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Last posted Jun 22, 2017 at 10:56AM EDT. Added May 07, 2015 at 06:52PM EDT
209 posts from 41 users

Farm Zombie wrote:

It's strange. I am normally repelled by anything attempting to look hip and trendy. I can't stand vapid youth culture, particularly Japanese pop idols. Yet, I love the overall aesthetic of Splatoon. Don't know why it's more palatable, but it is.

As for the game itself, I'm having a lot of fun, but it needs more everything. Stages, game types, customization options. Splatoon is a game with DLC written all over it.

Also, the puns are great. Personal favorite: "Chill like krill."

I think what makes it kind of excusable is that it seems like it's more ironic than actually trying to be hip and even if it's not ironic it comes off as so so either way it's just silly and cute.

So I finished the single player today and I've got to say the final boss is definitely very fantastic. I never game overed but my heart was racing from the difficulty. Also it's the boss with possibly the most health I've ever fought like Jesus this thing's invincible. When I thought it was about to die the battle had just begun. It's forgivable though since it's so fast-paced, has 2 badass themes, glorious quotes, and changes up regularly. The single player experience is super solid. Not solid enough to warrant paying 60 bucks just for it but exactly what you'd expect from Nintendo. They didn't half-ass it.

I also got my amiibo and the challenges are pretty fun along with the nice rewards. And I tried ranked battle finally and I prefer it to the normal battles. I didn't think much of it in the direct but it's great for sure. So yeah, I hadn't played the game in a while due to being busy and stuff but it's better than I thought it would be especially considering that the game's not even complete yet when you think about it. I would call it my favorite game on the Wii U but as I've said before I've put hundreds of hours into Hyrule Warriors and loved that one dearly as well. It's definitely at the very least a close 2nd though or possibly tied and every day I play it I like it more.

Jyron Stone wrote:

Holy shit there's a shooting game in this $60 meme collection what a time to be alive praise Nintendo

(Inkbrush is underwhelming and I'm having fun crushing every one I encounter underneath my Roller.)

Yeah I noticed quickly that the ink brush is not good. Whenever I see someone using it I smile before wiling them off the map instantly. They're pretty effective if used stealthily though. When you don't expect it and one just pops up behind you you're dead before you can even press a button. But yeah overall pretty weak. Still fun to use regardless though.

@Sam Yeah, that make sense. It's so over the top that it borders/is parody. Funny, for such fashion-centric characters, the inklings certainly do get messy.

My internet connection wasn't working tonight, so I finished single player. I'll echo what everyone else has said about the final boss being excellent. Funny, challenging, and stylish. It also meets one of my qualifications for a good final boss: it is nearly impossible to beat on the first try. Whoever on the localization team decided to put in "Y'all ready for this" deserves a raise. For better or worse, the Squid Sisters are now stuck in my head.

Last edited Jun 07, 2015 at 03:44AM EDT

I want this damn game, but I'm too poor to afford anything. Curses, rage, and suchlike.

Headcanon time. Inklings aren't actually popping in turf wars. That's simply a gameplay liberty taken to make things a little smoother. In actuality, the "popping" is their squiddy little pores getting overloaded with the opponent's ink, which is swiftly ejected as an old, unevolved defense mechanism. The Inklinks use this as a means to indicate who is tagged out, as a simple paintball-like mark would be rather unreliable. Where do they go? They're running/swimming back to their spawn point as fast as they can. Players are honorbound to not use their "tagged out" state to shoot back.

TLDR: Turf Wars are as dangerous to Inklings as Paintball is to humans. The dry cleaning bills, though…

The paint brush isn't that great, but it's hilarious to swing it around quickly and spray a bunch of paint everywhere.

Guess, I'll just stick to the splattergun.

Really need to level up. Still at level 12 and I'm pretty sure a lot of people has out leveled me. I mean, love the game, but it can only hold my attention for 30 minutes to an hour.

The impression I get for the Inkbrush is that it's intended for stealthy support flanking. Use it to quickly cut a path through enemy territory (without drawing a lot of attention to yourself, naturally) and then just wildly flail paint at enemy players' backsides.

It was the first weapon I bought with Sprinklers and Inkstrikes, so it has that going for it, at least. It does seem very situational, and a team of brushers is probably boned, but I'd like to imagine it still has some use. (Or at least that's what I keep telling myself so I don't feel like I wasted 4500 Doubloons on the damn thing.)

A friend of mine got some pointers on how to use the Inkbrush and he shared them with me, figured you guys would be interested too:
"well, first off, do not use the regular rolling to cover turf EVER, unless you are retreating from a kraken or some sort of gunner that's closing in on you. Use it only for retreating. Second off, don't go head on assault with killing. You need to catch people by surprise. Either jump at them from above swiping at them, head around them and kill them from behind, or hide in ink and kill them when they are focused on something else. Finally, utilize the sprinker. This thing can give you a good amount of points and can easily cover turf in the enemy territory. And finally make sure to utilize squid form more then usual. This thing takes a lot of ink, and you need to easily get ink back to get most points possible. I've been using all this and I have gotten 700+ every game."

