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GamerGate Thread

Last posted Jul 21, 2021 at 02:24PM EDT. Added Jul 26, 2015 at 06:48PM EDT
4603 posts from 222 users

The ethics responses due to gamergate are obvious. It's about harassing women, right, but yet all these sites quietly updated their ethics policies while spouting this narrative. Now even Gawker is trying to 'go good' like we haven't been calling them out for almost a year now on their slimy tactics. If GG'ers hadn't been petulant little shits those corrupt ass journalists would have kept on keepin' on, spitting out the SOCJUS narrative while being as corrupt as a bananna republic dictator in the background. What is amazing is that this is what it took for games journalism to get a fucking clue in the first place, and even now it still keeps an air of pomp about it, as you have to be political (and the "correct" side of politics) to be worth a damn in their eyes. I was the guy going "who gives a shit?" when this happened with Atheism +. Now I give a shit because I'm tired of people telling me I'm subhuman trash can for having different politics.

Many nerds in GG are over the top, obsessed, and won't shut up about what woes them. In many respects, they are sort of the ethical versions of SJWs. Explain to me how a bunch of people getting a fake bomb threat called on them in washington dc. fits the 'harassing gamer guys' narrative. The angry white gamer… yeah I get it, fucking over obsessive they are. But we have bigger fucking fish to fry here with this sjw shit which is slowly trying to strangle our hobby in the name of identity politics. Half of these SOCJUS dorks are arrogant a-holes with no real life experience, just "looks good on paper" theories.

The reason why gamergate won't stop isn't just because of bitching about SJW's, its because the SJW's won't relinquish the narrative. If they did that, gamergate would stop. But the ride will never end, because the lines have been drawn.

+99 dead horse beaten

I wouldn't call Jim Sterling an SJW (others might disagree, though!), but I found some of his opinions about GG to be rather hypocritical going with his stances on ethics, or just misinformed. Sometimes hypocrisy puts me in a foul mood.

Last edited Jul 27, 2015 at 07:09PM EDT

Um, you guys are for ethics right? So, I'm gonna ask you this, isn't what you're doing, censoring?
Is taking the opinions of others and trying to hide that just because its its not to you're liking or not factual censoring. These people have the right to say all this stuff in their domian, and you're nearly forcing them to stop posting their opinions because you don't like them and they are "convincing" people who would otherwise or already believe this stuff regardless of what you say. Its not hurting most games you play and even the ones they do it doesn't ruin much of the game. Aren't you against this? Aren't you against taking away what people can or cannot say?

Last edited Jul 27, 2015 at 07:23PM EDT

Didn't know TehDoh could go so far to spawn the comment section to oblivion. Wish I would get out of my vacation Upper State New York and been there, but what are you gonna do when the internet crawls like a glacier.

Is it bad that I'm more then optimistic about the comment section being closed? The GamerGate entry does have need of heavy scrubbing no doubt, but I'm happy that so far it seems that for the most part it's been civil. RandomMan I think took a good approach in the closing, may be "if" they are reopened more people will be more focused to actual GG topcis, but I digress.

I'm happy we had a place that allowed us to speak freely in and about GG, even though they didn't much wish to pay it much mind. I'm not quite sure why people haven't continued their daily posting here and discussion, but that's their issue. I don't personally mind if the comments are closed forever. As long there is a link to this thread to continue the discussion I have no problem with it. Just wish people would start posting here so I can hear what's going on. *Plus there's an edit button. I'd give a kidney to have that in the regular comments.

Last edited Jul 27, 2015 at 07:32PM EDT

Well, this guy didn't exactly explain it in the best way. "Narrative" is of course a very nebulous term to use, and it implies a lot of things depending on the context. What it's actually about stopping from these journalists is plain lies. And yes, even as about as strong a free speech advocate you could find, there does reach a point in regards to that where "censorship" (in the very loose definition you seem to be using) isn't an automatic bad thing anymore.

Also, in regards to harassment, here's a typical GG perspective:

Relevant part from 9:04 to 14:31, though I'm not using Tubechop because there's some good stuff in the rest of it as well.
One phrase one should become familiar with in these considerations is "third party troll". It seems likely to me that these individuals have caused more shit in both directions than most people would realize.

Synge wrote:

Oh yes, absolutely. He wasn't. But this is off-topic too so yeah.

Anyway as for my thought's on GG. I think it shoud've ended a long time ago. The whole point of GG was (supposedly) for gaming sites to have more transparency in their reviews. Well guess what, they added those ethics guidelines. Since then it's become about yelling at SJWs. And I'll be damned if that sure doesn't look like gamers yelling at women. You think the whole "Gamergate is harassing women" narrative has no basis. Yet, to any outsider looking in, that's exactly what it appears to be. And after seeing that nobody is going to take the time to look deeper into the issue to the point where they find actual topics that have to do with video games. So, honestly, I don't see how the public can ever see GG in a positive light after everything that's happened.

