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>be me
>be blu pyro on ctf_sawmill
>half the team is spies and snipers, we're getting fucked
>only good players are me and a demoknight
>somehow we get the score to 2 and 2 caps
>there's a sentry in their intel room and none of our idiot spies can sap it
>we both know what needs to be done
>he charges in and kills the engie while i distract the sentry
>somehow i manage to reflect its rockets and barely survive while he grabs the flag
>it's happening
>but we're not even out of the room when one of the idiot spies charges in
>the whole enemy team is chasing him
>they blow him to bits
>we're too low on health to escape
>both of us die
>i look in chat while i wait to respawn
>"Black_Knight: fuck this shit"
>"Player Black_Knight joined team RED"
>i run back towards their intel room while the dumbass spies and snipers die in droves around me
>then i see the douchebag demo
>we both know what needs to be done
>i go melee, it's the only honorable way to kill him
>as i charge i scream my battle cry


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