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I have created a new religion. Come and join my cult.

Last posted Jul 17, 2024 at 04:25PM EDT. Added Feb 17, 2021 at 12:11PM EST
1286 posts from 21 users

  • >a clear sign of treachery, devilry and all other bad -rys.

(Who do you think helped us Americans fight for independence?)

(Besides, my factory is impossible to take over, I have the 6'3", red-headed Deliverance Joke to keep people in line. And if that doesn't work, there's the 6'8" redhead who deletes entire realities every Tuesday to keep an incorporeal evil space cancer-fungus-thing from coming into contact with intelligent life. If that doesn't stop a revolt, I don't know what will.)

(Also, as an aside, what's your opinion on various other European countries?)

>my factory is impossible to take over

(This is very, very important.)

(Get the two of them to say "The air in the countryside is cleaner than the air in the city" and pay careful attention to the way they pronounce the words.)

(It may be too late, in which case, may the Circle, Shirley and Fred have mercy upon your poor doomed soul.)

>what's your opinion on various other European countries?

(Sorry, you've asked me before and I always forgot to get around to answering it.)

(As for the people?)

(I generally like all Europeans apart from the Northern French, as the vast majority of the ones I've met have been the living embodiment of the French stereotype.)

(The Swedes are a bit whimpish and whiny, but all in all they're not a bad lot.)

(The Dutch are pretty much Englishmen who permanently sound a little bit drunk, so they're a bunch of nice chaps. The same goes for most Scandinavians, actually.)

(All the Slavs and Germans I've met have all been really friendly and warm people. For reasons I don't quite understand, out of all the Europeans, I tend to gel with them the best.)

(Also for reasons I don't quite understand, all the Spaniards I've known have been very hard and professional workers; which is odd considering how the actual country is doing.)

(If you count the Turks as Europeans, then they're alright; although they are very distant and it's quite difficult to get them to socialise with other people at times as they tend to just cluster together.)

(We don't really have any people from the Med down here, so I don't really have an opinion on them as people.)

(As for the countries?)

(I'm baffled at how Spain seems to get through multiple governments in a year, although it explains how the country has just seemed to have stagnated. Never getting better, never getting worse.)

(Belgium managed to function perfectly fine for an entire year without a government, which just shows how nothing of importance happens there.)

(To be honest, apart from France, a lot of Western and Northern European countries tend to have weak governments.)

(Bizarrely, Turkey, Italy and Greece have strong governments; but they've decided that the best way to get out of the holes they've dug for themselves is too just keep digging, because there might be gold at the bottom and they've invested too much to stop now.)

(I don't really have an opinion on the Baltics or Balkans. There too far away from me to really be relevant to the geo-political sphere I live in. They're just…there.)

Soup King wrote:

>my factory is impossible to take over

(This is very, very important.)

(Get the two of them to say "The air in the countryside is cleaner than the air in the city" and pay careful attention to the way they pronounce the words.)

(It may be too late, in which case, may the Circle, Shirley and Fred have mercy upon your poor doomed soul.)

>what's your opinion on various other European countries?

(Sorry, you've asked me before and I always forgot to get around to answering it.)

(As for the people?)

(I generally like all Europeans apart from the Northern French, as the vast majority of the ones I've met have been the living embodiment of the French stereotype.)

(The Swedes are a bit whimpish and whiny, but all in all they're not a bad lot.)

(The Dutch are pretty much Englishmen who permanently sound a little bit drunk, so they're a bunch of nice chaps. The same goes for most Scandinavians, actually.)

(All the Slavs and Germans I've met have all been really friendly and warm people. For reasons I don't quite understand, out of all the Europeans, I tend to gel with them the best.)

(Also for reasons I don't quite understand, all the Spaniards I've known have been very hard and professional workers; which is odd considering how the actual country is doing.)

(If you count the Turks as Europeans, then they're alright; although they are very distant and it's quite difficult to get them to socialise with other people at times as they tend to just cluster together.)

(We don't really have any people from the Med down here, so I don't really have an opinion on them as people.)

(As for the countries?)

(I'm baffled at how Spain seems to get through multiple governments in a year, although it explains how the country has just seemed to have stagnated. Never getting better, never getting worse.)

(Belgium managed to function perfectly fine for an entire year without a government, which just shows how nothing of importance happens there.)

(To be honest, apart from France, a lot of Western and Northern European countries tend to have weak governments.)

(Bizarrely, Turkey, Italy and Greece have strong governments; but they've decided that the best way to get out of the holes they've dug for themselves is too just keep digging, because there might be gold at the bottom and they've invested too much to stop now.)

(I don't really have an opinion on the Baltics or Balkans. There too far away from me to really be relevant to the geo-political sphere I live in. They're just…there.)

Alright, hold up.
So what you are saying is that, as an englishman, the people who have been the most annoying to you have been the northern french?
Is that whole region of Europe still stuck in 1353? Has any of them fart in your general direction?

Quiet_boi wrote:

Alright, hold up.
So what you are saying is that, as an englishman, the people who have been the most annoying to you have been the northern french?
Is that whole region of Europe still stuck in 1353? Has any of them fart in your general direction?

Er…this is going to be hard to explain.

In the cities and Northern provinces, France is very much still an Imperial country and they do not like foreigners telling them what to do, and they most certainly do not like foreigners living amongst them.

Whenever you read about the race riots and car burnings in France, it's pretty much localised in Paris and the Northern towns and happens when the various immigrants forced to live in dilapidated ghettos get fed up with putting their shit and decide to lash out.

They're the kind of people who will pretend not to speak your language, treat you like an absolute moron for not knowing things that you could not possibly know and talk shit about you to their friends right in front of your face.

I will begrudgingly admit that the Southern French are actually alright and tend to be on the whole decent people.

If you ever want to go to France, avoid Paris like the plague and head for one of the provinces bordering Spain. The weather's nicer, the people are more chill and your less likely to have to explain to the rental company why you've returned the car well-done instead of raw.

(So I don't know if this will ruin the tone of the comic you're making Kaijin, but can something like this be the default for what happens when a Shitbot installation goes into full alert.)

(I just love the mental image of an intruder tripping an alarm and finding themselves in the middle of a rave.)

  • >"They're the kind of people who will pretend not to speak your language, treat you like an absolute moron for not knowing things that you could not possibly know and talk shit about you to their friends right in front of your face."

(I know someone that went to Paris and literally that happened to them, they got lost, saw a local reading a book in English, asked them for directions and they just turned away from them and said "No English.")

(And, errr, maybe I'll have goofy meme music in the Shitbot base, maybe.)

Blütgrindor and her underlings reached the bottom of the chasm, around them were massive corridors. Running down the corridors, they eventually came to the Silent Reactor's control room.

Entering the control room, they found Azuraikantria in the form of a great seal embedded in the console, broadcasting a song that dampened the Silent Reactor's fluctuations, while her son, Shigeroz, stood busy operating one of the consoles.

"Miss me, honey?" Nialeroz announced as he rolled into the room, only to go unnoticed by his wife and son.

"Hurry, there's not much time left!" Azuraikantria announced as Blütgrindor and her underlings entered walked over to the window overlooking the Silent Reactor's core. Eight massive struts met in the center of a massive void beneath the ground and melded into a vaguely torso-shaped metallic blob that was the core of the reactor.

"Wait, what's that?" Perifonos said as she pointed towards an object falling from the ceiling of the massive void. Looking closer, Blütgrindor made an unfortunate realization when she saw what it was.

"Azuraikantria! Shut down the Silent Reactor, now! Those Shitbot imbeciles have let her out!" Blütgrindor screeched as Azuraikantria panicked to shut the reactor down, but could not.

Atop the Reactor Core, a slinking mass of clawed limbs and synthetic muscle fibers scurried and slithered it's way to a specific spot on the reactor core, it's deformed head splitting into many tentacle-like appendages that terminated in toothy mouths, it buried them into the reactor core's casing and began drawing power.

