
Sleuth & Scrapbooker & Pundit

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Joined Jul 09, 2012 at 09:20PM EDT


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Posted in What do I have to do to make my memes viralize?

Sounds like a utilitarian way to spread memes.
Memes just happen, people spread them or they don't.

Considering the memes out there and that have existed, you can never predict what will become a meme because god knows the most bewildering ones are just a slight variation of another or completely fucking random.

I was going to think more about this but maybe you just have to moreso enjoy the medium or hobby you want to make memes for. Get niche, get more passionate. Memes should be a byproduct of what you love with the friends you have, to make them, and yourself laugh and enjoy it all even more.
I don't think making the next Big Chungus or political Twitter screenshot collage for redditors to gawk at should be the sole ideal.

May 28, 2024 at 10:44AM EDT

Posted in Hags

'recent usage'

I'm fairly certain I've come across the usage of "hag" in both a flattering but more often demeaning tone in older imageboard cultures even before the mid-2010s. It might even carry over that sort of influence into the present time.

It's hard to really get a grasp on the scope of the term since it can not just encompass the use in the vtuber community, but might even see more usage in a certain…culture that as a whole are wholly difficult to talk about in a civil manner.

May 28, 2024 at 10:18AM EDT

Posted in admit to us a time when you were being petty on KYM (we won't judge)

I downvoted as much of the all-time popular MLP image posts I came across in 2012-2013 when the subculture was exploding in popularity. It was a strange dislike for the subculture but that's a long time ago and nowadays I don't have any feelings for any fandom one way or the other.
Pettiness is ridiculous and funny when it's something so minor.

May 03, 2024 at 09:56PM EDT

Posted in Entry about Trollwaffen

I'd like to point out it's funny, to see the highest Urban Dictionary user submitted definition describe the group as 'the biggest trolling group on the internet'.

Individual trolling streamers or video game griefers have more buzz.
I doubt cataloging raiding groups like that one is important at all, since they really don't create anything or even cause that much of a shitstorm.

Aug 06, 2023 at 11:01PM EDT

Posted in Good websites for posting art?

Twitter and Instagram are the best as a western hobbyist artist at this time.

Both are forgiving towards a newcomer with a backlog and with the size of the sites you're likeliest to find people who are growing alongside you that can be great peers.

You can turn the timelines of both these sites into places where you can consume only art and discover new artists and styles you want to meet or incorporate.

It's also the easiest place to comment, retweet/share and DM and have an artist notice you back since a western hobbyist artist will very likely also have a Twitter/Instagram and check them first. Oftentimes it's a place to know an artist's personality since they are also blogs where they post their interests or host their Discord server that helps to network further.

Twitter and Instagram are places to get noticed and network. Both these sites are incredible places to host commission work because of the hit-and-run nature of where/when people see your posts.

The cons to these sites is that they aren't good portfolio sites. Difficult to host all your art in a gallery. Especially for Twitter.
Also, it's contentious to put all your eggs in a basket on Twitter/Instagram in ways like drawing for one particular fandom, since your account will get marked where if you draw for other content instead of your main one it will get penalized.
Instagram is more difficult for networking and interests if you don't keep up with your follow's stories each day so there's that worry of not being up to date if you miss them.
Twitter's public art communities are way too large and oftentimes toxic that you can get mixed up with the wrong people if you don't play it safe and smart. You HAVE to make a community for yourself and vet it if you want such a thing.
Both these sites have a potential of going belly up especially with Elon Twitter but at this point of time they are very, very good for getting a name out.

Jul 15, 2023 at 01:58AM EDT

Posted in Underage Characters and Pedophilia

A large part of the fantasy is that (as other posts in this thread have pointed out) these characters are very idealized. These characters, their body types, designs and mannerisms are away from the real thing for a reason. It isn't appealing to them.