Most of the sites are still lying, corrupt & unethical, that's why most of them are dying.

We will eventually be seen in a positive light because:

1. The news sites are losing the ability to lie about us as people wake up to the truth (the average reaction has gone from "Stop harassing Zoe!" to "You're still wrong" to "You're just the same as the SJWs") and as we fight back against Journos lies (the Dutch Journalistic Ethics Council case is already paying off and it won't be the last, not with the SPJ, CTRC, the Australian legislature). Look at what's happened to Gawker for instance.

2. All the LWs are losing credibility.

Anita is being openly criticized by a bunch of high-profile devs now, plus she & Josh have exposed how insane the ideology they're pushing is, plus as soon as the IRS takes a good look at their paperwork they're going to prison.

Zoe is going down after Eron's unconstitutional gag order is removed & she's getting in trouble for perjury plus all the other shit she's done over the years.

Wu keeps escalating her attention-seeking stunts (after her attempt to smear a prosecutor in order to strong-arm him blew up in her face she should have stopped, but she can't).

Randi Harper has been exposed to the tech industry to the point where people who have never payed attention to GamerGate know who she is & what she does, her white knights take a massive beating (O'Reilly Media lost a lot of cash & PR trying to defend making her their "anti-harassment" speaker), plus she's 40k in the hole to the IRS.

As for Sarah Butts, it's a toss-up between copyright, tax evasion (another 40k), child porn/molestation, bestiality, or something else being first to have law enforcement breaking down her door.

Exactly how credible do you think "GamerGate harassed me!" will be after any of that?

3. SJWs as a whole are at their lowest approval rating ever. And the collapse has just started. Hollywood, the tech industry, politics, and a lot more are distancing themselves or even out-right turning on them.

As for "no outsiders will believe you", you can't go over KIA for long without finding someone who says they thought GamerGate was evil only to find out how bad crooked journos/SJWs are themselves. Or even people who don't know what GamerGate is but still come to KIA to find out information on something they care about.

Anita is being openly criticized by a bunch of high-profile devs now, plus she & Josh have exposed how insane the ideology they’re pushing is, plus as soon as the IRS takes a good look at their paperwork they’re going to prison.

I wouldn't hold your breath there, man.

Last edited Jul 27, 2015 at 07:52PM EDT

No Original Names wrote:

Um, you guys are for ethics right? So, I'm gonna ask you this, isn't what you're doing, censoring?
Is taking the opinions of others and trying to hide that just because its its not to you're liking or not factual censoring. These people have the right to say all this stuff in their domian, and you're nearly forcing them to stop posting their opinions because you don't like them and they are "convincing" people who would otherwise or already believe this stuff regardless of what you say. Its not hurting most games you play and even the ones they do it doesn't ruin much of the game. Aren't you against this? Aren't you against taking away what people can or cannot say?

Woah now, there seems to be a lot of allegations in that statement. There's a difference between that of censoring and rebuttals, there is a difference between silencing and criticism. The problem we have is that the people we criticize try to point at our arguments has harassment then the need for ethical standards and some realistic ideology that everyone has a voice to say what they want.

If your talking about the comment section believe me, most of the time people that disagree there are more for startling up jimmies then debating anything. They can say whatever they please, I advocate for that, but like anything else everyone is always under the judgement of the community regardless. Down voting works to what is unfavorable or seen as unnecessary, at least it never gets deleted out of disapproval.

As for what's hurting games, it's what was hurting it. If the GameJoruno list didn't prove anything to you, it's that there was an agenda out their to boost games of a certain ideology over others. Now is such a system still around? Maybe, who knows, the point was never about discussing these people's poor games even though some of us did, it was what it was doing to the industry by taking recognition from other devs for the more "appropriate cultural analyst" ones. Rigging the Indie scene to the cultural critics not in support well developed games and starting devs.

Criticism is there to question the standing of things, judge those of the past/future of it, and invoke a reasoning on whether it can be bettered or guided in a different direction. There is not forcing censorship when it's response is with a question or rebuttal. How else do we better ourselves if not disagreeing with one another in the pursuit of something that everyone can agree on? In the war of words of discussion, debate, and questioning, how are there no casualties? A discussion dies on the other's inability to support their argument or farther engage in the what they truly believe in. People can say whatever they wish, it's their given right, but no one is above criticism. Which is why your here, and I approve of you farthing to question and debate. Cause it will help us better understand each other as individuals in the end, and bring an agreeable conclusion hopefully.

