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Jr. Researcher & Archivist & Pundit & Media Chauffeur

Location: Not even I know at this point

Joined Aug 02, 2017 at 08:36PM EDT


Karma Received
+49 +55 (90%) -6 (10%)
Karma Given
+78 +80 (97%) -2 (3%)


I would say I'm somewhat of a "new" user, even though I've been here longer than some other well-known users. I guess that anything after 2016 just feels "new" to me.

Anyways, I mostly contribute comments and images. In terms of images, I upload things that I find either 1) notable enough to upload, or 2) interesting in my personal opinion. Just because I upload something with a controversial message doesn't mean I agree with it – just that I think it fits on KYM.

As for comments, my opinions (like most people's opinions) change over time with new information and/or events.

MPHJ's Favorite Editorials

Batzorig Vaanchig, One Of The World’s Preeminent Khoomei Artists, Shares His Experience With Becoming The Face Of The Mongolian Throat Singing Meme

Batzorig Vaanchig, One Of The World’s Preeminent Khoomei Artists, Shares His Experience With Becoming The Face Of The Mongolian Throat Singing Meme

Added Nov 12, 2020 at 06:14PM EST by Zach.

Back in 2015, Vaanchig's music and likeness became known among the internet world through a series of obscure memes. To learn more about how this online phenomenon surrounding Vaanchig impacted him, we caught up with the legend himself to hear more about his backstory and what he makes of the memes.

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