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Recent User Interface Changes

Last posted Feb 04, 2021 at 07:22AM EST. Added Dec 17, 2020 at 11:56AM EST
199 posts from 94 users

Simply put, the new UI just feels empty. Like thereโ€™s not a lot of substance to fill up the space. If youโ€™re going to work on the UI, perhaps add some substance instead, like changeable votes or a menu to allow us to easily format our text, or allow us to like without having to wait for 8 seconds!

It feels like everything is merged together in a hodge-podge of a page, then spread thin with empty white space in between.
Gives an impression that CSS style and scripts failed to load and when I first opened a new designed page I genuinely thought my browser broke in some way.

For an encyclopedic archival and preservation resource, the most important things are delivering info in a concise straightforward manner that is easy to navigate. The new UI is direct opposite of that. There's white space everywhere and information is sparse. The essential controls are gone, and navigating the site takes more time.

To me the new interface is straight up uncomfortable to the point of unuseability. If it stays, then I leave, because I won't be able to use the site anymore for its intended purpose, and without that why even come here.

I accidentally found out that KYM is getting a redesign via GigaChad entry.

I hate to say this, and I'm gonna be angry here: This is worse than any YouTube Redesigns I've ever experienced, and even worse than using Epic Games Launcher.

Hell, Twitter spends 3 years working on a redesign (under Progressive Web App/Twitter Lite) and yet people hated it-- AT LEAST they got user feedback beforehand!

To start: there's soo much UI bloat. too much bloat. too much whitespace.

The website performance (primary Initial Load) is soo slow, that adblocks are necessary to get the performance boost. Keep in mind that I have a good internet connection and a SSD.

why did I mention adblocks? Because that redesigned is designed for advertising in mind, and even that, it's even more bloated than current KYM UI.

โ€ฆsigh ok, if I were you guys, I would use the current KYM UI as a foundation and improve upon it, have articles and image board to be a major focus and should take advantage of that whitespace.

This gives a lot of freedom for Entry Editors be more creative, to be frank, it should've been a higher priority than showing off Raid Shadow Legends ads while I'm reading "Logan Paul's Suicide Forest Video".

Last edited Jan 02, 2021 at 04:49PM EST

PS: I checked the Redesigned Mobile UI, you can tell the mobile redesign is a much higher priority than Desktop equivalent. It is superior in every single way.

Last edited Jan 02, 2021 at 05:18PM EST

Encountered a new bug when looking at comments here:

Scrolling to the very bottom and back up changes the number of comment pages from 50 to 9917, and trying to change the comment page afterward (clicking on a number or an arrow) just refreshes the page and resets the comments to the most recent ones.

Last edited Jan 06, 2021 at 10:47PM EST

While im aware that the new UI is in WIP, i might as well suggest something another:

Add in more filters with include/exclude (Events, Memes, People, Sites, spoilers, etc) other than the Subcultures and NSFW filter. Idk why the person that made the two filters never bothered to put the rest of it. Even the Event galleries are just controversies nowadays.

Last edited Jan 09, 2021 at 03:51AM EST

I don't know how you managed to make it worse, but looking at the GigaChad page, you put in an autoplaying video that has to be stopped manually? This is an ARCHIVAL website, not a news operation! This isn't Kotaku, this isn't the Post or the Gazette, this is a fucking database for christ's sake! You have Cheezburger if you want to do the clickbait news thing. This is not the place for that!

I don't care if this is less coherent compared to my last post, I am livid that your idea of 'better' is anathema to our calls for something more readable and concise. The site's 'improvements' are even worse for the end user than they were before, and none of the issues have been addressed. It isn't even taking one step forward and two steps back; you are simply walking backwards at fucking highway speeds.

In addition, the people responsible for this eyesore have clearly stopped listening to this thread by now, since that's the only reason I can give for why they haven't scuttled this plan yet.

Suggestions for improving this as a desktop UI:

The line height can be better at 1.6-1.7. That way, there won't be any unecessary space. The padding for the trending bar should also be at 10px rather than 16px for the same reason, along with the font size of the body text at 14px.

The section for the top entries of the week should be placed in between the start of the article and the trending tab as a substitute to the advert section.

The advert sections themselves are better off placed just at the sides of the entry rather than also be in the middle of it.