"GET DOWN!" Blütgrindor shouted as bursts of energy crackled along the mass' body and surged, a massive bolt of power shooting straight into the control room and causing the window panes to explode violently. The power surge traveled hundreds of miles up back to the surface until all of the buildings in Death On High had been thoroughly electrified to the point of nearly vaporizing everything around them. Massive jolts obliterated all the remaining Shitbots as the Undefinable Revelation members all sought for insulated shelters.

The absurd discharge of energy eventually caused the atmosphere around Death On High to ignite and combust, sending a massive blast that sent shockwaves all the way down back to the Silent Reactor.

"LILITHINE!!!" Blütgrindor shouted as she soared through the air and dived onto the mass.

"H-hungry…" Lilithine grunted back as her head briefly reformed before splitting again.

Blütgrindor and her underlings attacked the degenerated beast before them. Ripping off and slicing apart the various appendages and limbs of the abomination was no problem, only difficulty being that Lilithine could grow them back with ease.

"We need to get her away from here!" Azuraikantria shouted.

"Can you restart the Silent Reactor and open a portal?" Blütgrindor inquired.

"It will take a few moments, but I should be able to!" Azuraikantria responded.

"I know where you'll go…" Blütrindor growled through a perverse grin as she turned to the feral Lilithine.

Soup King Prime, Quiet_boi and Sam were all sitting about the Circle Cult's war room, trying to figure out what they're going to do about their forces trapped inside Death On High and how they would recover from their defeat at the hands of Undefinable Revelation.

Suddenly, a brief earthquake occurred and the sound of screaming Shitbots, whirring blades and explosions was heard emanating from the halls, looking around the corner, the trio found that a hideous, deformed animal-like Undefinable with a writhing mass of tentacle-like appendages for a head running about the temple, devouring everything it saw.

The Current Ones had their torso perforated by the countless mouths and the Fusion reaction and quite a large amount of metal sucked out of them, the energy extracted causing a surge that heated the air around the beast to the point that it burst into flame.

The Old Ones fared much worse, the beast would devour not just their combustion engines, fire and fuel, but their brains and skulls as well. There wasn't enough energy pulled from the old ones to cause the air to catch fire, but regardless of which variant of Shitbot the beast encountered, it would inhale and digest their entire body after sapping the energy from them.

Eventually the creature found it's way to the Nuclear Fusion Reactor beneath the Circle Cult's Temple and began to dine on it as well.

Kommando was sitting at his desk, when all of a sudden, a shockwave knocked him off of his seat and onto the floor below, looking out the window at the cratered ruins of the Circle Cult's temple, he turned to Castiellea.

"Castiellea, would you be so kind as to return Blütgrindor's little friend to where she belongs?" Kommando ordered.

Castiellea blinked and Lilithine found herself resealed inside the dark decrepit tower in Death On High she was trapped in to begin with. Distraught that she could no longer feed, she wailed in agony as the hunger pangs set in instantly.

With the Shitbots eradicated from Death On High, the Silent Reactor fixed and the Circle Cult's temple appropriately decimated in retribution, Blütgrindor saw fit to gloat victoriously. "More than you know, Soup King Prime! More than you know!" She cackled violently from the comfort of her palace with Rhajamaut joining her in laughter.

With the Shitbots eradicated from Death On High, the Silent Reactor fixed and the Circle Cult's temple appropriately decimated in retribution, Blütgrindor saw fit to gloat victoriously. "More than you know, Soup King Prime! More than you know!" She cackled violently from the comfort of her palace with Rhajamaut joining her in laughter.

(Meanwhile at Lilithine's Tower.)

"That was rather rude of them, Number 56."

"Indeed it was, Number 82, indeed it was."

The two Shitbots, unrestrained now due to the destruction of the Circle Cult and seemingly forgotten by the Undefinables, phased through the walls and floors of Death On High! towards Lilithine's tower.

"The Nagging One should have asked our friend if she wanted to go back to her room, Number 56."

"And without supper too, Number 82."

"How cruel, Number 56, how cruel."

The Dark Twins allowed physics to once again have an effect on them, and landed before the door of the tower with a gentle thwump.

Finding the door to be securely locked, it was a simple matter of making it unlocked by reminding the silly thing that it was a door and not a wall, so it should be open.

Lilithine, the Gnawing Hunger, was laying huddled on the floor and was sobbing heavily, a pool of oily tears soaking her disjointed head.

At hearing the sound of the door opening, she looked up with most of her weeping eyes and looked at the silhouetted forms of the Shitbots.


"It seems are friend is happy to see us, Number 56."

"Indeed, Number 82, indeed."

"Do you think we should invite her to lunch, Number 56?"

"I believe that is the least we can do, Number 82."

With a rather terrifyingly girly squee of joy and what kind of looked like a massive grin if you squinted hard enough, Lilithene rushed out of the tower and joined the Shitbots on a jolly old stroll down to the Silent Reactor.

No one saw them.

It was amazing what a strong mind could not see if it did not wish to.

The only one who reacted to what could not possibly be happening was Azuraikantria, who spun around after hearing the doors to the Silent Reactor slamming open behind her.

She wanted to yell at the intruders.

She wanted to send out an alarm to the others.

She wanted to scream as Lilithine burrowed her head once more into the Silent Reactor.

But it is so hard to do that without a mouth and being unable to remember any negative words.

Lilithine drank deep of the power of the reactor.

For but a moment, her hunger was sated.

She was happy.

The Silent Reactor detonated, ripping a gigantic hole in the fabric of reality in multiple dimensions, wiping out Undefinable Revelation and the Church of Shirley, with Shirley being cast into the Dungeon Dimensions where she had to fend off Unspeakable Horrors until the ending of the end of time.

”You Have Unlocked The Grimdark Ending!”

”Would You Like To Try Again?”

Soup King wrote:

With the Shitbots eradicated from Death On High, the Silent Reactor fixed and the Circle Cult's temple appropriately decimated in retribution, Blütgrindor saw fit to gloat victoriously. "More than you know, Soup King Prime! More than you know!" She cackled violently from the comfort of her palace with Rhajamaut joining her in laughter.

(Meanwhile at Lilithine's Tower.)

"That was rather rude of them, Number 56."

"Indeed it was, Number 82, indeed it was."

The two Shitbots, unrestrained now due to the destruction of the Circle Cult and seemingly forgotten by the Undefinables, phased through the walls and floors of Death On High! towards Lilithine's tower.

"The Nagging One should have asked our friend if she wanted to go back to her room, Number 56."

"And without supper too, Number 82."

"How cruel, Number 56, how cruel."

The Dark Twins allowed physics to once again have an effect on them, and landed before the door of the tower with a gentle thwump.

Finding the door to be securely locked, it was a simple matter of making it unlocked by reminding the silly thing that it was a door and not a wall, so it should be open.

Lilithine, the Gnawing Hunger, was laying huddled on the floor and was sobbing heavily, a pool of oily tears soaking her disjointed head.

At hearing the sound of the door opening, she looked up with most of her weeping eyes and looked at the silhouetted forms of the Shitbots.


"It seems are friend is happy to see us, Number 56."

"Indeed, Number 82, indeed."

"Do you think we should invite her to lunch, Number 56?"

"I believe that is the least we can do, Number 82."

With a rather terrifyingly girly squee of joy and what kind of looked like a massive grin if you squinted hard enough, Lilithene rushed out of the tower and joined the Shitbots on a jolly old stroll down to the Silent Reactor.

No one saw them.

It was amazing what a strong mind could not see if it did not wish to.

The only one who reacted to what could not possibly be happening was Azuraikantria, who spun around after hearing the doors to the Silent Reactor slamming open behind her.

She wanted to yell at the intruders.

She wanted to send out an alarm to the others.

