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Ann Hiro's Drawing Thread

Last posted Jun 15, 2014 at 04:24AM EDT. Added Jun 08, 2012 at 08:30PM EDT
526 posts from 83 users

Ann Hiro wrote:

problem is My home internet is on the fritz, and no its not because of the DNSchanger thing.

D3AD_ L1AM, and Captain Srs. will have a combined drawing of connor wielding a BanHammer.

I thought it would come out like this.


You should draw Nepeta and Equius.

"Holy shit, Ann suddenly got really good at drawing digitally!….Oh wait…."

You got my hopes up, Seal. >_<

Ann, if you feel like doing it, you should draw Zar as a crazy winged shadow demon looking dragon thingy. It looks cool in my mind.

Penz0id wrote:

"Holy shit, Ann suddenly got really good at drawing digitally!….Oh wait…."

You got my hopes up, Seal. >_<

Ann, if you feel like doing it, you should draw Zar as a crazy winged shadow demon looking dragon thingy. It looks cool in my mind.

Last edited Oct 17, 2012 at 06:57PM EDT

Feel free to do:

1)Draw Cirno with a striped sweater while I sing to her annoyingly, ignoring my krabby patty duties and thinking i'm famous.

2)Draw me without internet in my house and bored as hell.

3)Draw porn.

Mexx Android wrote:

Feel free to do:

1)Draw Cirno with a striped sweater while I sing to her annoyingly, ignoring my krabby patty duties and thinking i'm famous.

2)Draw me without internet in my house and bored as hell.

3)Draw porn.

Mexx Android wrote:

Feel free to do:

1)Draw Cirno with a striped sweater while I sing to her annoyingly, ignoring my krabby patty duties and thinking i'm famous.

2)Draw me without internet in my house and bored as hell.

3)Draw porn.

Last edited Oct 18, 2012 at 10:03AM EDT

Mexx Android wrote:

Feel free to do:

1)Draw Cirno with a striped sweater while I sing to her annoyingly, ignoring my krabby patty duties and thinking i'm famous.

2)Draw me without internet in my house and bored as hell.

3)Draw porn.

I'm Sorry I only took like 10 minutes on it

Mexx Android wrote:

Draw what you think me and Oclaf talk about behind everyone's backs.

For some odd reason I decided to play this while drawing this.

Last edited Oct 18, 2012 at 11:37AM EDT

Greninja wrote:

Draw me an new Avatar. Remember, Brock who is a Demopan.

I will also Ask you to stop Asking people to make you a new avatar.
You have requested this so many times from different artists.


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