Your Uncle Yonkers


Location: Interwebs

Joined Dec 13, 2018 at 05:17AM EST


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Commented on 2024 Pro-Palestinian College Protests / Gaza Solidarity Encampments

This kind of bullshit right here. "Yeah this sucks, and its the libtards fault!" Fucking retards

Call me when theres an anti super pac protest and someone finally asks the question why the average congressman and senior are worth 10 million when the pay for those jobs is only 100k a year.

What number protest is this in the last 5 years? Were doing Biden Trump 2 ffs, DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT LEFT VS RIGHT IS A FUCKING PSYOP AT THIS POINT

Declare class warfare now

May 02, 2024 at 08:17PM EDT

Commented on 2024 Pro-Palestinian College Protests / Gaza Solidarity Encampments

Weird, its almost like this country is highly corrupt or something and any organization or demonstration of any issue that doesn't target the root cause of why such dead locked politics happens in the first place is entirely pointless and a waste of time

(cough cough lobbyists cough cough monopolized media cough cough)

Bad thing happens
"Why bad thing happen?"
Everyone talks about protest
Bad thing continues unaddressed

Hey remember when everyone figured out that super pacs exist got super pissed off and now no one talks about it? WEIRD wounder why that is wounder why this bullshit keeps fucking happening?

Hmmm (scratches chin) wounder why its always some insane commie or neo nazi we talk about instead of the fact that you can legally and anonymously give money to our leaders.

Strange, wounder if that is like fucking everything else up or something?

May 02, 2024 at 08:03PM EDT

Commented on Hasan Piker Twitch Streaming vs. "Real Job" Controversy

You guys dont understand ok. Putting your hand on a cast iron pan on max heat is really painful. People just dont get that. Yall are all like "Deerrr why do you put your hand on a burning pan? At least turn the heat down to low" and im like unless you're setting your entire body on fire I dont wanna hear it!

When the flesh rips off of my fingers and I go ouchie you should feel bad for me. I cant just "stop" ive been doing it like this for years. So stop with the BAD FAITH comments. You dont understand what its like to be me. What my struggles are like. Im the Rosa Parks of 4th degree burns and im doing it for yall

Feb 26, 2024 at 06:23PM EST

Commented on 2024 YouTube UI Update

Also the last thing I want in my face is Youtube comments. Keep that shit at the bottom. Only the most brain dead trogs comment on (most) Youtube videos

Feb 26, 2024 at 06:15PM EST

Commented on 2024 YouTube UI Update

Look at how the related videos take up just as much screen space as the video you're trying to watch does. This isn't just some stupid design grad fucking around to keep his job this is intended design no one would subconsciously do by mistake.

Its trying to keep you on the site now before you even finish the video you're on your eyes instantly start looking at what to watch next.Its saying what you watch doesn't matter so long as you're watching. Its trying to replicate the endless scrolling of shorts for long term videos

Its the same reason they started throwing in random trending videos when you look up anything that have nothing to do with the search terms. Its so you get distracted and go down rabbit holes

Feb 26, 2024 at 06:12PM EST

Commented on Unicorn Overlord Localization Controversy

There ares some very minor annoying but notifiable things in grand blue with Jrpg characters living in a medieval fantasy world talking like modern day 30 year old millennials.

"Well fokes!" and "as you do" is the "Radical dude" of the 2020s and you will all be embarrassed with yourselfs for talking this in 10 years

Feb 26, 2024 at 05:04PM EST

Commented on Starship Troopers Effective Satire Discourse

The original book isn't a satire or even a criticism, its written straight. The director of the movie took those elements and put a magnifying glass on them because thats his sense of humor.

Its not his fault political discourse has devolved into working class 90 IQ florid brained retards shit posting on the internet
Feb 19, 2024 at 04:47PM EST

Commented on Starfield Optimization Controversy

Thats what i bought my 4tb hard drive for. I get that this is going to be inevitable one day but I call bullshit that a creation engine game being the one game needing it.

Sep 13, 2023 at 03:01PM EDT

Commented on Starfield Optimization Controversy

Very first game ive ever played that required an SSD. WHY? is there really some kind of impressive tech behind this 20 year old engine that makes it impossible to use on a standard drive?

Im not wasting 100 gigs on a single game for my main drive Todd

Sep 12, 2023 at 09:04PM EDT

Commented on Creator Clash 2

Predicting these tone deaf idiots are gonna main event two female fighters no one has ever heard of the fight will suck and they will lose even more money for CC3

Jul 06, 2023 at 06:35PM EDT

Commented on Skullgirls Update Controversy

"the toning down of some sexually suggestive elements (including the groping of an underage character and an upskirt shot of said character)"

Why did you have that in the game in the first place

Jun 30, 2023 at 09:13PM EDT

Commented on Block The Blue / #BlockTheBlue

TLDR to save your free time: Righty loser Twitter likes check marks now and lefty loser Twitter hates them now. They are both dunking on each other and winning.

