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Drawfriend Stuff

Last posted Sep 17, 2013 at 12:32AM EDT. Added Jun 02, 2013 at 03:26AM EDT
106 posts from 38 users

I think it's about time I did this. Especially since I've been lurking KYM for almost two years already, and have never done one before.

It's my very own drawing thread. And this time around, it's the real deal, and not a spy thread like the one Twins did oh so long ago.

Ironically enough, I think this is the second thread I've ever made.

The thing is, I haven't been drawing in a long time, and I need to try and get back on track. I also need to get out of my comfort zone of drawing nothing but ponies and anime, and you guys, can help me do that.

But since I'm a lazy and unproductive bastard, I still need to lay down some ground rules.

1. I'm not present at all times, and I'll open and close new submissions depending on my activity and schedule in order to prevent backlog.

2. I draw everything by hand, so it might take me a while to get stuff done. You know, scetching, drawing, possible coloring, scanning, shopping, uploading, etc. So remember to bother the other KYM artists too.

3. I only draw stuff that I find fun/interesting, so I'm not going to draw every suggestion I get. Especially if one person keeps spamming requests all the time. I'm also bad at drawing real people.

4. I won't be drawing those Yo Dawn / Inception pictures, so give me something like an uzi wielding bear jumping out of an exploding helicopter instead.

5. I know that I'm best known for my pony stuff, but take others into consideration, and keep those to a minimum. But that doesn't mean I won't draw them at all. Unless it's an OC. You'd need to be extremely lucky to get me to draw one of those… Things.

And with the rules out of the way, the comissions are now open.

But do remember that I live in europe, so I'm active during the time most of you guys are asleep.

Hi, Muumi. I'm not sure if you know who I am (I'm a regular from the old KYM days), but I just have to say that I love your traditional work. I especially love the vibrancy of your colors.

So, if you're willing to accept this as one of your challenges, I'd like for you to try to make a colorful picture of a panda, a zebra, and a penguin.

Good luck!

Jostin Asuncion wrote:

Hi, Muumi. I'm not sure if you know who I am (I'm a regular from the old KYM days), but I just have to say that I love your traditional work. I especially love the vibrancy of your colors.

So, if you're willing to accept this as one of your challenges, I'd like for you to try to make a colorful picture of a panda, a zebra, and a penguin.

Good luck!

Yea, I think I remember seeing you around, but everyone changing their names makes it hard to keep up with who is who.

These are kinda quick drawings, but that's the life of a drawing thread. I can't stay in one pic too long.

And just as a quick note for all those who request stuff. If I like an idea, I'll give it a thumbs up, so it'll be easier to see if I like an idea, and if I'll be doing it before I actually get to it.

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

Draw Neo dodging a rocket propelled chainsaw

@ BSoD below

I just happened to be available and on the computer at the time you posted your request. I'm not gonna hang here all day every day, so you just happened to get lucky.

That, and you're also one of my older friends here on KYM, so you're naturally higher on the "priority list".

Last edited Jun 02, 2013 at 07:19AM EDT

And now that I finally have the opportunity, I don't know any original stuff to request ;_;

Some mods having a rap battle would be nice I guess.

i dont know if you have been following the be your avatar thread. if you have been, could you do a family portrait of the most active users on it as our avatars.

Me, asura
natsuru springfield
captain douglas j falcon
dr ivo robotnik
jetstream sam
captain spark
markhoax 14
and nightmare medic

it would be really awesome if you did.

Last edited Jun 02, 2013 at 12:31PM EDT

@Asura, kishin of KYM

Sorry, but I won't be doing Family Photos, or pictures with several users all at once. There's just way too much work to be done as a quick scetch.

I've done one in the past, but that took helluva lot of time and effort. But at least I've had the chance to use it on several different occasions, like now, just so you know how much work it takes.

I'm not up for that kind of workload anytime soon. Sorry.

Draw an ork warboss with a hat that has text on it saying "Top Boss".
While on a ork warbike ramming into a titan's cockpit.
(You can have it up close instead of showing the entire titan and all)
(and idk if this request is in the line of rules or not but I guess I can wait and see)

Last edited Jun 02, 2013 at 12:57PM EDT

Muumi wrote:

@Asura, kishin of KYM

Sorry, but I won't be doing Family Photos, or pictures with several users all at once. There's just way too much work to be done as a quick scetch.