Last edited Jul 27, 2015 at 08:12PM EDT

No Original Names wrote:

Um, you guys are for ethics right? So, I'm gonna ask you this, isn't what you're doing, censoring?
Is taking the opinions of others and trying to hide that just because its its not to you're liking or not factual censoring. These people have the right to say all this stuff in their domian, and you're nearly forcing them to stop posting their opinions because you don't like them and they are "convincing" people who would otherwise or already believe this stuff regardless of what you say. Its not hurting most games you play and even the ones they do it doesn't ruin much of the game. Aren't you against this? Aren't you against taking away what people can or cannot say?

You have an odd definition of "censorship" where some are permitted to lie through their teeth, but if anyone disagrees with the liar, then they are censoring the liar.

If AntiGamer decides to make a claim to other people, and we show up to dispute that claim, and the other people are convinced by our arguments & facts and do not believe AntiGamer, then we are in no way "taking away what people can or cannot say".

That logic reminds me of Oberlin collage students putting duct tape over their mouth during a speech by Christina Hoff Sommers because in their minds allowing her to speak is "silencing" them.

It does not make sense in any manner besides the Orwellian.

Synge wrote:

Oh yes, absolutely. He wasn't. But this is off-topic too so yeah.

Anyway as for my thought's on GG. I think it shoud've ended a long time ago. The whole point of GG was (supposedly) for gaming sites to have more transparency in their reviews. Well guess what, they added those ethics guidelines. Since then it's become about yelling at SJWs. And I'll be damned if that sure doesn't look like gamers yelling at women. You think the whole "Gamergate is harassing women" narrative has no basis. Yet, to any outsider looking in, that's exactly what it appears to be. And after seeing that nobody is going to take the time to look deeper into the issue to the point where they find actual topics that have to do with video games. So, honestly, I don't see how the public can ever see GG in a positive light after everything that's happened.

Implying SJW's don't deserve to be yelled at. And no, SJW's does not equal women in general.

The public saw GG in a negative light because they were fed a narrative by the mainstream media that GG was a bunch of misogynists which was fed to the mainstream media by the very games media press they were criticizing.

Prior to GamerGate, Anita Sarkeesian was of interest to a niche group of tech-savy feminists. Since the controversy began, she has appered in Time and national newspapers. From my perspective, it looks like GamerGate made her stronger. Maybe she should have "Ethics in Journalism" tattooed across her chest.

I never said disagreeing means censoring. I'm saying trying to make sites go in favor of yours and not their opinion is censoring. Now I was basing my statement of Dirk's statement about GamerGate, not GamerGate as a whole, sorry if that came off wrong. But what he said GamerGate does is in a sense censoring. Trying to make people write the opinions you want, not what they want.
I'm not talking about comments sections. And smae for you, I'm basing off his statement, not GG itself.

Prior to GamerGate, Anita Sarkeesian was of interest to a niche group of tech-savy feminists.

Actually, her initial surge in popularity came from when some people sent her nasty tweets/emails back in 2012, which she publicized so people would give her money not to make videos. That was she went from a youtuber to the figurehead for feminism in video games.

No Original Names wrote:

I never said disagreeing means censoring. I'm saying trying to make sites go in favor of yours and not their opinion is censoring. Now I was basing my statement of Dirk's statement about GamerGate, not GamerGate as a whole, sorry if that came off wrong. But what he said GamerGate does is in a sense censoring. Trying to make people write the opinions you want, not what they want.
I'm not talking about comments sections. And smae for you, I'm basing off his statement, not GG itself.

The problem is that the "opinions" of what you speak of are stated to be facts in news stories.

Needless to say that is not cool.

We wouldn't accept news stations lying about the facts about other stuff, so why should we accept news sources reporting Brad Wardell is sexual harasser based solely on the unverified claims of someone who had been fired for incompetence (and was later forced to apologize by a court).

jarbox wrote:

Anita is being openly criticized by a bunch of high-profile devs now, plus she & Josh have exposed how insane the ideology they’re pushing is, plus as soon as the IRS takes a good look at their paperwork they’re going to prison.

I wouldn't hold your breath there, man.

Their paperwork is mess of violations, blank spots, and all around shadiness.

That's not getting into breaking the IRS disclosure rules that mean they've got an (at this time) almost $20,000 fine on their hands for not handing over their documents when requested back in March 2014.

They might not go to prison, but they will be paying a massive fine for all the other stuff too.

And of course, the FTC is now looking into crowd-funding scams, starting with Kickstarter.

AlarkozTheAncient wrote:

I have been gone for a long time. Anything new and worth knowing?

Well Gawker forgot what century they were in and though exposing a non-public figure as potentially gay was newsworthy. Turns out most of the social justice side hated Gawker too, just not as much as Gamergate but that incident tipped the scales in the other direction.

The comment section on the KYM board got blocked after TehDoh returned and made a fool of himself and got them cluttered up with people laughing at him. Lesson here: report don't respond.

Not much else besides but Afterlife Empire did come out on Steam.

