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Last posted Jun 22, 2017 at 10:56AM EDT. Added May 07, 2015 at 06:52PM EDT
209 posts from 41 users

I also didn't play much this splatfest, although I was on Team Rock sooooooo.

Also, I don't know what's so bad about the Aerospray RG, at least for turf war. It doesn't have much range, sure, but it makes up for that in speed. My method has always been fast on the offensive, quick swim speed so you can quickly make ground and get away from opponents. For Ranked Battles, you need something with a bit more power, but for turf war, it's good. My strategy is really based on my gear as much as my loadout, something that lets me get around quick and unnoticed does the job well. Also I'll just say, I hate charged weapons, even now with motion controls I just don't get along with them. They're good for ranked battles, sure, but that's not the mode in splatfest

I caved.

My favorite items of clothing (low-tops with socks, blue rugby, and knit stocking hat) are my favorite items of clothing, but they only have one or two bonus stat slots. So I used a bunch of super sea snails rewarded from Splatfest to upgrade them to three-bonus-slot items.

I feel like I probably should be saving the snails, but it was hard for me to get excited about the look of any of the items with good stat boosts. And it may very well be a small price to pay for digital style.

So not only are we getting another Splatfest just two weeks after the first one for the US,

Shamelessly jacked from the Splatoon Tumblr page

The new Moray Towers map is being unveiled tonight.

The map is really intimidating for me, because I like to sneak around and hide. It looks like you'll be able to see the entire field without the map, so I won't be able to slither behind walls or through back alleys. But it should be a lot of fun. It's very different and very narrow. I don't know how much strafing you're going to be able to do here.

As for Splatfest I hate roller coasters (although, the one in the picture does look pretty wizard), so I'm guessing I'll be one of the relatively few for the Water Slide team. That's fine though: if you put in the matches, you'll still get at least 18 Super Sea Snails (I've already burned through 14 with no regrets, because I want to look fresh while slinging ink.)
Related to clothes, I probably spend more time than most anyone else checking out other Inklings clothes to order if I don't have them. I know I'll end up filling up and rerolling slots for the clothes I like the most for a while, so Splatoon may become a game I play consistently for 30 minute stretches just to build up gold to buy those orders and new clothes that hit the shop.

Last edited Jul 10, 2015 at 12:21PM EDT

I'm really interested in the new map, it looks really cool and the strategies should be fun. Kinda curious as to why that one map they showed of during the direct (Camp Cuttlefish IIRC) hasn't been released yet despite being one of the first shown off.

Oh! Camp Cuttlefish? That was the US-Pacific-NW looking one, right? I always wondered what happened to that map that showed up in the trailers. I hope we're still getting that one, as I really liked the general look and assets of that map.

Anyways, Moray Towers looks…intense. And to think I thought Bluefin Depot was vertical. Hope you don't have vertigo, Squiddos! Also, I worry that I'll be too distracted by the view to put up a proper fight on this map.

Also also, I really should subscribe to the Splatoon tumblr so I can keep up to date with this sort of thing.

Yes, yes, Camp Triggerfish, blah, blah, blah…

But what does this mean?!

We’ve received a sketch from one of our researchers. Looks like an Octoling… Hey! We’ve seen this before. Looks like a false alarm. Wait a minute. Something’s different here… Whoa! WHOOOOA!

Is it just an official sketch?
Will there be Octoling-related Multiplayer options?
Will there be more Single-player stuff?

I just moved and AT&T has taken two weeks to transfer internet services and counting, so I've had to use my phone (Thanks, Verizon…at least you're reliable enough) for all non-work internet access. Meaning only a couple of matches in the last Roller Coaster/Water Slide Splatfest (at my parents' house with internet that kept dropping me from matches…) And no multiplayer. I'm hoping there'll be a lot to look forward to when I get back online again.

Last edited Jul 24, 2015 at 05:40AM EDT

Japan got a new trailer for a new update. By the looks of things, as well as a glimpse at rainmaker, there's a new map and two new weapons. The new weapons look like fun, but then again so did the paintbrush.

Last edited Jul 24, 2015 at 08:45PM EDT

Slosher OP pls nerf. I thought it would be the Splatling that would be OP, but goddamn I love the slosher. This is such a great new update, interesting they went the Splatfest style levelling for the new increased level cap. Can't wait to dedicate another 100+ hours of my life to Splatoon once again. Loving the new Urchin Underpass too.

P.S. If anyone has the Squid Girl gear then please HeLP mE NOw i NeeD IT iN mY LIfE

So glad they added new music, it needed a bit more variety. Plus, I think these new songs are my favorite in the game. Besides the final boss, naturally.

The new weapons are great, and I really enjoy using the Slosher. That being said, playing Ranked Battle can really put you in such a competitive state. Holy hell, does it get stressful.


