potential room-temperature superconductor LK-99

Why Are There Memes About Superconductors? The Buzz Around LK-99 Explained

Do you keep seeing all these superconductor memes in your feed and have no idea why is everyone suddenly talking about physics like they're the expert? What's the deal with LK-99 and why its discovery, if legitimate, is so important not just for scientists, but for humanity as a whole? We got your memes and your physics questions covered in our brief explainer.

45 EC 66 60 You know, I'm something of a superconductor expert myself

What Is A Room-Temperature Superconductor?

In physics, superconductivity is a property of a material that involves zero electrical resistance. To put it simply, superconductors are materials that are able to conduct electricity so efficiently that they are very sought for β€” and most of all, a material that has this property at room temperature and normal pressure.

Dr. Anna Hughes @AnnaGHughes the only room-temperature superconductor I recognize 9:08 AM Jul 27, 2023 60.1K Views . :

A discovery of such a material would mean a whole number of technological breakthroughs, including near-lossless electricity transition, cheap production of powerful magnets, quantum computing applications, better energy storage, cheaper MRI machines and magnetic trains and much, much more.

And that is why when in July 2023 a group of South Korean researchers reported the creation of the superconductive material LK-99, the reported discovery drew massive attention, first from physicists, and then from everyone else.

Where Do Superconductor Memes Come From?

A few days after the scientific paper was published, Twitter user and Princeton University graduate Alex Kaplan made a thread about the discovery, explaining the potential applications of the material. The first tweet in the thread went absolutely viral, launching discussions – and memes – about superconductors.

Alex Kaplan @alexkaplano Β· Jul 25 Today might have seen the biggest physics discovery of my lifetime. I don't think people fully grasp the implications of an ambient temperature / pressure superconductor. Here's how it could totally change our lives. 2,477 12 27K 72 127.2K Alex Kaplan @alexkaplan0 Jul 25 1.100 billion kWh of electricity are wasted on transmission losses each year in the US alone. That's equivalent to 3 of our largest nuclear reactors running 24/7. Superconductivity enables lossless electricity transmission at high voltages and currents. 1 678 Alex Kaplan @alexkaplan ₁27.7M ↑ 11.8K 2M 2. According to the authors, the LK-99 material can be prepared in about 34 hrs with extremely basic lab equipment (a mortar & pestle, basic vacuum, and furnace). These results could replicate within days-weeks.

Room-Temperature Superconductors In Memes

The LK-99 paper being published at the same time Nolan's film Oppenheimer premiered in the movies delivered a one-two physical punch, sparking public interest in science and physics – something that quickly found reflection in memes

Brad @Brad08414464 after watching Oppenheimer and then seeing the superconductor paper I SHOULD STUDY PHYSICS AT BERKELEY imgflip.com ... 1:27 AM . Jul 26, 2023 321.5K Views .

Oppenheimer wasn't the only thing in the zeitgeist that was merged with superconductors in terminally online minds.

sophie β†’ @netcapgirl superconductivity so good slay haha zero resistance at room temperature gang gang yes yes yes so many use cases including ultra efficient energy transmission thank you lopez you're right we do need to wait & see if these results can be reproduced scientific method so good yomy413 sent GG user29286... sent Duck GG 11:54 AM. Jul 26, 2023 2.1M Views 2 1128141

It's important to understand that this isn't the first time physicists "discover" room-temperature superconductors – it's just all the previous findings were proven to be incorrect, or even pure bogus. That is why a lot of memes express much skepticism about LK-99.

And seeing how hustle culture enthusiasts jumped the NFT and crypto train to get on the AI hype made jokes about them abandoning that as well to move the last money they have left into superconductor business a natural thing.

Morning Brew @MorningBrew VCS reading the superconductor news AI I don't want to play with you anymore 11:31 AM. Jul 27, 2023 17.2K Views ...

Is Room-Temperature Superconductor Research Legit

If you just got all hyped for The World If meme coming true in the next decade or so, we have to bring you down to Earth: the findings are yet to be confirmed, and many scientists are skeptical that they ever will be confirmed … fingers crossed, though.

pseudolad @pseudolad Materials scientists watching everyone get excited about a superconductivity discovery knowing it isn't real 2:09 PM Jul 27, 2023 Β· 2,423 Views ...

For the full history of Room-Temperature Superconductor memes, be sure to check out GotFunnyPictures's encyclopedia entry for more information.

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