LastAngryWrestleman wrote:

So vice publish an article claiming everyone is gamers. Were they part of the initial Gamers are Dead articles? Still a sign of an unstable narrative shifting.

Well, they did make an article about Vivian. The Facebook comments were temporarily closed when it turned out no one was buying into their story.

Last edited Jul 28, 2015 at 11:46AM EDT

I normally don't check the karma of my posts, but I noticed some downvotes on the last one and wanted to ask in what ways my definition was insufficient or inaccurate.

Here it is so you don't have to go looking.
(Gamergate is an internet controversy born from multiple long standing frustrations and tensions including but not limited to cronyism and transparency in gaming press, the extent to which politics play in games and the materials in which games are discussed, and the problem of anonymous harassment in the digital age, especially the harassment of female pundits, reviewers, and developers.)

I'm not summarizing just what gamergate stands for, but rather all the baggage surrounding it on both sides. When I mentioned "harassment" I wasn't just referring to the "literally whos" either, and the gendered aspect can be evident in harassment against gamergate supporters with the cases of women like Lizzy F. 0.9999's addendum from Totalbiscuit sums up what being subject to internet outrage culture is like and I think that people on the other end would find that an accurate description of what they've been through as well. Furthermore, if you're objectively describing the baggage around gamergate from both sides, you do need to include mention of the opponents' arguments regardless of whether or not you agree with them.

So if you were trying to distill all of these events into a one-sentence summary, what would you change?

Kourosh Kabir wrote:

I normally don't check the karma of my posts, but I noticed some downvotes on the last one and wanted to ask in what ways my definition was insufficient or inaccurate.

Here it is so you don't have to go looking.
(Gamergate is an internet controversy born from multiple long standing frustrations and tensions including but not limited to cronyism and transparency in gaming press, the extent to which politics play in games and the materials in which games are discussed, and the problem of anonymous harassment in the digital age, especially the harassment of female pundits, reviewers, and developers.)

I'm not summarizing just what gamergate stands for, but rather all the baggage surrounding it on both sides. When I mentioned "harassment" I wasn't just referring to the "literally whos" either, and the gendered aspect can be evident in harassment against gamergate supporters with the cases of women like Lizzy F. 0.9999's addendum from Totalbiscuit sums up what being subject to internet outrage culture is like and I think that people on the other end would find that an accurate description of what they've been through as well. Furthermore, if you're objectively describing the baggage around gamergate from both sides, you do need to include mention of the opponents' arguments regardless of whether or not you agree with them.

So if you were trying to distill all of these events into a one-sentence summary, what would you change?

I up-voted you, so I'm just guessing here, but:

That "harassment of female" part erases the experience of males, Milo got a syringe & a dead animal in the mail, Cernovich was almost SWATTed, Jason Miller was fired by a hate mob calling his workplace with lies.

And of course Total Biscuit there.

Pretending that it's "gendered" isn't OK.

A key part of identity politics is distorting the reality of a situation in order to push a narrative.

Of course, they could have accidentally missed the up-vote button.

LastAngryWrestleman wrote:

So vice publish an article claiming everyone is gamers. Were they part of the initial Gamers are Dead articles? Still a sign of an unstable narrative shifting.

Do not be misled by the first few sentences. It's essentially the same thing as before, just slightly re-tweaked to account on vice actually having a gaming division of their own. It could be instead be summed as "hardcore gamers are dead, they don't have to be your audience"

I kinda fell out of gamergate when I realized that all we were doing was finding people who'd shitpost tweets or tumblr messages and getting mad at them. The whole lack of leadership thing was a safety move but it lead to a lack of clear and proper organization or accountability.

Gamergate was all about ethics and accountability for ones content, but we couldn't keep track of who was in GG, who wasn't, who was a shill, who was being genuine, who was a troll, it was just a free for all. And we kinda got handcuffed to answering for what the worst of the movement did, same for the people who want to identify as being pro-social justice or pro-diversity but doing so in a non-dickish, non-assholish, non-corrupt way, who had to be handcuffed to their crazy fringe political members. Then GG became super defensive, like anyone so much as saying "i'm not comfortable supporting it 100%" got lambasted a lot on twitter, which was a pretty major hub for GG activity. Like, I remember the entire shitstorm revolving around Angry Joe, who has fought for consumer rights and isn't some sellout game reviewer from kotaku or polygon, getting ripped apart by GG cause he didn't like the loyalty bs being pushed.

GG has done a lot of good. It empowered people to not be afraid to speak up on issues they feel are important. It pushed hard for game journalists to clean up their acts and with minor success. I know it exposed an uglyside to online activism both within itself and those who criticized it. But it also did a lot of harm to, because a bunch of Culture Justice Warriors decided to use it to crusade against their mirror doppleganger the Social Justice Warriors, as both Outrage Warriors just cared about shitting on one another without actually getting anything productive done.

