
Database Moderator Ponyologist


Database Moderator & Ponyologist

Location: Outerwebs

Joined Apr 17, 2011 at 06:40PM EDT


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Name: Humphrey Chimpden Earwicker
Location: Howth Castle and Environs
In a Relationship With: Anna Livia Plurabelle
Friends with: Tim Finnegan
Favourite quote: "Thus the unfacts, did we possess them, are too imprecisely few to warrant our certitude . . ."
Favourite author: James Joyce
Favourite book: If you can't guess by now, then I don't know what to tell you
Also, best song ever:

Recent Activity

Commented on God... what are these for?

Oh yeah, KYM is full of reactionaries. It's a good thing likes don't matter. All they can do is impotently register their disdain, while the rest of us go on not caring.

May 01, 2024 at 07:30PM EDT

Commented on Texas Pornhub Law

Right, so instead of trusting the government instead we have to trust some company the government hired. Great!

BTW, here is the About page for the parent company of the people who run this thing. Would you trust these people with access to your porn viewing habits? If they had a way to profit from their access to that information, do you trust them to forgo that profit in the name of protecting your privacy?

Mar 15, 2024 at 07:52PM EDT

Commented on Texas Pornhub Law

The big question here is whether any government entity exists which can be trusted with individually traceable data on the porn habits of everyday people.

If you're a Republican, would you want the governor of New York or California to know what you see on Pornhub? Does that not sound like info that could be misused against, e.g., one of their political rivals? How long will it be before every major election involves a public discussion of some random people's fetishes, which will inevitably include things which are embarrassing and taboo but not unethical?

Because that's largely how I feel about this situation in Texas.

The easiest way to prevent the information from being misused is to prevent it from existing. If nobody knows, then nobody needs to be trusted to know.

Mar 15, 2024 at 04:53PM EDT

Commented on RWBY needs a new home

I'm sure they'll get picked up somewhere – since they're the most valuable IP RT has. What's even more of a shame is all the people who suddenly lost their jobs, including people who found out they were getting axed over Twitter!

Mar 08, 2024 at 07:03PM EST

Commented on Let him cook

Israel was ordered by the ICC to do all that it can to prevent genocide in Gaza – an order it has ignored.

The fact is, the people calling this a genocide are the sober and rational ones. It's ideologues like you who refuse to accept that, or, worse, who do accept that this is a genocide but mock and belittle the accusation because you enjoy it. Whichever one applies, you have my contempt.

Mar 03, 2024 at 03:59PM EST

Commented on Let him cook

Israel is committing a genocide, so I'll insult them however I want. When they stop committing a genocide, I'll stop comparing their government to the Nazis.

This self-immolation was an act of bravery and a recognition of individual helplessness in the face of the hegemony of the American ruling class. That people mock or belittle this act is mere evidence of their collective immaturity and ethical depravity.

You don't understand his motivations because you lack a comparable moral center, which you instead replace with selfishness.

Feb 29, 2024 at 07:35PM EST

Commented on Let him cook

If someone set themselves on fire to protest the Holocaust, this is what the Nazis would be posting afterwards

Feb 28, 2024 at 08:55PM EST

Commented on Oklahoma Non-Binary Student Death Controversy / Nex Benedict's Death

Lot's of people in this comment section acting like teenagers randomly collapse and die for no reason all the time and the beating and head trauma have nothing to do with it, just because the cops said so. There's been no reporting on Nex having any kind of pre-existing condition, nor any description of what actually killed them if not the trauma, so I guess we're just supposed to go on believing that this was a spontaneous random death with no cause

Like, guys, the claim that the death "wasn't due to the trauma" could just mean that it was due to a secondary effect of the trauma. "The blow to the head didn't kill them – it was the brain swelling afterwards which did." Like, come on!

Feb 27, 2024 at 06:20PM EST

Commented on Google Gemini "Diverse" meme

So, I think I know what the issue here is. If you say "A famous physicist from the 17th century" you could mean that you want a specific person, or that you want someone who "looks like" someone in that category. Since none of these seem to resemble real people (correct me if I'm wrong), I think that the AI took the latter interpretation (which makes sense, since it has no concept of reality).

So, really, "famous 17th C physicist" is not a person, but a type or genre of person, marked by certain signifiers – old-timey clothes, telescopes and scientific instruments, markers of fame and success such as a heroic pose, and so forth.

So, what gender do you make them and what colour do you make their skin? If this was a specific person – say, Issac Newton – then the answer would be "male and white." But since it's a type rather than a person, the answer is "it doesn't matter." So you get non-white people and/or non-men.

Even if non-white non-men were less likely to be scientists in this era, that's because they were actively prevented or undermined. There's no essential reason why they couldn't have looked like this, if society had been less fucked.

Feb 21, 2024 at 06:28PM EST

Commented on Tucker Carlson Vladimir Putin Interview

Yes exactly! The fact that a bunch of Russian nationalists "see reality" as conforming to their desire for wealth and power is completely fucking irrelevant to the question of whether the Ukraine should bow to their imperialism. Those nationalists, like all nationalists, can get fucked. I defy their reality, as should everyone else.

Feb 12, 2024 at 11:35AM EST

Commented on Tucker Carlson Vladimir Putin Interview

Neither Russia nor the US has a claim on the Ukraine. The only justifiable form of governance is self-governance, which is emphatically not what Russia is offering them. Dictators can and should be fought to the death. And while I have no love whatsoever for the American empire and its rapaciousness, America is where the guns are and the Ukrainians need guns.

None of the history Putin cited is relevant to these questions. I do not give a shit about whether Stalin and Roosevelt thought the Ukraine was a "real country" or not, whatever the hell that is. They're dead and we do not need to consider their opinions.

Feb 12, 2024 at 11:34AM EST

Commented on Tucker Carlson Vladimir Putin Interview

It's an ideological war, and against the same ideology: the ideology of supremacy, that of "the strong do what they will and the weak suffer what they must." Russia, China, America, Europe, all have fallen under it, and all have needed, and will need again, to be resisted by their many victims. So long as powerful figures demand supremacy, there can never be peace, since supremacy can only be enforced with oppressive violence which will be resisted with violence in turn.

Feb 09, 2024 at 05:39PM EST

Commented on Tucker Carlson Vladimir Putin Interview

What frustrates me about these historical arguments is how completely irrelevant they are.

Nothing that happened in Rus or the Golden Horde or the various Tzardoms or any of that other shit is relevant to the question of whether it's permissible to use military violence to force a population to obey your will, which is what Putin is trying to do.

Legitimacy comes from the popular will, not from historical connections or the so-called "rights" of nations. Nations do not have rights; individual people have rights. Nor do nations have characters or destinies or any of that nonsense. That's nationalist mythology and it's bullshit all the way down.

The fact that the Ukranians do not want him to win is why he deserves to lose.

Feb 09, 2024 at 05:18PM EST

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