Stephen King's Tweet About Vladimir Putin And Joe Biden Didn't Age Well Amid Growing Ukraine Crisis - Comment #5,935,278

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in reply to A Concerned Rifleman

Does it matter?

Trump spent his presidency talking about how great Putin was. He was calling Putin a "genius" and his invasion force "the greatest peace force I've ever seen" two days ago.

Even if he wasn't directly colluding, how can you possibly think Trump would have taken a hard line against the Ukraine invasion last year when he's all in favor of it now?


in reply to PhasmaFelis

This is "Fine People 2, Electric Boogaloo". You're taking Trump's quotes out of context and purposefully misrepresenting it. He was describing how Putin has completely outplayed the West and got to do his invasion with only getting token sanctions as reprisal. If you read Trump's entire quote, he was far from supporting of Putin's invasion.


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