She wanted to scream as Lilithine burrowed her head once more into the Silent Reactor.

But it is so hard to do that without a mouth and being unable to remember any negative words.

Lilithine drank deep of the power of the reactor.

For but a moment, her hunger was sated.

She was happy.

The Silent Reactor detonated, ripping a gigantic hole in the fabric of reality in multiple dimensions, wiping out Undefinable Revelation and the Church of Shirley, with Shirley being cast into the Dungeon Dimensions where she had to fend off Unspeakable Horrors until the ending of the end of time.

”You Have Unlocked The Grimdark Ending!”

”Would You Like To Try Again?”

So essentially

(It would be more accurate if Lilithine simply ate 56 and 82, causing a power surge so massive that every reality was simultaneously obliterated by the force of the resulting explosion.)

(I was also going to have a part where SK Prime and Quiet_boi dig themselves out of the rubble, find Sam's corpse and make a comment along the lines of "Damn, 5th time this week!" in reference to the cloning facility, but I forgot.)

>(I was also going to have a part where SK Prime and Quiet_boi dig themselves out of the rubble, find Sam's corpse and make a comment along the lines of "Damn, 5th time this week!" in reference to the cloning facility, but I forgot.)

(It's a good thing you mentioned that, because we needed that for the True Ending run.)

A scorched metal hand punched its way out of the ruins of the Church of the Circle. The arm was quickly followed by the heavily dented form of Soup King Prime hauling himself out of the ruins.

The Shitbot got up onto his feet and limped over to another pile of rubble and started to quickly pick lumps of debris up and casually toss them aside.

Within a surprisingly quick time considering the damage done to it, the machine managed to free the bruised and broken body of Sam, and then the virtually undamaged form of Quiet_Boi from underneath her.

"Sh…she saved me."

Prime cradled the dazed body of Brother Boi in one arm and lifted him gently out of the rubble. With the other, it grabbed the leg of Sam's corpse and dragged her behind it like an over-full bag of garbage.

"I am not sure why she keeps doing that, it is not like anything can actually harm you."

Soup King flung the body of Sam onto a debris pile and then gently laid Quiet_Boi down onto the grass to rest.

"It sure doesn't feel like that at the moment, Soup."

Prime placed a slightly crumpled hand over his cracked eye pieces, solely for the theatrics of it, and stared into the clear blue sky that hung over Kaijin's industrial zone.

"Ah, another victory well won!"

Quit_Boi looked around at the scenes of utter devastation that surrounded him and set his eyes upon the brutally twisted body of Sam lying a few feet away.

"If this is what victory looks like, Soup, I sure as shit wouldn't want to see a defeat."

The machine kneeled down so it could speak to Brother Boi face to face.

"Oh…do not worry about that, little buddy. All my brothers will be back when the next shuttle arrives in a few days time and we'll have another Sam up and running well before then!"

"Besides, there's still the four of us here, so it's not like they killed everybody."

A small smile slowly crept across Quiet_Boi's weary face.

"Can we make her thicc this time?"

"But of course!"

The machine sat down beside him in the cool grass and they spent a few minutes in silence enjoying the peace of an early Summer's day.

"Ey Soup, what did you mean when you said I couldn't come to harm?"

"You're the protagonist. Only the Main Villain can hurt you."

"You mean Blütgrindor?"

"Bah, she wishes."


"Nah, he is the rival who will eventually learn the error of his ways and become a grudging ally later on."

"So…who is the Main Villain?"

"Well, you see…"

Soup King wrote:

>(I was also going to have a part where SK Prime and Quiet_boi dig themselves out of the rubble, find Sam's corpse and make a comment along the lines of "Damn, 5th time this week!" in reference to the cloning facility, but I forgot.)

(It's a good thing you mentioned that, because we needed that for the True Ending run.)

A scorched metal hand punched its way out of the ruins of the Church of the Circle. The arm was quickly followed by the heavily dented form of Soup King Prime hauling himself out of the ruins.

The Shitbot got up onto his feet and limped over to another pile of rubble and started to quickly pick lumps of debris up and casually toss them aside.

Within a surprisingly quick time considering the damage done to it, the machine managed to free the bruised and broken body of Sam, and then the virtually undamaged form of Quiet_Boi from underneath her.

"Sh…she saved me."

Prime cradled the dazed body of Brother Boi in one arm and lifted him gently out of the rubble. With the other, it grabbed the leg of Sam's corpse and dragged her behind it like an over-full bag of garbage.

"I am not sure why she keeps doing that, it is not like anything can actually harm you."

Soup King flung the body of Sam onto a debris pile and then gently laid Quiet_Boi down onto the grass to rest.

"It sure doesn't feel like that at the moment, Soup."

Prime placed a slightly crumpled hand over his cracked eye pieces, solely for the theatrics of it, and stared into the clear blue sky that hung over Kaijin's industrial zone.

"Ah, another victory well won!"

Quit_Boi looked around at the scenes of utter devastation that surrounded him and set his eyes upon the brutally twisted body of Sam lying a few feet away.

"If this is what victory looks like, Soup, I sure as shit wouldn't want to see a defeat."

The machine kneeled down so it could speak to Brother Boi face to face.

"Oh…do not worry about that, little buddy. All my brothers will be back when the next shuttle arrives in a few days time and we'll have another Sam up and running well before then!"

"Besides, there's still the four of us here, so it's not like they killed everybody."

A small smile slowly crept across Quiet_Boi's weary face.

"Can we make her thicc this time?"

"But of course!"

The machine sat down beside him in the cool grass and they spent a few minutes in silence enjoying the peace of an early Summer's day.

"Ey Soup, what did you mean when you said I couldn't come to harm?"

"You're the protagonist. Only the Main Villain can hurt you."

"You mean Blütgrindor?"

"Bah, she wishes."


"Nah, he is the rival who will eventually learn the error of his ways and become a grudging ally later on."

"So…who is the Main Villain?"

"Well, you see…"

(Meanwhile at Kaijin Industries)

"I must say you've surprised me, [SPOILER], I wasn't actually expecting you to succeed."

"You underrrrrrrrrressssssssssssstimate me, masssssssssterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. We will have the rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrebel sssssssssssssssscum eliminated and the factorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry operrrrrrrrrrrrrrrating at 150%."

"Ah yes, the marvels of German efficiency. With any luck, by the time Waifu production goes back online, it will almost be like nothing ever happened in the first place."

Kaijin leaned back in his Big Boss Chair and happily contemplated the recent events.

The CoC had been thoroughly destroyed, Lilithine was back in her cage, the Undefinable Revelation would be temporarily pacified after such a slaughter and soon he wouldn't need to worry about how much he should be paying a conveyor belt so that it doesn't go on strike for not being taxed fairly.

Yes, everything was coming together nicely.

All in all, it wasn't t-


"Ssssssssssssssssinging, massssssssssssterrrrrrrrrrrrrrr?"


Kaijin spun around and quickly hit a few buttons on the control console.

What had once been a rather dysfunctional and chaotic protest had been turned into a highly organised and professional one.

All of the workers and machines in the factory were still on strike and still making the same demands as before.


"Yessssssss, massssssssterrrrrrr?"


"Drrrrrrressssssden, Desssssssssssssssau, Gerrrrrrrrrrrrrra, Potsssssssssssssdam."


"But the man sssssssssssssssaid they wo-"


"The man on the phone."

A seed of dread began to take root in Kaijin's heart.

"[SPOILER], how German did this man sound."

"I do not know, how Gerrrrrrrrrrrrrman isssssssssssss Gerrrrr-"


"Verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry masssssssssssssterrrrrrrrrrr. Extrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrremely ssssssssssssssso."

Kaijin took a deep breath as the bloom pushed up through stony ground.

"Ok…this is fine. I'll just get Blütgrindor to kill them all and we can start over again."

