

Location: Florida, US

Joined Feb 27, 2012 at 08:35AM EST


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+2 +9 (56%) -7 (44%)
Karma Given
+47 +47 (100%) -0 (0%)


/*Just in case,



<script> function displayDate() { document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML=Date(); } function audioOff() { document.getElementById("audio").innerHTML=("You have turned off the audio. Refresh the page or click the audio on button to turn it back on!"); } function audioOn() { <code>document.getElementById("audio").innerHTML=("<iframe width='0' height='0' src='' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>")

function goLite(FRM,BTN)
window.document.forms[FRM].elements[BTN].style.color = "#0000CC";
window.document.forms[FRM].elements[BTN].style.backgroundColor = "#CC0000";

function noClick()
alert("For not listening to the button, you just lost the game. Next time, LISTEN.");
document.getElementById("redbutton").innerHTML=("Seriously. How would you like it if I pushed YOUR button. >.>")

I liek turtlez and trainz. That is all.


That is NOT all. This is the BEGINNING.

UPDATE Dec. 3 2012: I'll be using a HTML hosting site called That way, I'll have all the buttons and gadgets working in no time, along with customize-able profiles. ;)

I'll be marking off stuff that no longer works anymore, so you won't waste your time. They'll be [bracketed].

List of things that no longer work on KYM:
-<hr />

<img src=''>

Turn your sound on. :)

Audio is currently "Meet the Spy."

If you are a party pooping red spy who hates auto-play sound, then here you go:

[Turn Off Audio]

[Audio On]

<!--<p id="audio"><iframe width="0" height="0" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p>-->

NOTE: I turned the sound off. I find it very annoying without the Audio Off button. If you want, you can use Inspect Element (Chrome) or Firebug (Firefox) to take out the "<!--" in the beginning and the "-->" in the end. But I don't think you want that sound on still…


I originally had prettier buttons, but I screwed them up somehow, and so you're stuck with these boring buttons. :3

Audio Options:

Nothing The Game

This drop-down menu is currently pointless. I will be updating it. :)

Actually, this button says all. It is saying right now, that everything below is mainly stuff about me. Read if you want to. READ OR DIEZ!!1 :3


Yes, I am a brony. Sue me.

You do not have to be a brony. I do not want to force you to be one either. I understand a lot of people hate bronies because of the "converting" and whatnot, but that's not my thing. As long as you respect my opinions and interests, I'll respect yours. :]


Favorite pony: Fluttershy.


2nd favorite: Pinkie Pie

Gotta catch 'em all!

Yes, I also like Pokemon.
I once actually knew the first 251 Pokemon (the first 2 Pokeraps), but I forgot them when I took an arrow to the-SHUT UP!
Yes, I liek Mudkipz. Problem, /b/tards?

But my favorite Pokemon is hard to say, so I'd have to say… Bulbasaur, maybe. I have lawyers for this one, sue me big time for this.

This button leads to magical, magical places. Dare click the button?


Favorite may-may sites (in order)


FunnyJunk (occasionally)

Top 10 favorite meme list! (Unofficial)
Links to these pages open to new tabs! You're welcome :P (even though middle clicking opens it in a new tab anyway)


10. The Game (You Just Lost)
9. Pokememes
8. Leeroy Jenkins
7. Numa Numa
6. Trollface
4. Trololo / Rickroll (Tie)
3. Nyan Cat / LOLcats (Tie)
2. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic / 60's Spiderman (Tie. Coincidentally, these were the two memes that were in the Memebase Bracket finals.)
1. Keyboard Cat


Mah YouTube!
(Will be updated)


Or you can use these cooler links. :3

Some awesome people on KYM:

Amanda b.
Random 21
Blue Screen (of death)
(Will be updated)

KYM Ranks I Have Achieved

Brand New Member
New Member
Gold Member
Jr. Researcher

As a bonus, for you lazy people, here's a free button for you to display time. :3


[Display Date and Time]


This here area is for profile updates. If you're a stalker, this is perfect for you!

This area will usually show 5 10 updates at a time: the most recent ones are on top, the most outdated nears the bottom.


-Updated links. They are now 20% cooler.
-Successfully made Audio On button. :)
-Organized my profile a bit.
-Created an audio off button, for you red spies out there. >:)
-This section was made! Stalkers, UNITE!
-Updated general profile information.
-Link for Meet the Spy has been provided in the upper section of my profile.
-Added a pointless button and drop-down menu.
-Added audio and a display date button. Good luck. ;)


What I am planning to get done:


-Audio off button: red and larger
-Choose-able audio and themes
-Moar links! :D


(For some reason, the <ul> command (bullet list) doesn't work too well on KYM, so I had to improvise my lists.)



Past Usernames:
Nyan Derp

To see my profile, click this link!


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