I'm one of the early adopters, and I think I can safely say it's a game you'll get a lot of replay value out of. I've only played the more casual Turf Wars and single-player campaign, and I've always taken a little time to pick up the game and earn some coins (and then my schedule clears when a Splatfest comes around.)

It's just a solid, fun game at its core, and I think it keeps most people from getting bored despite having a light amount of content. The concept was so novel and well-executed that you don't need a whole lot to feel satisfied. See you on the battlefield.

This Tumblr is fun.

Today was a good day for Inkbrush Noveau practice. In one of my Kelp Dome bouts I was aggressive enough to be able to charge and splat 3 different opponents before they could launch their Inkstrikes. If I had a capture card I would have turned that match into MLG parody footage or added Rules of Nature and Blade Mode effects.

josie wrote:

Ok, this is pretty amazing for a few reasons.

First, this signifies some collaborative efforts on Nintendo.There was the BMW stuff in Mario Kart. And now, Transformers in Splatoon.

Second, this is Hasbro. Next Splatfest being Twilight Sparkle versus Sunset Shimmer confirmed. This means that Nintendo isn't afraid to mix it up work some big names in children's entertainment such as Disney and now HABSRO.

Now if only they did a Cartoon Network splatfest, new vs old…

That is pretty amazing indeed.

So I is a newb at Splatoon, got to level 11 in 5 hours of gameplay :O So why is it that walls do not contribute to points or turf? Some weapons do better than others at painting walls, and walls even contribute to floors if you are required to climb them. So why not!?

Obligatory "splatters who don't contribute more than 100 points should get demoted and kicked for a week".

Freakenstein wrote:

So I is a newb at Splatoon, got to level 11 in 5 hours of gameplay :O So why is it that walls do not contribute to points or turf? Some weapons do better than others at painting walls, and walls even contribute to floors if you are required to climb them. So why not!?

Obligatory "splatters who don't contribute more than 100 points should get demoted and kicked for a week".

I think it's because of the minimap. Because of the top-down view, only ink on floors can be seen on the map, and ink on walls/ceilings is usually invisible. If wall ink counted, you could just ink up random walls for extra points, and no one on the enemy team would be able to find it unless they accidentally stumbled across it.

Snickerway wrote:

I think it's because of the minimap. Because of the top-down view, only ink on floors can be seen on the map, and ink on walls/ceilings is usually invisible. If wall ink counted, you could just ink up random walls for extra points, and no one on the enemy team would be able to find it unless they accidentally stumbled across it.

That is true, it took me just yesterday to start using the minimap on the controller for better strategy XD But it's not like I was doing a piss-poor job otherwise :O

Also next week is Splatfest, it will be my first one attending, so excited!

Freakenstein wrote:

That is true, it took me just yesterday to start using the minimap on the controller for better strategy XD But it's not like I was doing a piss-poor job otherwise :O

Also next week is Splatfest, it will be my first one attending, so excited!

I've had the game since near launch. Splatfests are a ton of fun. You get all of the people out of Ranked mixing it up with the folks that just stick to Turf War. You get three maps in the rotation instead of two (even though you have them for 24 hours,) and you get to stick to some really fun teams, because the server doesn't change your team members unless someone drops out. You can go on long winning sprees and really get used to your team in a fun atmosphere that isn't nearly as stressful as the ranked modes.

Also, the sweet, sweet, Super Sea Snails…

Team Future! Carrying my team (as usual) with consistent 1400-1500 points. Still can't seem to stop dying, though… I notice a big chunk of deaths involve both me and the enemy dying at the same time.

My last post was at level 12, now I'm level 18! :D

Freakenstein wrote:

Team Future! Carrying my team (as usual) with consistent 1400-1500 points. Still can't seem to stop dying, though… I notice a big chunk of deaths involve both me and the enemy dying at the same time.

My last post was at level 12, now I'm level 18! :D

I tend to get mutual kills a lot, too. I'd always assumed it had to do with my bad connection – I shoot and kill someone, but the server doesn't realize they died for a second because of lag, so they manage to shoot and kill me before they die. (Either that or vice versa.)

I'd assumed this was just me, but if it's a common thing, that might point towards a bigger issue.

💜✨KaijuSundae✨💜 wrote:

So the final weapon is being added to the game soon. Which means no more updates… it's only been half a year and they're already dropping support. What the fuck?

I wouldn't call it support. It's all been free DLC. To your point, the game wasn't really "complete" until they began to add some more maps.

Splatfests and balancing updates will still occur, I'm sure. But I figure the new Nintendo console probably has something to do with it. Either with a sequel in mind or just having that dev team work on other things, I think Nintendo is moving on from the Wii U for the most part.

So Splatfest started, and Jesus H. Christ when they said Ranked and Regular people would be mixed in the turf wars, they were not kidding. I had a 50/50 success rate, half of the fights we won, half were me getting my ass blasted Guantanamo Bay style. Splatfest is fierce, I tell you hhwhat.

