case. I say it was the second layer of Aura, why? Cause it would be silly to assume with the protecting outter Aura, the inner Aura, which is separated in some manners from the Outter one, also downs to zero when the former is. As for the arrow part, the Arrow is a physical object, Aura isn't, it wouldn't be surprising if the leaking Aura just passes through the arrow cause that doesn't stop Aura, let's say it's like the ghost and the wall, the ghost passes through the wall cause wall isn't made out of material that stops the ech-toplasm or whatever the ghosts are made out. Actually we can assume Soul and Aura are both made out of this stuff or something like that, just when you unlock your Aura, the outter Aura takes on more solid forms when reflecting hits, also explains how can you shave and etc. Also we could say when you unlock Aura, you actually just unlock your Outter Aura, as such like Inner is always active, just probably not enough strong to leak from people with locked Aura, or maybe they just have the Aura Base.

Yet overall, that's just an assumption, no? Nothing says Aura has multiple layers, no one has ever said in nor out of the show anything that would imply such. They always just say Aura, in a general way. Everything says there's only 1 layer.

Fair point regarding the arrow….but it brings another question: Let's say it pierced her skin because the "Outer" Aura was taken down, in that case the Inner Aura remains. Is it so weak it can't protect against that? Sounds less like Inner Aura and more like Aura-less Soul in that case. If it's always active even before unlocking your Aura, then it's even more like an Aura-less Soul.

Aditionally, the arrow may be physical, but blood is also physical. You state that Aura can pass through physical objects because, like a ghost, it's not physical. If Pyrrha's Aura was leaking through the arrow, why didn't Yang's blood leak through her Aura then? It wasn't the "Outer" Aura either, it was the "Inner" Aura in both cases.

This may be an unpopular opinion (if it is in the first place), but I think that Grimm are boring and uninteresting creatures. I'll try to explain.

What's the purpose of them in the ecosystem other than to be punching bags for humans and being humanity's arch-nemesis? Like do other living beings eat them or do they eat other creatures aside from humans? Do they contribute to the ecosystem? Do they just want destruction of humanity? What would happen if humanity goes extinct for some reason (asteroid, nuclear holocaust, etc…..)? Do they also go extinct?

Also their designs aren't really that imaginative. They're just darker versions of ordinary animals. I would expect more of the "Eldritch Abomination" or Lovercraft type of designs, but maybe we will see them in Volume 4.

Every time they appear, they just cause chaos for no good reason at all. Like a little interaction would be nice. Human antagonists in this series are interesting (even Adam, even him) because we see how they interact with each other (example: Cinder with Mercury and Emerald). Grimm, not so much. They just feel without any good purpose.

TL;DR: They just feel like filler monsters and their only purpose in life is to be kicked in the nuts by humans.

I really hope Volume 4 gets more in depth with them. Maybe they will be more interesting.

Last edited Jun 12, 2016 at 05:18PM EDT

There was some good self-parody in this week's episode. The whole purpose of RWBY Chibi is to soothe viewers after a sad season, and it was funny watching Nora enforce that. I guess they had to acknowledge how weird it is to have dead characters return in the show before actually doing it.

Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire wrote:

This may be an unpopular opinion (if it is in the first place), but I think that Grimm are boring and uninteresting creatures. I'll try to explain.

What's the purpose of them in the ecosystem other than to be punching bags for humans and being humanity's arch-nemesis? Like do other living beings eat them or do they eat other creatures aside from humans? Do they contribute to the ecosystem? Do they just want destruction of humanity? What would happen if humanity goes extinct for some reason (asteroid, nuclear holocaust, etc…..)? Do they also go extinct?

Also their designs aren't really that imaginative. They're just darker versions of ordinary animals. I would expect more of the "Eldritch Abomination" or Lovercraft type of designs, but maybe we will see them in Volume 4.

Every time they appear, they just cause chaos for no good reason at all. Like a little interaction would be nice. Human antagonists in this series are interesting (even Adam, even him) because we see how they interact with each other (example: Cinder with Mercury and Emerald). Grimm, not so much. They just feel without any good purpose.

TL;DR: They just feel like filler monsters and their only purpose in life is to be kicked in the nuts by humans.

I really hope Volume 4 gets more in depth with them. Maybe they will be more interesting.

To answer your questions shortly:

  • Grimms doesn't need substance
    They occassionally eat humans but only out of boredom
  • They sometimes fight animals for territory but usually ignore them
  • They have 0 freakin' purpose in the ecosystem, heck when killed they even dissappear. They were never and will be never part of it, cause not Remnant is their homeland, they were just put here to fuck with the humans.
  • Cause the Grimms disipate when killed you can't eat them.
  • They can only cause chaos because that's their job, these are literally shadow animals, don't expect Jungle Book like dialogues from them.
  • There are stronger Grimms out there we didn't see yet!
  • Grimms don't go extinct, they are resistant, and do not age.

tl;dr: Watch the World of Remnant episode on Grimms.