Kaijin tapped the command console again to open up a link to Blütgrindor's palace on Death On High!, but before he could even offer a word, he was blown out of his seat due to the sheer noise coming out of the speakers.

It was so loud and ferocious, that at first, it wasn't apparent that what was assaulting their ears was actually music.

Once the volume had been turned down, it still wasn't what someone would actually call music.

It wasn't readily apparent if being able to understand the song was better or worse than being deafened by it.

Just barely audible under the constantly looping song was the sound of multiple people cursing loudly and what sounded like heavy deconstruction work as the Undefinables tore their city apart to get at the source of the cacophony.

The seed of dread now had a firm grip and was beginning to sprout leaves.

Kaijin closed the communication channel and slowly turned to [SPOILER]

"Oh….kay. I want you to get Castiellea and-"

"Ssssssssshe isssssssss currrrrrrrrrrently unavailable, masssssssssssterrrrrrrrrrrrrr."


"Sssssssssssssshe ssssssssssssssaid that sssssssssssssshe would be gone for a few daysssssssssssssssss. Ssssssssssssssomething about wanting to get back to basssssssssssssics and working sssssssssssssssssomeonessssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssstaff."




"I know not, masssssssssterrrrrrrrrrrrr. I believe ssssssssshe ssssssssssssaid it wassssssssssssss girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt big, whateverrrrrrrrrrrrr that meanssssssssssssssssss."

"…I see."

The seed of dread began to form a bud as it swayed gently in the sea of Kaijin's other emotions.

Kaijin calmly turned around and walked over to the command console, entered in a password into a nondescript keypad which opened up a small hole beside it.

Kaijin took a small key out of his pocket, put it into the hole and turned it counter clockwise three times, before then turning it clockwise a further five times.

A panel flipped open, exposing a big, red button with the word "PURGE" written in bold, black letters.

The visors of his mask fogged up with sweat as his hand hovered over the button.

With a grunt of effort, Kaijin slammed his hand down onto the button and…


Breathing heavily and in a blind panic, Kaijin began to repeatedly smack the button to no effect.

A message suddenly started flashing on one of the small screens built into the command console, which read:

Why so serious? :p

The seed of dread bloomed a beautiful black flower which sucked all the warmth and light out of Kaijin like a black hole devouring a star.

"Call him."



[SPOILER] scuttled over to an old-fashioned phone half-hidden in the corner of the room and rang the number scribbled in chalk on its side. Meanwhile, Kaijin a T-Pose like position whilst slav squatting at the same time.

"Hello, isssssssssss thissssssssssss Ssssssssssssoup ssssssssssspeaking?"


"Yessssssssss, thisssssssssss issssssssss [SPOILER]."


"Could be betterrrrrrrrrr, thank you."


"Yesssssssssss, thissssssssssss isssssssssssss about the factorrrrrrrrrrrrry."


"Yessssssssssssss, he hasssssssssssss assssssssssssssumed the posssssssssssssition."


"Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrre you ssssssssssssurrrrrrrrre?"


"I ssssssssssssssssee."


"I will rrrrrrrrrrrrrelay that back to him."



[SPOILER] turned around sheepishly and struggled to look Kaijin in the eyes as he relayed Soup's message to him.

"He ssssssssssssssaid therrrrrrrrrrrrrre wassssssssssssssss nothing he could do forrrrrrrrrrrr the next few daysssssssssssssss, but he ssssssssssssssaid he would be ssssssssssssssending you possssssssssssitive vibessssssssssss until then."

Kaijin was silent for a moment, still assuming the position he had taken at the start of the phone call.

He then threw his head back and screamed.

The End

Accident at Sandia National Lab kills Nuclear Fusion researcher.

May 12th, 1999.

Tragedy has recently befallen the Sandia National Laboratories as a researcher has died after falling inside the Z Pulsed Power Facility's "Z Machine" during an experiment. Fusion-chan, a waifu created specifically to assist in Nuclear Fusion research became stuck inside the center section of the device after performing maintenance without anyone else noticing. An extreme-pressure experiment commenced shortly afterwards, killing her. "We're still not sure how this is exactly happened in the first place, we have very strict safety procedures designed to prevent this." One researcher commented. Operation of the facility has been temporarily suspended as investigations into the incident are underway.

Kommando_Kaijin wrote:

(Wait, you guys haven't been figuring these out?)

(To be honest, I knew there was something I wasn't getting, as I saw all the little things you put into the images that came with the posts, but I wasn't able to figure out what is was specifically about.)

(I just thought it was describing how your guys got to planet Earth and you using them to take out various anti-democratic, anti-American threats whilst running for president.)

(Was there more faint hidden messages?)

The Circle Cult welcomes all refugees and misguided industrialists fleeing the San Francisco Zone of Alienation and the wrath of the W-Consciousness.

Although said misguided industrialists will have to assume the position for no less than an hour for the neck pain they have inflicted upon us.

Soup King wrote:

(To be honest, I knew there was something I wasn't getting, as I saw all the little things you put into the images that came with the posts, but I wasn't able to figure out what is was specifically about.)

(I just thought it was describing how your guys got to planet Earth and you using them to take out various anti-democratic, anti-American threats whilst running for president.)

(Was there more faint hidden messages?)

The Circle Cult welcomes all refugees and misguided industrialists fleeing the San Francisco Zone of Alienation and the wrath of the W-Consciousness.

Although said misguided industrialists will have to assume the position for no less than an hour for the neck pain they have inflicted upon us.

I don't think the Cores made it to San Francisco. Didn't you notice anything in particular about the last one?

Kommando_Kaijin wrote:

I don't think the Cores made it to San Francisco. Didn't you notice anything in particular about the last one?

Wait, are you telling me that Shirley was born in the burning wreck of Airflight 93 from a collection of organically-sourced dragon balls?


Soup King wrote:

Wait, are you telling me that Shirley was born in the burning wreck of Airflight 93 from a collection of organically-sourced dragon balls?


But they were destroyed in the crash, there are currently no Cores left in the world, much to the chagrin of someone.

(Which gives me a good idea for a character design I'm working on…)

(…But they won't show up for a long time, so…)

Kommando_Kaijin wrote:

I don't think the Cores made it to San Francisco. Didn't you notice anything in particular about the last one?
The “unstable” materials were brought onto a plane headed towards an American destination. This last incident was reported on September 10th, 2001, a day before 9/11.

olors64 wrote:

The “unstable” materials were brought onto a plane headed towards an American destination. This last incident was reported on September 10th, 2001, a day before 9/11.

Everyone reading the last one like:

Last edited Mar 08, 2022 at 08:13PM EST

A cult emerge from hiding, carrying clocks carved octagonally, announcing “IT’S TIME TO STOP!”

This strange chant becomes more aggressive, and the octagoners begin unearthing other road signs, so only the stop signs remain.

Blütgrindor appears behind the mysterious octagon cultists and grabs them all through the chest with her claws. Cackling wildly, she dragged them out of sight, where their screams of agony echoed for miles before suddenly stopping.

The Undefinable with a hideous metallic face and purple glowing eyes flew to the top of the massive pyramid in his spacecraft form and landed on it's apex as he turned to his Undefinable form and peered out over the landscape.

"This planet will be dark forever!" He said, suddenly making a confused facial expression. "I think I have the wrong script, do I? Oh, this is the right one? Got it!" He said as Kommando appeared, handed him a stack of papers and left.

"I've destroyed more impressive pyramids before!" He shouted as he blew up the pyramid and flew away.

Kommando sat, overlooking plans for multiple urban centers. The not-quite-human figure stood next to him.

"Why arrrrre therrrrrre sssssso many overrrrrrpasssssssss mazesss and ssstack interrrrrrchangessssss, again???" It questioned.

Kommando chuckled. "Because… We're going to make a paradise of vehicular mobility and individual autonomy, with these new Industrial Ultracities, we'll pave the way to a future where people can define themselves, without those pathetic Shitbots and their zealots fouling everything up!" He announced.