At least that's my opinion on the matter. You guys, most of you guys, tend to be pretty chill. But even you guys know there can slip in the occasional crazy who ruins things for everyone. And you gotta admit, GG had a lot of crazies slip into it, despite its best efforts to keep the Culture Justice Warriors out and kick them out.

Black Graphic T wrote:

I kinda fell out of gamergate when I realized that all we were doing was finding people who'd shitpost tweets or tumblr messages and getting mad at them. The whole lack of leadership thing was a safety move but it lead to a lack of clear and proper organization or accountability.

Gamergate was all about ethics and accountability for ones content, but we couldn't keep track of who was in GG, who wasn't, who was a shill, who was being genuine, who was a troll, it was just a free for all. And we kinda got handcuffed to answering for what the worst of the movement did, same for the people who want to identify as being pro-social justice or pro-diversity but doing so in a non-dickish, non-assholish, non-corrupt way, who had to be handcuffed to their crazy fringe political members. Then GG became super defensive, like anyone so much as saying "i'm not comfortable supporting it 100%" got lambasted a lot on twitter, which was a pretty major hub for GG activity. Like, I remember the entire shitstorm revolving around Angry Joe, who has fought for consumer rights and isn't some sellout game reviewer from kotaku or polygon, getting ripped apart by GG cause he didn't like the loyalty bs being pushed.

GG has done a lot of good. It empowered people to not be afraid to speak up on issues they feel are important. It pushed hard for game journalists to clean up their acts and with minor success. I know it exposed an uglyside to online activism both within itself and those who criticized it. But it also did a lot of harm to, because a bunch of Culture Justice Warriors decided to use it to crusade against their mirror doppleganger the Social Justice Warriors, as both Outrage Warriors just cared about shitting on one another without actually getting anything productive done.

At least that's my opinion on the matter. You guys, most of you guys, tend to be pretty chill. But even you guys know there can slip in the occasional crazy who ruins things for everyone. And you gotta admit, GG had a lot of crazies slip into it, despite its best efforts to keep the Culture Justice Warriors out and kick them out.

Honestly the whole 'ethics cuck' thing made me take a step back and re-evaluate a little and I started thinking of GamerGate as a resource not an identity, although most of the people I follow on Twitter who are pro-GamerGate don't even use the hashtag all that much anymore because they share info through retweets.

Also to be noted: I added a new subsection to the background header on the GG entry. It pretty much summarizes the whole "sexism in gaming culture" narrative. I tried to write it in the most impartial way possible by not exactly stating it as 100% fact, but at the same time not writing it off as a fabrication. I noticed some who suggested that me and PM conspired to do this. We didn't. I just felt that the entry didn't show enough from the other side. Which is what it should be doing. Documenting notable occurrences pertaining to GamerGate across the internet, no matter the side. Hopefully this clears some stuff up for those who were questioning.

Last edited Jul 28, 2015 at 05:35PM EDT

Hey there GGers, A topic on our podcast this week is the GG entry lock and we were wondering if any GGers would like to talk on it and represent their side of the story. We already have user TillsterRulz part of this podcast but we could use more representatives! If you would be interested please PM me with your skype name and a voice sample and we can try to get this rolling. Thanks.

Synge wrote:

Also to be noted: I added a new subsection to the background header on the GG entry. It pretty much summarizes the whole "sexism in gaming culture" narrative. I tried to write it in the most impartial way possible by not exactly stating it as 100% fact, but at the same time not writing it off as a fabrication. I noticed some who suggested that me and PM conspired to do this. We didn't. I just felt that the entry didn't show enough from the other side. Which is what it should be doing. Documenting notable occurrences pertaining to GamerGate across the internet, no matter the side. Hopefully this clears some stuff up for those who were questioning.

The only problem I'm got is that "Among those who were targeted by this harassment" should be changed to "Among those who were targeted by this alleged harassment", both to put it in line with the previous sentences and because of some issues with credibility.

For instance, Brianna Wu has admitted that her "GamerGate harassed me out of my house" interview was done at her home office.

She has claimed it was approved by law enforcement, but that is the opposite of everything the law enforcement guidebook says and she has a history of lying about law enforcement.

And after it was proven wrong by publicity photos she & her husband released she attempted to claim "doxing" to distract from her lies.

Not to mention that the "evidence" of harassment was screenshots of a new Twitter account, after she previously attempted to false-flag GamerGate with a sock-puppet.

This follows a long history of abuse & violence both online & offline that has resulted in bannings from multiple support forums and a restraining order from the Daily Mississippian newspaper.

The fact her claims are still uncritically repeated by journalists is one example of why this continues and why the Society of Professional Journalists is meeting with us.

