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Drawfriend Stuff

Last posted Sep 17, 2013 at 12:32AM EDT. Added Jun 02, 2013 at 03:26AM EDT
106 posts from 38 users

Okay, this time I don't have a drawing on hand, but I decided to put up a list of the stuff I'm going to draw at one point or another, especially since it's the second page.

My week long vacation is winding to an end, so I have no idea how much I can draw when I start working again, so I'll come back to this thread when I have new stuff to share, but in the meantime, try not to add too much to the pile of stuff that needs to be done.

Here's the stuff I'm planning on drawing so far.

- Ork Warboss with "Top Boss" hat for Ric.
(The setting was a bit too complicated and time consuming, so I'll leave it out, and do what I can.)

- Reimu for Natsuru.
(I'll try to use a bit more time on this than others, but since you wanted a possible avatar picture, I can't just whip it up in a minute.)

- Richard/Warlock for Viuff.
(Dunno about the duck. Wut?)

- Dancing Vegeta and Nappa for Ann.
(You know, I'm pretty tempted to draw Vegeta "Galo Sengen" style because of the dancing theme, just for the lulz, but I'm not sure if I should. Hah.)

- ZoTE Anubis for Sam.
(I'll do this one if turns out good enough. The concept it pretty cool though.)

- Moomin and a Pikmin for Quantum.


I'm not exactly sure if I'll be able to draw your request, but I'll definitely at least try at some point. If it turns out good enough, I'll post it, but for now, I'll give it an upvote for approval, and move it to same cathegory as the pics intended for Ric and Natsuru. Complicated, but not impossible.

Okay, I've got some free time again, so I'll see if I can get a few more requests done.

Could you please draw My current profile picture (of a blue pikmin) meeting a Moomin? I’d like to see you draw one of those!

draw me a duck but not any duck no! i want THE duck of 1000 truth… next to Lord Ashendale A.K.A Richard Chief Warlock of the Brothers of Darkness, Lord of the Thirteen Hells, Master of the Bones, Lord of the Dance, Emperor of the Black, Lord of the Undead, Mistress of Magma and mayor of a little village up the coast

also known as dick (or little dick)

Muumi wrote:

draw me a duck but not any duck no! i want THE duck of 1000 truth… next to Lord Ashendale A.K.A Richard Chief Warlock of the Brothers of Darkness, Lord of the Thirteen Hells, Master of the Bones, Lord of the Dance, Emperor of the Black, Lord of the Undead, Mistress of Magma and mayor of a little village up the coast

also known as dick (or little dick)

>look in thread
>see new drawing
>leaking liquid pride

Well, thank you, Muumi. That's quite some fine skill right there.

I'm actually trying to draw some stuff now, a bit of Pokémon and stuff for practice… Maybe I should open a drawing thread?

For now I'll keep the drawing and consider putting it as my profile pic later on…

(Goddamnit, now I've just thought of making the joke "Are you Finnish yet?", gah, oh well.)

Last edited Jun 24, 2013 at 03:05AM EDT

draw a black plague doctor (one as my profile picture) of crimson color
with fire in his hands.look for black plague doctor in the internet for some ideas.
also keep doin a great job! .

Last edited Jun 28, 2013 at 07:33PM EDT

Dr. Flames wrote:

draw a black plague doctor (one as my profile picture) of crimson color
with fire in his hands.look for black plague doctor in the internet for some ideas.
also keep doin a great job! .

I second this.

Last edited Jun 28, 2013 at 09:19PM EDT

Here's my take on the Anubis from that Zone of The Enders concept art that Sam requested.

I actually liked drawing it enough to put some extra effort to it, and actually uploaded it to my dA account too. I'll see if I can get more requests done when I get more free time.

Damn man that's fricken incredible!

I can't express how happy I am with this! the fact you put in the extra effort too is just great and has made it even better in some aspects!

Seriously impressed, thanks for doing my request and im glad you enjoyed working on it.

Fairplay to you

If it's not so much to ask, I would appreciate it to see my avatar redrawn with more detail (color included).

I snatched this picture off of Drawception, but I'd like a better one, and you look like a good artist from what I've seen here (I'm really digging the Saiyan Disco Party picture, by the way). Also, I would like the belt to have the initials "HPL" placed upon it.

Lugia41 wrote:

How about drawing Zekrom in that funny outfit?

That's the third request you've made so far already.

I have a lot of stuff waiting to be drawn, and I already drew one of your requests. I can't do many pics for one person while others are still waiting theirs.

Muumi wrote:

Kung Fu Cthulhu

I kinda did it my own way, and drew it after my own Cthulhu plush, but I guess it'll do allright.