As for the layout of the related entries and subentries, it'd be better if they were all small squares rather than having the first one or two rows be too spacious. Same goes to the recent videos and images sections.

The old button layout should be kept in order to make options such as requesting editorship, adding new media, adding a comment, or suggesting changes distinguishable.

The tags should be placed in the table talking about the entry's details (status, origin, type, thumbnail image). Additional references should be included in said table rather than be at the very bottom of the entry. Same goes for the section displaying the entry editors. It can be redirected through a "View all editors" button beside the details mentioning the editors who added and updated the entry.

The "Latest from" and "Latest editorial and news" sections can be placed at the side to the entry (left or right, up to you) as a small section. There's no need for the "Latest from" section, in particular, to be in the bottom of the page and have infinite scroll.

Last edited Jan 12, 2021 at 04:28AM EST

Kirb Blanco wrote:

I have a suggestion for the UI: Just cancel it. Don't fix what isn't broken. You can pay your web designers to do nothing.

Or better yet, pay them to fix the actual problems instead of assigning them a pointless redesign that I've seen practically nothing positive about that feels entirely like a purely corporate decision

Some feedback from me.

We don't need a space above and below each damn line of text. We don't need Ads dividing up the whole page. And we don't the image and video section to have one of each popped out massive while the rest is in normal size. It feels like the site is trying to make me scroll more often.

Also, using a lot more grey text on a white background makes it painful to read (e.g in entry stats). Make the text darker so it's easier to skim-read.

Also, I actually sometimes do look at ads as I get a lot from Audible, but I'll certainly use Adblock if you divide the whole entry page with them. Make use of the massive amount of room in the page's sides and put ads there. Also, no damn pop ads on the bottom right. You know, the one that stays exactly there as you scroll. It's distracting as it sticks there, and it's annoying to press the X button on it every damn time.

Last edited Jan 12, 2021 at 10:42PM EST

Congratulations, you broke more than half of the videos and pictures on the frontpage in the process. In addition to all the previous bugs still being there. Was is worth it all?

Firock wrote:

But why tho?

Why change something that's not broken like the UI when there is the stuff that's broken and hasn't been changed for years. Like the voting timer and the edit bottom.

TL:DR don't pls

Don't fix what ain't broke. Knowyourmeme should be well aware of that phrase considering the amount of memes created from such instances.

This vertical layout of the vid/picture gallery is horrific instead of the grid based one, even for a mobile view. what sort of web devs are the guys running the site hiring?
This half and half version is just as terrible as the completely new one a month or so ago.

Last edited Jan 13, 2021 at 09:54AM EST

Rainbow Crash wrote:

Unequivocal, widespread, total criticism by everyone:

"Just continue pushing it with no alterations, I bet they'll like it if they are left with no choice!"

There's always a choice. We could leave.

It would be the excuse I've been looking for myself for a while now, actually.


You have done nothing to improve this, despite what you said. You have done nothing to change this, despite what you said. You've lied to us in this very thread. You don't care about what we have to say and it shows. I can only say that it's a good thing you chucklenuts haven't figured out how to fuck up the rest of the site, though knowing our luck this pox is going to spread in the next week.

Last edited Jan 13, 2021 at 10:57AM EST

The fact that the comments aren't displaying at all tells me that either

-Whoever is in charge of this site design is so fucking incompetent, not only can't they fix or add necessary features, but BREAK current features. Orโ€ฆ
-The staff just wants to get rid of this community.

Let me get this straight; you think about 6,548 block requests on my adblocker within 30 seconds with the new layout when the old one only netted 50, in addition to introducing new bugs that weren't there before and angering a moderator, is funny?

Last edited Jan 13, 2021 at 01:15PM EST

It feels very mobile-user oriented, and I don't understand why the same formats are on both mobile and desktop, and why there's such a stark difference. The old interface worked well on desktop, and was a little clunky on mobile. Now it looks good on mobile but is still clunky and looks horrific and very clunky on desktop.

The Math Hatter wrote:

It feels very mobile-user oriented, and I don't understand why the same formats are on both mobile and desktop, and why there's such a stark difference. The old interface worked well on desktop, and was a little clunky on mobile. Now it looks good on mobile but is still clunky and looks horrific and very clunky on desktop.

