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Billy Herrington

Last posted Dec 03, 2009 at 03:02AM EST. Added Sep 08, 2009 at 05:31PM EDT
14 posts from 4 users

I'm agree with you jackhorkheimer. It's memitude is almost as great as of RAN RAN RU.

I've watched a lot of his videos on Nicodouga. Unfortunately, as the basis material for this meme is a gay video, people are reluctant at sharing it outside of Nicodouga (where RAN RAN RU is not)

I have tried deciphering the Nicodouga encyclopedia entry for it, using different translators with no success. It's viewable here :レスリングシリーズ

@Tomberry : If you're not a Nicodouga member, then you can at least measure its success on youtube with the following youtube links :

Billy Herrington wrestling series on youtube :レスリングシリーズ&search=tag
The latest "WTF" video of him, featured in 3D :
Billy Herrington at Nicovideo (japanese, registration required) :レスリングシリーズ
(there is 4597 videos of it, the most viewed one is over 600 000 views)

As of what i've understood of it, it somehow similar to the "Rickroll" meme : People posted Billy Herrington original work on Nicodouga (first video was deleted, but uploaded the 10th august 2007) , then provided link with an "interesting title", and the clicker was redirected to this infamous video. After that, how japanese people decided to make multiple MAD movies of him is beyond my understanding.

There is also a few statements of its meme status on Wikipedia :

EDIT : In case the entry could be revived (i've seen in your profile you already posted an entry for Billy Herrington), you should renamed it into Wrestling series, as it's closer to the title used on Nicodouga.

There is also Philosophy and Fairy forest, but I think they make a lot less sense than "Wrestling series"…

Well, it was not HIDDENed for suckage. If we could axe entries just because they where terribly written, my job would be super easy.

It's not that bad of an entry neither, it may just be the fact he is a porn star and those videos are creepy as hell.

Not really content that this website wants to feature. Unless another admin can tell me different.

I though Goatse was creepier than Billy Herrington, but I understand your point. I lost many friends after posting just a few of Nicodouga's work of him. :/

In case you need info or some of the less creepier works, you can ask me :)

As far i'm concerned here, I saw many times one of that Billy Herrington 3d thing with vocaloid and Inital D. I scared the crap out of Captain Blubber with it !
I'm like hypnotized by the WTF factor that comes from it.

But here, I think that it's the same thing between Pingas and Dr.Robotnik.
One is a meme, the other a character.
So here, as you fairly said G0 DVL, aside that the gay pornstar career thing and the creepiness don't disturb me that much, it's more about what is surrounding Billy Herrington as a meme than Billy Herrington himself.

I wish I could read japanese to provide source information about their memes :(

As for Billy Herringtone's meme "Wrestling series", it may started like a Rickroll, but it ended like RAN RAN RU : corrupting other animes, musics, contexts with its content in mash-ups videos using animations, the actors faces and sounds of slaping… grapping and others (dunno how everything is called in english)

Like RAN RAN RU, there is no imitating works (ie : Batman doing ran ran ru ? or anyone doing Pants wrestling ?), except by a few unknown people more fanatic to their memes.

EDIT : In case you need to make someone stop watching Naruto :
Same for Bleach :

Okay, I know what you may think:
"reviving this pearl from page 10" isn't what I have in my mind right now.

I saw the phenomenon, I saw a great amount of videos and articles.

Billy herrington IS a meme under his japanese nickname of "Big brother" => å…„è²´ (aniki). There's no doubt about it, now that I realized all the Nico Nico Douga parodies and MADs that can be found out there.
I know most of the videos can be seen as "creepy" but they are creative and completely disrupt the "gay porn thing" to turn it into something funny, or that has nothing to do with it.

Please, admins, I beg you to reconsider the "invalid" entry thing for Billy Herrington or, if it's not possible, I'm asking you if I can take care of a newer entry about it, flagged "NSFW" and explaining most of the things I found without showing too much "creepy" things in it.

I approve of this ^^

In fact, Billy Herrington is not a meme itself, but I think that would be " レスリングシリーズ " (translated "Wrestling series" as seen on Wikipedia). As some videos are related to " レスリングシリーズ " (content edited with video clips of his works, often matching rythms or used as voice-over) without featuring him, I think that'll suit better.

Other famous characters displayed in those videos are often an asian guy nicknamed "TDN" in a latex suit saying "f*ck you" or "Boy next door" :
- the tag "BOY♂NEXT♂DOOR" on Nicodouga !
- the following NSFW link which I just found, celebrating Van adrkholme's birthday (in a japanese way >.<) :

… and another guy in the shower :
- SFW yet still very strange video :
- Also SFW but with a strange violin player :

As for Aniki / Big brother, I think they call him that because it's often seen in manga that some character have a big brother who displays lot of strenght or muscle that is often trying to rescue the little brother / sister.

An adapted "Westernization" of the meme's debut should really be "Gayroll" :
- You search for
- You click on link
- You've been Gayrolled by Billy !
I can't find another explanation of the number of view of the original video compared to the parodies.

Next, as japanese people usually do, they use the original content to match the music in animes, games, ect… much like the content displayed on youtube since the original video wouldn't be interesting for common people.

OMG, they posted this on youtube >.< (NSFW) : Gayroll Nintendo Super Smash Bros :

@Tomberry : I might prepare a new entry for the "Wrestling series", "Gayroll" or "gachimuchi". Just give me some time and tonight i'll prepare an page based on the structure / presentation of current memes for this meme. I'll post a link here later.

G0 DVL, I truly think that "Wrestling series", "gayroll" and "gachimuchi" could be paragraph titles for an entry summing it all up and called "Big brother (å…„è²´)/Billy herrington meme" or something like that.
But yeah, let's see what you'll do about it. I just hope that second try won't be marked as invalid.

Ok, i've posted it here :

I'm at lack of words to describe memes, but i've condensed all the knowledge i've catched from the net (well.. except from the chan sources >.<)

The Nico Nico Douga encyclopedia is trusted source… if you know of to read japanese :/ (I used Google translate for this)

Now awaiting Admin "approval of this". :/

I joined videos that most of us would understand / recognize (Dr Mario, Card captor sakura) so maybe people might be more tolerant with it.


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