I tried it myself and he wasn't fooling (I failed to get that 700+ consistently, but that was due to my own poor Sprinkler positioning and simply not being good at PvP and dying more than I should have). The "rolling" is great for making a quick advance into enemy turf to slap down a Sprinkler and bail, but that's about it. You're definitely a support unit when you choose the Inkbrush: your direct offense and ink-covering methods are poor, so you have to rely on constant Sprinkler deployment and ambushes to be a solid contributor to the team.

You really start feeling the difference in ranked battle once you hit the B ranks.

Whenever I'm in a match with mostly C+, tactics are pretty basic and I score top kills on my team like 4 out of 5 matches.

If the match is mostly B-ranks you suddenly have multiple guys with a charger giving you a hard time to capture the area and just run and gun ain't gonna do it.

Also being rank B- and still level 17 really makes you feel out of place in a B match between all the 20 lol. And now I'm almost rank B.

Last edited Jun 08, 2015 at 04:41AM EDT

It's awkward for me knowing that I find the ranked game mode more fun than the normal game mode.

I wish the games would have a mode rotation, with some not possible on ranked of course.

Farm Zombie wrote:

I'd gladly pay ten dollars to double the number of musical tracks.

Same the music is good but when there's like 5 tracks it becomes a little grating especially when the 5 songs all sound kind of similar to begin with.

Nintendo is pumping out the updates at a steady pace. I thought the Octoling stages would make for good multiplayer maps, so this new update is good to see.

Also, here's something interesting I came across:

Farm Zombie wrote:

Nintendo is pumping out the updates at a steady pace. I thought the Octoling stages would make for good multiplayer maps, so this new update is good to see.

Also, here's something interesting I came across:

Ooh. pretty cool stuff there.

Tried ranked mode for the first time today. It was something new and different. So use to spraying the turf around me instead of the ONE AREA. Instead of going for my usual splattergun, I go for anything that has range and an Ink Strike. It's fun to a degree, but I think I like regular mode more.

Just my opinion, anyways.

RPG (TheRPGFan) wrote:

What's Voat?

Google is your friend. As of the time of this post, Voat's servers are under heavy load so it isn't online.

It's basically the reddit version of 8chan. Many reddit users migrated over to there similarly to the Great 4chan Migration to 8chan

Last edited Jun 12, 2015 at 12:33PM EDT

These yuri comics are the most adorable things ever I swear to god.

Note: Read from right to left.

Last edited Jun 17, 2015 at 06:07PM EDT

Splatoon isn't exclusively popular because of memes; it's a legitimately good game in its own right. That being said, one of the key strengths of Splatoon is its aesthetics, which spawns memes like crazy. Nothing wrong with a little fun.

I can't stop using the Splattershot Jr.

Like, I have no great love for the weapon itself against enemies. That "splatter" might just go around your enemy while you're sitting there at near point blank range while they collect themselves and splat you.

But I just can't get away from running in a straight line and covering a wide area, having the Splat Bombs to surprise and force foes to scatter, and the Bubbler to run enemies off or to hatch a quick escape (or, if I'm fortunate, the enemy doesn't have a weapon that can push me back, they try to…break the bubble, (I guess?) and I can just take my time and nail them.)
I honestly don't even know the setup of other weapons. The Suction Bombs take to long to explode, the Burst Bombs don't have the OHKO power of Splat Bombs and they can't be rolled off of walls, I want to move around too much for a Splash Wall…the Inkstrike doesn't actually cover that much ground and is easily covered up (not to mention, you have to look down and pick a place without getting sniped,) you can just hide or swim away from the Kraken (the Bubbler isn't necessarily intimidating, so the reaction can vary including "unfounded confidence,"), you are probably lacking average awareness if you can't get out of even the middle of the area of the Killer Wail, the Inkazooka is about like the Kraken, except you just scream "Hey! Sneak up behind me and pelt me in the back of the head!" Echolocator's not bad. Useful in attack and defense, I guess.
I use babby weapons, and I like it, please help :(

romantiCaveman wrote:

So how do people feel about the motion-control aiming? I turned it off after the first boss killed me, but I keep finding people online who swear by it.

I've been using it since Day 1. Hard to get used to at first (and I still I have some slight inconveniences with it), but I eventually caught on.

romantiCaveman wrote:

So how do people feel about the motion-control aiming? I turned it off after the first boss killed me, but I keep finding people online who swear by it.

I'm a person who can't exactly sit still or hold his controller still, as I prefer to play comfortably. Putting motion-control aiming on would catch me off guard constantly, whether I would be used to it or not.

Last edited Jun 18, 2015 at 11:34AM EDT

romantiCaveman wrote:

So how do people feel about the motion-control aiming? I turned it off after the first boss killed me, but I keep finding people online who swear by it.

