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Corrupt a Wish

Last posted Jul 05, 2019 at 04:10PM EDT. Added Nov 19, 2013 at 12:30AM EST
4119 posts from 459 users

page get.

Granted, but sadly the voice of Spongebob, Tom Kenny, passed away the day after the acheivement was met and the new voice of Spongebob is Jamie Kennedy

I wish to have a swimming pool.

Last edited Nov 20, 2013 at 08:54PM EST

Granted, but nobody thinks you're being serious so they just laugh at you going "Ha ha funny joke Nitrochu, very Meta" while your post remains.

I wish the voices in my head would just shut the fuck up already!

Granted, but it's been left out in the sun for a bit too long and now you must drink it.

I wish I had the ability to turn back time and undo stupid shit I have done.

Granted. You may now have a chance to undo what you have done, but doing so will severely alter the course of history, resulting in your premature death or an end-of-the-world scenario. Should have wished for an instruction manual, meddling with time is srs bsns.

I wish, I wish, with all my heart
To fly with dragons, in a land apart.

Last edited Nov 21, 2013 at 02:41PM EST

The genie who you are wishing to is not sure what you mean by "mpotsi sock puppeting", so to be safe he removes all socks from the universe. Have fun with those blisters, buddy.
I wish that Justin Beiber became good at singing and composing so this stupid circlejerk can stop.

effort of older Bronies,

I'm 26, what other bronies could have bumped me out? Unless Vazquez rounds them all up in his harem and….oh gawd, that's exactly what happens isn't it?

I wish I owned the Lyra plushie.

You get it and everything goes swimmingly for a while until you receive a class action lawsuit from Hasbro.Inc for "Violating" their Intellectual Property*. The plush is promptly taken off you.

(*I don't really know what girls can do with it, but I'm still assuming you have 'ways')

I wish my handwriting was so terrible

Granted. I conquer the world and place it under my oppressive rule. I then completely disarm the world population; there is no more war.

I wish for all 7 Chaos Emeralds.

Last edited Nov 22, 2013 at 10:09AM EST

I wish my handwriting was so terrible.

Whoops, that was supposed to be "I wish my handwriting wasnt so terrible". LOL at the response though.

Sometimes I wonder how I passed that dyslexia examination.

I wish for a meteor shower to streak across the night sky worldwide.

Many of the meteors reach the surface of the earth, triggering apocalyptic levels of destruction throughout the world. Thousands of lives and cities are lost from the numerous impacts,

Worst of all, all the satellites are destroyed and you no longer have Dish TV

I wish I would stop staying up so late

Last edited Nov 22, 2013 at 10:13AM EST

Granted, but now you can never sleep ever again.

I wish I know all the secrets and mystery's of the universe.

Granted, but one of them hits the Earth releasing The Colour Out of Space in a random city.

Last edited Nov 22, 2013 at 10:15AM EST

Granted, but now you're immobile, unable to comprehend all that knowledge, like Beth's horse. (It's a Bravest Warriors thing)

I wish Ninjas and Pirates would stop being overused.

The genie that you are wishing to immediately sends you to a cancer containment center, AKA 9gag.
I wish Vinny of Vinesauce had an even sexier voice.

Granted, but everyone who has even HEARD of 9gag dies. Including people who hate it.
I wish for pie. Specifically of the key lime variety. With a dollop of Cool Whip on top.

Granted, but it broke in half once you touched it.

I wish to graduate an Ivy League school and enjoy it.

Last edited Nov 23, 2013 at 01:06PM EST

Granted, but he soon becomes tired of all of your bossy orders, and promptly betrays you by killing you in your sleep.

I wish T-Pain never abused autotune (Eiffel 65 was okay doing it. T-Pain was another story)


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