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[Just For Fun] This Goat

Last posted May 08, 2014 at 04:07AM EDT. Added Oct 08, 2013 at 09:20AM EDT
709 posts from 88 users

Also, slightly unrelated, but I've been wanting to make this since I saw Puella Magi Madoka Magica:

I swear this thread has been the driving force for me to learn GIMP

Last edited Dec 04, 2013 at 08:31PM EST

Game update
I've now added a title screen, background music and some sound effects (I don't have any Atari sounds, but I do have an entire folder of Commodore64 sounds and used some of those). Gameplay-wise, I've increased the radius of view by 128 pixels and along with a few minor changes, fired cheetos now interact with Rakes. By hitting a Rake with a cheeto, it freezes up for 1.5 seconds and you can move through it with no problem. Now, instead of bad luck killing you, it will most likely be a lack of cheetos that will do you in.

Here's a screenshot showing the increased view, as well as a cheesed-up Rake. I'm not including a new download of the game, though.

That Glaceon wrote:

Game update
I've now added a title screen, background music and some sound effects (I don't have any Atari sounds, but I do have an entire folder of Commodore64 sounds and used some of those). Gameplay-wise, I've increased the radius of view by 128 pixels and along with a few minor changes, fired cheetos now interact with Rakes. By hitting a Rake with a cheeto, it freezes up for 1.5 seconds and you can move through it with no problem. Now, instead of bad luck killing you, it will most likely be a lack of cheetos that will do you in.

Here's a screenshot showing the increased view, as well as a cheesed-up Rake. I'm not including a new download of the game, though.

Awesome! Looking forward to the next (available) version of the game!

My personal badassery at that video game aside, something I seem to be noticing is that both the Rakes and Bloodhogs seem to get stuck at areas where items spawn. Usually it's just the latter, though. I've also noticed that you can cut corners and not pick up anything that may be there if you hit both keys at around the same time.

Hey guys i have a new idea!
Is there any Encyclopedia Dramatica editors in here? I think someone should add this goat thing to their KYM article(NSFW)

I can imagine it already:
(Links are from ED pages. View them with your own risk)

It is already known that they are such a fail at documenting epic lulz in teh internets. But now they gone completely retard and forcing bullshit meme they called immagoat. Which has been ironically stolen from /v/ board.

Plz make it happen

Last edited Dec 05, 2013 at 07:06AM EST

­­­Alex Mercer wrote:

Hey guys i have a new idea!
Is there any Encyclopedia Dramatica editors in here? I think someone should add this goat thing to their KYM article(NSFW)

I can imagine it already:
(Links are from ED pages. View them with your own risk)

It is already known that they are such a fail at documenting epic lulz in teh internets. But now they gone completely retard and forcing bullshit meme they called immagoat. Which has been ironically stolen from /v/ board.

Plz make it happen

So far as I know, they absolutely hate it when users from the site that they're crapping on try to capitalize on their kind of humor (if they're trying to vandalize the page, it's different). It's basically like Trolls Trolling Trolls.

Kung Fu Cthulhu wrote:

My personal badassery at that video game aside, something I seem to be noticing is that both the Rakes and Bloodhogs seem to get stuck at areas where items spawn. Usually it's just the latter, though. I've also noticed that you can cut corners and not pick up anything that may be there if you hit both keys at around the same time.

You're magnitudes better than me at my own game… And that's version 0.1, where you have no defense against the rakes! How the hell did you…?!

clears throat
Well, that aside, I've noticed that issue that you're talking about where Bloodhogs don't move in certain spawn areas (it's part of the reason I didn't yet upload a new version) and I'm still working on it. Also, moving diagonally around corners came about accidentally but I decided to leave it in as a feature. However, you have a point that sometimes you can miss an item by doing that on accident.

Last edited Dec 05, 2013 at 10:19AM EST

Not Flandre wrote:

Where do i find this "Top goat" Game?

A link is provided in one of my posts on page 7, but frankly that version has already become very outdated compared to the updates I'm adding. If you really wanna play that version now, go ahead, but I would recommend just waiting up to a week or so for the next version.

The trick that I used was to find the Holy Arm Cannon of Super Robo Jesus and use it to break holes between both halves of the maze for easier navigation – and since I did this thrice, this made it a little easier to avoid the Rakes. Interestingly enough, one of the Rakes got stuck in one of the entrances that I made – and even after I killed him with another HAC, another took his place a few minutes later.

Now that I think of it, should there be a separate thread for discussing this game?