Last edited Jul 28, 2015 at 06:18PM EDT

Bookie wrote:

The only problem I'm got is that "Among those who were targeted by this harassment" should be changed to "Among those who were targeted by this alleged harassment", both to put it in line with the previous sentences and because of some issues with credibility.

For instance, Brianna Wu has admitted that her "GamerGate harassed me out of my house" interview was done at her home office.

She has claimed it was approved by law enforcement, but that is the opposite of everything the law enforcement guidebook says and she has a history of lying about law enforcement.

And after it was proven wrong by publicity photos she & her husband released she attempted to claim "doxing" to distract from her lies.

Not to mention that the "evidence" of harassment was screenshots of a new Twitter account, after she previously attempted to false-flag GamerGate with a sock-puppet.

This follows a long history of abuse & violence both online & offline that has resulted in bannings from multiple support forums and a restraining order from the Daily Mississippian newspaper.

The fact her claims are still uncritically repeated by journalists is one example of why this continues and why the Society of Professional Journalists is meeting with us.

Just because one incident might have been fabricated (seriously notice "might") that doesn't negate the fact that plenty of others were doxxed and harassed. It did happen. Also for Wu that stuff would better be served under the "Wu Doxxing" subsection. I might add it there if it isn't already.

Last edited Jul 28, 2015 at 06:24PM EDT

No Original Names wrote:

Hey there GGers, A topic on our podcast this week is the GG entry lock and we were wondering if any GGers would like to talk on it and represent their side of the story. We already have user TillsterRulz part of this podcast but we could use more representatives! If you would be interested please PM me with your skype name and a voice sample and we can try to get this rolling. Thanks.

I would love to attend, but I want to know when you guys are going to do it. If it's before this friday I will be unable to attend.

No Original Names wrote:

Um, you guys are for ethics right? So, I'm gonna ask you this, isn't what you're doing, censoring?
Is taking the opinions of others and trying to hide that just because its its not to you're liking or not factual censoring. These people have the right to say all this stuff in their domian, and you're nearly forcing them to stop posting their opinions because you don't like them and they are "convincing" people who would otherwise or already believe this stuff regardless of what you say. Its not hurting most games you play and even the ones they do it doesn't ruin much of the game. Aren't you against this? Aren't you against taking away what people can or cannot say?

Where do you get that I want to censor someone? People lying their asses off is a part of free speech, and I'm not saying that these people have to shut up even if they are lying. They have every right to do that under the first amendment but guess what, so do I have the right to voice my displeasure. I don't want to stop SJW's from talking, I just want to stop being demonized because I don't agree with them. Even a place like religious gaming site christcentered gamer gets this. At the very least, I want some journalistic integrity. Call me a piece of shit for liking boobplate? Fine, but at the very least get your job right and stop being crony corrupt and all that jazz.

Are you trying to say "why don't you just have your games and be happy"? I would love that, except now I have to worry if that one game I want to get is worth my money because maybe some shitty AAA team pulled a doritosgate and the actual game is shit. Maybe I could have read something from a new game journo but i didn't because he wasn't progressive enough to get in on the SJW journo clique. Maybe I want to play this new game coming out but the dev was forced to halt the project because some loud band of "heroes" were calling the game transphobic or something that might cut their paper thin sensibilities. Maybe I want to be a game designer but in college I made a gay joke and one day in the future a person from that class remembers me and adds me to some blacklist. These hypothetical things were all brewing, still are, and this is why gamergate continues.

Synge wrote:

Just because one incident might have been fabricated (seriously notice "might") that doesn't negate the fact that plenty of others were doxxed and harassed. It did happen. Also for Wu that stuff would better be served under the "Wu Doxxing" subsection. I might add it there if it isn't already.

IIRC most of the proven instances of harassment were tracked down by GG itself to third party trolls. One of them was even outed to Wu, and she didn't press charges against him and remained silent on the issue.

Also, [ citation needed ]

Last edited Jul 29, 2015 at 01:42AM EDT

William The Brit wrote:

Honestly the whole 'ethics cuck' thing made me take a step back and re-evaluate a little and I started thinking of GamerGate as a resource not an identity, although most of the people I follow on Twitter who are pro-GamerGate don't even use the hashtag all that much anymore because they share info through retweets.

Yea, the thing was so jarring and widespread, it made me step back as well.

ImmaSynge wrote:

Just because one incident might have been fabricated (seriously notice “might”) that doesn’t negate the fact that plenty of others were doxxed and harassed.

Absolutely! Plenty of people were doxed and harassed over the course of GamerGate. For example, @Nero, Cernovich, Miller, Roberto Rosario, and many other GG supporters/neutral people. Not so sure about the opponents though and would love to see where you're coming from.

Good Morning ladies and gentlemens
Today I will bring to you some knew from France that could be related to GG.

One the biggest videogame website, is in a total shitstorm with an uproar from the users.