"We've already got several slated for the Eastern Seaboard, one on the West Coast, France, Germany, UK, Italy, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Brazil. Once we're through, this whole planet will be a better place for individuals!" Kommando elaborated.

"But what about the layerrrrrrrrrrrrrssssssssss? What makessssssssssssss you think that a multi-layerrrrrrrrrrrred ccccccccccccccccity issssssssssssssss a sssssssssssssssstructurrrrrrrrrrrrrrally ssssssssssssound idea?" The figure questioned.

"Oh, it'll work…" Kommando said. "It'll work so well, that it will be the standard for centuries to come! The amount of extra space granted by just building extra layers will be more than enough for decades and decades of growth and expansion!"

"And thissss???" The figure said as it pointed towards a massive area of land reserved for an unspecified project in the middle of the city.

Kommando laughed. "You'll see… you'll see…" He said calmly. "Today the world… tomorrow… the next." He said as he stared at the reserved area.

Just as Kaijin had finished loudly and clearly explaining his plan to the world in general, a loud bang could be heard as the doors to the Kommand Centre were kicked open.

Soup King Prime marched in whilst waving his arms wildly about in a pleasingly theatrical way.

"Bloody hell man! We've talked about this!"


"You can't just instantly wipe out the other cults! You're stifling the creativity of budding shitlords!"

"Huh, whose going to stop me? You?"

"You're jolly well right I am, old bean!"

The not-quite-human figure stepped to one side as Kaijin stepped forward and took up the Crane Stance before Soup King, who took up a Unicorn Stance in response.

"Prepare for an ass whoopin', old man!"

"En garde, you fiend!"

The two then began to flail at each other like a bunch of sissies. Barely any of the strikes were hitting and the ones that were had just about more force than a wet fart.

The fight lasted for fifteen minutes and ended in a draw after Soup King's arms fell off and Kaijin passed out from exhaustion.

It was the most impressive display of martial skill that the not-quite-human figure had ever seen and he too passed out from the excitement, swooning into Kitty's arms when she came to investigate the worrying sounds coming from Kaijin's office.

"Yes! He fell for it!" Kommando cheered. "Detonate the decoy headquarters!" He ordered.

The room Soup King stood in sans his arms suddenly exploded, killing Soup King.

"One down, more to go _very soon!"_ Kommando gloated as the Shitbot was completely obliterated by the trap.

Scarlette was walking down the street when some dickweed dressed like some sort of weaboo-ass DnD character with a terrible red haircut that would make even 80's rockstars cringe, a face that looked like she had face-planted into a woodchipper and an obviously mentally deranged goth Asian woman dressed like some sort of Chinese fortune teller that was she very obviously in some sort of sordid relationship with following her around walked right into Scarlette and nearly trampled her.

"Watch where you're walking, retard!" Scarlette shouted at the two as they continued stomping down the sidewalk with ear-to-ear shit-eating grins carved into their cheeks.

"You dare call Blütgrindor a retard?" The Goth Asian woman snapped as both she and Blütgrindor turned around with hateful glows in their eyes.

"Yeah, I'll call whoever I fuckin' want whatever I fuckin' want to, now fuck off and watch where you fuckin' step, retards!" Scarlette angrily replied, her frustrations visibly rising.

Blütgrindor growled before stepping towards Scarlette and leaning into her face.

"What did you say to me?" She groaned.

"Fuck off, and while you're at it, why don't you just go home and anger-fist your schizo-ass goth slut and drink yourself to sleep because you'll never be a real fantasy warrior princess, come back when you know how to function in public, you fuckin' retard dyke." Scarlette berated at the two as they stood simmering with hatred.

"You dare insult me, and then accuse me of being a filthy deviant that consorts with other women?" Blütgrindor shouted at Scarlette, who stood a whole two inches above the cannibal conqueror.

"'Accuse' would imply that there's any doubt about you being a fuckin' carpet muncher." Scarlette interjected with her arms crossed, head tilted to one side and face making an annoyed, weary frown.

"I'LL SHOW YOU SORDID ONCE I BREAK YOUR SKULL IN!!!"Blütgrindor screeched in pure rage as she flung her fist towards Scarlette's face, dodging the blow, Scarlette kicked Blütgrindor's knee to stumble her.

"Now I'm fuckin' pissed!" Scarlette yelled as her temper finally surpassed the boiling point, prompting her to lunge into Blütgrindor's torso, toppling her.

With both of them on the ground, they were both beating, pounding and punishing each other. Scarlette stood up, grabbed Blütgrindor by the ankles and flung her into a window display. Blütgrindor got back onto her feet and kicked Scarlette backwards. Rhajamaut crept towards the raging redhead, only for her to turn her head and stare her straight in the eye with a look of pure contempt.

"Fuck off, skank!" Scarlette ordered to Rhajamaut, who was so unnerved by the look in her eye that she found herself unable to move.

Scarlette and Blütgrindor kept exchanging blows until they had both collapsed to the ground. Scarlette stood up and walked away covered in bruises and with a noticeable limp. Blütgrindor flipped onto her back and grinned evilly at the minimum-wage employee that had just fractured her spine and dislocated three of her limbs.

"I'll kill you one day!" Blütgrindor cackled as her body cracked and popped loudly as she attempted to move.

"Take your fuckin' meds, freak!" Scarlette shouted as she walked away.

"I thought you went down too quickly."

Kaijin leapt from his chair whilst performing a 1080 twisting backflip and shrieking in a manly, manly way.

Managing to stick a perfect landing, Kaijin took up a defensive slav squat on top of the Kommand Konsole to stare at his unexpected guest.

"How the hell did you re-build yourself so fast?"


Soup King's eyes narrowed as he began to examine Kaijin in great detail, graciously not pointing out the darker shades of colour around the groin and armpit areas.

After a few seconds, the eyes returned to their normal size and he tilted his head to one side.

"I know the real me is me…"

He tapped the number hastily spray-painted on to his helmet.

"…but how do you know the real you is you?"

"Ok man, you're starting to creep me out. What do you mean?"

"Well, if you're going to be cloning yourself, there has to be way to tell the difference between the original and the copies."

"Dude, what's the point of having decoys if everyone knows there decoys."

"But there could be a Kaijin clone out there right now planting trees for brownie points and protesting against heavy industry right now, and everyone would think it was you!"

The, presumably real, Kaijin gasped in horror as he watched the conversation taking place in the, presumably real, kommand centre with the, definitely real, Number 27 sitting next to him.

He was so shocked he almost forgot to detonate the, presumably fake, Kommand Centre.

"I'm freaking out man, what do I do?"

Number 27 graciously ignored the fact that, due to certain stains, Kaijin looked exactly the same as the one he just blew up.

"Dunno, fight club maybe?"

"Dude, it's not 2020 yet! We can't do a battle royale, that would be anachronistic!"

Number 27's eyes narrowed and focused on where the presumably real Kaijin had his presumably real eyes.

"That was a rather sophisticated word you used there…Kaijin."

After a few tense minutes where they were waiting for the explosion, they relaxed a little after the base broke convention and didn't spontaneously combust.

Unfocusing his eyes, Number 27 came to the conclusion that this was probably the real Kaijin.


"Shit man, what am I gonna do?"

"Well…you've only really been using the Undefinables lately. If you're other creations aren't doing anything at the moment, why don't you put together a task force to hunt down the errant clones and bring them to…justice? tyranny? Kool Kids Klub?"


"You've cloned them too, haven't you?"

"No, it's just that, well, how will they know the real me is me and not a clone they are hunting?"

"…we could try a funny hat?"

"No, too easy to replicate."


They sat pondering this for a while, before Number 27 snapped his fingers, making a sound that did nothing the halt the advance of the darker shade on Kaijin's pants

"What if we kidnap you! That way, all your people have to do is violently dismember all the Kaijin's that aren't our hostage!"