Last edited Dec 05, 2013 at 02:26PM EST

Kung Fu Cthulhu wrote:

The trick that I used was to find the Holy Arm Cannon of Super Robo Jesus and use it to break holes between both halves of the maze for easier navigation – and since I did this thrice, this made it a little easier to avoid the Rakes. Interestingly enough, one of the Rakes got stuck in one of the entrances that I made – and even after I killed him with another HAC, another took his place a few minutes later.

Now that I think of it, should there be a separate thread for discussing this game?

@Deltamelon would you be so kindly to make us a thread for the game please? would you?

That Glaceon wrote:

How about more fanart? Top Goat fanart! SRJ tunic + SRJ mask = literal Top Goat. Yeah I can't draw worth crap.

Cough(*Optimus Pirme)cough

That Glaceon wrote:

How about more fanart? Top Goat fanart! SRJ tunic + SRJ mask = literal Top Goat. Yeah I can't draw worth crap.

"Hey kids, you wanna buy some memes?"

That Glaceon wrote:

Game update
I've now added a title screen, background music and some sound effects (I don't have any Atari sounds, but I do have an entire folder of Commodore64 sounds and used some of those). Gameplay-wise, I've increased the radius of view by 128 pixels and along with a few minor changes, fired cheetos now interact with Rakes. By hitting a Rake with a cheeto, it freezes up for 1.5 seconds and you can move through it with no problem. Now, instead of bad luck killing you, it will most likely be a lack of cheetos that will do you in.

Here's a screenshot showing the increased view, as well as a cheesed-up Rake. I'm not including a new download of the game, though.

As the poster of the original time to killed people, this looks good. It also looks like crappy flash art, but it's still the best flash game to ever come from KYM.

­­­Alex Mercer wrote:

Hey guys i have a new idea!
Is there any Encyclopedia Dramatica editors in here? I think someone should add this goat thing to their KYM article(NSFW)

I can imagine it already:
(Links are from ED pages. View them with your own risk)

It is already known that they are such a fail at documenting epic lulz in teh internets. But now they gone completely retard and forcing bullshit meme they called immagoat. Which has been ironically stolen from /v/ board.

Plz make it happen

gee, i could fancy a nice ass drilling right now!
"well played, sir!"

You do know that it was Don that wrote that ED article, right?

That Glaceon wrote:

You're magnitudes better than me at my own game… And that's version 0.1, where you have no defense against the rakes! How the hell did you…?!

clears throat
Well, that aside, I've noticed that issue that you're talking about where Bloodhogs don't move in certain spawn areas (it's part of the reason I didn't yet upload a new version) and I'm still working on it. Also, moving diagonally around corners came about accidentally but I decided to leave it in as a feature. However, you have a point that sometimes you can miss an item by doing that on accident.

Holy Shit, you watch Cromartie High School?!

That Glaceon wrote:

Game update
I've now added a title screen, background music and some sound effects (I don't have any Atari sounds, but I do have an entire folder of Commodore64 sounds and used some of those). Gameplay-wise, I've increased the radius of view by 128 pixels and along with a few minor changes, fired cheetos now interact with Rakes. By hitting a Rake with a cheeto, it freezes up for 1.5 seconds and you can move through it with no problem. Now, instead of bad luck killing you, it will most likely be a lack of cheetos that will do you in.

Here's a screenshot showing the increased view, as well as a cheesed-up Rake. I'm not including a new download of the game, though.

Will it run on Linux?

I moved Top Goat discussion to another thread because I felt such discussion was taking over this thread, but I suppose I can drop the download link to ver0.2 here. A warning, though: while ver0.2 is better in most ways than ver0.1, the new version takes a step behind in that it's nearly fifteen times larger of a file and the hitboxes for the Goat and Rakes are much larger, making dying from distant collisions a bitch. It's the highest legit score I've ever achieved is only 3910.

Tahrdan Ismeh Wu-Temporis wrote:

I just made a thing

For whatever reason this comment is completely blank so I had to "Inspect Element" just to see the comment and let me say, the hell? So, there's a wiki on us that's basically trying to copy Encyclopedia Dramatica? And why am I not included on the user list? I want recognition, dammit, even if it's bullshit recognition!

Tahrdan Ismeh Wu-Temporis wrote:

I just made a thing

I fix'd ur post.

Don't forget to close dem HTML tags

@The KYM Wiki

If you guys didn't know about the KYM Wiki. You need to lurk moar.

Before you assume it's some KYM haters making a lame encyclopedia dramatica rip. Take note of who made it. Hint: We did


Nice work, I love it!

Last edited Dec 10, 2013 at 09:18AM EST

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