Why ? A little background first

As I said this website is one of the biggest French videogame website, the site was a little infamous some years ago to be a little to nice in term of game evaluation (AAA game that never actually go under 10/20 even when shit) and a retarded community of brat.

But the website improved with the introduction of chronicle, those chronicle were made by relatively famous video game french Youtuber and explore the different side of video game and his industry (history, story of some game development, explanation of some game concept, etc).

Those chronicle are loved by the user and gave the website good reputation.

Until tha last few month.

The website went through a redesign and was bought by Webedia a big internet french company in people and gossip business (you where is this coming ?).

Problem : the new video software of the website is absolute shit and in the 6 month of use nothing was change about it. The number of view of the website dropped dramaticaly.
Other problem, Webedia is a website making profit on ads, aka on click, so they need important quantity of content to generate click, aka clikbait on poorly written post. This to the augmentation of news post and less content post.
The chronicle which were supposed to stay pin on the front page 24h, just stay 4 or 5h making the decrease of view more catastrophic and worse "Top 10" article are publish as chronicle.

Users were unaware of the chroniclers situation untils the boss of webedia decide to send a global email to them.
The email basically said :"your number of view is dropping, you have 2 week to launch a new concept of chronicle or you are fired"
This lead to a public response from chroniclers, which put light on their situation (shit pay, no social protection, no government help if they lose their job, 60h of works/weeks, email not answered, nothing to improve the website, etc) and the resignation of one team of chronicles.

Many chroniclers reacted after that confirm this situation and express their anger because for them the website redesign software is to blame for the drop of view and visit (the comment on chronicles are in majority positive and the number of view of the same video on Youtube is superior).

Since Yesterday, the website is in a full shitstorms, whatever the news people demand change and explanation from the website, show support and like the main post on the subject.

The users fear that the website will turn in a clickbait website with 0 content.

Personnaly I notice a change in the french videogame website landscape with the fusion of another website ( with Clubic and now this.

The link (in French sorry for those who don't speak or read it) (forum post) (stream of one chroniclers) (the drop of visit of the website) (article on the subject, with an more global point of view of the problem of concentration of website under few corporation) (reading of the mail by one of the chroniclers)

All right, I'm back, a lot of things happened, I see what tehdoh did and the cause of the closing of Gamergate Comments section.

anyways my question.

How long will it last?

If it's until we get to an aggrement with the TPP, I'm okay with it, that thing deserve more priority for the moment than GG

Indeed, the TPP should be a priority until it's burned to a crisp, and the parchment it's written on disintegrates.

Anyway, so a french gaming site is having similar issues with its staff as Gawker does with its interns huh?

Black Graphic T wrote:

I kinda fell out of gamergate when I realized that all we were doing was finding people who'd shitpost tweets or tumblr messages and getting mad at them. The whole lack of leadership thing was a safety move but it lead to a lack of clear and proper organization or accountability.

Gamergate was all about ethics and accountability for ones content, but we couldn't keep track of who was in GG, who wasn't, who was a shill, who was being genuine, who was a troll, it was just a free for all. And we kinda got handcuffed to answering for what the worst of the movement did, same for the people who want to identify as being pro-social justice or pro-diversity but doing so in a non-dickish, non-assholish, non-corrupt way, who had to be handcuffed to their crazy fringe political members. Then GG became super defensive, like anyone so much as saying "i'm not comfortable supporting it 100%" got lambasted a lot on twitter, which was a pretty major hub for GG activity. Like, I remember the entire shitstorm revolving around Angry Joe, who has fought for consumer rights and isn't some sellout game reviewer from kotaku or polygon, getting ripped apart by GG cause he didn't like the loyalty bs being pushed.

GG has done a lot of good. It empowered people to not be afraid to speak up on issues they feel are important. It pushed hard for game journalists to clean up their acts and with minor success. I know it exposed an uglyside to online activism both within itself and those who criticized it. But it also did a lot of harm to, because a bunch of Culture Justice Warriors decided to use it to crusade against their mirror doppleganger the Social Justice Warriors, as both Outrage Warriors just cared about shitting on one another without actually getting anything productive done.

At least that's my opinion on the matter. You guys, most of you guys, tend to be pretty chill. But even you guys know there can slip in the occasional crazy who ruins things for everyone. And you gotta admit, GG had a lot of crazies slip into it, despite its best efforts to keep the Culture Justice Warriors out and kick them out.

I think I saw that happen to FullChan too (maybe it's what you're referring to in the first paragraph): I left for maybe six weeks and came back recently. They are all jumpy and paranoid. I'm sure there are still some elements willing to do something, but for the most part it's a circle jerk now.