So the new amiibo look very interesting. I guess they have to do with those live concerts.

At the very least, it can get my mind off the tumblr drama regarding Splatoon Rule 34. I mean, so many franchises have Rule 34 and many of them also have children. Why would there be a taboo against this one particular game? Because it's a new IP with themes that resonate with tumblr users? Talk about defensive!

Sad to see Splatfests are coming to an end, but I have a guess as to why. Splatoon 2's probably in the making right now and will likely launch on the NX within the first two years of the system's life. I'm sure the servers for the first game will be kept up even long after the Wii U is replaced by NX (I feel like Nintendo would have left the Wii and DS servers running were it not for the company who owned said servers wanting to charge a fuckton of money to any game companies that used GameSpy, as even non-Nintendo games like Crysis got affected by that), but no doubt when Splatoon 2 is announced they'll want to make sure players of the first game will migrate to the sequel.

Speaking of, I'm wondering if Splatoon 2 will be made so that EVERYONE has to start off fresh regardless if they played the first game, or if there will be something put in place to allow players of the first game to transfer some content to the sequel through their Nintendo Network account, like purchased weapons and clothing (I don't expect levels to carry over, but if they do then at best all I'm expecting is players of the first game might simply be bumped up to, I dunno, level 10 or something from the start).

Verbose wrote:

A bittersweet finale.

How so.

The superior waifu (Marie) is obviously going to win.

This is no finale, it's a massacre.

Mistress Fortune wrote:

Sad to see Splatfests are coming to an end, but I have a guess as to why. Splatoon 2's probably in the making right now and will likely launch on the NX within the first two years of the system's life. I'm sure the servers for the first game will be kept up even long after the Wii U is replaced by NX (I feel like Nintendo would have left the Wii and DS servers running were it not for the company who owned said servers wanting to charge a fuckton of money to any game companies that used GameSpy, as even non-Nintendo games like Crysis got affected by that), but no doubt when Splatoon 2 is announced they'll want to make sure players of the first game will migrate to the sequel.

Speaking of, I'm wondering if Splatoon 2 will be made so that EVERYONE has to start off fresh regardless if they played the first game, or if there will be something put in place to allow players of the first game to transfer some content to the sequel through their Nintendo Network account, like purchased weapons and clothing (I don't expect levels to carry over, but if they do then at best all I'm expecting is players of the first game might simply be bumped up to, I dunno, level 10 or something from the start).

I'm thinkin starting off with a cache of seashells.

I'm Team Marie and when I was playing earlier I won most of the matches I ended up in. The N-ZAP '89 is what I seem to be best with when it comes to Turf Wars in general (for the hell of it I attempted one match with a slosher and we lost hard, BUT YET I was the one who still covered more ground on my team… but yeah slosher's not a good Turf War weapon, it's better for other match types).

I swear the warehouse is what we keep ending up on, I've only played like maybe a small few rounds on the towers and the dome.

Calamari Inkantation is now playing during the Splatfest battles. If you're to end Splatfest, might as well go out with a bang. The last minute battle theme is still Now or Never!

Snickerway wrote:

Friendly reminder to marie skrubs that the most popular team always loses.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Friendly reminder to Callie skrubs that she is the inferior waifu. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

And with me earning the "Marie Queen" title title after a pretty impressive winning streak from a really good team I got paired up with, I bid this final Splatfest ado.

Okay yeah I know that last bit sounds hokey, but I am glad that the final Splatfest is ending on a high note for me. I can only hope Nintendo's already got Splatoon 2 in the planning stages for the NX and hopefully Splatfests will last longer there since I'm sure it'll come out much earlier in the console's lifespan.

(Splatoon kinda had the mild misfortune [heh] of coming out right at the start of Nintendo putting out their last big name Wii U titles for the 2015-2016 period before moving on to NX, because as of right now the only two Nintendo published games even coming to Wii U within the next year are Paper Mario: Color Splash, a controversial release due to sharing similarities with a similarly controversial predecessor, and Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which is cross-gen with NX and I can almost assure you it'll probably sell better on NX, like how Twilight Princess did better on Wii than it did on Gamecube).

Last edited Jul 24, 2016 at 01:25AM EDT

So, Team Callie lost… that makes 3 Splatfests in a row in which the team I was on not only lost, but was also unpopular.

I'm exaggerating my anger here, but talk about having terrible luck in Splatfests and choosing the wrong teams (except Team Callie). I don't care if I'm being salty; I haven't felt this pissy since I missed E3 2016 when it was live.

I can't believe I'm getting angry over Splatfests. Good riddance to them, as I've always gotten more frustrated and antagonistic with each new Splatfest recently.

Last edited Jul 24, 2016 at 03:25PM EDT

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