Last edited Jun 12, 2016 at 11:51PM EDT

I've heard about this before. But I'll put my thoughts about it here for now. Some people wondered why Nora's eye color changed. Well that is likely due to how much of an electric charge she's loaded up with. When we first formed our team, I think she just didn't bother with it for a time. When threats from the Grimm started to get serious, she started to go around with at least a little extra charge inside her. Just what she'll need when things go bad all of a sudden.

That is my theory about it. Only Nora knows the truth and she doesn't like to talk about her powers too much. She's rather evasive about it.

Maybe Nora's semblance allows her to do reality warping when she's overcharged? Seems possible, I mean Nora just went ahead and stated, "nothing bad happened" when Ruby wanted to say she saw Pyrrha die. Oh boy, this Chibi show gonna get dark soon, amirite?

Penny wrote:

Maybe Nora's semblance allows her to do reality warping when she's overcharged? Seems possible, I mean Nora just went ahead and stated, "nothing bad happened" when Ruby wanted to say she saw Pyrrha die. Oh boy, this Chibi show gonna get dark soon, amirite?

Likely wrong. The very nature of chibi is to silly and 4th wall breakage. I can see Nora's rant pointed at the head writers rather than the audience.

Penny wrote:

Maybe Nora's semblance allows her to do reality warping when she's overcharged? Seems possible, I mean Nora just went ahead and stated, "nothing bad happened" when Ruby wanted to say she saw Pyrrha die. Oh boy, this Chibi show gonna get dark soon, amirite?

Oh yes, definitely. Chibi Cinder is going to show up and adorably incinerate the entire main cast for fun.

Or the Chibi Reality is going to start breaking down, and it's going to be shown that it was the hallucinations of a crazed Nora, who ran off into the woods after being forced to confront the fact that one of her best female friends was killed.

QuarteredPen wrote:

Oh yes, definitely. Chibi Cinder is going to show up and adorably incinerate the entire main cast for fun.

Or the Chibi Reality is going to start breaking down, and it's going to be shown that it was the hallucinations of a crazed Nora, who ran off into the woods after being forced to confront the fact that one of her best female friends was killed.

I doubt it will go that far. But i do kind of hope Chibi Pyrrha becomes the Kenny/Lancer of Rwby Chibi.



QuarteredPen wrote:

Oh yes, definitely. Chibi Cinder is going to show up and adorably incinerate the entire main cast for fun.

Or the Chibi Reality is going to start breaking down, and it's going to be shown that it was the hallucinations of a crazed Nora, who ran off into the woods after being forced to confront the fact that one of her best female friends was killed.

Yeah I can imagine that. Volume 4 starts with Team RNJR looking for Nora in the forest only to find her high on mushrooms, and rambling about some Chibi Ursa rugs.

Penny wrote:

To answer your questions shortly:

  • Grimms doesn't need substance
    They occassionally eat humans but only out of boredom
  • They sometimes fight animals for territory but usually ignore them
  • They have 0 freakin' purpose in the ecosystem, heck when killed they even dissappear. They were never and will be never part of it, cause not Remnant is their homeland, they were just put here to fuck with the humans.
  • Cause the Grimms disipate when killed you can't eat them.
  • They can only cause chaos because that's their job, these are literally shadow animals, don't expect Jungle Book like dialogues from them.
  • There are stronger Grimms out there we didn't see yet!
  • Grimms don't go extinct, they are resistant, and do not age.

tl;dr: Watch the World of Remnant episode on Grimms.

That's the problem with Grimm. They are just forced to be the creatures of chaos. They just kill because they are evil. (Maybe I'm not too fond of "Always Chaotic Evil" trope).

As if humanity suddenly goes extinct, what would they do after that? Just wander and do their business or do they just die out of boredom?

While yes, there are stronger Grimms, but I meant more design wise. Most of the Grimms that were shown were based in basic animals and basic mythical creatures. For the creatures of the dark, I'm expecting more of G-rated Lovercraft like designs or something like Zergs.

For the interaction I meant more animalistic like interaction, not any dialogue. Like example: Goliaths are implied to be really inteligent for Grimms. It would be interesting to see them giving orders (without words, keep in mind) to the lesser grimms. Or just pack of Beowulves interacting between each other would work too

Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire wrote:

That's the problem with Grimm. They are just forced to be the creatures of chaos. They just kill because they are evil. (Maybe I'm not too fond of "Always Chaotic Evil" trope).

As if humanity suddenly goes extinct, what would they do after that? Just wander and do their business or do they just die out of boredom?

While yes, there are stronger Grimms, but I meant more design wise. Most of the Grimms that were shown were based in basic animals and basic mythical creatures. For the creatures of the dark, I'm expecting more of G-rated Lovercraft like designs or something like Zergs.