Dude it's horrible on mobile too. I literally cannot use this site without viewing desktop mode, or at least, that was the case until the changes were madeโ€ฆ This new UI is like searching through a blinding, white void until you find content. It's like they want to kill the site. Newer =/= Better. Literally no one wanted thisโ€ฆ unlike that edit button we never gotโ€ฆ or bug fixes so adds would stop covering the screen

I can't believe they actually put it on every page. After everyone complained about it for the past month, they just went through it. I guess our opinion doesn't matter after all. I'm so fucking tired of websites changing the UI before they even improve on it. There is still no "Edit comment" button. You still can't undo voting on a comment or image. And I can't believe someone looked at KYM and said, "You know what we really need? A UI change! That surely won't anger the userbase we depend on."

"We are still looking for feedback," someone said earlier here. Bullshit. I would've expected these lies from big-name corporations, but not KYM. I'm disappointed.

I'm gonna be a bit of a drama queen here. I'm done with this shit. I quit. I actively avoid every website that forgets itself and doesn't give a damn about the users it depends on, and this one won't be an exception. I'll never understand how we got to this point and made the internet become such an unwelcoming palce in the past few years.

StormCall wrote:

I can't believe they actually put it on every page. After everyone complained about it for the past month, they just went through it. I guess our opinion doesn't matter after all. I'm so fucking tired of websites changing the UI before they even improve on it. There is still no "Edit comment" button. You still can't undo voting on a comment or image. And I can't believe someone looked at KYM and said, "You know what we really need? A UI change! That surely won't anger the userbase we depend on."

"We are still looking for feedback," someone said earlier here. Bullshit. I would've expected these lies from big-name corporations, but not KYM. I'm disappointed.

I'm gonna be a bit of a drama queen here. I'm done with this shit. I quit. I actively avoid every website that forgets itself and doesn't give a damn about the users it depends on, and this one won't be an exception. I'll never understand how we got to this point and made the internet become such an unwelcoming palce in the past few years.

And now they're saying we'll be "warned" if we complain about it on the pages. Now I'm not saying people should ignore that and comment about the changes anyways as a means of protestโ€ฆ but if people did it would probably be pretty noticeable, and might get the staff's attention.

Mothman wrote:

And now they're saying we'll be "warned" if we complain about it on the pages. Now I'm not saying people should ignore that and comment about the changes anyways as a means of protestโ€ฆ but if people did it would probably be pretty noticeable, and might get the staff's attention.

I'm going to do just that. If it gets me banned, well, I don't see myself caring much anymore.

Perhaps others here will feel the same.

Mothman wrote:

And now they're saying we'll be "warned" if we complain about it on the pages. Now I'm not saying people should ignore that and comment about the changes anyways as a means of protestโ€ฆ but if people did it would probably be pretty noticeable, and might get the staff's attention.

Wait, "warned" as in "threatened?" Lmao, how embarrassing. How about you stop shoving changes nobody wants down our throats, KYM? Maybe you wouldn't need to "warn" anyone.

I'd love to get the pitchforks and protest on every possible page. But they'd probably ban everyone for spamming and it probably won't do anything. Plus, the staff likely knows already, they just don't care. Worth a shot tho.

StormCall wrote:

Wait, "warned" as in "threatened?" Lmao, how embarrassing. How about you stop shoving changes nobody wants down our throats, KYM? Maybe you wouldn't need to "warn" anyone.

I'd love to get the pitchforks and protest on every possible page. But they'd probably ban everyone for spamming and it probably won't do anything. Plus, the staff likely knows already, they just don't care. Worth a shot tho.

You know, I'm genuinely considering something user Nedhitis posted on an image post I made about the situation.

Perhaps we should just try combining hornyposting and bitching about asinine redesigns.

I don't know if you're still reading this thread, but the "more comments" button that replaced the numbered comments pages is literally broken and doesn't work beyond the first time, so you literally can't read comments beyond page 2 now. Pressing the "more" button also makes the old numbered buttons appear at the bottom for some reason, but clicking the mjust refreshes the page.

I just want to talk about the movement of Minimalism. Why is it that every company I can think of is adopting this, what is so appealing about it? You are just left with empty space and seeing it not being used to it's full effect really grinds my gearsโ€ฆ

What is wrong with our current layout, can't it be easier just to fix problems that users have address rather than creating new ones with this UI design? I have no say in how this site gets coded or fix, but I really do wish I knew something about coding to make the UI much more appealing or just fix the problems in question.


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