
Scrapbooker & Pundit

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Joined May 31, 2019 at 08:12PM EDT


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Recent Activity

Commented on 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Behold, Russia's latest superweapon: A motorcycle with an anti-drone cage. Just when you thought Russia couldn't get even more pathetic…

Ukraine is definitely using Western weapons on Russian soil now. People have recovered HIMARS GMLRS fragments in Belgorod

A thread on trying to do OSINT on Russian rocket artillery losses, primarily on the BM-21 Grad and the BM-27 Uragan. One complication that he notes is that some of the vehicles may be in storage garages. You know, with how much a role OSINT has been playing in this war, I wonder if several countries observing this, from USA to China are taking notes to try to reduce how effective OSINT is in the future, especially since you apparently can get late Cold War spy satellite-grade photos with just your credit card.

Jun 01, 2024 at 07:57PM EDT

Commented on Donald Trump's Hush Money Case Indictment

As someone else said, this is merely symbolic, and probably won’t change the minds of most people. Aside from appeals, people under Trump’s cult of personality will undoubtedly do something stupid , and it’s likely a matter of when.

May 30, 2024 at 06:22PM EDT

Commented on 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine

After several unexpected delays, artillery shells from the Czech initiative should be arriving soon.

Russia's search for warm bodies continues. Right now, they're speeding up their recruitment of mercenaries from Africa and even tried their luck at mobilizing Muscovites. Russia's recruitment of African mercs has lead to, among other things, a Russian soldier allegedly getting raped by some of them. Nice cohesive force ya got there, Russia.

Russian finance ministry refuses to place bonds. Not sure what that means, but apparently it's noteworthy.

Last bit for now, Ukraine's carrying out ATACMS strikes near the Kerch Bridge. Preliminary reports suggests that they're just targeting Anti-Aircraft batteries near the bridge

May 29, 2024 at 07:48PM EDT

Commented on 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Sweden is going to provide Ukraine with the Saab ASC 890 AWACS aircraft. It's this thingy:
This will undoubtedly make it easier for Ukraine's F-16s to operate.

Some reports suggest that Ukraine is already using western weapons on Russian soil, especially after other NATO members lifted their bans. In particular, apparently Ukraine used Storm Shadows in Russia after the UK gave the go ahead, but so far, nobody's reported any fragments. US still hasn't lifted their ban yet

May 29, 2024 at 07:40PM EDT

Commented on 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine

I wonder when exactly we'll see the negatives effects take shape in Russia? The fact they use criminals as cannon fodder as well as duping foreigners like Indians and Nepalis could reduce those effects somewhat, but even accounting for that, still no major effect yet. Just a case of news not getting out?

May 25, 2024 at 11:38PM EDT

Commented on Stephen Colbert's "Skibidi Biden" Segment

Unlike Hillary herself saying “Pokemon Go to the polls”, at least this wasn’t Biden himself saying it I guess (unless Biden himself ordered Colbert to say it, which I doubt)

May 23, 2024 at 02:19PM EDT

Commented on 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine

It's basically official now: Tucker Carlson's now carrying water for the fucking Russians. He calls his channel "Russia 24", AKA the cheap knock-off version of Ukraine's United24.

According to British intel, China may have started to supply Russia with lethal aid. If so, said aid has yet to show up to the battlefield.

After Zelenskyy recently made comments on how America's proscription on Ukraine using their weapons on Russian soil is hurting them tactically, some people are finally making steps to put an end to this ban. Included in this effort is Mike Fucking Johnson of all people! And after a quick trip to Kyiv, even Blinken seems to be having second thoughts of this current policy. Yeah, this is a no brainer IMO. We're not trying to conquer Russia, but something has gotta be done to further disrupt Russian logistics by actually hitting their logistic centers with heavy weapons. Little Cessna drones can crack open oil refineries, but only western weapons can do the damage needed to disrupt Russia's offensive

May 22, 2024 at 11:27PM EDT

Posted in I need help with ublock origin

Welp, definitely glad I'm on Firefox right now. Fingers crossed they don't go to the Dark Side.

So aside from Firefox, what other browsers do y'all recommend?

May 20, 2024 at 09:57PM EDT

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