Awesome job! I like this pose better, actually.


Muumi wrote:

Lugia41 wrote:

How about drawing Zekrom in that funny outfit?

That's the third request you've made so far already.

I have a lot of stuff waiting to be drawn, and I already drew one of your requests. I can't do many pics for one person while others are still waiting theirs.

My apologies. I was going to say to ignore my second one, but I forgot. Sorry if I'm being too inconvenient.

Natsuru wrote:

Can I get you to draw a picture of Reimu I can use as my Avatar?

Both of these are resized to fit the avatar scale, and are saved as .PNG file to have a high quality.

However, I couldn't decide how to cut it appropriately, so here are two instances of the pic for you to choose from. That is, if you actually are going to use it.

The smaller picture will look better when resized to even smaller scale by KYM, while the larger one won't look as good when rescaled, and it also has more white space (of course you could add something to the white space yourself if you want to).

Both have their pros and cons.

Last edited Jul 23, 2013 at 12:31PM EDT
draw a black plague doctor (one as my profile picture) of crimson color
with fire in his hand(s)

I wasn't sure if you wanted to use it as your avatar, so I made one out of the original. I can't do clean colors with pencils though, so it'll always look grainy against digital black background.

I also didn't have an exact crimson pencil, so that color'll have to do.

Nobody expects the spanish plague doctor!

Natsuru wrote:

I think I will be using the first version. At least for now.

In my opinion, the smaller one is far better for avatar usage, but it's your avatar, so do however you see fit, and use the one you want to.

Last edited Jul 24, 2013 at 05:25AM EDT

I know it's been a while since my last drawing, and that this isn't one of the requests, but since I actually managed to draw something decent, I thought I might as well show it in this thread.

For those who don't know who it is, it's Kokonoe from BlazBlue.

Maybe I should throw it as my icon too, at least for a while. She even has the glasses.

I know I'll go back to Miku at some point though, I always do.

Muumi wrote:

I know it's been a while since my last drawing, and that this isn't one of the requests, but since I actually managed to draw something decent, I thought I might as well show it in this thread.

For those who don't know who it is, it's Kokonoe from BlazBlue.

Maybe I should throw it as my icon too, at least for a while. She even has the glasses.

I know I'll go back to Miku at some point though, I always do.

Maybe when you're done with some of these, you could do Jubei?

Maybe when you’re done with some of these, you could do Jubei?

Hmm… I was actually more interested in drawing Hazama as a proper drawing, but I can try and see if I can draw a quick doodle of Jubei when I start with the requests again.

There's still old stuff that I'll try to get to before I'll try drawing Jubei. Like the requests of Ric and Madcat. I'm also liking Random Man's space dunk request.

Muumi wrote:

Maybe when you’re done with some of these, you could do Jubei?

Hmm… I was actually more interested in drawing Hazama as a proper drawing, but I can try and see if I can draw a quick doodle of Jubei when I start with the requests again.

There's still old stuff that I'll try to get to before I'll try drawing Jubei. Like the requests of Ric and Madcat. I'm also liking Random Man's space dunk request.

Could it be an avatar of Jubei? Or if you're up for it, maybe you can just do Unlimited Hazama instead. That would be pretty awesome.

Medic from TF2

That actually reminds me of another pic that I made quite a while ago for the KYM PG family portrait.

I'll see if I can do a proper pic of the doc when I start with requests again, but for now, there's still some backlog, and little inspiration, so I don't know when I'll get to it.

Since the EUW servers of League of Legends have been lagging like hell once again, I got bored, and decided to draw a picture of Satan.

Now, I know that he might look a bit like Teemo, but that really is Satan himself. Everyone who plays the League knows that.

Just look at that face.

Yup, definitely Satan.

Last edited Aug 27, 2013 at 11:42AM EDT
can you draw Raiden from MGS Revengeance with the face of Isabelle from Animal Crossing? It will make more sense later.

Drawing Isbelle with Raiden's armor was less grotesque looking, so I went with that instead.

Still doesn't make any sense though.

Draw Ezio(from assasins creed) with a Master Chief helmet, a portal gun in left hand, a Lancer assault rifle from Gears of War(or Avenger assault rifle from Mass Effect)
Might take some time for you.

Muumi wrote:

can you draw Raiden from MGS Revengeance with the face of Isabelle from Animal Crossing? It will make more sense later.

Drawing Isbelle with Raiden's armor was less grotesque looking, so I went with that instead.

