
Meme Trader <br > Net Worth: 0 「Stand User」


「Stand User」

Location: Somewhere in the middle of nowhere (usually known as Scotland)

Joined Jul 05, 2014 at 08:12PM EDT


Karma Received
+410 +438 (93%) -28 (7%)
Karma Given
-18 +978 (49%) -996 (51%)


Just some random toolbag who can occasionally conjure wit.
Into vidya games and just can't seem to break into fighting games.
Sucker for classic 80's films, particularly of the horror kind.
Enjoys an anime here and there, Fist of the North Star, JoJo, all that shit from the 80's
but more recently Osomatsu-San and others.

Some random tunes I enjoy

My waifu


And now to slap down random badges swiped from popular people's pages :P (credits to RandoChris and BrainJemin for the idea)

I swing both ways like a well-oiled gate. ;)

^ Praise the great GabeN for allowing me to kill so much time

This thing for some reason aswell now

Welp, that's about all I have just be grateful I don't just stop rand

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