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Last posted May 17, 2015 at 06:24AM EDT. Added Sep 16, 2014 at 12:05AM EDT
141 posts from 37 users


Added Guidelines:

  • This thread is now in JFF which is an on-topic board. Keep posts on topic and avoid shitposts
  • Questions about why this thread exist can go to another thread in Serious Discussion
  • I advise you to keep it to just Lingerie at most. NC content will be censored. This does include visible nips and cameltoe

PM me for questions – BSOD

This is a good idea, right? This worked out so well last time. Post 'em if you got 'em! Don't even bother with the spoiler button

Last edited Sep 20, 2014 at 07:47PM EDT

I occasionally enjoy foalcon…

Remember page 34 and 69 back in the first few pony general threads? When you could post actual hardcore pony porn and not get banned, or suspended, or even sent a warning sometimes? Those were the good old days…

Last edited Sep 16, 2014 at 01:25AM EDT

Krupam the Oldfag wrote:

So I made have this:

Huh, I never thought I'd ever edit a pussy out of a picture.
Or have any sort of interaction with any pussy, for that matter.

You guys might be clopping to her now, but you should know that she doesn't stay so cheerful for long.

Guys! It's still fucking No Fap September! I don't know if I can survive…
MOD EDIT: Visible nips are NSFW. I, MDF, scourge of the NSFW pony threads, shall purge ye.

Last edited Sep 19, 2014 at 10:44AM EDT

MDFification wrote:

It seems you do not remember what happened to the last thread.
Do not force my hand. Spoiler pics with visible genitalia outlines. This includes nipples.

This is riff-raff, where the horsefuckers can come to get their fix.

EDIT: jk jk we JFF now

Last edited Sep 20, 2014 at 08:59AM EDT

MDFification wrote:

It seems you do not remember what happened to the last thread.
Do not force my hand. Spoiler pics with visible genitalia outlines. This includes nipples.

Wait, did you just say that we can post actual explicit porn as long as it's spoilered?

Krupam the Oldfag wrote:

Wait, did you just say that we can post actual explicit porn as long as it's spoilered?

HAHA no.

There was controversy on whether nip outlines visible through clothing were considered explicit in the last thread. The ruling was that it should be put under spoilers. My personal ruling was that if you feel like posting it you should probably consider deactivating, but rules be rules and opinions be opinions.

At first I thought this was the typical brony satire thread, but it's a legit porn thread. I don't know what to say. Also, I've never understood the point of this. Why are people so desperate that they look at porn on KYM? If you're on the fucking internet, why don't you go and find actual full-on explicit porn instead of this SFW, covered up shit? Also, why do people feel this urge to share their porn on a meme-site in the galleries and on forums? I'm not against it but I have no clue as to why you'd do this. Could someone please enlighten me as to WHY?


(this is a joke)

Though seriously, do you people really need KYM to get your fix for clopping?

Last edited Sep 19, 2014 at 06:15PM EDT

Krupam the Oldfag wrote:

It's Riff-Raff, don't question it, just play along.

It's not just here though, people upload porn just for porn's sake to image galleries all the time. I really want to know why. It confounds me so much.

@All mods

I would like to point your attention to the thread title. The one that clearly says Horsefuckers only. You see, I'm the one and only horsfucker mod here which means This thread is my domain and I'm moderating it. That includes filtering out rule breaking material and inclusion of spoilers

So I will kindly be relieving you of your duties here. I thank you for your participation this far, but your moderation in this thread will no longer be required. Your options are now to fuck a horse or leave this to me. Thank you.

@Asura and Sam

You can leave too.

@The rest of you.

Normal NSFW rules apply and I'll be enforcing them. This thread is no different from the Furry threads or Hot Babe threads

If you don't like clop GET OUT. This thread is clearly labeled so you can avoid it.

Any thread input that seeks only to distract from the topic with incessant whining and questioning will receive my swift warning for being off-topic

Last edited Sep 20, 2014 at 03:54AM EDT

Slutty Sam wrote:

At first I thought this was the typical brony satire thread, but it's a legit porn thread. I don't know what to say. Also, I've never understood the point of this. Why are people so desperate that they look at porn on KYM? If you're on the fucking internet, why don't you go and find actual full-on explicit porn instead of this SFW, covered up shit? Also, why do people feel this urge to share their porn on a meme-site in the galleries and on forums? I'm not against it but I have no clue as to why you'd do this. Could someone please enlighten me as to WHY?

You might as well ask why people share pictures at all. We share them because we like them. It's no surprise that people like to fap. Why try to hide it? Believe it or not, there are people who like to share porn with their friends and family. If someone wants to show off pony pics, what difference does it make whether it's clop or not?


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