
Historical Meme Historian Karma Tycoon Meme Trader <br > Net Worth: 0 MemeX Preservationist

Derpy Vaz

Historical Meme Historian & Karma Tycoon

Location: Interwebs

Joined Feb 10, 2011 at 12:37AM EST


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+16,131 +18,505 (88%) -2,374 (12%)
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+2,823 +3,743 (80%) -920 (20%)


One Fuck
Two Fucks
Red Fucks
Blue Fucks

Today is the day
Oh yes I'm in luck!
For today is the day
I don't give a fuck

I've run out of fucks
I tell you, It's true
It doesn't matter to me
If they're red fuck or blue

I don't give a fuck
Whether I'm here or I'm there
I don't give a fuck
If you're mauled by a bear

I don't give a fuck
About the what's or the who's
And I don't give a fuck
If I drink too much booze

What's that you say?
Oh you still give a fuck?
Well I have five words for you
I don't give a fuck

I may not give a fuck
For the rest of my life
It would certainly keep me
From lots of pain and some strife

So goodbye to my fucks
Wherever you went
I'd say you'd be missed
But even that fucks been spent

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