Apr 21, 2023 at 09:33PM EDT
Your Uncle Yonkers

Posted in Is it just me or has Google become unusable?

It just fucking pisses me off so much because I hardly use Youtube for entertainment anymore. I use it to look up Photoshop and Maya tutorials, yet half the results are the most dog shit waste of time brain filler bullshit ever.

"Can u beat skyrim with just a fork???" "Dead space but I dont shoot my gun or do anything fun" "Game grumps best of comp, even tho you haven' t watched a video of there's in 5 years" On top of all that the top videos are mostly shitty not informative and full of some jackass doing comedy skits. It takes so long to find anything of substance now.

It just drives me crazy seeing this happen to something that was soooooo soooo sooo good and full of potential. So much great shit use to be made all the time. Now I feel like I only watch RLM, stream high lights and history videos as background noise while I work. I don't even remember the last time I sat down and watched a video with my eyes fixed on the screen that wasn't a tutorial.

God damn it, Youtubes turning me into the angry "back in my day you could eat vomit cakes and say the n word" old man.

Apr 18, 2023 at 03:11AM EDT
Your Uncle Yonkers

Posted in Is it just me or has Google become unusable?

Trying to find anything news related that isn't heavily editorialized leaving out a lot of context. I'm not talking about pizza gate illuminate shit I mean basic official or leaked documents.

its not impossible but the first page normally doesn't have the info i'm looking for.

Youtube is way more on the nose where it just straight up refuse to give you anything other then CNN, Fox, and other MSM only channels.

The main issue with all of this is trying to find a source that is actually trust worthy and not some creepy Google moderated garbage or finding some insane wack job.

The irony is ill hear someone say something weird or some shit, I try Googling it with no good results. The other day I was watching old Norm McDonald clips and he kept talking about Vince Foster. I tried Googling some of the shit he was taking about and found nothing, switched to a new search engine found every case fact I was looking for and more. And no I didn't find stuff from some Alex Jones like character.

Im not Googling shit like "Bill Clinton illuminate lizard transformation" Im looking for basic facts with the mindset of that can't be real right? It literally just makes conspiracy theories seem more valid when you try and do shit like this. The Foster case happened in the 1990s and most people don't even know or care about it so why even bother doing shit like this?

ANYWAY not trying to turn this tread into a conspiracy theory talk, just trying to prove a point that this kind of shit might do more harm then good at fighting off misinformation when you can't trust Google to just work properly in the first place

Apr 15, 2023 at 04:29PM EDT

Commented on CrowbCat

I think some of these comparisons are valid like the environment and sound design but when it comes to comparing the originals more actiony goofy tone to the remakes more serious grounded direction that's not really fair. I 100% prefer the originals fun goofy stuff but its not the direction they wanted to take it. So showing footage of Leon jumping around doing cool flips to disarm Ada then cutting to the slower more "realistic" way he disarms Ada comes off as misleading and not fair. Its clear they wanted to focus on the horror elements where as when RE4 was made at a time when horror games were slowly dying off so they made it way more cult action movieish.

Again its totally valid to like the original tone more but the argument should be which games tone gels with the gameplay and story better. The remake falls flater because its trying to be a serious drama story with all these goofy elements where the original the direction feels way more cohesive. Yet over all RE4 still plays super well, a remake is not needed so I actually am ok with them trying something new. Its a remake not a remaster

Apr 15, 2023 at 02:46PM EDT
Your Uncle Yonkers

Posted in Is it just me or has Google become unusable?

Wtf is up with Google's search engine? I seriously can't be the only one that's noticed how god awful everything they offer has become right?

Google nearly anything right now and notice how all you get are listical buzzfeed/CNN level horse shit written by absolute troglodytes that write worthless trash for a living and know nothing about the subject they are writing about. For the last few months I feel like the ability to gain any sort of worthwhile information has gotten so much harder to find because of this.

Youtube as well, if you're trying to do something productive like learning a new skill and you use Youtube then good luck. Why the fuck am I getting trailers to super hero movies when I type in "Maya 3d tutorial" Why are all the top results some dick head Tik Tok zoomer shilling some kind of scam or the video is the most basic ass level 1 information packaged with funny haha tik tok sounds? Why when I look up anything news related I only get CNN, Fox, WSJ ect? I can not get basic fucking facts about a story sometimes about things that are objectionably correct.

Is no one else seeing this or did I have some kind of weird algorithm glitch on my account? Idk if its the absolute worst parasites that's figured out how to manipulate the algorithm, Google over correcting out "hate speech" and destroying their own algorithm in the process or both

Apr 14, 2023 at 06:41PM EDT

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