There are two sides to understand on the topic of a fictional character's age, and it's hard to be ambivalent towards it since it's easier to be for or against it. The side to focus on to help separate why loli/shota characters are as popular as they are is to understand that they very aren't the real thing. It's a suggestion to the viewer that this character is as they appear to be, design and with intent but it isn't the real thing. The real thing isn't what these consumers want to see. For various reasons or another. If it is sus and easy to judge people for their tastes, that's because it is. However it isn't likely a person who consumes these characters is going to go after the real thing if they prefer to live in their fantasies and tastes.

3DPD is a helpful term used in the past, used widely in otaku culture before the 2010s that encapsulate this disconnection of fictional underage characters and real life children. It's idealized, and age can be both important and unimportant to the character in the grand scheme of things. Back then it was more urged and encouraged that the real thing really is 3D-pig-disgusting because honestly, communities like these don't want their fantasy places to get ruined by reality with people who commit abuse towards children.

As for not wanting to write characters that are older, there's always going to be that idea across human nature where youth is beautiful and desired. Not just sexually. It's idealized. You can find your characters in media that are 25+ but there's overwhelmingly more human beings that don't want to be in that transitory period where they are getting old, and don't want to remind others or have their characters deal with that kind of thing. Idealism.

Jul 15, 2023 at 01:34AM EDT

Posted in Vent thread

Pornography addiction and the people who indulge in it, the characteristics, are sickening. The kind of people who like to insert their fetishes, fantasies and favorite whatever they're consuming – into conversations is disgusting. Especially in a community where people don't want to talk about that kind of thing or it is their first time joining the community and they have to see that. I loathe the kind of person who does not keep it to themselves and makes it a game to find more people to share pornography with. Shameless, self-control lacking, uncomfortable people. No respect for boundaries. I hate having to see my artist friends deal with these addicts, and tears my hair out when people sexualize what I draw and do. To also have my audience see that.

Jul 15, 2023 at 01:10AM EDT

Posted in Unpopular Opinions Thread 3

Both of them were easy to shit out, so there's that apt comparison. But it pains me to say that Rage Comics were more creative despite being templates also. Wojaks and Wojak Comics being so derivative of one another and often times relying on a topical or political angle is tiresome. The times it doesn't, with production value as seen though the Doomer Wojak subculture does at least have that evolution, at least using the medium to tell something meaningful.

Wojak Comics also tend to be lamer, more exploitable versions of other memes like with Incel/Nordic being a worse version of Virgin vs. Chad. I do appreciate Wojaks as a template for expressing a very specific, bizarre and relatable feeling but it is stagnant there too. Even felt more when the comics remain to be shit out and there are scarcely new interesting Wojak variants such were Doomer, Grug and Shroomjak.

Feb 20, 2023 at 08:57AM EST

Posted in Keyed & Locked

hellspawn of /tv/ but yeah discord warriors forcing it more

unlikely to enter the pantheon like Bane, 'kino' and Sneed

Jan 05, 2021 at 08:03AM EST

Posted in A Genuine Concern of KYM

Moreso that people aren't genuine anymore. There's a level of post-irony and laziness to everything now. Instant-gratification negativity generates a lot of attention and intimate discourse with minimal effort. All you have to do is post bait in the form of a single sentence or an image.

Nov 12, 2020 at 06:22PM EST

Posted in Doxxing: Is it Really Public Information?

In the past, you already had the example of risking your information with the culture of milking Lolcows.

Even if the Internet is being taken over by data-hungry corporations, it should always be your responsibility to protect it to the best of your abilities. You can never expect anyone to follow laws or even a degree of morality.

Sep 18, 2020 at 04:46AM EDT

Posted in 4chan has new board titled /vrpg/

/v/ will talk about anything but video games. Whether it be with e-celebs, waifus in the OP or template threads prompting off-topic discussion.

Looks like they needed more room accommodating video game discussion by moving elsewhere video game discussion.

Aug 07, 2020 at 07:29PM EDT

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