"Aye, that way you'd be secure, comfortable and in slightly less danger!"

"I suppose it's no-slightly less danger!"

"We'll have to have you sharing a room with Sam…to make it look convincing, of course."

"Oh…and why is sharing a room with her dangerous?"

"Lately everyone who's shared a room with her has ended up with a broken pelvis."

"Oh…oh my…"

"She's a lovely girl, mind you, but she just can't swing a hammer to save her life."

"I'm…I'm sure I'll b-wait, what!?"

"We've been trying to teach her how to be an engineer, but she's too shy to work in front of us, so she mainly works in her room. She likes to work late and their have been…accidents."


"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine…yeah…definitely…"


"Come on, cheer up ol' chap! If we head off now, we'll be back by tea time. It's shark stroganoff followed by Lemon Cheesecake today!"


Just to make it official, Number 27 then hit Kaijin over the head with a cosh, but a bag over his head and threw him over his shoulder; yelling vaguely political and religious slogans as he left the, probably real, Kommand centre for home.

First King, then Sam and now, even Kaijin has clones?
Geez, do you think we should start cloning me as well?
The circle knows we could use more wholesome (if a bit horny) Boi around here.

(The decoys are animatronic. If you pull their gasmasks off, you get Freddy Fazbear without his makeup, if you pull the gasmask off of the real Kommando, you die, everyone else in the room dies, because nobody ever gets to see what's beneath the mask.)

(The False Kommandos also can't open doors.)

(Also, if you think Sam's bad, Kommando can definitely outdo her, whether it's violence, engineering or otherwise.)

Kommando_Kaijin wrote:

(The decoys are animatronic. If you pull their gasmasks off, you get Freddy Fazbear without his makeup, if you pull the gasmask off of the real Kommando, you die, everyone else in the room dies, because nobody ever gets to see what's beneath the mask.)

(The False Kommandos also can't open doors.)

(Also, if you think Sam's bad, Kommando can definitely outdo her, whether it's violence, engineering or otherwise.)

(See, there's no way to tell a decoy apart from the real you, as we either discover the imposter and then blow-up, or we discover it's you and then we get throttled by our own intestines or whatever the equivalent would be.)

(That means we have to treat every Kaijin as the real Kaijin; because the only reliable, survivable way is to see if we can drown the suspected robot or not.)

(This is a lot of bother, and also slightly counter-productive to ongoing Circle-Shirleyist relations.)

(I mean, we could carry a portable door around as well in order to carry out ID tests, but that's just inconvenient.)

(Speaking of which, how do we know you're not an imposter right now?)

(Quick, say something a robot wouldn't say!)

Last edited Mar 23, 2022 at 06:11PM EDT

Quiet_boi wrote:

First King, then Sam and now, even Kaijin has clones?
Geez, do you think we should start cloning me as well?
The circle knows we could use more wholesome (if a bit horny) Boi around here.

Soup King Prime patted Brother Boi gently on the shoulder, causing only minor bruising.

"Don't worry, Brother Boi. The fact you can't remember any of your clones is a good sign."

The verticality of the cosmos is as a gradient, from form at the base to formlessness. It’s not a hierarchy, at least not innately.

Rather, it’s simply the realms we call “existence.”

From the levels near the base, whether the closed caves of hell, up to the earth, or even from the solar system, the universe feels incomprehensibly vast. Considering the perspectives from the highest, most prestigious levels of heaven don’t help. They become too stretched out and spacious, the residents desire companionship. It’s a reason why I keep returning to your presence.

To even picture the finer levels, we must imagine the universe to be one. And to go beyond that, our very thoughts are to be silenced, giving way for even subtler forms of happiness. The ecstatic pleasure calms to a gentler state. But out from that, even the pleasure and pain duality become unified, allowing one to transcend it; in this, peace prevails, and happiness goes sublime.

These are the forms, but the formless has been present as well, after we left the ground, thinking went formless. When conceptual singularity had been achieved, pleasure prevailed over pain. After pleasure shed itself, it eventually gave way to reveal sublime happiness and peace.

Many congregants had been following along, and actually reached some of those levels of transcendence. A few of them prompted the angel to explain whether or not this is it.

No, for there are four other planes of being, ones that are brought about through negation. These are the last 3 stations of consciousness, brought about by transforming the object of perception: the infinitude of space, infinite consciousness, and nothingness. Transcending nothingness results in perception fading to a liminal state. There is another state beyond this, one where the feelings fade as perception dissolves, and where consciousness ceases, as feeling ceases.

Of the beings from heaven listening in, one managed to reach the cessation. To return, become mindful of consciousness. Feeling should come back, and perception will return. Perceive nothingness, and follow the stations and levels in increasing multiplicity and form.

“Ok, thank you. I can now speak.”

You’re welcome.

The angel concludes the sermon, and everyone leaves.

how did he get there? Did he remember the death prior to life? Hmm…

Kommando sat observing the construction of a massive machine as Exorauder, the Undefinable with a metallic face, purple mechanical eyes and intricate interlocking teeth, flew in and stood next to Kommando.

"What is it, Sir?" Exorauder asked as he stared upon the massive components being hauled into place.

"Historically, there has been a massive problem with the design of most weapons, the vast majority of weapons are designed to fight the last war, against opponents long since defeated, to be used in tactics and strategies that have long since become obsolete." Kommando explained. "Unlike the various leaders of the world before me, I'm addressing that issue, I'm not just designing weapons to fight this war, or ones to fight the next war…" Kommando paused as he gestured towards the sky. "I'm designing weapons for the war after the next war!"

"I'm afraid I don't understand" Exorauder said in confusion. "How can you know what the war after the next war will be?"

Kommando chuckled. "Things in this war have showed me new avenues of existence and not just the ones I've sent you and that mentally degenerating strumpet and her merry(ied) men off to invade and build into something worthwhile!" He elaborated. "There are things beyond what you can just grab with your hands and choke the life out of, even if we can't strangle them to death with our hands, we still need to, therefore…" Kommando turned to the massive machine.

"It seems our work is never done." Exorauder said as he tried to grasp the sheer number of enemies Shirleyism will have.

"And it may never be, even if this Universe isn't infinite, there are many, many others." Kommando commented.

How many versions of Shirley are out there? (How many threads she’s in.)
To narrow it down, who else has the qualities of her that the Church of Shirley most value?

Kommando_Kaijin wrote:

Kommando sat observing the construction of a massive machine as Exorauder, the Undefinable with a metallic face, purple mechanical eyes and intricate interlocking teeth, flew in and stood next to Kommando.

"What is it, Sir?" Exorauder asked as he stared upon the massive components being hauled into place.

"Historically, there has been a massive problem with the design of most weapons, the vast majority of weapons are designed to fight the last war, against opponents long since defeated, to be used in tactics and strategies that have long since become obsolete." Kommando explained. "Unlike the various leaders of the world before me, I'm addressing that issue, I'm not just designing weapons to fight this war, or ones to fight the next war…" Kommando paused as he gestured towards the sky. "I'm designing weapons for the war after the next war!"

"I'm afraid I don't understand" Exorauder said in confusion. "How can you know what the war after the next war will be?"

Kommando chuckled. "Things in this war have showed me new avenues of existence and not just the ones I've sent you and that mentally degenerating strumpet and her merry(ied) men off to invade and build into something worthwhile!" He elaborated. "There are things beyond what you can just grab with your hands and choke the life out of, even if we can't strangle them to death with our hands, we still need to, therefore…" Kommando turned to the massive machine.

"It seems our work is never done." Exorauder said as he tried to grasp the sheer number of enemies Shirleyism will have.

"And it may never be, even if this Universe isn't infinite, there are many, many others." Kommando commented.

On a far away rooftop, Number 8327 and Number10162 were observing the construction of Kaijin's next project.

