
Meme Constituent Meme Trader <br > Net Worth: 0



Location: Pain... pain is my home. HA! But seriously, I live in darkness.

Joined Oct 08, 2012 at 09:31PM EDT


Karma Received
+6,124 +6,439 (95%) -315 (5%)
Karma Given
+320 +412 (81%) -92 (19%)


I'm a huge fan of That Guy With The Glasses, and regularly keep up on the Nostalgia Critic, Atop the Fourth Wall, Bad Movie Beatdown, Todd in the Shadows, Cinema Snob, and Anime Abandon, plus all of James Rolfe(aka Angry Video Game Nerd)'s various projects, all of which give me absolutely no room to have a life. I also love math, as you probably already guessed, and would probably do something with that if the internet didn't already own my mind, body and soul.
Oh, and if you're wondering where my somewhat negative outlook on the world comes from, well…

(I guess this playlist will have to do for now. Goddamn DMCA takedowns…)

Recent Activity

Commented on Late Capitalism

Two fundamental rules of communist rhetoric:
1. Demand perfection from opposing systems/ideologies.
2. Demand nothing of the sort from your own.

Sep 22, 2017 at 06:48PM EDT

Commented on Pepe the Frog DMCA Takedowns

Sending spurious DMCAs: among the most surefire ways to get people on the internet against you, even if they're inclined to be on your side.

Sep 19, 2017 at 05:10PM EDT

Posted in Big Mouth. A new animated series for Netflix.

"Hey animated series development team fam, what art style should we select for our proposed show about teenagers dealing with the struggles of puberty in hilarious and vulgar ways?"
"Ooh ooh, I got it! How about one that renders those teenagers as looking no more than eight years old!"

And that's where it should have ended.

Sep 18, 2017 at 12:08PM EDT

Commented on #CNNBlackmail

So in other words, you didn't understand something that you didn't know anything about.
What a fucking revelation.

Jul 05, 2017 at 09:49PM EDT

Posted in Father tries to "teach gun safety" to young sons, points gun everywhere, pulls the trigger thinking it's empty, kills young daughter

Absolutely brilliant.

So yeah, he pretty much broke every rule you can break of the thing he was
" teaching ". Even if no one had been harmed, this'd be like trying to give your kids a head start on math, but at the same time saying "alright guys, math is about numbers, so if your teachers ever try to get you to use any stupid letters, don't listen to them- oh, and so-called "negative" numbers are dumb too, what's even the deal with those?"

Jul 01, 2017 at 06:21PM EDT

Commented on Feminine Penis

"WIP in progress"

RIP in peace to the understanding of initialisms.

Jun 30, 2017 at 06:27PM EDT

Posted in Joke vs. Woke

I'm honestly surprised this template doesn't have a page yet. I've seen it used a metric shit-ton all over the place.

Case in point.

Going through on Twitter, it's still there at least as far back as late last year, although it definitely becomes sparser and sparser.

Jun 17, 2017 at 03:14AM EDT

Commented on Purposefully Bad Volume Sliders

Is this a joke on how many bad volume sliders there are, particularly with non-standard video/audio players?
'Cause there are. Seriously.

Jun 15, 2017 at 04:43AM EDT

Commented on Activist Mommy

The whole bathroom shit is being brought up again? I guess I'll post this video to KYM again then, 'cause why the fuck not.

Jun 15, 2017 at 04:32AM EDT

Commented on Porky

Someone needs to make a movie based off this scenario.

Jun 13, 2017 at 11:14PM EDT

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