I've done one in the past, but that took helluva lot of time and effort. But at least I've had the chance to use it on several different occasions, like now, just so you know how much work it takes.

I'm not up for that kind of workload anytime soon. Sorry.

thats understandable, thanx anyway.
how bout this instead. could you draw my avatar, asura, sitting in front of a desk like 60's spider-man. without the text of course.

i hope its not any trouble at all.

Last edited Jun 02, 2013 at 12:58PM EDT
Draw the 20th century British actor Jon Pertwee riding Rainbow Dash the Pony.

I think that's it for me for today. I'll see about doing Ric's request tomorrow (I might have to take out the bike though), and I'm still thinking about Ashura's request. I'm not sure if I'll do it just yet. We'll have to wait and see.

I hope there won't be a huge backlog when I log in tomorrow though. If there's lots of good stuff to draw, then I'll have to close submissions for while, so that I can get stuff done without new ones popping up while I'm at it.

How about drawing Reshiram and Zekrom (Pokemon B&W) using portals?

I found Reshiram and Zekrom using Portal Guns more interesting. I guess it's close enough anyway.

I'm having a bit of trouble with Ric's request, but I'll try to make it happen in some form or another. It might take a while though.

Natsuru's request will also take quite some time, since if it's going to be used as an avatar, I can't rush it. I'm looking to it, but for now, you'll just have to wait like Ric.

Like I've said before, if your suggestion has been upvoted, then I liked it, and am looking to it at one point or another.

BSoD wrote:

Fantastic! Now how about some mods having an arm wrestling match?

You know that I would just draw those two looking at you with an "Are you fk'n kidding me!?" expression.

Muumi wrote:

BSoD wrote:

Fantastic! Now how about some mods having an arm wrestling match?

You know that I would just draw those two looking at you with an "Are you fk'n kidding me!?" expression.

Which is of course something you should draw.

Or draw your own reaction by this sudden rise in things to draw after such a long period of hardly drawing at all.

Oh hey Muumi! I actually still have the picture from Twins's's fake thread on my computer.

I have no request because I'm sure you're working hard already with the other ones.

draw me a duck but not any duck no! i want THE duck of 1000 truth… next to Lord Ashendale A.K.A Richard Chief Warlock of the Brothers of Darkness, Lord of the Thirteen Hells, Master of the Bones, Lord of the Dance, Emperor of the Black, Lord of the Undead, Mistress of Magma and mayor of a little village up the coast

also known as dick (or little dick)

if you do not know him then this might help

Last edited Jun 05, 2013 at 08:45AM EDT

Muumi wrote:

Could you please draw Nono?

If you are okay with it, I'd like to make one last request. Please draw me an avatar of my OC

Im gonna cease this opportunity…

Ive been keeping a hold of this one picture for ages now and I still think it is quite possibly one the most awesome pieces of concept art ive come across, there is something in it that really attracts my interest and taste in design…..

The story behind it is that it is the only picture of this particular piece of concept art for the character "Anubis" from a recently cancelled/on hold game dubbed "The Enders Project" Anubis is a jackal headed robot and in this picture seems to be wearing something similar to a cape…

The Enders Project was going to be the sequel to the one of my favourite games "Zone of the Enders: The 2ND Runner" but since its been practically cancelled this design will never be bought to life….

To put it simply I would really REALLY appreciate it if you could simply redraw this in black on a white background but from a head on angle because obviously in this picture its taken from the side on.

Many thanks if you take this one up you look like a very talented artist to say the least

Last edited Jun 06, 2013 at 02:43PM EDT

Well, Mummi, as I usually request, I would like you to draw my atomic character…

But… Just for you: Could you please draw My current profile picture (of a blue pikmin) meeting a Moomin? I'd like to see you draw one of those!

Last edited Jun 06, 2013 at 06:31PM EDT

Um… If it's not too much trouble, could you draw the Black Beast from BlazBlue? If you want to, be creative with what it's doing. Give each of the heads a monocle and top hat. Maybe a tendril having a cane too. I don't know. Just have fun with this request if you want. It's up to you.

Last edited Jun 06, 2013 at 09:08PM EDT

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