
Scrapbooker & Orator

Location: Somewhere in the Kalos Region

Joined Feb 08, 2014 at 11:22AM EST


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Last profile update: 12/23/2014

Absent Minded Over Analyzer. That's me.
(AKA gamerman)

I love videos games and TV tropes. I would list specifics but I'm indeed much to lazy to write.
I'm full of cynicism and enjoy over analyzing things to the point of it being silly. Keep me away from Shakespeare or I start talking in Ye Olde English.
I can be hot tempered at times but I try not to be.

Oh hey look I'm on deviant art now! whoopee!
I'm also on steam, but you gotta ask me before i tell you that.

I used to be an umbreon, but then I died. Now i'm known as a "Spectreon."
Cause of death is believed to be accidental ingestion of a toxic orb.
Someone slipped it into my food.
Sylveon became my girlfriend, and with the idea of fulfilling the wishes of our friends we went to see jirachi. Instead, I gained the ability to switch between and umbreon and a phanteon, and Sylveon is near indestructible.
Kyubey became an Eevee and choose the name twili. I was keeping watch over her, but she now lives with Lucky the Absol. I learned in the past I had a trainer whose name was Dusk, while my name was Myrkrio. I also remembered my mother, Ljos, who died trying to find a cure to the deadly poison that ailed me. My trainer seems to be alive, as I can't find him in the realm of spirits.
We ended up being attacked by my trainers rival, the one who poisoned me. In his last attack, he took our dear friend squigly from us, who now lives in the computer. We managed to take a poison type eevee from his horrible clutches. She's a toxiceon named Ivy, and now lives with me and Sylveon.
A super computer was found for squigly, allowing her to run at full speed.

We finnally managed to figure out what happened to our old trainer…he had been captured? Suddenly a huge airship appeared over kym controlled by dr. Basson. He was trying to establish himself as the region's professor. We launched a siege on his airship, which couldn't simply be destroyed as it was full of prisoners and slaves. We learned the mad Dr.'s plan was to create one eevee of every type…and summon a celestion which he would mind control in hopes of ruling the world.We ultimately stopped his plan and rescued my trainer, as well as having velmenni the mecheon and dreki the drakeon join our little hamlet.

Things have calmed now. Our little group is quite the family and our home has grown. Dusk works tirelessly to work on perfecting the new types, finding non-painful evolutions. An old friend of mine helped me overcome my fear of poison and Dusk managed to make the place a nature preserve. And I took on my old name.

Known Ghostly powers:
-Can phase through walls.
-Can talk to spirits of the dead.
-Is entirely intangible unless he concentrates
-Can't eat but doesn't need to.
-Can turn invisible upon concentrating hard enough.
-Can't go to sleep unless a sleep inflicting move is used on him.
-Can enter the spirit world himself, and with great difficulty can take others with him.

Battle moveset:

Special "ghost weave" bag.
Revives and berries.
Toxic orb
An Old pokeball. (appears to be mine.)
Rest, protect, Physic, Shadow Claw


Desperate Struggle Theme:

Look at my beautiful little dragons!

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