Get Stick Bugged Lol - Comment #5,527,203

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The get stick bugged lol thing all started from me and a couple friends watching the original stick bug vid for an hour on mute while the stick bug song played in a discord call. My friend, Crunchy, made the OG caet get stick bugged lol on July 18th and we sent the caet vid to different discord servers because we found it funny. Me, Crunchy, and Yuri are overly obsessed with the song and sometimes still vibe to it, it's kind of like a mini cult and we shared our love of stick bug through a meme


in reply to Xyz_39808

I did get it wrong by accident, I thought I had sent it to Carson's discord but the creator of this entry was able to get in contact with me to confirm what I said so don't worry! I just deleted my discord username from this comment section since I didn't want other people to friend me to ask me when it was no longer needed


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