JonTron Draws The Ire Of Social Media After Tweeting Critically About Animal Testing In Vaccine Development - Comment #5,871,313

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Personally i too hate Animal Testing in general, but i can understand that such a thing has lead to some of the greatest medical advancements in recent history, stuff like Insulin, Anaesthesia and Penicillin may not exist now adays whitow Animal Testing, so until we find a more viable and "caring" alternative, i guess it is a necesary evil.


in reply to shogungari

Absolutely correct if the allegation is true, but the motivations of the "I'm worried about animals" investigators become clear when they go after no the researchers who did it nor the organization they worked for nor the organization that allegedly funded them, but one specific guy from the organization that allegedly funded them. And a guy who probably isn't the one to approve grants.


in reply to LordofD:

I mean in the early stages you definitely don't want to test drugs on humans. You need to rule out the worst of the worst side effects first.

And that only works by testing it on living creatures OTHER than humans.

And often that includes "higher organisms" because just using rats has proven to be unreliable, like the Thalidomide scandal… which didn't affect rats at all. So it was let through. But it could be proven in court that this drug was at fault because it had the same deforming side effects on other animals, such as chicks.


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