Elon Musk's Twitter Acquisition - Comment #6,066,756

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in reply to nocunoct

I'm also in the minority of this site who doesn't want Twitter to outright shut down, as shitty as it can be sometimes. I've actually managed to curate my feed enough to cut out most bullshit and actually be able to enjoy my time using it.

And Twitter doesn't really have any proper social media alternatives where you don't have to be FirstName LastName and can still talk about and meet others who share your hobbies. Sites like Facebook make you use your real identity (and I prefer online anonymity to a degree), Reddit is a forum, Discord is different chat rooms you need links to enter, and Instagram and TikTok are visual-based social medias meaning you have to post pictures just to say something unless you're replying to someone else. Tumblr is the closest social media alternative to Twitter, and even then, it's still very different. I actually have made friends thanks to Twitter and it would suck to potentially lose contact with some of them.

And like Jill said, and I was even thinking the same thing myself, it's a bit odd for the majority of people on an archival site to be cheering for the downfall of Twitter when, if it were to shut down, that would mean several thousand Twitter embeds and links on this site would stop working outright. It's perfectly fine to not like Twitter but we shouldn't be wanting the site to vanish entirely.


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