(if you, whoever reading this disagree, just take a step back and check for yourself: no more diggin' thread, no more mail threads, /pol/ conspiracy theories everywhere, it seems like there's a board war going on, and a lot of meta discussion about the number of visitors -- it's no longer the kind of activity it used to be four months ago, don't listen and believe, check Archive.Is and compare for yourself).

I guess it happened so gradually they did not notice; the blow when DryBone spilled his spaghetti really left a mark. Man, image boards are like tofu: it take the tastes of whatever you're going to cook along with it. Anyway…

People in GG who decides to focus on SJWs shouldn't be chasing waterfalls: they know video games, they really should stick to that. Some bullshit propaganda against video game? Give 'em hell! Outrage culture regarding… freaking… Kimonos?! Really? I don't know shit about that. Something doesn't seem right. We didn't give a shit until it actually started attacking us, and I really don't care if anyone wants to go for ethic and/or against PC ideology, either way they should at least remain true to the "Gamer" part of "GamerGate".

To a certain extend, I do understand what happened to Ian Miles Cheong, when he wrote "What Games Mean to Me".

I've also read several times stuff like "Twitter is the wrong place to have a conversation", which is totally true, but it's not an excuse to desert it, because Twitter was basically designed to work like throwing bottles at the sea. It's about spreading information, not accumulating it…

I think the revolt shouldn't scatter the way it does and instead collaborate with other people in different field facing the same issue. I wonder how metal heads are doing now? And sad puppies?


GG, did something happened to you? After we got separated as /gg/ went to hell? Are you confusing me with someone else? You were always so forgetful! Remember that time in the diggin thread? You said you archived everything, but you forgot it was about the video games we played… in wonder if it's still there…

Last edited Jul 29, 2015 at 09:08PM EDT

@Black Graphic T

If you want focus & organization League for Gamers is here.

It's run by Mark Kern, Generaal is working with him.


KotakuInAction is still going strong.

And there's a contradiction with what you are saying:

> either way they should at least remain true to the “Gamer” part of “GamerGate”.
> I think the revolt shouldn’t scatter the way it does and instead collaborate with other people in different field facing the same issue. I wonder how metal heads are doing now? And sad puppies?

Neither of those are about gaming.

I pretty much agree with everything else though.

@A Real Libertarian

No a contradiction, probably unclear though:

When I say "collaborate" I mean leave subjects you don't know to better-informed communities: share tactics, points of view and experiences (keep making noise), but leave them the part they know. I can defend a video game, but I have no idea how to defend metal nor SF books; Repost reactions from people "who know their stuff", but don't try to take their place and engage if you have no idea what you're going to do anyway.

Stay on point with the gamer part, but acknowledge GamerGate is part of something bigger; We shouldn't try to shove our faces with more than we can chew.


Ah, that makes sense.

But there's a lot of people in GamerGate, and they have a lot of interests.

For example, the Kimono stuff is being headed by Best Mom Eva who was born & raised in Japan.

And there's going to be a lot of overlap between sci & fantasy, comics, and gaming no matter what.

What are the current happenings? It's hard to keep myself up to date now. Especially since no new images have showed up for some reason.

Last edited Jul 31, 2015 at 08:22AM EDT

Evilthing wrote:

What are the current happenings? It's hard to keep myself up to date now. Especially since no new images have showed up for some reason.

Well, there were 3 AmAs held on reddit recently; two by some journalists, one by Acid Man.

Evilthing wrote:

What are the current happenings? It's hard to keep myself up to date now. Especially since no new images have showed up for some reason.

Remember that "loser gamers are sexist" study?

Not 100% verified but it turns out his grant was actually for work on insects so either he misappropriated funds or he lied about where his funding was coming from.

Here's the findings. Since the image section is upen again we probably should put them together into some kind infographic.

hi guys i'm back from vacation, thought to take a look at the entry to see if i missed some-

Mr doh dropped spaghetti that clogged up the comment section so the mods had to lock the comment section to clean up the mess. I can't leave you guys alone for 2 weeks can i?
Actually i'm glad that this thread exists now, this is where the gamergate discussion actually belongs.
I know i retired but for this i'll make an exception, here are some links n' tweets to make y' all feel better.

CBC's .@ombudsmanrc admits false information was used in #GamerGate coverage
new comic

mailing goals

Last edited Jul 31, 2015 at 02:17PM EDT

Well, this has turned into a right mess. I still prefer the structure of the comment section to this, but I guess that's how it is. Sorry I haven't been around at all, I've been spending some lovely time in the Monster Musume Gallery.

An anonymous game developer writes The Oppressed Rulers of the Games Industry.

Kindra Pring of TechRaptor would later interview said developer in Culture of Fear: Interview with a Triple A Developer. Plus a quick followup piece

And finally another Daniel Vávra interview in Developer Speaks Out Over Claim "Historical Accuracy" Pushes White Supremacy in Games

Will things ever return to the way they were? Will our old friends ever come back?


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