Still doesn't make any sense though.

it was meant to be a part of the animal crossing thread about my escapades in-game, most of which involve bad things happening to me when isabelle is nearby

i'll just post a bit of it for context

>day 2 of animal crossing
>planting all the orange trees around my house (native fruit)
>live far away from everything
>ask isabelle to relocate town. she panics
>“But that will destroy the town we have now!”
>“But all your hard work will be gone!”
>she’s upset but deletes my save file as told
>“I’ll see you again someday, I hope”
>start new game
>choose a decent spot for my house this time
>speed through most of the game quickly, pay of the house before i get a bug net
>isabelle gives me a gift of fruit after i get the shovel
>“These oranges were grown in the town I used to grow up in.”
>“The town I used to grow up in”

>day 4 of new game
>wanted to get a gift for Isabelle after the reset.
>go to Able Sisters and look around
>find formal dress on display
>"i think she'd like that"
>buy it and head to town
>never sent a gift to another town member before, i select 'write letter'
>Isabelle's name is not on the list. I can't send letters to her. I really should have checked this first
>hindsight… We meet again…
>spend some time wandering around thinking of what i can do with my gift
>i wear it myself for the luls. recommended daily allowance of lulz reached
>go to inventory to store dress. option to store is not available. i realise the default shirt and shorts i was wearing was only temporary until i get proper clothes
>run back to Able Sisters to buy manly clothes before anyone sees me. For some reason i'm running like a school girl flailing my arms
>get to store before dress assumes direct control and look for the most manly clothes available
>found a security tee, all other clothes are dresses or skirts apart from 1
>only thing on sale was skin tight red pants
>"….I'll buy those, please…"
>Mable hands over the clothes
>i'm currently wearing a security tee with skin tight red leggings
>i spend the rest of the day looking like and asshat for getting an apology gift for Isabelle
>Isabelle gets her Revengeance

Edit: Friggin' saving this awesome pic

Last edited Aug 31, 2013 at 04:08PM EDT

Menthol wrote:

it was meant to be a part of the animal crossing thread about my escapades in-game, most of which involve bad things happening to me when isabelle is nearby

i'll just post a bit of it for context

>day 2 of animal crossing
>planting all the orange trees around my house (native fruit)
>live far away from everything
>ask isabelle to relocate town. she panics
>“But that will destroy the town we have now!”
>“But all your hard work will be gone!”
>she’s upset but deletes my save file as told
>“I’ll see you again someday, I hope”
>start new game
>choose a decent spot for my house this time
>speed through most of the game quickly, pay of the house before i get a bug net
>isabelle gives me a gift of fruit after i get the shovel
>“These oranges were grown in the town I used to grow up in.”
>“The town I used to grow up in”

>day 4 of new game
>wanted to get a gift for Isabelle after the reset.
>go to Able Sisters and look around
>find formal dress on display
>"i think she'd like that"
>buy it and head to town
>never sent a gift to another town member before, i select 'write letter'
>Isabelle's name is not on the list. I can't send letters to her. I really should have checked this first
>hindsight… We meet again…
>spend some time wandering around thinking of what i can do with my gift
>i wear it myself for the luls. recommended daily allowance of lulz reached
>go to inventory to store dress. option to store is not available. i realise the default shirt and shorts i was wearing was only temporary until i get proper clothes
>run back to Able Sisters to buy manly clothes before anyone sees me. For some reason i'm running like a school girl flailing my arms
>get to store before dress assumes direct control and look for the most manly clothes available
>found a security tee, all other clothes are dresses or skirts apart from 1
>only thing on sale was skin tight red pants
>"….I'll buy those, please…"
>Mable hands over the clothes
>i'm currently wearing a security tee with skin tight red leggings
>i spend the rest of the day looking like and asshat for getting an apology gift for Isabelle
>Isabelle gets her Revengeance

Edit: Friggin' saving this awesome pic

There should be a movie made about this greentext story.

Last edited Sep 01, 2013 at 07:32PM EDT

Ashbot wrote:

I still want you to do a moargun.

You know Ashbot, I'd really love to draw you something.

Just tell me what Moargun's supposed to look like, and I'll definitely look into it when I get some inspiration to draw something.

Just remember that I'm really bad with real people's faces. I already tried drawing that Charles Barkley slam dunking the head of Nicholas Cage on the moon that RandomMan requested, but I'm deeply frustrated that I couldn't make them look enough like their real life counterparts.

Give me something resonable, and I'll definitely draw something for you dude.

Last edited Sep 06, 2013 at 10:10AM EDT

I didn't really expect you to make it real looking, a chibi her is fine too.
Maybe make it pokemon related?
Also this pic is for reference.

Last edited Sep 06, 2013 at 02:21PM EDT

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