"You know, I think he took the Orbital Milk Cannon very poorly."

"I think you're right, he just hasn't been the same since."

As they watched, Kaijin gestured towards the sky and the Shitbots assumed this backed up their hypothesis on the situation.

"It's odd, you know, when we cleared it with the other Shirleyist's, they found the idea of Kaijin being engulfed by a stream of rancid, hot, viscous fluid from the heavens to be rather humorous."

"They couldn't stop giggling about it, this is true."

"Must be a human thing."

The pair returned to observing the construction of the new machine.

olors64 wrote:

How many versions of Shirley are out there? (How many threads she’s in.)
To narrow it down, who else has the qualities of her that the Church of Shirley most value?

(Well, There's both the WWIII and Shirley & Friends versions of Shirley, so there's at least 2, even if they're nigh-identical.)

(And honestly, Shirleyism, (which I've changed it to as I honestly don't find the concept of a religion as appealing or versatile as the concept of a political party) is less about Shirley and more about Individualism, Technology and asserting Humanity over other everything else, especially other species, such as Shitbots, Angels, Demons and any form of Extraterrestrial Life.)

Sometime early 2007.

Ominous Foresight.

56 and 82 were working on repairing Soup King Prime, who laid broken, shattered and deactivated from his previous encounter with Kommando on the table in front of them.

"I suppose we should first make sure his software hasn't been corrupted!" Said 56.

"Shouldn't we unplug that thing first before we try and make his brain boot up?" Said 82 as he gestured towards a small replica of the portal suspended over the broken robot's chest, connected to him via wires.

"Nah, it should fine, probably." Said 56 as he suddenly and without warning, started supplying power to Soup King Prime's brain.

Soup King Prime woke up in a black void, slowly the stars in the night sky began to shine above him as he was beginning to make out the silhouettes of massive buildings all around him. The floor beneath him began gaining detail as the black nothingness faded to asphalt, finding himself standing on an overpass of some sort, he looked down to discover and endless mass of overpasses and exchanges with colossal skyscrapers erupting from the spaces between the streets and highways and above him was even more of the same.

"W-Where am I?" He asked himself as he gazed upon the city around him.

Suddenly, three black masses shot up from the area below him as a sonic boom ripped through the air behind him. Seeing the three objects turn around and begin descending upon him, Prime decided that it was time to run.

Running down the neon-lit streets, the three masses quickly caught up to him and began opening fire on him. Evidently aircraft of some kind, they were incredibly small and short in length, bearing two wings that had a steep and extreme anhedral and a massive vertical stabilizer, nearly the same size as the wings, below it was a massive wing-like strut upon which several large weapons were mounted.

Much to Prime's chagrin, he discovered that the largest of these weapons was evidently a Lightning Cannon from Kitty Hawk's time. A massive flash of light burst next to him as one was fired at him and he stumbled and fell over the side of the highway.

Falling through the air, Prime landed on the concrete below, before he could stand up a garbage truck came by and stuffed him in it's heaps of trash. Eventually he was dumped, finding himself buried beneath a pile of dead Shitbots. They were heading towards an incinerator and he had to dig himself out fast. Struggling, he managed to break his upper torso loose and began to drag himself out of the pile.

His hope of escape was quickly crushed as a massive clawed mechanical foot clad in silver metallic armor did the same to Prime's hand. Looking up, the true horror and gravity of everything he had seen had finally dawned upon him and with nothing else to do, he screamed.

Soup King Prime's body began rattling as his blown speakers started blasting out garbled shrieks of agony.

"Oh, look! His mind's fine! Now we can start on his body!" Number 56 said.

"NOT S-STRONG EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-ENOUGH!!!" Prime shrieked in terror in his sleep.

"Sounds like we just got permission from the big boss himself do make a few upgrades!" Number 82 cheered as he started gathering equipment.

Number 56 shut off Prime's brain so that they could work on his body without any chance of him moving around on his own. Prime's nightmares would cease for now…

Kommando_Kaijin wrote:

Sometime early 2007.

Ominous Foresight.

56 and 82 were working on repairing Soup King Prime, who laid broken, shattered and deactivated from his previous encounter with Kommando on the table in front of them.

"I suppose we should first make sure his software hasn't been corrupted!" Said 56.

"Shouldn't we unplug that thing first before we try and make his brain boot up?" Said 82 as he gestured towards a small replica of the portal suspended over the broken robot's chest, connected to him via wires.

"Nah, it should fine, probably." Said 56 as he suddenly and without warning, started supplying power to Soup King Prime's brain.

Soup King Prime woke up in a black void, slowly the stars in the night sky began to shine above him as he was beginning to make out the silhouettes of massive buildings all around him. The floor beneath him began gaining detail as the black nothingness faded to asphalt, finding himself standing on an overpass of some sort, he looked down to discover and endless mass of overpasses and exchanges with colossal skyscrapers erupting from the spaces between the streets and highways and above him was even more of the same.

"W-Where am I?" He asked himself as he gazed upon the city around him.

Suddenly, three black masses shot up from the area below him as a sonic boom ripped through the air behind him. Seeing the three objects turn around and begin descending upon him, Prime decided that it was time to run.

Running down the neon-lit streets, the three masses quickly caught up to him and began opening fire on him. Evidently aircraft of some kind, they were incredibly small and short in length, bearing two wings that had a steep and extreme anhedral and a massive vertical stabilizer, nearly the same size as the wings, below it was a massive wing-like strut upon which several large weapons were mounted.

Much to Prime's chagrin, he discovered that the largest of these weapons was evidently a Lightning Cannon from Kitty Hawk's time. A massive flash of light burst next to him as one was fired at him and he stumbled and fell over the side of the highway.

Falling through the air, Prime landed on the concrete below, before he could stand up a garbage truck came by and stuffed him in it's heaps of trash. Eventually he was dumped, finding himself buried beneath a pile of dead Shitbots. They were heading towards an incinerator and he had to dig himself out fast. Struggling, he managed to break his upper torso loose and began to drag himself out of the pile.

His hope of escape was quickly crushed as a massive clawed mechanical foot clad in silver metallic armor did the same to Prime's hand. Looking up, the true horror and gravity of everything he had seen had finally dawned upon him and with nothing else to do, he screamed.

Soup King Prime's body began rattling as his blown speakers started blasting out garbled shrieks of agony.

"Oh, look! His mind's fine! Now we can start on his body!" Number 56 said.

"NOT S-STRONG EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-ENOUGH!!!" Prime shrieked in terror in his sleep.

"Sounds like we just got permission from the big boss himself do make a few upgrades!" Number 82 cheered as he started gathering equipment.

Number 56 shut off Prime's brain so that they could work on his body without any chance of him moving around on his own. Prime's nightmares would cease for now…

(Out of interest, where you gonna write this anyway, or was the innuendo cannon a step too far on my part?)

Soup King wrote:

(Out of interest, where you gonna write this anyway, or was the innuendo cannon a step too far on my part?)

(I dunno anymore, I'm just stalling by making filler and foreshadowing stuff for later while trying to find time to work on the comic. You'd be surprised how disorganized and sluggish art's been, but on the bright side, I did come up with some stuff for later.)

(And if you think the innuendo cannon has any effect on Kommando, you've clearly forgotten who many of his cohorts are. You think Milkiness is your ally? But you merely adopted the milk; I was born in it, molded by it! I didn't see… not milk… until I was a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING!)

(The milk betrays you because they belong to me!)

Kommando_Kaijin wrote:

(I dunno anymore, I'm just stalling by making filler and foreshadowing stuff for later while trying to find time to work on the comic. You'd be surprised how disorganized and sluggish art's been, but on the bright side, I did come up with some stuff for later.)