I rarely play action games where frantic camera work is required for success, so the motion controls with the Reset Camera button were far more intuitive than using an analog stick to maneuver the camera.

It's not nearly as often the case now, but I had a notable advantage even on players who generally appeared to know how to play shooters. I would simply "aim" and fire, and I would see them spin somewhat slowly in place or spin too far/not enough to take me. Especially when you're dealing with Squid Kids who are constantly trying to strafe on you in very close quarters, simply turning back and forth based on your enemy and your sneaking seems to be easier than spinning a camera back and forth.

But if the analog works for you, then by all means. I think it just makes it easier for a casual player or people who don't normally play shooters to be competitive more quickly and on a higher level.

Last edited Jun 18, 2015 at 11:39AM EDT

RandomMan wrote:

These yuri comics are the most adorable things ever I swear to god.

Note: Read from right to left.

I don't know whether to be mad or impressed.
Leaning on mad, but still some good art.

(also considering you cqan change your Inkling's gender at anytime, it's not really that genre of comics. You could say oneof the two is a guy with a female inkling)

So, it seems the North American Splatfest has been delayed. Nintendo of America's Twitter says it's a result of matchmaking issues discovered during the Japanese Splatfest.


Last edited Jun 19, 2015 at 06:34PM EDT

RPG (TheRPGFan) wrote:

I don't know whether to be mad or impressed.
Leaning on mad, but still some good art.

(also considering you cqan change your Inkling's gender at anytime, it's not really that genre of comics. You could say oneof the two is a guy with a female inkling)

You must be a blast at parties.

Today's Splatfest is postponed until the devs can solve a matchmaking issue.

Kinda a bummer, but at least they released Bluefin Depot, which is an…interesting map, to say the least. I brought my WiiU over to my friends and naturally let them do most of the playing, so I didn't get to test out the map myself, but got to watch one of my friends fall to their death in the water multiple times.

Oh, and based on the comments in this thread, I think I'm gonna give motion controls another go.

While it sucks Splatfest got delayed, it was for a good reason at least. I'd rather it be delayed so they can ensure it will function properly, rather than go ahead and do it anyway with the matchmaking bug, which I feel could cause a bad first impression (need I remind people of the server problems in the second Global Testfire?).

I place the Inkling Girl onto the gamepad and she appears. She calls me "dude." I find this charming and look forward to our adventures together.

I place the Inkling Boy onto the gamepad and he appears. He calls me "playa." I am glad that he is not my son.

It sounds like Splatoon has sold over 1,000,000 copies worldwide…now.


According to Bing, this translates as:

"1 million this splatoon world total sales topped the news that entered!
Our squid Research Institute was just accepted to many people… My tears came out.
Thank you start rooting for you want to tell"

Thank you, Bing. And thank you, Nintendo, for allowing your tears to come out.

Thank you so much…

But seriously, I'm pretty happy to hear that. I wanted Splatoon to do well as a video game, and I think a million copies in under a month for a console that hasn't sold well is great.

So splatfest is happening, and all I have to say is that it's pretty amazing. As has been said before they give you ranks but instead of letter grades it's a title relevant to your side. And the thing that stands out the most is the music. Pretty much all of it has the Squid Sisters' lovably catchy synth singing in it as expected and it's amazing. I also love the brightness of the ink.

Space Cowboy wrote:

I haven't played Splatoon for a while, so Splatfest makes for a great comeback. What team are you guys in? I'm in Team Dogs.

I'm on "Team 'I won't eat four sticks of butter and wait until you get back home to throw it back up on the carpet along with the wedding band you lost a day back.'"

It's been pretty fun so far. I guess a lot of the people who stay in Ranked have come back to play, so you see a lot of people who seem kinda fresh (i.e., new) and people who are really fresh (i.e., very good.)

I am become Cat King.

Splatfest was good fun. It's a great way to reinvest people's interest in the game. I know I played more today than I have in the last two weeks. Hopefully, they'll do it semi-frequently. Another thing to happen lately was the introduction of tower mode, which is now my favorite ranked game type. I like how the tower plays a little jingle when it moves.

josie wrote:

I'm on "Team 'I won't eat four sticks of butter and wait until you get back home to throw it back up on the carpet along with the wedding band you lost a day back.'"

It's been pretty fun so far. I guess a lot of the people who stay in Ranked have come back to play, so you see a lot of people who seem kinda fresh (i.e., new) and people who are really fresh (i.e., very good.)

European, so I was team Pop (which lost). Still suprised to see I got 5 Super Sea Shells based on the rank I got, a nice reward given I was hardly able to play this Splatfest.

Really true what you're saying on all types of people suddenly playing together. Being rank B+, I hardly ever fight with or against people below rank 20. Now I suddenly had people of all levels, half of them using the broken Aerospray RG with its terribad range, hardly any chargers, and no longer having any issues splatting opponents.

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