
Meme Constituent

White Wolf

Conversationalist & Media Bus Boy

Location: Planet Rivia in subsector Hexer

Joined Jan 13, 2012 at 02:40PM EST


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The White Wolves are a loyalist non-codex space marine chapter of unknown founding. Their exact descendant chapter is unknown, although they claim themselves to be successors of the Space Wolves. Space Wolves themselves deny the existence of any loyal successor chapters of their chapter.

Their history is not very well known, as during the 37th millenium their fortress-monastery called Kaer Morhen has been attacked and largely destroyed by Chaos-corrupted population of Feudal planet Kaedwen. This conflict has ended also the lives of majority of the chapter, ruining its glory forever.

Now the chapter is on a blink of oblivion; with many geneseed destroyed during the siege of Kaer Morhen the White Wolves cannot replace their fallen battle brothers. Almost entire remaining available geneseed has become corrupted by the Ruinous Powers, and though the efforts of chapter's apothecaries the process of augmentation is long and extremely dangerous.

Not every White Wolf accepts existence in such small, dwindling numbers and being a sad parody of what their proud chapter once was. Some who were unwilling to remain loyal to the Imperium in this forgotten subsector had became the Felines, a renegade warband of ruthless self-absorbed sociopaths. Their flamboyant and sadistic way of living isn't cosidered anything worth analysing by majority of the subsector's population, but for the more enlightened ones it's a very unsettling clue of who may really be the White Wolves' parent legion…

Subsector Hexer consists of 7 star systems. Inhabited worlds of this subsctor are:
- Temeria (Knight world)
- Redania (Knight world)
- Kaedwen (Feudal world)
- Aedirn (Feudal world)
- Rivia&Lyria (Civilised world)
- Novigrad (Hive world)
- Poviss (Mining world)
- Cintra (War world)
- Nilfgaard (Daemon world)
- Dol Blathanna (Maiden world/Xenos world)
- Brokilon (Exodite world)
- Mahakam (Forge world/Former squat world)

The entire subsector was foretold by a half-legendary Eldar witch Ithlinne to find its doom in the apocalyptic cataclysm that will bring "the time of the White Chill, the time of Madness and the time of Contempt". Adepts of the Mechanicus can reluctantly confirm that there's in fact something very disturbing with the recent changes of radiation of the subsector's suns. Numerous native species of flora have gone almost extinct because of these changes, and the planets start experiencing signs of global climate cooling.

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