(And if you think the innuendo cannon has any effect on Kommando, you've clearly forgotten who many of his cohorts are. You think Milkiness is your ally? But you merely adopted the milk; I was born in it, molded by it! I didn't see… not milk… until I was a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING!)

(The milk betrays you because they belong to me!)

(Perhaps the same can be said of any mammal)

The angel had recently made a breakthrough. He made and distributed bubble sets to some higher beings.
But these aren't your average bubble sets.
The soap contains a special ingredient that, over the course of 3 days, will make the bubbles go spherical. Instead of popping, they settle on the ground and harden. What happens after will be a surprise.

? ?, ????

At this point, every bubble blown turns into crystalline spheres. They are actually eggs, and when they hatch, they become what the locals describe as resembling locusts. They were the angel’s attempt to bring circle cultists into the heavens. Remember those who had previously died defending their faith? The angel didn’t want them to get stuck in the more miserable births, so this was what he came up with. However, they seem to be somewhat of a nuisance to the otherwise comfortable environment, so the angel scattered seeds in a vacant area to bring them elsewhere.

The angel drew a giant circle in the cloudy ground, as though it were sand. As this was a boundary, he signaled the swarm to move out of it. Then suddenly, a solid foundation sprung forth, one which looked exactly like the floor of the CoC temple on earth. A few of them stepped on this surface, and memories from their previous lives came flooding back. The walls, the rooms, the chambers, the halls, all of them were placed to build the rest of the temple. A difference some pointed out was that the foundation was much larger than the temple. The angel told them that it’s to allow for further expansion.

Over the course of a day, the locusts had all fully grown into human forms. They still had the wings, but they were much bigger to account for their growth in size. Content, the angel sat on the roof of the temple, his goals having been accomplished.

You got The Cloud Mansion Ending

Soup King and the other Circle Cultists were sitting peacefully in the new temple Olors had constructed with the weird locust people.

Suddenly, a hole was torn in the fabric of reality itself and none other than Kommando_Kaijin stepped through with his entire military in tow.

"You're day of reckoning is now, Circle Cultists!" Kommando shouted as CIDI and Kitty Hawk and her fellow Interdictors began shooting the locust people, killing them.

"Allow me to introduce my new commanders!" Kommando said as Undefinables started entering through the tear.

"Blütgrindor!" Announced Kommando as Blütgrindor appeared, waving her weapons around in the air and shouting: "TIME TO KILLED PEOPLE!!!"

"Exorauder!" Announced Kommando as Exorauder appeared and started stomping locust people to death.

"Thurzia!" A tall, red-haired woman peeked out from behind a changing room door. "You forgot to finish my design!" She said.

"Oh. Ok, not Thurzia then." Kommando said. "Big To- that's not finished either…"

Checking through a list of what was finished and unfinished, Kommando quickly folded it up and resumed his attack. "Now Die!" He shouted.

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Said Silver, as she appeared and challenged Blütgrindor to a duel to the death.

"Hahaha, I'm going to enjoy this!" Blütgrindor said as she then jumped against a corner, building up speed for 12 hours straight utilizing alternate dimensions until she released, launching her at absurd speeds into Silver, instantly obliterating her.

Kommando and his forces then killed Soup King and all the Shitbots and Circle Cultists.

"Hahaha! Victory! Yes!" Blütgrindor said as she grabbed Rhajamaut and started committing banable offenses with her.


(That's it, thread's over. This is the actual, final ending to the thread, the comic's cancelled, this is it. All the character arcs and development is concluded now. Go home now.)

Last edited Apr 01, 2022 at 01:53PM EDT

Kommando_Kaijin wrote:

Soup King and the other Circle Cultists were sitting peacefully in the new temple Olors had constructed with the weird locust people.

Suddenly, a hole was torn in the fabric of reality itself and none other than Kommando_Kaijin stepped through with his entire military in tow.

"You're day of reckoning is now, Circle Cultists!" Kommando shouted as CIDI and Kitty Hawk and her fellow Interdictors began shooting the locust people, killing them.

"Allow me to introduce my new commanders!" Kommando said as Undefinables started entering through the tear.

"Blütgrindor!" Announced Kommando as Blütgrindor appeared, waving her weapons around in the air and shouting: "TIME TO KILLED PEOPLE!!!"

"Exorauder!" Announced Kommando as Exorauder appeared and started stomping locust people to death.

"Thurzia!" A tall, red-haired woman peeked out from behind a changing room door. "You forgot to finish my design!" She said.

"Oh. Ok, not Thurzia then." Kommando said. "Big To- that's not finished either…"

Checking through a list of what was finished and unfinished, Kommando quickly folded it up and resumed his attack. "Now Die!" He shouted.

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Said Silver, as she appeared and challenged Blütgrindor to a duel to the death.

"Hahaha, I'm going to enjoy this!" Blütgrindor said as she then jumped against a corner, building up speed for 12 hours straight utilizing alternate dimensions until she released, launching her at absurd speeds into Silver, instantly obliterating her.

Kommando and his forces then killed Soup King and all the Shitbots and Circle Cultists.

"Hahaha! Victory! Yes!" Blütgrindor said as she grabbed Rhajamaut and started committing banable offenses with her.


(That's it, thread's over. This is the actual, final ending to the thread, the comic's cancelled, this is it. All the character arcs and development is concluded now. Go home now.)

He's right, you know?
I'm dead.

(In all honesty, I'm a little mad that I unveiled Thurzia there considering that she's not only unfinished, but not supposed to show up until really far into the lategame. In the rough timeline of events I'm planning, she's not supposed to be active until way after the "Main Conflicts" as I've begun to refer to them have happened.)

(And as to my current roadmap for major stories I want to focus on for this thread: It's The Comic, then Blütgrindor vs. Silver, then a timeskip ahead to modern day where it's back to Soup vs. Kommando stuff, maybe something about Exorauder's sub-faction if I can think of something because I feel like he's underutilized, more Soup vs. Kommando, then Thurzia's story. I'm not sure what should be after that, but I'll probably think of something by the time I actually finish stuff.)

(And yes, I'm acutely aware of my bad habit of thinking of ideas faster than I can draw them.)

Kommando_Kaijin wrote:

Soup King and the other Circle Cultists were sitting peacefully in the new temple Olors had constructed with the weird locust people.

Suddenly, a hole was torn in the fabric of reality itself and none other than Kommando_Kaijin stepped through with his entire military in tow.

"You're day of reckoning is now, Circle Cultists!" Kommando shouted as CIDI and Kitty Hawk and her fellow Interdictors began shooting the locust people, killing them.

"Allow me to introduce my new commanders!" Kommando said as Undefinables started entering through the tear.

"Blütgrindor!" Announced Kommando as Blütgrindor appeared, waving her weapons around in the air and shouting: "TIME TO KILLED PEOPLE!!!"

"Exorauder!" Announced Kommando as Exorauder appeared and started stomping locust people to death.

"Thurzia!" A tall, red-haired woman peeked out from behind a changing room door. "You forgot to finish my design!" She said.

"Oh. Ok, not Thurzia then." Kommando said. "Big To- that's not finished either…"

Checking through a list of what was finished and unfinished, Kommando quickly folded it up and resumed his attack. "Now Die!" He shouted.

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Said Silver, as she appeared and challenged Blütgrindor to a duel to the death.

"Hahaha, I'm going to enjoy this!" Blütgrindor said as she then jumped against a corner, building up speed for 12 hours straight utilizing alternate dimensions until she released, launching her at absurd speeds into Silver, instantly obliterating her.

Kommando and his forces then killed Soup King and all the Shitbots and Circle Cultists.

"Hahaha! Victory! Yes!" Blütgrindor said as she grabbed Rhajamaut and started committing banable offenses with her.


(That's it, thread's over. This is the actual, final ending to the thread, the comic's cancelled, this is it. All the character arcs and development is concluded now. Go home now.)

Last edited Apr 03, 2022 at 11:42AM EDT

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