For the interaction I meant more animalistic like interaction, not any dialogue. Like example: Goliaths are implied to be really inteligent for Grimms. It would be interesting to see them giving orders (without words, keep in mind) to the lesser grimms. Or just pack of Beowulves interacting between each other would work too

Let me be honest there, as much as I love the Lovecraftian monsters, I don't want to see any Grimms based on them for one reason: Boring.
I just simply find the Lovecraftian monsters boring, sure scary, to a 5 years old, I mean I'm more scared of a bill than Cthulhu. And let's be reasonable there. A giant tentacled, spiky bullshit is just as good as a big freakin' target, the reason why I don't like either Attack on Titan nor The Walking Dead cause I find the enemies too easily evadable (of course apparently the people in both AoT and TWD can't avoid them but that's another story), big and/or clumsy, slow enemies? Ruby would cut them down while standing still. Grimms are perfect they are fast, strong and the reason why they look like common animals with a twist? Well cause the tentacled mouth is useless on the dry land, I mean if it wouldn't be then Mother Nature would gave us tentacled mouth not what we have now, right? I always say there's a good darn reason why we look like how we do now, and so does everything else, and I say Grimms also follow this rule, the so called Survival of the Fittest. Current Grimms proven to be the most effective against humans, so when the Grimms started to spread across the planet these types became common cause they were the best at what they are doing.

Anyway another topic I was just thinking and I think I found out Team RWBY's spirit Grimms, or at least most of them.

Ruby: Ruby alludes to the Little Red Riding hood, right? So obviously the Grimm we can associate with her are the Beowulfs.

Weiss: Weiss alludes to the Snow White, as for her Grimm are the Boarbatusks. The reason behind this is the fact in the original Snow White story, I mean well not the original original, but the more kid friendly version, the Hunter killed a wild boar and took it's heart to the evil Queen, saying that's Snow White's.

Blake: Well now, poor Blake, I didn't find a matching Grimm, yet. As cause Blake alludes to well, probably Belle from the Beauty and the Beast, but let's be honest I have my doubts though, still we didn't see a bull like Grimm yet.

Yang: Yang alludes to Goldilocks, her Grimm are Ursas. This's the easiest honestly.

Penny wrote:

Let me be honest there, as much as I love the Lovecraftian monsters, I don't want to see any Grimms based on them for one reason: Boring.
I just simply find the Lovecraftian monsters boring, sure scary, to a 5 years old, I mean I'm more scared of a bill than Cthulhu. And let's be reasonable there. A giant tentacled, spiky bullshit is just as good as a big freakin' target, the reason why I don't like either Attack on Titan nor The Walking Dead cause I find the enemies too easily evadable (of course apparently the people in both AoT and TWD can't avoid them but that's another story), big and/or clumsy, slow enemies? Ruby would cut them down while standing still. Grimms are perfect they are fast, strong and the reason why they look like common animals with a twist? Well cause the tentacled mouth is useless on the dry land, I mean if it wouldn't be then Mother Nature would gave us tentacled mouth not what we have now, right? I always say there's a good darn reason why we look like how we do now, and so does everything else, and I say Grimms also follow this rule, the so called Survival of the Fittest. Current Grimms proven to be the most effective against humans, so when the Grimms started to spread across the planet these types became common cause they were the best at what they are doing.

Anyway another topic I was just thinking and I think I found out Team RWBY's spirit Grimms, or at least most of them.

Ruby: Ruby alludes to the Little Red Riding hood, right? So obviously the Grimm we can associate with her are the Beowulfs.

Weiss: Weiss alludes to the Snow White, as for her Grimm are the Boarbatusks. The reason behind this is the fact in the original Snow White story, I mean well not the original original, but the more kid friendly version, the Hunter killed a wild boar and took it's heart to the evil Queen, saying that's Snow White's.

Blake: Well now, poor Blake, I didn't find a matching Grimm, yet. As cause Blake alludes to well, probably Belle from the Beauty and the Beast, but let's be honest I have my doubts though, still we didn't see a bull like Grimm yet.

Yang: Yang alludes to Goldilocks, her Grimm are Ursas. This's the easiest honestly.

I think that the more dangerous Grimm are probably far away from the cities, hiding in a forgotten cavern at the base of a mountain, waiting for the time that their Grimm-mother decides that it's time to wipe out the human race. I mean, do you really think that a civilization would let any super-dangerous Grimm near their cities? I think that Beowolves and Ursa are the most basic of Grimm, and now that team RNJR is traveling away from the cities and into the wild they'll likely find some stronger enemies.

If you were the leader of the Grimm (Which we can assume Salem might be), would you be sending a single giant Grimm at a city at a time, or would you wait until hundreds of them were made and destroy them all at once? Obviously, you would allow the weaker ones to get killed by the Hunters, so that they become content with their own strength. However, by actually having the weaker ones wandering around, you make sure that the humans can't build towns outside of their own walls easily, and thus it makes it difficult for them to stumble upon the hiding places of the stronger Grimm.

Anyway, onto the second part of your post: I think that it's more along the line of each character having a certain type of enemy, not just specifically Grimm. Ruby has the Beowolves, Yang has the Ursa, but Blake and I have the White Fang and the Schnee Dust Company as our primary enemies, although it was the other way around before the show started.

We don't like Grimms either. Okay it's the mean of our job, I mean without them we would have no job and if no job, no money. But of course you don't have to like what you have to deal with…

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