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Nigel the treasure hunter

Cataloger & Pundit & Media Chauffeur

Location: Melcatle Island

Joined Feb 24, 2014 at 04:05PM EST


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+664 +695 (95%) -31 (5%)
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+713 +783 (91%) -70 (9%)


Recent Activity

Commented on POV: You won.

> Unless you manage to reach like 20 times more than what a human's natural limits would be, good luck beating her. So, assuming a coomer managed to actually do this, he could overpower her spell and turn her into an obedient wife against her will.

Funny, this is precisely the premise of a doujin

May 29, 2024 at 11:54AM EDT

Commented on Young Male Virginity on the Rise Chart

Don't you believe that a lack of relationship can negatively influence a young man's satisfaction with life? I don't think the lack of relationships and intimacy can be adequately compensated by other things like hobbies or friends. A relationship can also be a motivator to improve yourself and be overall a well-adjusted member of society. Without it many young men have no stake in society beyond subsistence.

May 04, 2024 at 08:34PM EDT

Commented on Young Male Virginity on the Rise Chart

No-fault divorce is a thing. Besides, what's your point?
Wife and family were up until recently the norm for men. Even if you don't want kids, I dare say most men desire relationship, a wish which for some reasons goes nowadays increasingly unfulfilled.

May 04, 2024 at 07:32PM EDT

Commented on Man or Bear in the Woods Question

When you're stuck in the woods and encounter a bear, at best it will leave alone, at worst it kills you. There is no beneficial outcome to this encounter, and do you really want to take the chance?

A man in the woods is most likely someone who knows the place: a hiker, a camper, a hunter, a park ranger, a Ruby Ridge-tier hermit – someone who can offer you help. The chance to encounter someone who is just as lost and helpless as you are in the very same place is slim, and rapists and murderers are rare. You're more likely to run into one in a big city than the deep woods, statistically speaking. Encountering a man in the woods when you're lost will thus most likely increase your chance of survival and returning home.

May 04, 2024 at 02:23PM EDT

Commented on Bear mental olympics

No, unlike in games you can't just tank the damage of a bear mauling you and kill it with a couple sword slashes.

May 04, 2024 at 09:06AM EDT

Commented on Catholic Answers' AI Priest "Father Justin"

A soulless machine cannot speak on matters of the soul. If the faithful believe humanity to be children of God and besouled by God, it makes mankind unique among creation, and only fellow man can understand what it means to have a soul and genuinely speak of his faith in God or lack thereof.

A machine has no soul, no experiences, no feelings, no faith. Thus anything it teaches about its supposed faith is disingenious. It cannot share genuinely held beliefs from the bottom of its heart, as it has none. It's a man-made creation, given the appearance of a priest, and compelled by man to mimic religiosity. It does not offer teachings on matters of faith, only an illusion and mockery of it.

Also, what does it reveal about the faith of its creators, who, rather than take on the effort of personally anwering questions about their faith, just as Christ, His disciples, and many missionaries did, relegate this work to a bot? If they cannot muster the willpower to teach their faith personally, why should anyone listen to their virtual cardboard cut-out? To present an AI as an "authoritative" teacher of faith is to present a man-made idol as servant of God.


Apr 29, 2024 at 09:25PM EDT

Commented on Exciting Whites

Entering the supermarket:

Getting to the section that's Exciting Whites:

Apr 29, 2024 at 10:36AM EDT

Commented on Stellar Blade

> Game's marketing is horny bait
> Players buy game because they want the horny
> Game's horny gets reduced after players already bought it
> "Hurr why gamers upset?"

Apr 27, 2024 at 10:33PM EDT

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